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Sony quizzed on Monster Hunter's betrayalton - 'You'll have to ask Capcom'

LiquidMetal14 said:
IF this happens I would only be upset due to the fact that this MH will be designed with the 3DS capabilities in mind and not the superior VITA HW. I will buy it on either platform though and as of now, it's 3DS.

Yes but I am sure Capcom would bump up the resolution and texture work. Honestly I am hoping that RE Revelations gets a Vita port, not because I don't have a 3DS but because Vita has a bigger and nicer looking screen. Also some Vita games like Ys IV are clearly PSP port overs, but that doesn't make me want them any less, again bigger screen and two sticks is a big win in my book.


TheBanditKing said:
Yes but I am sure Capcom would bump up the resolution and texture work. Honestly I am hoping that RE Revelations gets a Vita port, not because I don't have a 3DS but because Vita has a bigger and nicer looking screen. Also some Vita games like Ys IV are clearly PSP port overs, but that doesn't make me want them any less, again bigger screen and two sticks is a big win in my book.

If you can't have 16 unique buttons on the back touchpad of the Vita to be simultaneously used, then it will be an inferior port.
Lesiroth said:
If you can't have 16 unique buttons on the back touchpad of the Vita to be simultaneously used, then it will be an inferior port.

Graphics would apparently make it superior despite the numerous additions that the touch screen brings (which would only work with a second screen as well)


Lesiroth said:
If you can't have 16 unique buttons on the back touchpad of the Vita to be simultaneously used, then it will be an inferior port.

One guaranteed disadvantage does not naturally outweigh any potential advantages, such as dual stick, screen size, processing power, potential online, etc.

I am not saying that a Vita version would be naturally better, either. But even assuming that there is objectively a platform on which Monster Hunter would be better, let's outline why it's impossible to prove in this forum: there are no authoritative metrics on what makes a Monster Hunter game good.

Though I think it would be interesting to poll Hunter-GAF on some sort of Likert scale for the relative merits of touch screen vs graphics vs built-in twin stick.
thefil said:
One guaranteed disadvantage does not naturally outweigh any potential advantages, such as dual stick, screen size, processing power, potential online, etc.

I am not saying that a Vita version would be naturally better, either. But even assuming that there is objectively a platform on which Monster Hunter would be better, let's outline why it's impossible to prove in this forum: there are no authoritative metrics on what makes a Monster Hunter game good.

Though I think it would be interesting to poll Hunter-GAF on some sort of Likert scale for the relative merits of touch screen vs graphics vs built-in twin stick.

Except you wouldn't get online and processing power wouldn't change anything about the game. I don't know why people are of the opinion the game would be drastically different on the Vita. If Tri didn't have a ton of features not in the latest PSP version before it, MHTriG Vita would almost assuredly be exactly the same aside from the slight graphics improvement

Online would still not be in it. It has nothing to do with the 3DS. Capcom has 2 online 3DS titles and Tri Wii had online. It was a decision by the devs that wouldn't change because of the platform. Also the 3DS has the option for dual analog and impressions say the touch camera controls work really well anyway


Zoramon089 said:
Except you wouldn't get online and processing power wouldn't change anything about the game. I don't know why people are of the opinion the game would be drastically different on the Vita. If Tri didn't have a ton of features not in the latest PSP version before it, MHTriG Vita would almost assuredly be exactly the same aside from the slight graphics improvement

Online would still not be in it. It has nothing to do with the 3DS. Capcom has 2 online 3DS titles and Tri Wii had online. It was a decision by the devs that wouldn't change because of the platform. Also the 3DS has the option for dual analog and impressions say the touch camera controls work really well anyway

As I said in my post, most of you are making authoritative statements on behalf of the entire MonHun community as the relative values of one addition or another, as well as declaring without any evidence the clear haves/haves-not that would be present in one version vs another. I'm not just saying you guys arguing for the 3DS version, but the Vita drum-bangers as well.

Basically what I'm trying to say nicely is this entire argument is rubbish.
thefil said:
As I said in my post, most of you are making authoritative statements on behalf of the entire MonHun community as the relative values of one addition or another, as well as declaring without any evidence the clear haves/haves-not that would be present in one version vs another. I'm not just saying you guys arguing for the 3DS version, but the Vita drum-bangers as well.

Basically what I'm trying to say nicely is this entire argument is rubbish.

I'm just saying the improvements you think would happen most likely wouldn't that's all. Online, if it's not in the 3DS version wouldn't be in the Vita version either. And like I said you'd get the graphical improvements but I doubt anything significant would come from the power increase outside of that


Time Traveler
OrangeGrayBlue said:
System wars never end.
A new generation of anything wouldn't be fun without system wars.

Would be like trying to have fun watching a football match without a favorite.

It's senseless discussion that has no other basis than fanboyism and it is an escape from the dull and logical reality, let us be, and let the blood run through the streets


Orayn said:
It's a combination of wishful thinking and fanboys' inner conflict. They can't decide whether this is a massive betrayal or just Capcom throwing Nintendo a bone out of pity and spite.
Or maybe they are just Monster Hunter fans that had patiently waited many years to see the franchise move to HD hardware. The fans have all the right to groan about this, this announcement was a bigger shock than Sega publishing games on a nintendo platform.

Imagine the reaction if HL episode 3 turns out to be a Wii exclusive title. That would be the western equivalent.

Monhun will most likely work out great on 3DS, and a lot of new people will be exposed to the franchise now, but you can't argue that Capcom isn't taking the cheaper and safer route here.. regardless of the wacky mh4 teaser.


Monhun will most likely work out great on 3DS, and a lot of new people will be exposed to the franchise now, but you can't argue that Capcom isn't taking the cheaper and safer route here.. regardless of the wacky mh4 teaser.

yup - when MH went to Wii after initially being announced for the PS3, i groaned

when the next MH after that was revealed to be on PSP, i groaned again

when 3DS version was announced, i yet again groaned. Then MH4 again on 3DS.... *magazine rack armaggedon*

I just want an HD version (no, frontier is NOT a true HD version) but it's pretty clear that Capcom don't see the need to move away from the PS2 born baseline that's served them well for X years.

As i've said repeatedly - after seeing Dragon's Dogma and all the extremely obvious nods at Monster Hunter within it, i can only hope that a FW2.x version of Monster Hunter HAS to come at some point. They've got to give the franchise some new life - they can't just keep churning out MH as it has been for all this time forever.


DCharlie said:
yup - when MH went to Wii after initially being announced for the PS3, i groaned

when the next MH after that was revealed to be on PSP, i groaned again

when 3DS version was announced, i yet again groaned. Then MH4 again on 3DS.... *magazine rack armaggedon*

I just want an HD version (no, frontier is NOT a true HD version) but it's pretty clear that Capcom don't see the need to move away from the PS2 born baseline that's served them well for X years.

As i've said repeatedly - after seeing Dragon's Dogma and all the extremely obvious nods at Monster Hunter within it, i can only hope that a FW2.x version of Monster Hunter HAS to come at some point. They've got to give the franchise some new life - they can't just keep churning out MH as it has been for all this time forever.

You should be happy, MH4 looked like quite a different beast than MH3. Or... is it that if it is not HD it "evolved enough"?


All this reminds me of the "Final Fantasy betrayalton"..or the "Resident Evil betrayalton". In the end everyone ended with a spinoff/sequel/prequel/enhanced port/etc. so is not the end of things. :p

So, MH4 is on 3DS.. there's nothing stopping Capcom from doing a "Monster Hunter Ultimate" and promote it as the "true sequel" to the Portable series.


Why would they promote it as the "true sequel" undercutting the sales of the actual sequel. Monster hunter is a community game, they are clearly trying to build the audience on the 3DS, vita may get ports, but i'm skeptical that they would be anything more than upressed 3ds assets.

Plus 3DS IS more capable by a good amount than psp, it isn't like the game is downgraded graphically.


Daschysta said:
Why would they promote it as the "true sequel" undercutting the sales of the actual sequel. Monster hunter is a community game, they are clearly trying to build the audience on the 3DS, vita may get ports, but i'm skeptical that they would be anything more than upressed 3ds assets.

Plus 3DS IS more capable by a good amount than psp, it isn't like the game is downgraded graphically.
Just random talk, plus was talking about the "Portable series". That for all we know Capcom can continue it's own "sequel to the Portable series on Vita"; while making "numbered MH games on Nintendo platforms".

All I'm saying is that companies always find ways around things; and that this "betrayaltons" are only temporary.


Truth101 said:
You should be happy, MH4 looked like quite a different beast than MH3. Or... is it that if it is not HD it "evolved enough"?

What? The same old player model, the same old Tigrex model (maaaaybe with added animations..), and ugly flat textured surfaces.. no, by HD we mean that, indeed, we want it to make a leap similar to Dragon's Dogma with entirely new assets in higher detail.


You should be happy, MH4 looked like quite a different beast than MH3. Or... is it that if it is not HD it "evolved enough"?

I didn't see anything in the trailer that looked remotely close to what makes Monster Hunter an interesting and fun game and i'm frankly baffled at what was supposedly great about the trailer.

It was simply a scripted set of single player events using existing assets with the things added to be excited about being.... what? scripted chase scenes? climbable environments? jumping on the back of an enemy? More vertical levels? I've watched it over and over to try and figure out why some of the big MH fans are excited and i'm coming away baffled.

It's been 8? years since MH1 came out and i've been in since then. The game still looks the goddamned same (more or less) and whilst theres been step changes it's time it got a graphics boost at least.

This is BIG GIANT MONSTERS in LUSH ENVIRONMENTS. It's an ideal candidate for an update - i can't keep ignoring that we've not moved much away from the PS2 version graphically when they've a perfectly good engine sitting there. There's also the annoyance that Capcom -might- (unfounded) be basing where the game goes on a "best fit" for how it looks so they can delay the work to bring the game up to date.

So yeah - the game needs a graphical update. IMO.

Also note - that Dragon's Dogma adds climbing up enemies and jumping on their backs. Just as an aside. And i should point out that it was organic and not scripted so that may well give a hint of how MH4 will work.

After playing a game so obviously tipping it's hat at MH that looked like this :


it's hard to get excited that MH4 is going to look like this in (i suspect) 2013 :


*shrug* yeah, it's shallow i know, but hey.

Tossed grenade : MH3G probably out first and with no noise of other version to avoid confusion when they brand the Vita online quick port version MH 3g .... (?)

(online entirely unnecessary for success - local multiplayer is the games life blood)


The MH4 teaser looked like there maybe no more zones in exchange for PoP-esque platforming. I dunno, I guess it's way too early to say what they're actually doing.


Kuran said:
What? The same old player model, the same old Tigrex model (maaaaybe with added animations..), and ugly flat textured surfaces.. no, by HD we mean that, indeed, we want it to make a leap similar to Dragon's Dogma with entirely new assets in higher detail.

What does any of that have to do with the actual game evolving? there is a word that comes to mind when talking about games and that is game-play. Which from the preview video is quite different from previous MonHuns.


On another note, I can't believe you just compared MHTri to the PS2 game.
Truth101 said:
What does any of that have to do with the actual game evolving? there is a word that comes to mind when talking about games and that is game-play. Which from the preview video is quite different from previous MonHuns.

we really have no idea on how it will work but I doubt scripted events in MH is an evolutionary step.


Truth101 said:
What does any of that have to do with the actual game evolving? there is a word that comes to mind when talking about games and that is game-play. Which from the preview video is quite different from previous MonHuns.
Believe it or not, some people do want to see the game get a graphical makeover, system preference notwithstanding. I'm honestly a bit tired seeing the series don the same look throughout the 4 versions of the game I played, so I'm not terribly excited about another version with the same level of assets.


DCharlie said:
I didn't see anything in the trailer that looked remotely close to what makes Monster Hunter an interesting and fun game and i'm frankly baffled at what was supposedly great about the trailer.

It was simply a scripted set of single player events using existing assets with the things added to be excited about being.... what? scripted chase scenes? climbable environments? jumping on the back of an enemy? More vertical levels? I've watched it over and over to try and figure out why some of the big MH fans are excited and i'm coming away baffled.

It's been 8? years since MH1 came out and i've been in since then. The game still looks the goddamned same (more or less) and whilst theres been step changes it's time it got a graphics boost at least.

This is BIG GIANT MONSTERS in LUSH ENVIRONMENTS. It's an ideal candidate for an update - i can't keep ignoring that we've not moved much away from the PS2 version graphically when they've a perfectly good engine sitting there. There's also the annoyance that Capcom -might- (unfounded) be basing where the game goes on a "best fit" for how it looks so they can delay the work to bring the game up to date.

So yeah - the game needs a graphical update. IMO.

Also note - that Dragon's Dogma adds climbing up enemies and jumping on their backs. Just as an aside. And i should point out that it was organic and not scripted so that may well give a hint of how MH4 will work.

After playing a game so obviously tipping it's hat at MH that looked like this :


it's hard to get excited that MH4 is going to look like this in (i suspect) 2013 :


*shrug* yeah, it's shallow i know, but hey.

Tossed grenade : MH3G probably out first and with no noise of other version to avoid confusion when they brand the Vita online quick port version MH 3g .... (?)

(online entirely unnecessary for success - local multiplayer is the games life blood)
Wow, you're the firstperson here to say that about the MH4 teaser, I thought I was going crazy. Totally agree.
DCharlie said:
Tossed grenade : MH3G probably out first and with no noise of other version to avoid confusion when they brand the Vita online quick port version MH 3g .... (?)

(online entirely unnecessary for success - local multiplayer is the games life blood)
lol, you still pushing this idea? Hope springs eternal...


DCharlie said:
I didn't see anything in the trailer that looked remotely close to what makes Monster Hunter an interesting and fun game and i'm frankly baffled at what was supposedly great about the trailer.

It was simply a scripted set of single player events using existing assets with the things added to be excited about being.... what? scripted chase scenes? climbable environments? jumping on the back of an enemy? More vertical levels? I've watched it over and over to try and figure out why some of the big MH fans are excited and i'm coming away baffled.

It's been 8? years since MH1 came out and i've been in since then. The game still looks the goddamned same (more or less) and whilst theres been step changes it's time it got a graphics boost at least.

This is BIG GIANT MONSTERS in LUSH ENVIRONMENTS. It's an ideal candidate for an update - i can't keep ignoring that we've not moved much away from the PS2 version graphically when they've a perfectly good engine sitting there. There's also the annoyance that Capcom -might- (unfounded) be basing where the game goes on a "best fit" for how it looks so they can delay the work to bring the game up to date.

So yeah - the game needs a graphical update. IMO.

Also note - that Dragon's Dogma adds climbing up enemies and jumping on their backs. Just as an aside. And i should point out that it was organic and not scripted so that may well give a hint of how MH4 will work.

After playing a game so obviously tipping it's hat at MH that looked like this :


it's hard to get excited that MH4 is going to look like this in (i suspect) 2013 :


*shrug* yeah, it's shallow i know, but hey.

Tossed grenade : MH3G probably out first and with no noise of other version to avoid confusion when they brand the Vita online quick port version MH 3g .... (?)

(online entirely unnecessary for success - local multiplayer is the games life blood)
It's a shame Capcom has their heads up their asses, boggles the mind how Dragon's Dogma does not have multiplayer.


Lesiroth said:
It's a shame Capcom has their heads up their asses, boggles the mind how Dragon's Dogma does not have multiplayer.

they're saving that for dragon's dogma portable

local multiplayer only


For perspective, this is the first trailer/teaser for Monhun that I think Capcom released. Back in 2003.


It got me hooked.. it was the perfect trailer to explain the game's attraction. Almost nine years ago, but Capcom is taking baby steps.

MH isn't a 'perfect game' like Tetris that doesn't really need change.. its concept will inspire anyone to fantasize about where the series can go next. And many of those what-if improvements go hand in hand with more powerful hardware.
Kuran said:
For perspective, this is the first trailer/teaser for Monhun that I think Capcom released. Back in 2003.


It got me hooked.. it was the perfect trailer to explain the game's attraction. Almost nine years ago, but Capcom is taking baby steps.

MH isn't a 'perfect game' like Tetris that doesn't really need change.. its concept will inspire anyone to fantasize about where the series can go next. And many of those what-if improvements go hand in hand with more powerful hardware.

crazy nostalgia for that trailer

the Nico trailer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMARK1AsJ6A) was what I thought Monster Hunter would eventually become. In someways, Dragon's Dogma and MH4 are similar.


Kuran said:
It would be amazing to be able to mount horses or tame jaggies to chase faster Monsters on expansive grass plains.. <3
There's no reason the 3DS wouldn't be able to pull that off, but baby steps I guess..
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