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Sony PR = Bad PR: cancelling Infamous interview to be petty

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Worships the porcelain goddess
Matthew Gallant said:
If it was an oversight, and not a bit of code missing/disabled from the preview build. I'm not saying it was. I'm not going to say it was a mistake either. That would be something that Sony PR could address in an interview, or simply by asking for a correction. But that would be good PR.

Are you serious? It wasn't excluded. Its even in the demo everyone. I believe it's explained too (not sure, going by what people said in the thread). Why should Sony's PR have to teach a games journalist how to play the damn game when everyone else picks it up right away?

Should they set up a press conference? Sucker Punch rep come out and give a tutorial to people who play games for a living?

"Ahem. Press circle. Thank you! Buy InFamous!"


sparkle this bitch
Wow...a blow up over another Sony exclusive game. Shock and Awe :lol

All this over Sony canceling an interview with a columnist.


Foxtastical said:
(Today, 04:14 PM)
Reply | Quote

This thread is certainly

I was PSX KID before that. :) I was an adult back then too. :lol

Also before that I was lurking on the Gaming Age forum for a couple years or so. Let's just say the gray is kicking in and PS3 MAN just doesn't have the same ring to it. ;)

Grecco said:
He had a series in Games for Windows Magazine called Bruce vs Tom that was really good. That's where i heard about him anyways.

That could explain it. I was never into PC gaming much. Well maybe more into the Commodore 64 and Apple II days.


The guy's a joke, one of the worst gaming journalists in the business. I'm glad they wasted his time like he wastes everyone who has ever read one his articles. I'm shocked, shocked, that he wrote a full out trolling article, and then a backhanded article that was supposed to be positive on a game like this. So what were they supposed to do? Waste their time sitting down with the guy who's going to turn everything around, troll, and make a joke out of everything anyways?

Sony PR +1.

MC Safety

LCfiner said:
yeah... but the audience definitely has lower standards for videogame writing compared to films and books.

Nearly all of us accept the phrase "good writing for a game"

Yes, and if nearly all of gaming age jumped off a cliff it would probably be a very good start.

Bill Harms is a talented writer, no matter how much you attempt to devalue his work.

And do not misconstrue: This is not my attempt to devalue Tom Chick's work. Tom is also a skilled writer.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Haunted said:
At least I must admit that Chick can write.

and on the story (probably his "field of expertise", so to speak?):

Then again, I almost always disagree with Chick, so maybe I should get Infamous earlier than I initially planned. :p

edit: then again, he gave the game a thumbs up in the end, so maybe I should avoid after all. >_>

I think Chick's field of expertise is strategy games. I dont really care what he says outside of that.


BenjaminBirdie said:
That's why I was surprised Sony even intimated they'd sit down with the guy.

J-Rzez said:
The guy's a joke, one of the worst gaming journalists in the business. I'm glad they wasted his time like he wastes everyone who has ever read one his articles. I'm shocked, shocked, that he wrote a full out trolling article, and then a backhanded article that was supposed to be positive on a game like this. So what were they supposed to do? Waste their time sitting down with the guy who's going to turn everything around, troll, and make a joke out of everything anyways?

Sony PR +1.

:lol :lol :lol

You never fail to disappoint!


MC Safety said:
Yes, and if nearly all of gaming age jumped off a cliff it would probably be a very good start.

Bill Harms is a talented writer, no matter how much you attempt to devalue his work.

And do not misconstrue: This is not my attempt to devalue Tom Chick's work. Tom is also a skilled writer.

woah, woah, woah.

I am not mocking the writer of inFAMOUS. i don't even know if the game has good writing or not (skipped the cutscenes in the demo - I was rushed for time)

I'm just saying that double standards exist. the double standards are created by the consumers, not the creators.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
BobTheFork said:
Insultingly bad story? he was insulted? wow. Not only is that the first comment I've heard about the story being bad; every single other review I've read (even the 7's) have commented that the great story was a highlight.

Thats because games journalists probably wouldnt know good writing if it slapped them in the face.

Doesnt make Chick right though. I dont trust him either.
HK-47 said:
Thats because games journalists probably wouldnt know good writing if it slapped them in the face.

Doesnt make Chick right though. I dont trust him either.

There are a few exceptions, but most game writers are enthusiasts first, Gamestop workers second, and writers third.


dammitmattt said:
There are a few exceptions, but most game writers are enthusiasts first, Gamestop workers second, and writers third.

I'd put Totillo on the list of legit games journalists. Jeff Green and Shawn Elliott as well, but obviously they're not journalists anymore. Reading more of Chick's stuff I'm honestly coming around to his style. He was in CGW? His name does sound really familiar.


dammitmattt said:
There are a few exceptions, but most game writers are enthusiasts first, Gamestop workers second, and writers third.

dunno man, according to the OP, Tom Chick is the Walter Cronkite of game journalism
So Tom took a dump on the stairs outside Sony and knocked on the door to borrow some paper. Sony didn´t want to borrow him any paper and Tom cannot understand why.

Poor Tom!


I just read the Tom Chick list and his comment on the story:

Tom Chick said:
It's a shame a game with this much potential has such an insultingly bad story. The guys at Sucker Punch have left behind the kiddie vibe of their excellent Sly Cooper games, but they haven't left behind the cartoon superficiality. The plot of Infamous makes zero sense, even after the laughably bad resolution. There isn't a single likable character here. The villains just seem to appear from time to time. Sometimes you fight them in a bad boss battle. Sometimes the game seems to simply forget about them.. And the dialogue is uniformly horrible, from the growling hero to the funny [sic] sidekick to the conflicted romantic interest to the villain who suddenly appears at some point as if the game almost forgot it needed a villain. In fact, one character whose significance isn't clear unless you bother digging up B-side audio recordings scattered around the city is randomly blown up at the end of the game. Infamous may very well be one of the worst written big-budget games since Too Human.

This is SPOT ON. The story is terrible, the dialogue reads like a comic book (which is most definitely not a good thing), the plot is laughably bad and your friends are basically assholes with illogical motivations. I have completely no idea why so many reviewers think it's a good story because it obviously isn't.

EDIT: Also, Zeke and Trish are among the most fucking annoying characters I have ever encountered in a videogame.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Did he show up before learning it had been cancelled or not? It's unclear in the first few pages.


Neo Member
OuterWorldVoice said:
Analog sticks and a couch >>>> mouselook.

I highly encourage you to make a new thread regarding this subject. I feel like it's been overlooked by the general gaming populace before now, and we really should focus on which control method is superior. Our gaming lives depend on it, even!

(I'm sorry I keep quoting your posts; you just provide such ample material.)

Oh, and this thread is silly. It's decent courtesy to inform an individual you had previously made an arrangement with that it's been canceled, before they are actually at the meeting. If Sony is trying to justify the cancellation after the fact by saying their feelings were hurt by some very uncontroversial articles, then they're acting like kindergartners.


andycapps said:
I'd put Totillo on the list of legit games journalists. Jeff Green and Shawn Elliott as well, but obviously they're not journalists anymore. Reading more of Chick's stuff I'm honestly coming around to his style. He was in CGW? His name does sound really familiar.

Doesn't "Tom Vs Bruce" rings a bell?


Shurs said:
I dunno, man. Chick was on The West Wing.

Will Wheaton was on Star Trek TNG.

I think alot of people confuse Credibility with Popularity. Especially in the case of "game journalists" What exactly is the measurement we use to gauge credibility when it comes to opinions anyways? And if he is a "shtick" journalist in the vein of Colbert then what/how does that effect credibility? Do PR depts for companies take that into account already? Does he hate bears?

Also there is just a shit-ton of conjecture in this thread.


dammitmattt said:
:lol :lol :lol

You never fail to disappoint!

You think they should have wasted their time with someone who just trolled a game still in it's positive sections as hard as he did? People know his track record, he is clown shoes. He's also just another black eye to gaming journalism, something that's questionable at best a large amount of the time as is. I thought this would be some serious article, then I read who it pertained to and laughed, just like now when I read who quoted me.

MC Safety

LCfiner said:
woah, woah, woah.

I am not mocking the writer of inFAMOUS. i don't even know if the game has good writing or not (skipped the cutscenes in the demo - I was rushed for time)

I'm just saying that double standards exist. the double standards are created by the consumers, not the creators.

Ah. Apologies.

The original response to my statement about Bill Harms possessing some talent was:

ElyrionX said:
I guess when you're writing for videogames and comic books, the standards are lower.

I just thought this chain of responses was one long attempt to damn Harms with the faint praise "He's a very good writer of retarded literature for shriveled intellects."

Mea culpa.
ElyrionX said:
I just read the Tom Chick list and his comment on the story:

This is SPOT ON. The story is terrible, the dialogue reads like a comic book (which is most definitely not a good thing), the plot is laughably bad and your friends are basically assholes with illogical motivations. I have completely no idea why so many reviewers think it's a good story because it obviously isn't.

EDIT: Also, Zeke and Trish are among the most fucking annoying characters I have ever encountered in a videogame.
Didn't gamers think Grand Theft Auto, Metal Gear Solid 4 and Halo had mind blowing stories?

I mean, I had fun with them like I would with something like Terminator: Salvation.


well, technically, the standards are lower. as defined by us, the consumers.

BUT, as you said, good writing is good writing and it can crop up in any medium.

We just don't expect it as much in gaming.
ElyrionX said:
I just read the Tom Chick list and his comment on the story:

This is SPOT ON. The story is terrible, the dialogue reads like a comic book (which is most definitely not a good thing), the plot is laughably bad and your friends are basically assholes with illogical motivations. I have completely no idea why so many reviewers think it's a good story because it obviously isn't.

EDIT: Also, Zeke and Trish are among the most fucking annoying characters I have ever encountered in a videogame.
That's disappointing. I felt the Sly Cooper games handled plot and character well for the type of story they were trying to tell, so I was hoping for a similar level of quality.
Foxtastical said:
Didn't gamers think Grand Theft Auto, Metal Gear Solid 4 and Halo had mind blowing stories?
Please define your use of the term 'gamers' who does that include?
crowphoenix said:
That's disappointing. I felt the Sly Cooper games handled plot and character well for the type of story they were trying to tell, so I was hoping for a similar level of quality.
well, I would only suggest you read the dozen or so reviews that praise the story before being disappointed over the one that didn't
ElyrionX said:
I just read the Tom Chick list and his comment on the story:

This is SPOT ON. The story is terrible, the dialogue reads like a comic book (which is most definitely not a good thing), the plot is laughably bad and your friends are basically assholes with illogical motivations. I have completely no idea why so many reviewers think it's a good story because it obviously isn't.

EDIT: Also, Zeke and Trish are among the most fucking annoying characters I have ever encountered in a videogame.

Dude reviews video games for a living and still manages to be INSULTED by a video game story? Even if it was just middle of the road mediocre... INSULTED? Really??! And you believe him?

Tom is just doing what he always does. Trolling for clicks.


Foxtastical said:
Didn't gamers think Grand Theft Auto, Metal Gear Solid 4 and Halo had mind blowing stories?
GTA4's story made the guys on Hotspot question the way they were living their lives and "see the world differently."


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
At least Tom explains why he thinks the story is bad.

He convinced me at least. It is completely implausable.

Then again, maybe I'm biased because I didn't like the demo and don't plan on buying the game. :/


Foxtastical said:
Didn't gamers think Grand Theft Auto, Metal Gear Solid 4 and Halo had mind blowing stories?

I had fun with them like I did with Terminator: Salvation.

If Infamous' story is good, GTAIV's story would be mind-blowing Pulitzer winning shit.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Comics are so far ahead of games in terms of writing it isnt even fair to compare them.

Whether or not you find that sad or just a matter of time is up to stance I guess
J-Rzez said:
You think they should have wasted their time with someone who just trolled a game still in it's positive sections as hard as he did? People know his track record, he is clown shoes. He's also just another black eye to gaming journalism, something that's questionable at best a large amount of the time as is. I thought this would be some serious article, then I read who it pertained to and laughed, just like now when I read who quoted me.

Why is he a black eye? Because he has some skill, some humor, and approaches things in a different way that every single other games writer?

Or is it just because he insulted a couple of games that you decided to champion long before they were released?
ElyrionX said:
If you think Infamous' story is good, GTAIV's story would be mind-blowing Pulitzer winning shit.
Haha, unfortunate news. Hopefully I can pick the game up at release so I can see it for myself.
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