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Spring Anime 2012 II | Welcome Home Eureka

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Tasogare Otome x Amnesia 6


Yeah, we've crossed the line. Not only this is a full-on SHAFT show now, but it's also been established as a great show. While Sankarea fell from grace after the third episode (I'm still enjoying it, though), this show has gotten increasingly better week after week. Quite the surprise, specially after that terrible debut..

So I am told, every week. I was going to go and catch-up with the show but then I realised that I might and well save it for summer. I mean, it's not like I will be watching much that season.
I tried watching the first episode of FujikoLupin last night and kinda sorta fell asleep. Admittedly, I was pretty tired but still!

So it's like Angel's Egg and FMA: The Star of Milos?


I think it helps that the mystery they solve is more than 'why was that window open?'

I think even such a mystery could be more interesting if it presented multiple viewpoints and just had a back and forth flow to the entire thing. It shows that other characters are invested in the curiosity, and have something to add, rather than it being the "Houtaro says shit to keep Chitanda off his back" show.


Setec Astronomer
Bodacious is a terrible English corruption of the original Japanese モーレツ that completely destroys the intricate nuance in the original term. This is what happens when we entrust sacred Japanese works like モーレツ宇宙海賊 to 外人 that don't know shit about the beautiful 日本語 language.
ミニスカ was still better.


I think even such a mystery could be more interesting if it presented multiple viewpoints and just had a back and forth flow to the entire thing. It shows that other characters are invested in the curiosity, and have something to add, rather than it being the "Houtaro says shit to keep Chitanda off his back" show.

Well, it also means that other characters can serve a role beyond simply being bystanders to the overwhelming deductive power of Houtaro., who was even called out on his dullness during the course of the episode.
[in reference to AKB0048]i can't get enough of it

And neither can the rest of GAF!


Shining Hearts 05

Next week is suddenly plot!

No "Rick's Bread"?

Impressions invalidated!


AKB 0048 02
I was laughing at the first episode, how wrong I was. This is amazing. Kawamori delivers in the most unexpected of ways.

Puella Magi Madoka Magika 01
The show doesn't really deviate from normal Mahou Shoujo fare so far but it seems promising.
Except this whole Kyubei deal


Maturity, bitches.
AKB00000000000000000000000000048 Episode 3

Spoiler: If they don't have hearts in their hair they don't pass.


Puella Magi Madoka Magika 01
The show doesn't really deviate from normal Mahou Shoujo fare so far but it seems promising.
Except this whole Kyubei deal
This is the kind of posts that will lead to a bunch of people saying 'just wait for episode X', which is, in itself, a spoiler. When people were watching it as it came out they had the benefit of genuine surprise, which I don't think any other generation of Madoka viewer has been allowed to have, sadly.
Darker Than Black OVA FIN
I finished this last night, but passed out right after. Had to rewatch it since it ended up going right off the rails and into crazy town.

I really liked how each episode started with a dream sequence with the third and fourth providing alternate perspectives of their preceding episode's last moments.
I found this gem because I didn't bother turning off the subtitles after capturing the first image in this post. I think it's safe to say that watching DtB dubbed was the right choice.

The infiltration scene was all kinds of badass. The mask making a triumphant return, crazy wallbreaking dude that everyone's seen gifs of, Commando Chick blowing shit up(did they not name her or did I miss it?) -- all of it was great.

Then it dives head first into wat territory. But that's okay, because afterwards they introduce the glory that is Hobo Hei.

There's a metric fuckload of things I could nitpick about this OVA, but I enjoyed it quite a bit and that's good enough for me. My body is ready for season two. After work, I'll finally be able to take the plunge.


Natsuiro Kiseki 5+6: I want to see a flying whale when I'm sick instead of just feeling terrible. The only thing of note is that this why the girls became friends in the first place and that Yuka/Rin exchanged hairstyles from when they were kids and now. I guess there's some yuri tones and such but meh. Mostly a boring episode though but I do like the insert song in the middle. Dat Toyosaki.

They did prelude episode 6's bodyswapping premise in the end of 5 and here it was. A slightly more amusing venture but still sort of dull. I was honestly more interested in Yuka's Hanasaku Iroha side of her life. Throw in her friends once in awhile and bam Hanasaku Kiseki.

Poor Rin though. The art consistency in this show hits her the worst I think with her bushy hair. The beginning of episode five was also a visual bleh. I do like that everybody gets different outfits and Yuka keeps changing hairstyles though.

Saki A 6:

Mahjong tiles that shoot lasers. Is there a Mahjong Gundam yet?

I think the only thing left for me hold out for in this current game is Shizuko's set. The taisho must get more screen time. Right?! There wasn't much play again this episode but results did occur. Yuu in the first half and Ako in the second. Not very involved but not much time was wasted either (barring that 20 second reaction pan that began and ended on the same point).

I like that Yuu's power pertained to all tiles with red rather than just man and chun tiles. That makes it a lot more versatile. Take that Senriyama. Damn 1% mahjong clubs with their ipad2s to study match data. Not enough scarf blown swag though. Her back story though, man dat scarf bullying. Solune would not approve.

So Ako is pretty godlike apparently as the best on the Achiga team. Plays in a smart and experienced way. Very Nodoka like. Other than that she doesn't have any special defining mahjong features. I do like her confidence though.

Next time it's up to Arata (gosh can't even say that without :firehawk) to pick up the points. About half way through this series and there's only been one lengthy round of team play. I wonder if they can fit in another game after the top two teams qualify here?

Accel World 6:

......fighting games
Almost entirely a set up episode with not much going on. Haru, Chiyu, Taku making up, Haru leveling up, Snow Black doing her hair, Taku's shady doings behind the scene while quitting the kendo team... yeah pretty standard fair here. The only thing I wanted to see was what Haru picked for his level up bonus but even that didn't occur here. Haru did look a lot like cartman during that diner scene, even more so than usual. This new level 1 bouncer better having something going on next episode.

Only one dose of Mintjam guitar and while it was cool it only lasted a little while during that time out match. I did like the peppy track during Snow Black's ponytail scene though.


Darker Than Black OVA FIN
I finished this last night, but passed out right after. Had to rewatch it since it ended up going right off the rails and into crazy town.

I really liked how each episode started with a dream sequence with the third and fourth providing alternate perspectives of their preceding episode's last moments.

I found this gem because I didn't bother turning off the subtitles after capturing the first image in this post. I think it's safe to say that watching DtB dubbed was the right choice.

The infiltration scene was all kinds of badass. The mask making a triumphant return, crazy wallbreaking dude that everyone's seen gifs of, Commando Chick blowing shit up(did they not name her or did I miss it?) -- all of it was great.

Then it dives head first into wat territory. But that's okay, because afterwards they introduce the glory that is Hobo Hei.

There's a metric fuckload of things I could nitpick about this OVA, but I enjoyed it quite a bit and that's good enough for me. My body is ready for season two. After work, I'll finally be able to take the plunge.

You poor bastard.


This is the kind of posts that will lead to a bunch of people saying 'just wait for episode X', which is, in itself, a spoiler. When people were watching it as it came out they had the benefit of genuine surprise, which I don't think any other generation of Madoka viewer has been allowed to have, sadly.
Yeah, kinda annoying, I already know what will happen roughly really. Should have listened to Ofx360 who told me to watch it last year when it was airing. But I was too busy then! This is the burden of the late watcher.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Darker Than Black OVA FIN.

Then it dives head first into wat territory. But that's okay, because afterwards they introduce the glory that is Hobo Hei.

There's a metric fuckload of things I could nitpick about this OVA, but I enjoyed it quite a bit and that's good enough for me. My body is ready for season two. After work, I'll finally be able to take the plunge.

Like Hobo Hei you should have a good amount of alochol (only if you're of legal drinking age of course) on hand while you slosh through the second season.


The Light of El Cantare
This is the kind of posts that will lead to a bunch of people saying 'just wait for episode X', which is, in itself, a spoiler. When people were watching it as it came out they had the benefit of genuine surprise, which I don't think any other generation of Madoka viewer has been allowed to have, sadly.

I followed Madoka weekly as it aired and I still ended up spoiled on the episode between the time that it aired and the time that I was able to watch it, without even actively seeking discussion on the show :|


Living in the shadow of Amaz
This is the kind of posts that will lead to a bunch of people saying 'just wait for episode X', which is, in itself, a spoiler. When people were watching it as it came out they had the benefit of genuine surprise, which I don't think any other generation of Madoka viewer has been allowed to have, sadly.

I actually watched it earlier this year for the first time and
episode 3 freaking blew my mind
. I had never read anything about the series, too... So I guess that helped.


Only thing surprising in Madoka
episode 3
was how it happened rather than what.
I expected Mammies to kick it but I didn't see the chomp coming. It was funny.
Mushi-shi is definitely a nice change of pace compared to everything else I have been watching in my backlog. I picked this up along with Chobits, so I hope to finish the Mushi-shi sub in the coming days so I can start Chobits.

I am only six episodes in, but I have watched Mushi-shi a few months ago on Hulu. Even with the somewhat episodic nature of this series, the story as a whole is quite compelling.
Accel World 6:

Almost entirely a set up episode with not much going on. Haru, Chiyu, Taku making up, Haru leveling up, Snow Black doing her hair, Taku's shady doings behind the scene while quitting the kendo team... yeah pretty standard fair here. The only thing I wanted to see was what Haru picked for his level up bonus but even that didn't occur here. Haru did look a lot like cartman during that diner scene, even more so than usual. This new level 1 bouncer better having something going on next episode.

Only one dose of Mintjam guitar and while it was cool it only lasted a little while during that time out match. I did like the peppy track during Snow Black's ponytail scene though.

Chiyu feels like so a waste in the cast, I cant think of anything shes added more than making both Haru and Taku feeling bad. Also thats an odd level up schema, cant recall playing any game where it was setup like that.
Mushi-shi is definitely a nice change of pace compared to everything else I have been watching in my backlog. I picked this up along with Chobits, so I hope to finish the Mushi-shi sub in the coming days so I can start Chobits.

I am only six episodes in, but I have watched Mushi-shi a few months ago on Hulu. Even with the somewhat episodic nature of this series, the story as a whole is quite compelling.

Excellent choice. Mushi-shi is one of the most beautiful and moving shows I've ever seen and the way it can capture some aspect of the human condition and tell a uniquely beautiful story in a single episode's run time is masterful.
Hyouka 04

Oh boy, it's a mystery!
Still another very pretty episode. I liked the mystery that was going on, that we got different views on what might have happened and of course the one truth getting revealed at the end. I'm glad they actually changed locations so we could look at more than just the table, so more pretty things to look at.


Mushi-shi is definitely a nice change of pace compared to everything else I have been watching in my backlog. I picked this up along with Chobits, so I hope to finish the Mushi-shi sub in the coming days so I can start Chobits.

You're making Hitokage cry.


Hyouka 4

Many will still find this boring, but for me it's very relaxing and chill. Having a shower and then watching this with some green tea is unwinding as fuck!


Subete no aware
He is too sexy
That seems to be like most superstar athletes though. :p


Next time it's up to Arata (gosh can't even say that without :firehawk) to pick up the points. About half way through this series and there's only been one lengthy round of team play. I wonder if they can fit in another game after the top two teams qualify here?
That seems to be where they have to stop, with a cliffhanger ending that sets up a meeting between Kiyosumi and Achiga (and
Saki's sister

Kimi to Boku:

The fact that they drew the cover makes me assume that it's a real book... but what is it?

Also, finally,
he's out of the friendzone


Darker Than Black OVA FIN

There's a metric fuckload of things I could nitpick about this OVA, but I enjoyed it quite a bit and that's good enough for me. My body is ready for season two. After work, I'll finally be able to take the plunge.

I honestly, truly, recommend that you simply watch the fight scenes on youtube or something. For all the joking that goes around in this thread about Darker than Black Season 2 it's not just a bad sequel to the original show, it's a bad show period that isn't worthy of your attention.

I couldn't really describe a change to the Darker than Black formula than 'replace Hei with a thirteen year-old girl' but they really did it and it worked about as well as you'd imagine.


[Fate/Zero] - 19

This is the episode that (truly) confirms that Kuritsugu is not a bad-ass, or a hero or some kind of Duke Togo-esque anti-hero. He is simply a man who must do what we needs to be done, given the circumstances.

I do wish we could spend more time with his backstory because he seems like more interesting than certain other characters, but Fate/Zero is supposed to be an ensemble story. Sadly.


akb0048 - 03

Seems like AKB0048 is running a huge fucking scam on these girls. Essentially build your own private military (that you don't pay) on the aspirations of farmgirls and factory peasants who don't know any better. I just find the whole thing shady as fuck. They come and go under the guise of spreading entertainment but I'm sure, to finance their operations, they're doing some Iran-Contra shit under the table or maybe selling the girls who can't pass the selection test into interplanetary sexual slavery. I wouldn't be surprised if AKB0048 turned out to be a future pop-idol version of Blackwater.


What's wrong with him anyway? lol

My opinion against him is skewered because:

a) I'm A Liverpool fan
b) I'm English

For starters the bugger was an A class diver, all the ballerina judges would give him 10's everytime, despite having the talent to tear up teams if he stayed on his feet.

And it was either a World Cup or a Euro of yesteryear where he got Wayne Rooney sent off and winked at the whole England nation the subs bench , of course England got knocked out of the competition in that very match.

Not quite Maradonna's level of dickery, but he's up there.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
I honestly, truly, recommend that you simply listen to the superior OST on youtube or something. For all the joking that goes around in this thread about Darker than Black Season 2 it's not just a bad sequel to the original show, it's a bad show period that isn't worthy of your attention.

I couldn't really describe a change to the Darker than Black formula than 'replace Hei with a thirteen year-old girl' but they really did it and it worked about as well as you'd imagine.

Yeah what Jexhius said. S2 is not a very good show.


I couldn't really describe a change to the Darker than Black formula than 'replace Hei with a thirteen year-old girl' but they really did it and it worked about as well as you'd imagine.

I don't even think that kind of explanation could prepare you for the shift into the magical girl genre.


[Emma Season One] - 11

The director of this show made some...unfortunate choices when it came to things like 'cinematography'. Usually a director will aim to use the visual language of film not just to tell a story but to engender some kind of emotional response from the viewers. This is what most films and shows attempt to do, unless you're trying to convey factual information to the audience.

This episode of the show, like certain previous outings, feel almost like they didn't even bother to think about how to create mood and tone. The camera was largely static throughout the whole thing, making everything feel very 'flat'. It doesn't help that the slow editing makes various scenes feel rather lifeless. It shouldn't just be the script and the performances of the main cast which carry a stories weight, it needs to be done through the visuals as well. A failure to understand that is perhaps the worst failure in film-making.

I do actually like to watch the show, so I just wish they could remember to actually do something with the camera from time to time.


[Fate/Zero] - 19

This is the episode that (truly) confirms that Kuritsugu is not a bad-ass, or a hero or some kind of Duke Togo-esque anti-hero. He is simply a man who must do what we needs to be done, given the circumstances.

I do wish we could spend more time with his backstory because he seems like more interesting than certain other characters, but Fate/Zero is supposed to be an ensemble story. Sadly.

Here's how they should cash in on Fate/Zero when it is all said and done:

Fate/Justice - 26-part original TV series about Kiritsugu's adventures in the 10 years or so leading up to Fate/Zero. Features Kiritsugu on various episodic missions, sometimes with Maiya, sometimes alone. Serious and bleak, but with various plot twists and tons of action along the way. The series should tie into the start of Fate/Zero by the final episode, and is meant to directly appeal to fans of Fate/Zero.

Fate/Conqueror - 13-part comedy/drama series featuring Rider and Waver's adventures in shopping and chilling around in the house, mixed with serious flashbacks of Rider's past life. Every episode is built around a hilarious situation which Waver finds himself in, and only Rider's experience as King of Conquerors can help him out of it. In the end of each episode they both summarize the lessons learned to the audience.

Fate/Talk - 6-part hour long OVAs featuring Gilgamesh and Kirei sitting around drinking wine and having long conversations about various topics. This unorthodox series is targeted at adult men and obsessed fangirls. Each installment will cover a range of diverse topics ranging from film, culture, music, politics (from the 90s and before), etc. Gilgamesh will critique these topics while Kirei describes them in matter-of-fact ways. Each topic is paired with a specific wine, which is also part of the critique.


Fate/Conqueror - 13-part comedy/drama series featuring Rider and Waver's adventures in shopping and chilling around in the house, mixed with serious flashbacks of Rider's past life. Every episode is built around a hilarious situation which Waver finds himself in, and only Rider's experience as King of Conquerors can help him out of it. In the end of each episode they both summarize the lessons learned to the audience.
Can we get each episode filmed before a live studio audience? Oh, but then who would be the wacky neighbor character who gets the "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" cheer whenever they enter the scene?
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