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Sony's PS4 Team Makes Disabled Fan's Day


It's called customer service. Sony is doing it's damn best to get good press and regain it's dominance of the gaming industry.... It appears they are doing all the right things this year, I hope they keep it up.


The FB-guys answer 20 minutes ago:
"Certain games were only upstairs or only downstairs for both consoles. Titanfall, which is what we wanted to play, was upstairs only, hence why we were told what we were. Sony at the PlayStation booth only had consoles upstairs period, but at the Ubisoft booth Assassin's creed 4 was being demo'd on the PS4. Even though this was the case, and we were able to play it there, Sony still took all our details, promised the consoles, and offered to fast track us to the front of the Ubisoft line to play anyway.

Believe it or not, I really don't mind. But I know it is true and never expected that they would go out of their way like they did. It is why I can't thank them enough for making it even more of an amazing day."


Overall a nice story and pretty cool on Sony's part, I like when a bit of positivity comes up. The clarification from the original poster makes a bit more sense and isn't as bad sounding as the original MS stance as seems like he could have tried out the XB1, just not for the game he specifically wanted.
Because they have consoles to sell.

EDIT: oh you mean this kid right?

Yeah, his original statement makes out like MS straight up told him to get going and he couldn't play any games at all, when there were XB1 games that he could play available, just not the one he wanted to play.

Then it turns out after a bit of grilling that the PS stall had absolutely NO games for him to play as he said all the PS4 consoles were upstairs, hence the Sony reps "making it up" to him having far more context.

Not really trying to shit on anyone, I just don't like when details like that are omitted and only come out after someone questions your original statement.

Why not just tell the whole story the first time?


That's either a very cynical viewpoint in general, or it's deflecting the negative news with obfuscation so MS doesn't get painted negatively.

The story was about what Sony did, which was awesome. Unfortunately for MS, the were 1up'd because of it. MS wasn't "negative" exactly as they were simply not as "positive" as Sony which makes them look negative.

It is cynical but nothing MS did was negative. They didn't have a way for them to get upstairs, they apologized. What more would you honestly expect them to do? Getting a free system is nice but that should not be the expectation in this situation.


In all seriousness, it is probably all coincidental. Someone with the authority was obviously around to witness the ordeal at the Sony section, while nobody with power to give out an Xbox One witnessed them being turned away from being able to go upstairs to play Titanfall. It was a big crowd and nobody was really there to give out free consoles anyway, so I am not going to bash Microsoft for this one. But good on Sony for sure.

Yeah this is exactly it. MS probably figured handicapped people can play the downstairs games. Sony's booth didn't have that option. Someone at Sony's booth probably saw a wheelchair or two rolling around at the expo and approached the supervisor with the concern that they didn't really have any kind of solution for the disabled to play their console. The supervisor made the decision to approach the situation like they did in advance once their failure to provide a ramp was brought to his/her attention, hence why the employee had to get the supervisor and that they already knew what their plan was for handicapped gamers.
This is more of a "I can't believe Sony actually did that" story rather than "MS sucks at customer relations and PR and blah blah"...
for new page.


the original post, since a few people are missing it:


I believe they "typical!" part meant that this is what wheelchair people get as a typical response, not that this is typical for MS.

someone called BS and the person responded:



also, looking at their profile, the person is a part of:
-Australian PC Gamers group
-Victorian Electric Wheelchair Sports Association(VEWSA)
-People for an Australian Muscular Dystrophy Day group
-Power Soccer Shop.com group

don't really really see affiliation with sony or why they would make this up.

Major kudos to Sony for giving free PS4's. Didn't know reps at gameshows allow that.


It is cynical but nothing MS did was negative. They didn't have a way for them to get upstairs, they apologized. What more would you honestly expect them to do? Getting a free system is nice but that should not be the expectation in this situation.

That's what I just mentioned in that second sentence. MS didn't do anything "wrong", but in the face of Sony going out of their way to do good things for them, it became negative press for MS in relation.

Insane Metal

Gold Member
That sounds exactly like what we've seen from Sony and Microsoft this upcoming generation: Sony being humble and trying to fix their mistakes and Microsoft not giving a fuck.


I am insinuating that the guy went to MS after expecting to get a free system from them too and when he didn't he worded his post to suggest MS didn't care that he couldn't play.

I'll answer with your own words from another post. I wanted to use some of my own but you're not worth a ban on my account.

Please stop. You seem extremely immature and just need to step back from your computer.
It's just embarrassing to read some posters trying to scream 'fake' about this whole story. It's all there for crying out loud...FB account and all.
I'm cringing so hard at the accusation of bias on that guy's facebook page, like he has an agenda. Digging out pictures of the hall and youtube links...smh


It sounds believable, and great gesture on Sony instead of doing the usual response that MS gave (they apologized simply). The problem some people here loosely defending MS is that MS set themselves up for this. MS's company history of events, then you have the 360's RRoD fiasco. They had their official conferences for the One which flat out insulted so many people for various reasons (DRM, price, kinect, etc). Finally, their arrogant, cocky, demeaning PR that soon followed the event further insulting the consumer set MS up for a good couple years of being shit on.

Sony was the bad guy last gen and look how they were treated by gamers and media for the first couple years. This time it's MS's turn. Though they went beyond the level that Sony did last gen which was price and arrogance. Maybe the bad mojo will follow MS around a bit longer considering hardware choices especially.
Was thinking the same thing about MS's continuing PR blunders.

You literally cannot write this stuff. It's like Sony and Microsoft literally met up before all this began and MS, for some reason, was eager to take the hot seat this gen, and with Sony's experience of PR fuck ups early this gen, happily let them haha.
Its true because its on the internet.

That comeback probably sounded more clever in your head, I'm sure.

Your comment completely misrepresented what my point was. What is there to argue?

Your point was to completely misrepresent mine? Why?

I don't think you quite grasp the concept of 'skepticism'. Its neither confirming nor denying anything. Just a notion that there isn't quite enough evidence to decide either way.

Was this confirmed somewhere and I missed it?

This just reads like soooo many other threads I've seen here where people just read the OP, accept it unquestionably, and then we find out later the truth is quite different.

You get it, maybe. I don't think the vast majority do, though.


This is a Sony praising, Microsoft bashing thread. Lets not ruin that for everybody.

Yes, I think the vast majority of people here believe that. Sony are the good guys and Microsoft are the bad guys. This thread is testament to how sheepishly people will accept anything they're told so long as it fits in with what they want to believe, no matter how questionable it is in reality. Look at how many people are saying 'fuck Microsoft' and not even doubting for a second the idea that Sony reps just walk around with free PS4 vouchers in their pockets.

I have no loyalty to anybody unlike a lot of people here. I'm just trying to be fair.

Its a nice story except for the part in the OP where Microsoft is made out to sound like villains. And yes, when people are being persecuted unnecessarily, it annoys me. I don't think this is such a bad quality to have.

Yea, I know. But how many people are actually reading that? Going by how many people are still bashing Microsoft, I'm guessing not that many.

If Sony are doing that, that's fantastic. Its just this general thread's reaction that gets to me.

Very ironic. I'm trying to be fair while you're trying to paint me as something I'm not, which is something far more in line with something Fox News would do.

You can drop it, man. You don't know what you're talking about here.


Trying too hard, seriously dude.


Post Count: 9999
Why yes all your assumptions is based on that MS is in the wrong no matter how unlikely.

What Sony did was good, but MS did nothing wrong imo.
And your and others' assumptions were based on this obviously being a bullshit story. Hell, you just stated 'no matter how unlikely'.

Seriously, you're being pretty hypocritical here in the opposite direction.

And note, I never really said MS was in the wrong to begin with. Simply that it's bad PR given Sony's handling.

Objectively they were both in the wrong. Sony however turned lemons into lemonade from a PR perspective. MS ... not so much.


Yeah this is exactly it. MS probably figured handicapped people can play the downstairs games. Sony's booth didn't have that option. Someone at Sony's booth probably saw a wheelchair or two rolling around at the expo and approached the supervisor with the concern that they didn't really have any kind of solution for the disabled to play their console. The supervisor made the decision to approach the situation like they did in advance once their failure to provide a ramp was brought to his/her attention, hence why the employee had to get the supervisor and that they already knew what their plan was for handicapped gamers.

I think it was just a customer service gesture that happened as the situation presented itself. All of their stuff was upstairs, so they acted professionally and accordingly. That is how you win customers.


hide your water-based mammals
I'm not really concerned about slandering or trying to paint this in anything else but a positive light. Just because the MSFT reps didn't exactly help that doesn't make them bad. Good on Sony, that's it.


I think it was just a customer service gesture that happened as the situation presented itself. All of their stuff was upstairs, so they acted professionally and accordingly. That is how you win customers.

I don't think it was "as the situation presented itself". The worker had to go get their supervisor but the worker said prior to that something like "you can't play because we don't have a ramp but I think you will be pleased with our solution, let me get the supervisor" which means the workers even knew what was in store for disabled players who wanted to try PS4's. The supervisor then articulated the solution quite clearly as a plan was already in place.

Now it's possible that the situation originally presented itself when a different handicapped person attempted to do the same thing, or it may have been formulated before encountering the situation once the Sony booth realized that they had no handicapped solution.

But either way, the solution was already set-up and known by the general workers at the event by the time this specific guy approached them.


I think people need to stop looking at this as MS did something negative, but more that Sony did something very nice that surprised the guy. MS isn't evil for simply apologizing to the guy that the game he wanted to try wasn't wheelchair accessible. They aren't evil because they didn't give a free One. It's not like the PR guy said "get up and walk upstairs", so let's all settle down.


...hate me...
Is this deal valid worldwide? I think I might know where to borrow a wheelchair from.


I like that the Sony reps understood the gravity of the situation. When you let potential customers down, you really do have to make sure you go out of your way to put it right.

It does seem like the company's new approach is taking hold at all levels. Why is this a bad thing?

I'm not really concerned about slandering or trying to paint this in anything else but a positive light. Just because the MSFT reps didn't exactly help that doesn't make them bad. Good on Sony, that's it.

It doesn't make them bad at all. But it does play neatly into the prevailing narrative, that Sony has changed and is building its business around gamers first and foremost, whereas MS has lost touch gamers etc.

EDIT: Microsoft put themselves into that position...in just the same way Sony has. By making the choices they made.

Coincidence or not. When these things fit people make those correlations, regardless of the reality.


same person from facebook:

So in a nutshell, Sony had no PS4s on ground level. They felt bad since they forgot that disabled people could not access the next floor, so they handed out a few PS4s as a goodwill gesture.

On the other hand, Microsoft had consoles on the main floor. Most of their games were playable there, except for TitanFall which was on floor 2. When asked if they could play it, a Microsoft rep apologized and said no.

Internet translation: Sony loves you, Microsoft is the antichrist.

For all we know, Microsoft had the foresight to put consoles on the ground floor so they could be accessed by all. However, if this was the case, this is just more proof that Microsoft's PR blows.
Wow on the quick thinking guy at the Sony booth! Either he is super cool, or the whole team realized they had fucked up with no access (earlier) and had a response in hand - either way - VERY COOL SONY.
Im pretty sure both Sony and MS had floor plans in advance to setup. But Sony's approach was better handled in that sort of situation. If anything i would of placed TitalFall on teh main floorshowcase and not upstairs. You cant go wrong with getting free PS4s.


I don't think it was "as the situation presented itself". The worker had to go get their supervisor but the worker said prior to that something like "you can't play because we don't have a ramp but I think you will be pleased with our solution, let me get the supervisor" which means the workers even knew what was in store for disabled players who wanted to try PS4's. The supervisor then articulated the solution quite clearly as a plan was already in place.

Now it's possible that the situation originally presented itself when a different handicapped person attempted to do the same thing, or it may have been formulated before encountering the situation once the Sony booth realized that they had no handicapped solution.

But either way, the solution was already set-up and known by the general workers at the event by the time this specific guy approached them.

No, I am not buying that it was all set up to be this way before hand. Sony and Microsoft both had the same build for upstairs, it's just that Sony's stuff was all upstairs. But whatever, it was handled very professionally and they deserve props for it.


I think it was just a customer service gesture that happened as the situation presented itself. All of their stuff was upstairs, so they acted professionally and accordingly. That is how you win customers.

You win customers by giving them your product for free?


Feel good story of the day.

MS rep didn't do anything wrong, especially if there were other games playable at their bootth.
Nice to see Sony showing a real compassion for the impaired like this.

They seem to really be working their PR angle very well.

MS on the other hand .......


Wow. You can't make this stuff up. If it is an elaborate ruse I would have to tip my hat to that level of creativity.


You win customers by giving them your product for free?


A product that they will spend money on via games? Certainly. Not to mention acts like this go a long way in keeping customers for the long run and making other prospective buyers take note. It's a marathon, not a sprint. ;)


And your and others' assumptions were based on this obviously being a bullshit story. Hell, you just stated 'no matter how unlikely'.

Seriously, you're being pretty hypocritical here in the opposite direction.
Nah just pointed out the flaws in the story which where confirmed.

Especially the controller locked down stuff, doesn't jive with the reality of these events.

I didn't make any crazy assumptions.
there were PS4s on the main level at other booths, like Assassins 4. Sony reps even fastracked the people in wheelchairs to the front of those lines, even though it was on the main floor.


Nothing! I said nothing!
The best thing that can come out of this, is that the machines are accessible to all in the future as a rule, as they should have been anyway, for every game as well, everyone has the right to see Titanfall.

I say the because there is no way Sony or anyone else can give away free consoles to disabled gamers at every event from now on because of the expectation that has been set here.


"Sorry, it's upstairs. You can't try it because your legs don't work. What kind of person doesn't have working legs? Deal with it."


Sounds cool, I'm also disabled gamer myself.. and play game with mostly one hand because my disabled left hand, and use the analog with uh... my right leg thumb. I wish someday they invent something like Move that actually useful to people like me.
Heck has worked on stuff like that in the past. He calls it an Access Controller. Still have to work the off-side analog with your leg. Wouldn't be surprised if he would enjoy the challenge of creating a solution for dual motion-based controllers.
I was at EB Expo and the stairs thing didn't even occur to me. Yes its an oversight that shouldn't have happenes but good on Sony for not letting turning them away.

New Sony aims to please.

The Boat

Good show on the rep's part, Sony's PR has been killing it lately. I can't believe how some people are turning this into a console war thing, how sad can you be?


Seek victory, not fairness
I hope Sony posts a confirmation announcement about this story so we can link to that instead of the person's Facebook account. A tweet from an official account or something.

I'm worried people are going to get personal.
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