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Sony Boomerang? What's your opinion TODAY?!


I was excited about it when they announced it. I had a third-party controller in the exact same shape for the PS2, and it felt great in my hands, unlike the Dualshock. When they brought the DS back after copious internet whining, I was very sad.


considering the fact that it looks like a ps1/2 third-party controller I once saw, no, it still looks silly beyond belief. It doesn't even look ergonomic


butthole fishhooking yes
It looks like a toy. Obviously, I have no idea how it would have played, but in my opinion it doesn't mate up well with the sleek, elegant design of the console itself. It's silly.


Darkpen said:
considering the fact that it looks like a ps1/2 third-party controller I once saw, no, it still looks silly beyond belief. It doesn't even look ergonomic

It may not "look" ergonomic, but if we're talking about the same controller, it was like butter in your hands. The one I had was high-gloss blue, and I loved it dearly until a friend stepped on it and broke it into pieces. You could play for hours and hours without cramping.
I'm sure this guy hates the controller without actually trying it too!

I thought it was better than the DS is!

There was also a better possibility to use this boomerang with just one hand. The Waggle functions of the Wiimote would be possible that way, too. So they could make some waggle games like bowling.


Visualante said:
It was more ergonomic, so it would be more comfortable to play with for long periods of times. However I'm a firm believer that the dual shock design is a modern classic, and I wouldn't want it changed for anything.

I couldn't disagree more. The DS design sucks utter balls. They should take a note from Microsoft and copy their controller.


If at least they gave the dual shocks and updated look....but choosing between current and boomerang I'll probably go for boomerang just so the system could look completely modern...current dual shock looks half assd.

Also whats up with placing your controller on the table and skipping to the next/previous chapter because of the crap triggers. *edit meant fast foward/rewind


Change the look of the analog sticks so they don't resemble nipples and this would have been so much cooler than the DS3.


It looked more comfortable than DS3. Too bad the boomerang joke went too far giving people the perception that the controller is big and ugly without ever given anyone a chance to play test it.


An blind dancing ho
well , i want it , even if as limited edition DS3

zenbot said:
Yowza! I had no idea it was so small!

nah it's not that small , i blame the big gloves




next to PS3 = same size as DS3
Back in the day...I loved this controller. I had two of them...infact I still have them and only got retired when rumble rolled out at "Gran Turismo O'Clock"


I think the "boomerang" PS3 controllers would be worth a try.


I still say it would've been very comfortable to use and I am still disappointed they didn't go with it. I am still looking for a knock-off close enough to it.

as for the current one; although it is the best pad ever made, imo, that still doesn't prevent it from having some ergomatic touches to it. they could've at least smoothened the hard edges a bit and streamlined it a bit. talking about holding, the 360's pad is the most comfortable out today.


I don't know it hard to say never had used the thing... probably, though, it would have been comfortable and ergonomic... just ugly

However, I like the basic "dual shock" controller design best. Frankly, I think it's the overall best controller ever (meaning that it's comfortable and usable for the widest number of gameplay types and hand sizes) - so I'm glad they stuck with it.
warthog said:
It still is fugly. I'd give it a try though, but I really do like the DS3 a lot...

Well...seeing as how I'm not going to be fucking my controllers, I'm not overly concerned with how pretty or un-pretty a controller is.

Seriously...if people can somehow get around having an enormous black obelisk in their entertainment centres then they should be able to reconcile with having "boomerang" shaped controllers.


bigdaddygamebot said:
Back in the day...I loved this controller. I had two of them...infact I still have them and only got retired when rumble rolled out at "Gran Turismo O'Clock"


I think the "boomerang" PS3 controllers would be worth a try.

Bless you. That's the one. It was great, eh? Someone did a PS2 version, too.


Still looks like absolute crap. The analog sticks seemed to have been replaced with the psp's analog nub, which is god awful. The directional pad isn't even aligned straight, but is tilted, and worst of all.......It looks like a damn boomerang!


you can't put a price on sparks
onemic said:
Still looks like absolute crap. The analog sticks seemed to have been replaced with the psp's analog nub, which is god awful. The directional pad isn't even aligned straight, but is tilted, and worst of all.......It looks like a damn boomerang!

worst of all, you look like a toad.


Living in a one-dimensional world...
bigdaddygamebot said:
Back in the day...I loved this controller. I had two of them...infact I still have them and only got retired when rumble rolled out at "Gran Turismo O'Clock"


I think the "boomerang" PS3 controllers would be worth a try.
And this controller had one of the sickest (in a good way) d-pads for Street Fighter that I've ever used.
I didn't like it then and I don't really care for it now. The DUAL SHOCK 3 is what should've released with the PLAYSTATION 3.
besada said:
Bless you. That's the one. It was great, eh? Someone did a PS2 version, too.

They were the shit, yo.


They were sturdy as hell and put up with some serious abuse during the glory days of my PSOne.

I didn't know they had made similar ones for the PS2. Sorry I missed out on that.

And yeah, as the other guy posted, the gamepads were pretty slick and worked great with Street Fighter but moreso with Tekken 1 & 2.

Between Tekken 2 and Poy Poy, those controllers got alot of play.
Speaking of PS3 controllers.

Saw this at Walmart the other day. Anyone tried this? Seems...interesting?



Apparently it blows air on your hands and "chills them out".


I've always had a good relationship with Logitech gear but I thought this was a bit much.

Anyone had their hands chilled?


As bad as it was at E3. It was and still would be good to see an update to the long-serving DualShock/SIXAXIS design, but that clearly was not the right choice.
My opinion to Sony is to change it up with the controller and try to innovate the controller not half ass something your competition has. Despite owning a PS3 I think every game that does support the six axis motion sensor is either half assed, shoe horned, thrown in the last minute, feels forced or all of the above.


Blablurn said:
Back in 2005 the Boomerang Controller wasn't very appreciated by the Gaming Fans around the world. But what's your opinion two years later?
Do you still hate it or have you changed your mind?

pretty obvious that it would have been way more comfy by the way it's shaped.

never liked the DS2 and although the Sixaxis is more comfy then that it still could be improved.


I think the design could have worked. Sadly, we'll never know because of Sony's indecisiveness and whiny fanbots on the internet.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Pretty much anything would be better than sixaxis/ds3/ds2 so I'm sad that they didn't use this one instead. :/


slade said:
I think the design could have worked. Sadly, we'll never know because of Sony's indecisiveness and whiny fanbots on the internet.

Which is exactly why they should release it to retail as an option.


Everything is tsundere to me
as much as i ragged on it as the boomerang banana dildo, i probably would have liked it better than the "those ergonomics suxaxis" or the DualShock3, whose ergonomics are equally bad.

for refference

then again, that configuration may or may not have been very good for the sixaxis tilting.


Dimmuxx said:
Pretty much anything would be better than sixaxis/ds3/ds2 so I'm sad that they didn't use this one instead. :/
Yeah, this. It was good to see they were going with something different.

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