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Sony Undecided on Hard Disk (plus banana pad info and PS3 playable at TGS)

AB 101

Kiriku said:
If the controller is hated by many, I think there's a chance Sony will reconsider the design. I mean, didn't Microsoft do that with the Xbox controller? At least they saw it fit to replace their big brick with the slick S controller. Anyway, if people dislike the "banana pad" and Sony doesn't care I'm sure third party controller makers will be very happy. :)

I think a massive worldwide petition would be a decent start. :)
The triggers on Controller S just feel "right" when you're playing an FPS. Much better than the GameCube controller's. Analog buttons on the PS2 controller were horrible for FPS, but the analog sticks definitely didn't help the PS2 much either.

In terms of analog sticks, my opinion is as follows: Xbox >>> GC >>>>> PS2
Guy LeDouche said:
you're a dumbass. Analog buttons work on pressure, movement range has nothing to do with it. It's feeling. Press your finger onto a flat surface, first with a little pressure, then with alot, then back off slowly. The surface doesn't move itself, but you can still feel differences.

And you can even press the brakes and the accelerator at the same time.

Let see you try to do that in quick reflex games, ie. any game other than a fucking RPG.

As for FPS's, I much prefer firing a gun with you know a trigger like with a real gun. Makes you a lot better than doing it with a button. I've liked it ever since GE on N64, it's a natular progession from the Z trigger.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Triggers are good for FPS.
Everything else = pressure sensitive buttons (and quoting what Guy LeDouche said).

Man, I'm so lazy today.

AB 101

With gyros in the banana controller, its feasible it could make a decent controller for racing games.

But for others, it just seems plain bad.

Sony just has to be playing with our minds on this. :|

The HDD has got to be in.

I am of the idea that developers will only support what is packed in from the get go.



Look at this hot piece of sex. With the Black and White buttons moved to the two trigger positions the X360 controller is going to be the BEST EVAR. Until MS trumps it with Xbox 720. :D
Mrbob said:

Look at this hot piece of sex. With the Black and White buttons moved to the two trigger positions the X360 controller is going to be the BEST EVAR. Until MS trumps it with Xbox 720. :D


It looks like pure hot sex for the hands. My controller whoring self is VERY happy with this.

+10000000000000000000 MS.


Mrbob said:

Look at this hot piece of sex. With the Black and White buttons moved to the two trigger positions the X360 controller is going to be the BEST EVAR. Until MS trumps it with Xbox 720. :D

The only concern I have with x3's controller is the shoulder buttons. When I pretend that my S is an x3 controller, I have problems moving my fingers to where the shoulder buttons would be. As long as the actual controller doesn't have that problem, it will indeed be the best ever.


Mrbob said:

Look at this hot piece of sex. With the Black and White buttons moved to the two trigger positions the X360 controller is going to be the BEST EVAR. Until MS trumps it with Xbox 720. :D

Not only the black and white buttons though, I'm glad they moved the back and start buttons as well.


Mrbob said:

Look at this hot piece of sex. With the Black and White buttons moved to the two trigger positions the X360 controller is going to be the BEST EVAR. Until MS trumps it with Xbox 720. :D
Yeah, that controller is drool worthy, especially with the ability to turn off your console.


pj325is said:
The only concern I have with x3's controller is the shoulder buttons. When I pretend that my S is an x3 controller, I have problems moving my fingers to where the shoulder buttons would be. As long as the actual controller doesn't have that problem, it will indeed be the best ever.
The S has a ton of overhang above the triggers - if you look at the side-on pictures of the 360 controller, there's barely any overhang at all, so it shouldn't be much of a problem:



arhra said:
The S has a ton of overhang above the triggers - if you look at the side-on pictures of the 360 controller, there's barely any overhang at all, so it shouldn't be much of a problem:


You know, I was going to make a post about how I usually use my index fingers for the s controller triggers, and that it would cause trouble when playing with a 360 controller (= no fingers on the shoulder buttons). But I checked first to be sure, and realized I actually use my middle fingers. :lol

Also, I realized my index fingers always rest above the triggers on the flat plastic...just where the two shoulder buttons are situated now. Feels like MS really put some thought behind the 360 controller.
Everybody here is making valid points. I'd side with the analog buttons camp, just cuz those triggers get tiring after awhile.

TEH Winnar?

Each company could give me NES controllers with their next systems, so long as the games rocked.

The amount of junk crammed in the PS3 has me (a big Sonybot none the less) worried. I just get the feeling they're moving towards a multimedia machine instead of a gaming one. I didn't get Eyetoy, the HDD, the Network Adaptor or Multi-tap for PS2 because I didn't see Sony going anywhere with them (although Eyetoy was very successful). I just want a machine that playes awesome games both online and off. Can you do that Sony???

Edit: Jeezus, reading this didn't help...


Don't forget about gaming Kutaragi!! That's what I buy consoles for!!!


Not bitter, just unsweetened
unfortunately... xbox 360 controller has both analog buttons and triggers. both side am win.

Though the shoulder buttons are not analog. just the face buttons ABXY.

They were also analog on the xbox controller as well. 256 degrees of pressure iirc.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Sony should stick a low gig hard drive(which are DIRT f'n cheap these days), in the launch unit and be done with it...and folks thinking that Boomerang is gonna be heavily redesigned... magic 8 ball keeps telling me... not bloodly likely....

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Yeah, banana controller wins!

But no hdd in PS3 is a big drawback! GO GO X360 GO!
Can't you define your position in one console future dammit!
One day you seem to be singing praises to PS3, another day to Xbox 360. *Head huuurts* :lol

The amount of junk crammed in the PS3 has me (a big Sonybot none the less) worried.
What junk are you talking about? BluRay drive? Were you worried about PS2 also because it had DVD playback?


Mrbob said:

Look at this hot piece of sex. With the Black and White buttons moved to the two trigger positions the X360 controller is going to be the BEST EVAR. Until MS trumps it with Xbox 720. :D

goddamn that controller is HOT :O
Pedigree Chum said:
Let see you try to do that in quick reflex games, ie. any game other than a fucking RPG.

As for FPS's, I much prefer firing a gun with you know a trigger like with a real gun. Makes you a lot better than doing it with a button. I've liked it ever since GE on N64, it's a natular progession from the Z trigger.
Okay, I'll play with a mouse + keyboard, you play with your triggers. You should win because a keyboard + mouse is nothing like a real gun.


Sony's really going to go through with that monstrosity?

Man, they really oughtta keep doing what they've been doing, and rip off other people's good ideas until after they're released.


Yeah, people are like "alot of junk" and I'm assuming they mean the multiple memory card ports, USB ports, bluetooth, and stuff, but all of that is exceedingly cheap to both purchase the connectors for and implement the interfacing software for.

As I've said before though I'm of the mind that Gigabit ethernet and a two-port internal switch are sort of overkill though.

However, remember that the HDD slot is for a 2.5" harddrive, which is a laptop harddrive, which will make the pricing somewhat different than a regular desktop harddrive.
Guy LeDouche said:
you're a dumbass. Analog buttons work on pressure, movement range has nothing to do with it. It's feeling. Press your finger onto a flat surface, first with a little pressure, then with alot, then back off slowly. The surface doesn't move itself, but you can still feel differences.

And you can even press the brakes and the accelerator at the same time.

HOw do you think it determines pressure? Yup, you got it, by how far it is pushed down. Only difference is the analog buttons offer varying degrees of resistance for pushing it down farther, and they have less travel. As you push the button harder it gets harder to balance in a stable equilibrium, ie: harder to maintin perfect control. Maybe you don't care about controlling your accelerator and brake in that detail, but many do, and it does effect the car in a noticeable way.
I dont like the 360 controller at all. It reminds me of the Wavebird which was also uncomfortable. PS3 half circle controller looks like it's much more enjoyable to hold.

Xbots will continue to poke fun because it's all they have left.
morbidaza said:
HOw do you think it determines pressure? Yup, you got it, by how far it is pushed down. Only difference is the analog buttons offer varying degrees of resistance for pushing it down farther, and they have less travel. As you push the button harder it gets harder to balance in a stable equilibrium, ie: harder to maintin perfect control. Maybe you don't care about controlling your accelerator and brake in that detail, but many do, and it does effect the car in a noticeable way.
It doesn't matter how far its pushed down, it matters how hard you are pressing. Pressure scales don't move at all and can determine different weights and pressures without problem and in very fine detail.

you can do the exact. same. thing. with analog buttons in GT4.

Well, at least I can.

e: gigabit ethernet is forward-thinking technology. Nothing more, nothing less. At least, I sure as fuck hope we aren't working on shitty DSL and whatnot 5 years from now. The same thinking applies to the HDMI slots, Blu-Ray and 1080P support. If you XBots are going to troll, at least be logical. PS3 has advantages over X360, X360 has advantages over PS3. At least harp on the real stuff.


Marconelly said:
Isn't that supposed to be for linking PS3s locally?

Oh please, I may be interested in the possibility of networked Cell processors sharing workloads from a purely academic standpoint but thinking it will have any practical application in this generation of consoles is a pipe-dream that even Kuturagi can't make me believe.
Guy LeDouche said:
Okay, I'll play with a mouse + keyboard, you play with your triggers. You should win because a keyboard + mouse is nothing like a real gun.

It doesn't make a difference if everone playing on Live is using the same damned triggers. the difference in the 1player mode ins negligible at best, it's not like analogue buttons is going to dramatically improve your game just cause there's less travel.


teiresias said:
Oh please, I may be interested in the possibility of networked Cell processors sharing workloads from a purely academic standpoint but thinking it will have any practical application in this generation of consoles is a pipe-dream that even Kuturagi can't make me believe.

link them together and the polygon count doubles in all your games... buy 4 PS3s and it will become self-aware!!


buy 4 PS3s and it will become self-aware!!
Nah, they're only 1% of a human mind, remember. 4 of 'em linked together would probably be about as smart as a dumb dog.

OMG, Nintendogs killer!


I say keep the boomerang until someone gets to paytest it for a qualified decision to be made. All the compaints now come with zero stick time, so they're based on aesthetics. Aesthetics mean squat for controllers.

OTOH, I would like to see triggers. Yes, I play racers. But more than that, I think it would be a good compromise. There'll still be plenty of buttons, so if you need response-critical functions on the shoulder buttons, you can at least config the controls to put the most important ones on the analog shoulder buttons, and the less important ones on the triggers. It's about making the mean happy. PEACE.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Oh please, I may be interested in the possibility of networked Cell processors sharing workloads from a purely academic standpoint but thinking it will have any practical application in this generation of consoles is a pipe-dream that even Kuturagi can't make me believe.
Urgh, I was thinking about linking for local LAN games and stuff like that...
I'm sure an odd game here and there might use it for computation increase if such thing is even technically possible (GT5 is a good bet giving how they don't shun of such exotic solutions)
Just for streaming content off the PC that would be too fast, correct?
I find it somewhat humorous that the main showcase for the PS3 at the conference was an FPS, yet they stick with a controller format that is absolutely terrible for first person shooters.


Marconelly said:
Urgh, I was thinking about linking for local LAN games and stuff like that...

The built-in WiFi is appropriate for that, one doesn't need Gigabit ethernet support and two extra ports for an internal switch.

Marconelly said:
Just for streaming content off the PC that would be too fast, correct?

I'm assuming you're asking if Gigabit ethernet would be too fast for just streaming content, but obviously the faster the better in terms of streaming content. But considering the amount of people that have Gigabit ethernet hardware for their home LAN's is pretty much .00001% I question it's usefulnes in that application. Streaming off of my PC will be limited to 100mbps because of my PC network card and the routers and switches in my home LAN. External WAN connections (cable, DSL, etc.) into homes aren't even saturating 100mbps networking cards so there's no need for Gigabit in that application either.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
AltogetherAndrews said:
I find it somewhat humorous that the main showcase for the PS3 at the conference was an FPS, yet they stick with a controller format that is absolutely terrible for first person shooters.

Now that you mention it, that is quite humorous. I can't play FPS games on a DS controller

Kon Tiki

Does that 'thing' even have rumble? Or will that be offered, along side comfort, as an upgrade ? Way to set the bar low.
Guy LeDouche said:
It doesn't matter how far its pushed down, it matters how hard you are pressing. Pressure scales don't move at all and can determine different weights and pressures without problem and in very fine detail.

Go pick up your ps2 controller. Seriously. Push the button down a bit. Push it down a bit more. There is travel in the buttons, this is how it is determining the input. To imply that they have an entire scale system in each button on the controller is ludicrous and you know it.

That being said, in any scale system, something simply must be depressed at varying levels to determine pressure.

Here is why, if something is going to try and determine pressure, without having any travel in the system at all, then it will necessarily be exerting an equal force back on the object as that being applied to it. This implies that if one were to release from the machine, there would be no physical change in the system that is measuring the pressure.

If this is the case, then there is no way that it can determine the pressure that was just applied to it.

Therefor, in any pressure reading system, there must be SOME travel. It must take a certain force to depress it to a certain level.

What you're arguing is that the travel in the button's is very very small, I'm agreeing with that, and saying that that, in and of itself, reduces the precision you can have on the control of the input.


Marco, ignore him.

teiresias said:
The built-in WiFi is appropriate for that, one doesn't need Gigabit ethernet support and two extra ports for an internal switch.

Argh. So, when Sony decides to include a BPA-based solution in all it's HD products, from HDTVs, to stand-alone Blu-Ray recorders to the proposed CELL-Storage solutions, they are going to do this with just WiFi? Yeah, right.

CELL was conceived and is intended as a pervasive [and distruptive] technology for use throught Sony Group. It will be network aware and provide for allways-on functionality that starts as soon as the power is turned on to any such device. Just as they have a redundent SPU in PS3-CELL, those with non-critical flaws (eg. a flawed PPE) can be used in CE apps with lesser SPUs just as nVidia, ATI, AMD and Intel do with their chips.

PlayStation3 will serve as a gateway for this, the inclusion Gigabit Ethernet is the only logical solution as it provides the scalability in bandwith to allow for both quick movement of digital data (eg. 1080p played off CELL-Storage while simultaneously encoding and archiving an incoming HDTV signal, while supporting IP-camera functionality, et al).

And most of all, from a cost PoV, it's dumb not to include it. The chipset costs are minimal, the difference between 1000 and 100MB is negligable and the costs scale down with Moore's law and can be fabbed internally at Sony Group. If you were a Microsoft and needed to use a foundery like TSMC or would have to buy the chipsets outright, then there is a difference since you need to pay a premium on technology. But for Sony Group, it's a net cost increase of close to nothing and keeps their fab lines busy.

On the subject of the HDD, they shouldn't (and hopefully won't) include it because the costs don't scale. Everything else that people believe [falliciously] to add cost to the PS3 such as Bluetooth, WiFi, Ethernet, PS3-Cell, RSX, etc are all bounded by Moore's Law and they're costs scale down very quickly. The Playstation2 is an example of this, with it's step-wise integration and aggresive downsizing.

PS. The CELL-storage idea could be soo f-ing cool if they do it right. Something along the lines of a Google-ish Archive everything, Delete nothing... Search* through it when you want it for digital media would be amazing IMHO. * (as Kutaragi talked of, searching based on pattern recognition, semantics, etc)
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