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Sailor Moon (Uncut) - 02

Virtually the same thing as the last episode but thought that Jackass!Umino was pretty funny.

I seriously hope there's a future episode where Usagi just goes through a shit-ton of mood swings, because her instant changes are hilarious.
If anything I'd say it implies the opposite (I'm pretty sure the intention is that he thinks these unfounded accusations are hurtful towards his innocent sister).

People shit on her for something out of her control, and ultimately make her feel worse about herself for being the way she is. I took it to mean that he knew. Though yeah, it could just as easily mean "don't you feel bad that she is getting bullied because of stupid rumors."

So many anime imoutos want onii-san's D. This is a messed up new trend forming way too often.

At least in this anime the girl has to rely on some pretty shady dark magic to get her dream to come true.
Puchim@s 25-30




Oh, yeah. Something I forgot to mention the last time. Superior long hair Azusa in Puchim@s, so that's good.


Akuma no Riddle Episode 8:

Oh good, finally they break from formula
in the sense that this is a two parter and finally we have some logical progression here as it turns out that two of the assassins have teamed up to take the duo down. As such I can actually get a little invested in this escapade knowing that failure isn't right at the end of the episode and assassin of the week is just going to up and disappear on me.
Sailor Moon (Uncut) - 03

Before Persona 4 and the Midnight Channel, there was Sailor Moon and Midnight Zero!

Overal this one was much better than the last episode. This one had explosions! Also, I'm convinced that Tuxedo Mask's role is just to troll the hell out of Sailor Moon. I hope we get to see more of that new item, too.


Not that I've seen Smile specifically yet, but I think the answer to this question is generally "when the show starts spoiling the hell out of the movie in its OP".

Ah, I getcha, kinda like with Happiness Charge Precure advertising New Stage 3, and I'm pretty sure I remember DX2 being advertised during the early eps of Heartcatch.

Thank you kindly.


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders Episode 8:

Lawsuits are such a tragic events, but I am not going to fault the subbers here as much as I am Aramaki for being so uncreative with his naming references. Anyway, a much better fight then last week, though Polnarff is not the brightest one of the group.
Really, the especially creepy doll didn't raise on bit of suspicion from you?
Also, this was a return to form in actually battle tactics since Polnarff had to get creative in order to win and that is what I really like about Jojo, it isn't just a game of one-upmanship through brute force. At any rate, looks like next week is going to add some intrigue to the mix.
Sailor Moon Sub 2

Man what is up with Tuxedo Mask?

*throws a rose to stall for time*

"Don't give up Sailor Moon"


Why not stick around and help her defeat the monster you fool?

Also now that I'm older I notice how lazy they get at times with the animation recycling, seriously like the whole seen with Beryl and Jadeite were completely recycled from episode 1. I don't mind sentai series recycling the transformation sequence because while it's lazy it gets me hyped for the fight, but recycling the villains doing the same

"we need more energy"
'dont worry my queen I'll get you that energy'
'yes good job my minion collect all that energy'
'my minion you failed'

Oh and throw me on #teamusagisucks
Sailor Moon (Uncut) - 04

The ultimate disguise: tinted-pink shades! Also, don't fuck with Luna.

This was a fun one. I liked how basically everyone and everything was out to get Usagi in this episode. And that little brunette is adorable. I hope she comes back in future episodes.
Black bullet - 05

Well i can see the harem now ..At least this cast seem quite fun to watch so it's alright.

I expected something else than a crying loli and i got .... a sleeping loli ??
ok ... why not ?
I can already see this to be a tragic turn of events.

Now THAT's trolling

But all things considered this turn of events isn't that bad

We should tell the vilain of this arc that doing a NOBUNAGA when your name isn't NOBUNAGA , is a cause for failure ..... but i'll first see the next episode.


I missed Kindaichi's original ending, that soft tone and subtle foreshadowing approach with its masterful direction that was directly contrast with the gritty realism of murder cases. The opening few seconds with the little girl in the background keeping her balance while crossing from one rock to another was adorable.

Futari - 2 Person

My era is long over!


...It's gonna be a painful wait for those Sailor Moon releases with the new dub, but I'll manage. Somebody's got to watch it, and I'll do it.

...Assuming money permits, of course.
Black bullet - 06

This episode was so entertaining i forgot to take screenshots!

And just when a was going to be tired of a sleeping loli , i got a sleeping eating loli !!

This anime doesn't disapoint.

Why do we americans live in an unfair world, the France Sekaiichi Hatsukoi set is amazing.
Well judging by my local manga shop yaoi section size , i'd say that we in france have a market for this.
Wanna , come in france DTL ?
Gundam SEED - 14

I really dug how realistic the back story of Coordinators felt. It started off with a man who did impossible things and confessed that his genes were genetically altered. Something like that of course splits the world apart, with many conflicts going on between people's beliefs with this new human advancement. Protests, mass shootings, assassinations, and all that becomes more common. All creating the disturbing sense of this scenario being something that feels like it could actually happen, rather than some crazy fantasy.

How is it possible for Flay to become more and more unlikable with every passing second? I mean wow, she dumped her boyfriend just because "it was only a verbal agreement". UGGGGGHHHH.

Oh wow at the crying scene in this episode. The director must have picked up on how the crying from episode 10 sounded like a dying horse underwater. So I guess he asked Kira's VA to make it sound like he's about to cry but restrain himself.

It's not as bad as it was in episode 10, but it's still pretty dang obnoxious. I wonder if the dub handled these emotional scenes better.


Date A Live II 07

Kurumi was never my favorite girl - taking just the first season into account, it was either Tohka or Origami, though now that Kaguya's on the scene, the Mayayan factor is too much to ignore, and she is now and forever my favorite. Kurumi is fun to watch, though, and the old "enemy of my enemy" thing applies in this particular instance. It wasn't so much losing that set Miku off as it was the badly-timed dong reveal. It may not have been the garden for these past few episodes, but it was a pretty good illusion of one. And things have more or less erupted into a spirit war. One that will be ending in three more episodes, but that's one way to take this season out with a bang.
Gundam SEED - 14

I really dug how realistic the back story of Coordinators felt. It started off with a man who did impossible things and confessed that his genes were genetically altered. Something like that of course splits the world apart, with many conflicts going on between people's beliefs with this new human advancement. Protests, mass shootings, assassinations, and all that becomes more common. All creating the disturbing sense of this scenario being something that feels like it could actually happen, rather than some crazy fantasy.
Yeha that part ion The backstory is something that really pushed both arguments into their direction , from naturals and coordinator up to the point of bloody valentine.
Make the whole conflict even more intresting to watch.

How is it possible for Flay to become more and more unlikable with every passing second? I mean wow, she dumped her boyfriend just because "it was only a verbal agreement". UGGGGGHHHH.
Flay character is something else. I really dislike her , but at least ...after ep 2 , she didn't hesitate to tell everyone around what she wanted to .Honnest flay is Best flay , she is certainly the best bitch-like character in mecha anime.
Oh wow at the crying scene in this episode. The director must have picked up on how the crying from episode 10 sounded like a dying horse underwater. So I guess he asked Kira's VA to make it sound like he's about to cry but restrain himself.

It's not as bad as it was in episode 10, but it's still pretty dang obnoxious. I wonder if the dub handled these emotional scenes better.

It's just the VA that doesn't know how to do crying ...
Seriously, it should be physically impossible to dislike moment - vivian or kazuma...and many of the visuals are good, second best op.

Moment is great

Eh, Invoke just got me more pumped up for some mecha action. Moment doesn't really do that for me.

I'll probably get used to it as time goes on, but right after Invoke? Not an immediate fan.

At least the great ED is still the same.
Sailor Moon 3

Best episode so far, though Sailor Moon needs more moves in battle, having her just throw her tiara to beat each monster of the week is going to get old fast. I get why they can't have her DBZ fighting in that skirt but come on give her something else to do besides run away for 30 seconds -> bail out by Tuxedo Mask rose -> moon tiara OHKO.
Just watched the first season of Moyashimon: Tales of Agriculture. That show started weird and got even weirder as it went on. I still kinda like it, can't imagine where it'll go from here on out. Hell, for the first few episodes I thought Yuki was supposed to be the main character.

edit - Apparently they did a live-action adaptation of this show, I kinda want to see that.
Black bullet - 07
You cannot know how happy i was when that douchebag got shot...
You don't hurt my loli like that for no reason

Is it the only other anime other than INDEX where punching and hitting lolis is allowed ??

Still i must say : A loli assasin that
is too afraid to kill someone directly is kinda no good....but i guess that was the best way to make aher a party member.


Riddle Story of Devil 08

The typhoon, mother nature's plot device. Perfect for trapping people in places and opening them up to everything from romantic hijinks (Nisekoi) to murder attempts. That the lady in that room was ignoring Nio makes me curious. Nio's had a big role and been sort of a mediator of things, the kind of person being saved for last. Yet if she's being ignored, what exactly is going on? And what's the "queen bee" that Haru or Tokaku could potentially become? Haru can't defend herself, but now that she's faced with a situation where she has to, perhaps there's more to her than we've been led to believe. She did dive into the pool courageously only last week. And Tokaku was never really fit for the game at all - she's much the same as Black Bullet's Tina. It's tough to kill another person.
Sailor Moon 4

Oh snap she actually punched a dude, and then kicked another

Other then that this episode made me shake my head "lets manipulate on a girls desire to be in shape to steal her energy" lol I can't believe someone actually wrote that


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders 8


That was a great episode. The naming stuff is dumb but it doesn't really affect my enjoyment of it, at least we don't have to deal with "Eiffel". There were some really nice animation cuts this episode, and when the music kicked in
after Polnareff got the upper hand
, it made for a really exciting moment. I wonder if that's Polnareff's theme, because it's a great track. The added scenes with Jotaro and Kakyoin were okay, a nice break in the tension.
Polnareff getting locked up was a pretty funny addition
, I don't think there was any mention of that in the manga. Can't wait for next week, one of my favourite battles.
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