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Sony Gamescom 2014 press conference confirmed for August 12


I was going to buy a Vita this weekend but so close to Gamescom i might as well wait a few days
I don't think there'll be anything that'll change my decision (even Sony ignoring Vita wouldn't sway me from getting one, as it already has a nice library including PS+ freebies), but you never know. Few days ain't gonna kill me.


You have some points but..

Grim Fandango (to your "bring back interesting old IPs" rule)
Bloodborne (new IP; gameplay footage behind closed doors and widely praised)
The Order: 1886 (new IP; no CG)

that's just me scratching the surface. i'm not asking you to like the show, but to just represent reality.

ABZU: YES! I loved journey, although I know nothing of this apart from the pretty visuals. Also multiplat apparently, so I dunno if i'd just pick it up on a PC

Grim fandago is great, but that's kinda basic in terms of "rebringing" an old franchise. They're just rereleasing and prettying up the old game. Are we gonna call all rereleases new games now ? What I invisioned by that would be more like making a new game in the line of an old IP (similar to what they did with Killer instinct, for instance) Also multiplatform and i'd rather play that on PC to be honest

Bloodborne: yes yes yes. But also cautious after the faults of dark souls 2

Entwined: Played it on vita, it's okay. Tries a bit too hard to be artistic with less substance than it pretends but it's a competent little game, i appreciated it

The Order, well see above

Huh Bundy is not the person i am seeing being obnoxious here.

My only opinion is that I'm not as excited for Sony and want to express caution because, and i'm reaaaally not the only one to think that, their E3 was weak. You don't have to take my word for that, you can take the sources of numerous podcasters (like two best friends), polls on several websites from your average gamer and just general opinion that is outside a circlejerk. So being met with what I think is a reasonable observation by "lol you're just wrong" is obnoxious. And fanboyish

Not to say there's nothing for ps4 that i'm not excited for (Destiny, Evil Within, Bloodborne and Rime to name a few) but they could do much much better after all the trumpets and horns they've touted for a year
Guys, he has an opinion - that's all.

I respectfully disagree, but that's all I can do. I also feel it's premature when we know only a fraction of their first party developed content on it's way.

But his opinion isn't gonna be swayed by us. Lot of unnecessary animosity.
We've had the last of us LAST year, which is being rereleased THIS year, with uncharted 4 next year and add to that the order. In such a short span, that's at least 3 different games that are all in the same genre, on the same console

I will be playing it at Gamescom myself if it's there. Maybe i'll be proven wrong. But right now, i'm going by what they decided to show, because that's what they want us to see. And what I see is nothing special. But I would let it slide if the developpers weren't just so eager to put their foot in their mouthes in terms of technicalities.

It also annoys me because Ready at dawn was awesome on psp and could've used their handheld skill to instead push the vita which would really need a triple A western title, but instead they use it on that. So yeah, i'm annoyed

Why the hell would RAD want to be stuck on dead system like Vita ?
2 big budget TPS in a year is not a whole lot when they going to be months apart .
Also so using so call general opinions of message boards don't mean much for eg TLOU , WD and Titanfall are current eg of that .


I was going to buy a Vita this weekend but so close to Gamescom i might as well wait a few days
I don't think there'll be anything that'll change my decision (even Sony ignoring Vita wouldn't sway me from getting one, as it already has a nice library including PS+ freebies), but you never know. Few days ain't gonna kill me.
Well, it might. You'll be in a different reality depending upon your choice.


Uncharted, TLOU and The Order are not the same genre. TLOU specially is nothing like the other two.

edit: above, you mean it might kill me? huh? lol


ABZU: YES! I loved journey, although I know nothing of this apart from the pretty visuals. Also multiplat apparently, so I dunno if i'd just pick it up on a PC

Grim fandago is great, but that's kinda basic in terms of "rebringing" an old franchise. They're just rereleasing and prettying up the old game. Are we gonna call all rereleases new games now ? What I invisioned by that would be more like making a new game in the line of an old IP (similar to what they did with Killer instinct, for instance) Also multiplatform and i'd rather play that on PC to be honest

Bloodborne: yes yes yes. But also cautious after the faults of dark souls 2

Entwined: Played it on vita, it's okay. Tries a bit too hard to be artistic with less substance than it pretends but it's a competent little game, i appreciated it

The Order, well see above

Part of the whole thing was helping them get the Grim Fandango IP back. That has huge implications for the future as well. And illustrates clearer how dedicated Sony is to bringing great IPs back, even when they don't gain complete control over them. Few IPs in all of gaming are as cherished as Grim Fandango. So that's why it's an important counter to your point.

The rest is just you trying to make qualifiers for your own taste. The point is, your assertions were wrong. Most of Sony's games shown were not CG, and they had plenty of compelling new IPs, and they brought back compelling old ones. On each point, you were simply incorrect.

That's not to say you must like those selections. It just means the reason you were dismissing Sony's conference originally was wrong.
Uncharted, TLOU and The Order are not the same genre. TLOU specially is nothing like the other two.

edit: above, you mean it might kill me? huh? lol

How can we even make any judgement on The Order just yet?

I have an inkling it'll be way more Uncharted than TLoU, but who knows what it might end up being.


The difference here is just that... well... you're talking bullshit. That's all.
"When they come up with stuff like Journey and Rain" .....
You know rain launched like 11 months ago? It's not like it's an 3 year old game, from "old Sony".
On ps3. I'm talking about reasons to hype up the ps4 here, and eventually the vita if they remember about this
You talk about Journey? Well, games like RIME, Everybody' gone to the Rapture or Shadow of the Beast are coming. All "western" Sony IP's.

Show me gameplay of these game.
Try to bring up like a 3-4 minute of actual gameplay shown, not just cinematic shots, not justt CG trailers, actual segment of explicit gameplay. The closest we have is Rime and it barely shows us what is actually being played in there
If not, then i'm not hyped, because it's 2014 and i'm not a gullible man who still gets swayed by selected shots and CG

".....and 15 minutes of fucking POWERS at e3"
How about you go back and watch the E3 conference again?
How about that, buddy? Because the "Power" segment was like 5 minutes long.
I've watched it, several times even, with friends. Powers wasn't maybe 15 minutes but it was certainly around the 10 minute mark with the new CEO being an absolute slob. Seriously, how can you even deny it was a shitty part of the sony e3. EVERYBODY said it. Even freaking YOSHIDA said it was a mistake.

Again, you guys are painting me like a troll (oh boy, the automatic defense against people who disagrees). I know full well the ps4 will eventually have more stuff. I know guerilla is making stuff. I know japan studio is making stuff. All I said is that after E3, which again, a looot of people called out, I am cautious about gamescom.

Seriously how freaking defensive can you people get when people disagree with you is mindblowing.


Someone make a spoiler-free thread for 2014!!! This year it is Microsoft, Sony and EA bringing presentations! Please!!! Thanks


Show me gameplay of these game.
Try to bring up like a 3-4 minute of actual gameplay shown, not just cinematic shots, not justt CG trailers, actual segment of explicit gameplay. The closest we have is Rime and it barely shows us what is actually being played in there
If not, then i'm not hyped, because it's 2014 and i'm not a gullible man who still gets swayed by selected shots and CG

you're trying so hard to throw out qualifiers. We absolutely saw RIME gameplay - tons of it in even the first trailer. The way he will be climbing, the way he will be navigating the world. Now your argument is "well, I want them to show specific types of gameplay in far larger chunks or else it doesn't work!"

You keep adding this stuff on top, and when you have to do that it means your point is no longer particularly sound.


you're trying so hard to throw out qualifiers. We absolutely saw RIME gameplay - tons of it in even the first trailer. The way he will be climbing, the way he will be navigating the world. Now your argument is "well, I want them to show specific types of gameplay in far larger chunks or else it doesn't work!"

You keep adding this stuff on top, and when you have to do that it means your point is no longer particularly sound.

But what do you actually do in Rime, what's the incentive, how free are you to climb stuff, what's the dynamic of the world, and what determines it's pacing ?

I'm sorry i'm reformulating all the time. What I'm trying to express is that usually when it comes to a game, I like to know what I'll actually do.

You can compare for example one of the numerous trailer from nintendo's e3 for example, like well Splatoon or Yoshi's Yarn. Let's go with splatoon since that's a new IP. They don't just show you how it looks and the shooting. They show you the mechanics, the super jump, different playstyles. It gives you an indepth look at how the game actually plays. Now repeat that for almost every game they've presented.

Now Rime i'm actually very interested by it because it reminds me of a mix between ICO and wind waker. But right now i can only go from "Okay, there's an island, he can walk around and climb. There's maybe puzzles, i don't know". We also know from an interview he apparently can't attack, or fight, i don't exactly recall.

Other than that, we haven't seen specific puzzley interactions or enemy interactions (we know there are some) or how can the character interact more with the world.

When I say gameplay, i mean like actually watching the game being played. Doesn't need to be live. In fact, if LBP3 showing told us anything, it's better to at least prerecord stuff. But it just inspires me more confidence than story or cinematic snippets


Show me gameplay of these game.
Try to bring up like a 3-4 minute of actual gameplay shown, not just cinematic shots, not justt CG trailers, actual segment of explicit gameplay. The closest we have is Rime and it barely shows us what is actually being played in there
If not, then i'm not hyped, because it's 2014 and i'm not a gullible man who still gets swayed by selected shots and CG
So first you were talking about "I love sony at their best, when they come up with stuff like Journey or Rain or Ico or Puppeteer, not when they're busy gushing over their millions of consoles sold and 15 minutes of fucking POWERS at e3" and we brought you some already announced games and proved you wrong. So now it's "bu... but NO GAMEPLAY videos, meng!" So what's your next step? "I couldn't play it yet!!!! Why isn't it alreay out!" ?

I've watched it, several times even, with friends. Powers wasn't maybe 15 minutes but it was certainly around the 10 minute mark with the new CEO being an absolute slob. Seriously, how can you even deny it was a shitty part of the sony e3. EVERYBODY said it. Even freaking YOSHIDA said it was a mistake.
Where was I.... "denying" anything? You were wrong with the "15 minutes" part, period. It was 5 minutes!
And yes, it was a bit too long, but shitty? Sorry bro, but some people are interested in the "Power" series.

Again, you guys are painting me like a troll (oh boy, the automatic defense against people who disagrees). I know full well the ps4 will eventually have more stuff. I know guerilla is making stuff. I know japan studio is making stuff. All I said is that after E3, which again, a looot of people called out, I am cautious about gamescom.
Seriously how freaking defensive can you people get when people disagree with you is mindblowing.
Yeah, I'm sure you're the victim here.
Poor guy.
I'm sorry to bring up the fact that a company may not be doing as great as they claim to be. I'm not swayed by pretty CG with no gameplay when the other competitors actually either show full gameplay footages or actually bring back interesting old IPs or creative new things.

Microsoft showed CG trailers/teasers for Halo 5, Crackdown, Scalebound(new IP) and Phantom Dust.
Only Forza Horizon 2 and Sunset Overdrive(new IP) got gameplay showings.
How is that any better than what Sony offered?

Sony showed only one CG trailer: Bloodborne(new IP)(gameplay footage got leaked)
They showed gameplay from LBP3, TheOrder1886(new IP) and Driveclub(new IP)
And Uncharted 4 got a realtime ingame cutscene teaser.
Sony is not doing bad but it certainly one of it's most lackluster moments in software, lot's of delays, half thruthes, psnow prices, the progressive abandonment of their 2 year old handheld and software which has not really risen to a point to justify the purchase of a 400$ semi-PC (lol Knack).

and there it is, the stream-of-consciousness sentence listing all the things Sony have done wrong. You could have saved us all the bother and started with this.

I'm sorry i'm reformulating all the time.

Moving goal posts and backpedalling = reformulating. What a hoot.


Again, you guys are painting me like a troll (oh boy, the automatic defense against people who disagrees). I know full well the ps4 will eventually have more stuff. I know guerilla is making stuff. I know japan studio is making stuff. All I said is that after E3, which again, a looot of people called out, I am cautious about gamescom.

Seriously how freaking defensive can you people get when people disagree with you is mindblowing.

You can be cautious about GC, but it seems you want Sony to show their full hand like MS/Nintendo. I hate it too, but I understand that they dont need to show as much as we, the public, like because they are in such a good position. With many of their first party shrouded in mystery, they are still selling the console at high levels. Unlike the other 2, they dont NEED to show their stuff when they can just save them for a later date or spread it out over the 3 major conferences.

I am personally optimistic about what could potentially be shown at GC and Sony's presence there has generally always been quite strong no? Which is not something we can say about the competition.


Fuck I totally forgot this was on Tuesday. I agreed to work late on Tuesday so I'm going to miss this live :(


I'm sorry to bring up the fact that a company may not be doing as great as they claim to be. I'm not swayed by pretty CG with no gameplay when the other competitors actually either show full gameplay footages or actually bring back interesting old IPs or creative new things.

Can I see some examples of this? Because I don't recall anything like this from E3.

I'm fairly certain Sony only showed 2 CG trailers at E3. One of them already having gameplay available behind closed doors.

This is correct. Whereas every new title MS announced at E3 was accompanied by CG trailers only.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
Only thing missing is the big 3rd party exclusives for MS argument.

I'm sure the 'Mass Effect 4 will be an XB1 exclusive' rumour trolls will be at it again before E3 2015

Watch them troll everyone and name GTA V singleplayer dlc Agent.

That would melt the internet
On ps3. I'm talking about reasons to hype up the ps4 here, and eventually the vita if they remember about this

Show me gameplay of these game.
Try to bring up like a 3-4 minute of actual gameplay shown, not just cinematic shots, not justt CG trailers, actual segment of explicit gameplay. The closest we have is Rime and it barely shows us what is actually being played in there
If not, then i'm not hyped, because it's 2014 and i'm not a gullible man who still gets swayed by selected shots and CG

I've watched it, several times even, with friends. Powers wasn't maybe 15 minutes but it was certainly around the 10 minute mark with the new CEO being an absolute slob. Seriously, how can you even deny it was a shitty part of the sony e3. EVERYBODY said it. Even freaking YOSHIDA said it was a mistake.

Again, you guys are painting me like a troll (oh boy, the automatic defense against people who disagrees). I know full well the ps4 will eventually have more stuff. I know guerilla is making stuff. I know japan studio is making stuff. All I said is that after E3, which again, a looot of people called out, I am cautious about gamescom.

Seriously how freaking defensive can you people get when people disagree with you is mindblowing.

What is your point exactly?

You think Sony is shit and doing a bad job with the PS4 so far and " haz no gamez " and yadda yadda, same ol thing from the other trolls.

So get to the point already. Say your piece and move on. Others will fight you on that opinion because a lot of other people are rather enjoying their PS4's and lord knows every week more people buy the PS4 then any other console out there, so it must have plenty of " system sellers " yeah?

Also, if you are whining now then you have never owned a Sony system at launch before. This is how it goes every single generation except this time there are tons of games of all kinds already on the system. You may disagree with everyone else and think every single game on the system is pure shit and hate everything, but thats just your opinion, one not shared by many others. So as much as you like to showcase your opinion that you hate everything, others like just as much to say they hate your opinion. It's a vicious cycle.

And I'm seriously confused as to how anyone could say the Sony conference was bad. That boggles my mind. Just because of a short 15 minute segment. While the other 1 hour 40 minutes or so was gamz gamz gamz!


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
The hype for that unknown exclusive was hilarious, so many people had unrealistic expectations.

Exactly. That essentially ended up being the Platinum Games exclusive right? If so then 20% of GAF will call it the 2nd coming, 70% will like it and 10% will hate it for being 'too japanese'

For whatever it's worth I loved Vanquish and hated Metal Gear Rising


So first you where talking about "I love sony at their best, when they come up with stuff like Journey or Rain or Ico or Puppeteer, not when they're busy gushing over their millions of consoles sold and 15 minutes of fucking POWERS at e3" and we brought you some already announced games and proved you wrong. So now it's "bu... but NO GAMEPLAY videos, meng!" So what's your next step? "I couldn't play it yet!!!! Why isn't it alreay out!" ?

Where was I.... "denying" anything? You were wrong with the "15 minutes" part, period. It was 5 minutes!
And yes, it was a bit too long, but shitty? Sorry bro, but some people are interested in the "Power" series.

Yeah, I'm sure you're the victim here.
Poor guy.

Yes, shitty. Browse outside of Neogaf. Majority didn't give a crap about Powers. Denying that is willingly putting some serious blinders on yourself

And yeah, sorry, but don't expect me to be hype for teasers and cinematic trailers when so many times major companies like to lie through their teeth and bullshot all over the place until the actual product. I'm sorry to have standards, but keep the condescending tone, really makes the fanboy shine through.

Plus you're full of crap. I didn't say lack of games, i said lack of interesting software. Meaning, lack of software that so far would push me into buying a ps4. Why ? Read above. Yeah, they've announced stuff. But it's the equivalent of a movie teaser that only shows the title or a 10 seconds blurry action packed snippet. There's nothing to take of it, so I can't say I am hyped by it because I know nothing of it

Only thing missing is the big 3rd party exclusives for MS argument.
And heeeeeere it comes. The "Someobody isn't as hyped as us for sony ? B-b-but microsoft !" deflection. I certainly didn't mention M$, i don't really give a damn about them.

and there it is, the stream-of-consciousness sentence listing all the things Sony have done wrong. You could have saved us all the bother and started with this.

You're gonna tell me it's not a bit accurate ?

But I got it, no badmouthing sony here. My mistake for stepping in thr wrong thread, i'll move to someplace else because i'm detracting the thread

What is your point exactly?

You think Sony is shit and doing a bad job with the PS4 so far and " haz no gamez " and yadda yadda, same ol thing from the other trolls.

So get to the point already. Say your piece and move on. Others will fight you on that opinion because a lot of other people are rather enjoying their PS4's and lord knows every week more people buy the PS4 then any other console out there, so it must have plenty of " system sellers " yeah?

Also, if you are whining now then you have never owned a Sony system at launch before. This is how it goes every single generation except this time there are tons of games of all kinds already on the system. You may disagree with everyone else and think every single game on the system is pure shit and hate everything, but thats just your opinion, one not shared by many others. So as much as you like to showcase your opinion that you hate everything, others like just as much to say they hate your opinion. It's a vicious cycle.

Look, people, you're blowing this out of the proportion I initially imagined.

My main point is: I thought E3 was "meh", i'm still very interested by ps4. There's a lot of of stuff I'm looking forward. But I would like it if Sony's internal western development and their way of presentation was done better so it could get people like me interested. I love sony but i'm also super critical of what they've been doing for the past year and want to seem 'em improve. That's all


*stuff* Majority didn't give a crap.... *stuff*
Good for you to know the "majority" of the PS4 userbase :)
Seems like you're an expert.

What is your point exactly?

You think Sony is shit and doing a bad job with the PS4 so far and " haz no gamez " and yadda yadda, same ol thing from the other trolls.

So get to the point already. Say your piece and move on. Others will fight you on that opinion because a lot of other people are rather enjoying their PS4's and lord knows every week more people buy the PS4 then any other console out there, so it must have plenty of " system sellers " yeah?

Also, if you are whining now then you have never owned a Sony system at launch before. This is how it goes every single generation except this time there are tons of games of all kinds already on the system. You may disagree with everyone else and think every single game on the system is pure shit and hate everything, but thats just your opinion, one not shared by many others. So as much as you like to showcase your opinion that you hate everything, others like just as much to say they hate your opinion. It's a vicious cycle.

Amen to that :)

Can't wait to finally play Bloodborne on wednesday ^_^
After this year's E3 I don't know what to expect from Western Sony. It's been mediocre for a while now and they still want to ride the now-deflated hype rollercoaster of the PS4 reveal to hide the lack of interesting software for the end of this year.

Also yeah, don't expect TLG at all for Gamescom. If anything it will be at TGS, but not at gamescom.

I will be going myself from the 14th to the 17th anyway. Will be cool to play bloodborne

Everyone's trying to target his goal posts while he's constantly pushing them backwards, so how about we bring it all back to his original point? The Last of Us, Tearaway, Sly 4, MLB, R&C Nexus and Killzone: Mercenary were all mediocre. Guess I (and a lot of others) just have horrible taste.

Also, the PS4 not only has no games, it has no hype! Doomed.
MrHoot about to fall off his perch.

And heeeeeere it comes. The "Someobody isn't as hyped as us for sony ? B-b-but microsoft !" deflection. I certainly didn't mention M$, i don't really give a damn about them.



Yes, shitty. Browse outside of Neogaf. Majority didn't give a crap about Powers. Denying that is willingly putting some serious blinders on yourself

just look how ridiculous this sounds. Powers was a miniscule fraction of the entire conference, which was basically swamped in games. I wouldn't have had the Powers presentation there, but if you're willing to call an entire conference shitty for that, that would make you an extremist, not a rational thinker.


And heeeeeere it comes. The "Someobody isn't as hyped as us for sony ? B-b-but microsoft !" deflection. I certainly didn't mention M$, i don't really give a damn about them.

I know you're probably gonna get banned, but before you are, I have to ask: If you weren't referring to Microsoft when you were posting stuff like

when the other competitors actually either show full gameplay footages or actually bring back interesting old IPs or creative new things.

Who were you referring to? Because I don't recall any old Nintendo IPs being brought back at E3.


I know you're probably gonna get banned, but before you are, I have to ask: If you weren't referring to Microsoft when you were posting stuff like

Who were you referring to? Because I don't recall any old Nintendo IPs being brought back at E3.

Stop it, man.
You make too much sense.
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