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If you don't mind me asking, did you find at the ending where Linda
went nuts and hugged Ghost Banri and went over a random tangent over all Banris
great too? If so.... why?

Ghost Banri in general was kind of a stupid way of representing his lost memories. But overall I was fine with the ending because they never teased Linda as a viable outcome as much as they did Minorin in Toradora. So the blow when "best girl" inevitably loses was not as harsh. Plus, there felt like more closure at then end, unlike Taiga's Poochy-esque ending of "I have to go now - my home planet needs me." And she just disappears.
Ghost Banri in general was kind of a stupid way of representing his lost memories. But overall I was fine with the ending because they never teased Linda as a viable outcome as much as they did Minorin in Toradora. So the blow when "best girl" inevitably loses was not as harsh. Plus, there felt like more closure at then end, unlike Taiga's Poochy-esque ending of "I have to go now - my home planet needs me." And she just disappears.

The issue wasn't best girl didn't win the issue was Linda going
batshit crazy in the end, being able to physically hug apparitions only visible to Banri and even then screaming out to the air about she accepts ALL BANRIS.
This scene literally had nothing going for it and only served to perplex the audience.


Ping Pong The Animation Episode 6:

Sadly this was rather the dullard of an episode; I get what they were trying to accomplish but most of the character building felt like mere wheel spinning as new insights were lacking. Also, that karaoke segment is just pure cheese, spoiled and rotten cheese.
Things picked up a lot once we got to the altercation with Akuma and Peco, and the attempted suicide, strange to say but that kicked the characterization up several notches.
Also, those new shows are among the ugliest I have ever seen and I would not wish them on my worst enemy.
The issue wasn't best girl didn't win the issue was Linda going
batshit crazy in the end, being able to physically hug apparitions only visible to Banri and even then screaming out to the air about she accepts ALL BANRIS.
This scene literally had nothing going for it and only served to perplex the audience.

I'm sure it was a metaphor... you know, for something.
It'd be easier to just not take the whole "Ghost Banri" thing literally. There were never really ghosts, just "representations" of his memories, and the ending is just Linda accepting both childhood friend Banri, and the Banri that has developed since recovering from the accident.

And speaking of the accident, I always just assumed that it was Linda who was riding the moped that knocked him off the bridge. I mean, she is later show with a similar looking moped when she meets Banri outside the hospital. Am I the only one that thought this?
I'm sure it was a metaphor... you know, for something.
It'd be easier to just not take the whole "Ghost Banri" thing literally. There were never really ghosts, just "representations" of his memories, and the ending is just Linda accepting both childhood friend Banri, and the Banri that has developed since recovering from the accident.

And speaking of the accident, I always just assumed that it was Linda who was riding the moped that knocked him off the bridge. I mean, she is later show with a similar looking moped when she meets Banri outside the hospital. Am I the only one that thought this?

When I use the term "Ghost Banri" I use it as the name of the character, seeing as the main conflict in this show is
amnesia, I don't think anyone who watched it would think "Ghost Banri" is a physical thing, myself included.
Which brings back up my original point of Linda
going batshit insane and having the ability to see and hug these mentally-conjured apparitions by real Banri? The fuck man.
This whole scene could've been done, y'know, without the fucking insanity and 'ghosts' and still give the same message instead of convoluting it and taking a shit on what was established the "sane" character in this show.



thats one of the best. Its the sort of music I hear at the world music festival in Lafayette every year. I love that spanish guitar!

Is The Order a Rabbit? 06

I don't think I've mentioned this before, but that CR is translating the titles as "Bunnisode"s is too adorable. And this being a Chino focused episode, it was equally, if not more, adorable. Maya, Megu and Aoyama all got some more spotlight time. Cocoa's spaciness is great. Her bike riding fantasy got the most laughs - she's so enraptured by the idea of a romantic bike ride that she has no way to follow through on. And Chiya even got in a bit of a lewd moment (lewd relative to this show). Of all the shows from this season, this is the one I'm going to miss the most.

this show better get the full licensed Bluray treatment. I know sentai will get it though.

I have just one question: Will Golden Time get any better? I was excited when it came out, because I heard it came from the same brillant mind that created Toradora, but so far the Anime is a mess. I'm 16 episodes in so far and it gets more ridiculous and embarrassing by every episode I watch.

I think of dropping the anime based on your comments.

Its very aggravating but does manage to salvage things at the end. The show is a real mess but I stuck with it for Koko. I dont regret that much.
When I use the term "Ghost Banri" I use it as the name of the character, seeing as the main conflict in this show is
amnesia, I don't think anyone who watched it would think "Ghost Banri" is a physical thing, myself included.
Which brings back up my original point of Linda
going batshit insane and having the ability to see and hug these mentally-conjured apparitions by real Banri? The fuck man.
This whole scene could've been done, y'know, without the fucking insanity and 'ghosts' and still give the same message instead of convoluting it and taking a shit on what was established the "sane" character in this show.

Well, don't think of it as Linda hugging Ghost Banris, but Ghost Linda hugging Ghost Banris.

And while you're at it, ignore the whole thing about the ring. Linda probably never even knew about it, much less that Banri had previously dropped in the water.


And this

Not to mention the great battle themes and OP/EDs

Ping Pong 06

So glad Wenge came back, and speaking fluent Japanese now. Plus his mom, and the moment with all the players helping them make wontons and them celebrating Christmas was a very nice moment. My favorite character by far.
Really good episode, probably episode of the season for me so far.

Theres so many great tracks! It puts other shows to shame.
Well, don't think of it as Linda hugging Ghost Banris, but Ghost Linda hugging Ghost Banris.

And while you're at it, ignore the whole thing about the ring. Linda probably never even knew about it, much less that Banri had previously dropped in the water.

I'm not sure if you're trying to defend the show or its ending or whatnot, but so far what I've derived is that this show was a trainwreck overall and only appeased those who really liked

Golden Time did have its good moments tbh, but said moments are lost when its mixed in with an array of unnecessary BS. I would actually prefer moar fanservice than taking assault rifle and seeing how many holes you can shoot into the plot.


I'm not sure if you're trying to defend the show or its ending or whatnot, but so far what I've derived is that this show was a trainwreck overall and only appeased those who really liked

Golden Time did have its good moments tbh, but said moments are lost when its mixed in with an array of unnecessary BS. I would actually prefer moar fanservice than taking assault rifle and seeing how many holes you can shoot into the plot.

I can even admit that Golden Time is a complete trainwreck. Theres no way at all to defend the pacing and writing.


A show doesn't need to be main plot all the time... just enjoy it!

I do ! Though I can't help but think it would better with a stronger main plotline as I'm firmly in the camp: overarching plot >>> episodic.

Trigun 12

Well that was more like it. About as much insight on Vash as in all previous episodes together and an appearance of villain who what I assume will be one of main antagonists.

Naruto Shippuden 362

We maybe out of the filler land but we're not yet into sakuga bliss yet as production values remain shoddy. Let's hope Gorou Sessha will save us next week. Kurama throwing Kakashi and Madara chilling was good stuff.
Started watching Gundam Build Fighters because people here cant stop talking about it and I'm really liking it. Only 2 episodes in but its got great music and animation. The battle themes are great.

Anyway to watch this legally in 1080p? Bandais YT has 720p but it looks a little blurry.


I do ! Though I can't help but think it would better with a stronger main plotline as I'm firmly in the camp: overarching plot >>> episodic.
Does it have to be one or the other? Can a work not just be? It's this rampant mindset that would make modern anime fans detest Detective Conan.

I don't mean to offend by the way, it's just a pet peeve.


Started watching Gundam Build Fighters because people here cant stop talking about it and I'm really liking it. Only 2 episodes in but its got great music and animation. The battle themes are great.

Anyway to watch this legally in 1080p? Bandais YT has 720p but it looks a little blurry.

720 is best Ive found. It would be a delight at 1080 but its not to be.


So where were all of you Build Fighters in the fall?
I passed on it because it didn't look quite like what I was looking for. But word of mouth and word of pixiv means I'll pick it up as soon as I get through several other things in my backlog.
So where were all of you Build Fighters in the fall?

Didnt think it was my cup of tea so I ignored it until peeps here started raving about it. Plus now I get to marathon through the whole series instead of waiting weekly so yeeeaaaahhhhh

720 is best Ive found. It would be a delight at 1080 but its not to be.

Ah bummer. I wish Crunchyroll were able to get it but then Bandai wouldnt be able to insert advertisements inside.


Didnt think it was my cup of tea so I ignored it until peeps here started raving about it. Plus now I get to marathon through the whole series instead of waiting weekly so yeeeaaaahhhhh

Ah bummer. I wish Crunchyroll were able to get it but then Bandai wouldnt be able to insert advertisements inside.

Those advertisements are incredible


Trigun 12

Well that was more like it. About as much insight on Vash as in all previous episodes together and an appearance of villain who what I assume will be one of main antagonists.

FYI I think the eventual recap ep is only half recap with some story stuff in the second half. Never realized that on my first watch.
Nanana's Buried Treasure 6

I felt nothing.

I watched that entire scene and just yawned when he came up.

Don't think I'm interested in brown traps anymore.

Also pervert senpai is best senpai.

He's way more likable than the traitorous president and the awful jealous girl.

It's because they already told you he was a trap. It's all irrelevant now.
And yeah, pervert senpai is the best.


Tragic victim of fan death
Gundam Build Fighters 1

Omg... HNGGGGGGG. /ded. This show. Omg. My heart. I can't take it. All the gundams. All the model kits. The character design. The story. Holy shit. This show. Take my soul. ALL OF ITTTTTTTTTTT


Nanana's Buried Treasure 6

I felt nothing.

I watched that entire scene and just yawned when he came up.

Don't think I'm interested in brown traps anymore.

Maybe you're not, but this anime made me find out that I certainly am. In fact, at this point I'm only really watching this show for Daruku.


I feel so bad for being lttp. At least I can binge this show and die of anticipation for season 2.

save the show until you know when s2 will air, kayos. watch it all directly then with no gap, You don't want to know what life is like on the other side :(


Tragic victim of fan death
save the show until you know when s2 will air, kayos. watch it all directly then with no gap, You don't want to know what life is like on the other side :(


Gundam Build Fighters 2

This show is fucking awesome. Holy shit.
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