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Square-Enix Registers FinalFantasyXIII-3.com... [2 Year Schedule Note]

BlueTsunami said:
No, it means they're conceding to this self-made fact and giving us sequels to an awful game just to reuse assets. 2 year dev cycle isn't that hard when all you've got to do is a pallet swap and hem Vannille's outfit (which is already edging the line of effort). They should just rename the series Final Purgatory.
Companies re-use assets all the time in order to deal with game development. Why shouldn't Square do this? And the game itself looks like there is much effort put into to improve upon XIII. It means they are trying to fix their development processes.

And XIII isn't an awful game.
What the--!? Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? Who keeps asking for these sequels!???!?!?!?!?! Is there some underground FFXIII fan club I'm not aware of?

Or are they just making up the "fan demand" part? Cause even with the people that liked XIII, I've never heard anyone say they want a sequel. ESpecially since XIII-2 ain't out yet!


duckroll said:
13 days, 13 chapters, there're various symbolism using the number 13 throughout the game.

If you look really, really closely at the clock in the schoolroom in Oerba, you'll see that Pulsians have a 13-hour (or 26-hour, etc.) day!


vicissitudes said:
Right, because there are other companies out there thinking about making a game called Final Fantasy XIII-3.
Anybody can buy a domain. Check what domain squatting means, it's usually done with an intention to make some money. Companies usually register a lot of domains to prevent this from happening. Eg. Activision registered Space Warfare, Future Warfare, etc.

LegendOfGood said:
So there's no chance that they're just rebranding Versus XIII as XIII-3?
Versus has a completely different story and isn't related to FFXIII, so why would they do that? It has more chances of becoming FFXV.


Paracelsus said:
*points finger at people*

You made this possibile, it's your fault.
I'm glad me purchasing FFXIII and liking it made it possible to have not just one assured sequel, which I wanted, but a possible third as well, which I didn't know I wanted... yet!
As long as Lightning is in it and she's as cool as she's been before, I'll be there to support them!


Megidolaon said:
What the--!? Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? Who keeps asking for these sequels!???!?!?!?!?! Is there some underground FFXIII fan club I'm not aware of?

Yes, I'm the leader. we have 1.3 million members.

Robot Pants

24FrameDaVinci said:

On a more serious note, who knows, maybe XIII-2 and XIII-3 will be great RPG's.



I have defended Square Enix, but this is just taking the piss. Why would they have 3 games to the weakest FF game in Ages.

Might as well do IX-2 or XII-2. I don't get Square Enix sometimes (translateor not: most of the time)


StoppedInTracks said:
Because, so far, FF13-2 fixes everything that was wrong with 13?

So you get 13's amazing graphics, soundtrack, battle system minus 13's shitty corridors and linearity?

Don't know WTF they are planning for 13-3, though.

FFXIII's flaws wasn't just corridors - it needed to dramatically increase the ability to control your teammates in battle, at least provide the option to that effect. Computer A.I. frequently made idiotic decisions in the first game. It had just a true sub-fanfiction level story in the last game, so the storytelling needs to be markedly improved. It needed a much better weapon upgrade system, the current one is just terrible. And then they needed to get rid of corridor design... are we sure this game gets rid of it? I know it has HD Towns at least ;)


Amir0x said:
FFXIII's flaws wasn't just corridors - it needed to dramatically increase the ability to control your teammates in battle, at least provide the option to that effect. Computer A.I. frequently made idiotic decisions in the first game. It had just a true sub-fanfiction level story in the last game, so the storytelling needs to be markedly improved. It needed a much better weapon upgrade system, the current one is just terrible. And then they needed to get rid of corridor design... are we sure this game gets rid of it? I know it has HD Towns at least ;)

Maybe for you. Personally I would say that AI control in the FFXIII battle system didn't bother me one bit at all, and it is probably one of the last things I would think about changing if I was keeping the same battle system. The biggest problem was definitely the level design, and the way the narrative was structured. The actual story, I didn't really mind much at all, until it started falling apart towards the end, like FFVIII. I don't really expect a huge improvement in that front honestly, I just hope the characters I run into are more interesting, since FFXIII had a serious lack of interesting villains and non-player characters.

Also, I don't think the game actually has "HD towns". It simply has more non-combat areas where there are NPCs to talk to. FFXIII already had HD towns, it's just that they served the same purpose as dungeons, since you rarely had any time in the game to actually interact with people or and downtime from non-combat areas. FFXIII-2 fixes this, but it's a pacing issue, not a town issue. I highly doubt there will be real town and city areas where you explore a big non-combat area populated by a real community. I'll say refugee camps and people hanging around areas which are being rebuilt is much more likely.

Different strokes for different folks I guess.


duckroll said:
Maybe for you. Personally I would say that AI control in the FFXIII battle system didn't bother me one bit at all, and it is probably one of the last things I would think about changing if I was keeping the same battle system. The biggest problem was definitely the level design, and the way the narrative was structured. The actual story, I didn't really mind much at all, until it started falling apart towards the end, like FFVIII. I don't really expect a huge improvement in that front honestly, I just hope the characters I run into are more interesting, since FFXIII had a serious lack of interesting villains and non-player characters.

It is implied that anything from my comments is automatically "maybe for [me]", so the exposition to that effect was unnecessary. My team frequently made idiotic A.I. decisions, failing to capture the necessary nuance that any good self-respecting A.I. has - particularly in regards to buffing/de-buffing. Now maybe it's "good enough" for some people - obviously - but I definitely don't think settling does anything for the quality of the game. It's rough and could do with some improvements, no question about it, and incidentally including the option to not have to rely on the shit-ass A.I. wouldn't impact you or anyone else whatsoever. Options are good. Less options are bad.

duckroll said:
Also, I don't think the game actually has "HD towns". It simply has more non-combat areas where there are NPCs to talk to. FFXIII already had HD towns, it's just that they served the same purpose as dungeons, since you rarely had any time in the game to actually interact with people or and downtime from non-combat areas. FFXIII-2 fixes this, but it's a pacing issue, not a town issue. I highly doubt there will be real town and city areas where you explore a big non-combat area populated by a real community. I'll say refugee camps and people hanging around areas which are being rebuilt is much more likely.

I don't agree that it isn't a town issue. I mean, I don't know about FFXIII-2's town thing, although I was almost certain I read an article (in GameInformer?) that said towns would be making a real appearance this time. Not the town "skins" that were in FFXIII, but actual towns.

By towns, I mean a location with many different buildings to enter, with shops to buy from, with secrets and maybe little treasure boxes to find in off areas. People to talk to that maybe give out sidequests. A town town. Final Fantasy RPGs feel desolate without some of these. They also give context to your quest, a sort of "what are you fighting for" undercurrent.

You'd know better than me as to its existence in FFXIII-2, however, since the only American article I've read on the subject has been GameInformer and they're GameInformer.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Can't see how Versus will keep a 13 title now if theres 3 games in the 'normal' 13. DQX is an MMO fer christ's sake, no more shame in FF XV being an action rpg.


Mama Robotnik said:
The sequel to the sequel that no one wanted?


XIII was a TERRIBLE game IMO. Certainly not sequel worthy. I have almost no hype for XIII-2 because of how bad the first one was.

Ugh. Square, how you've changed.... How you have changed...

Lazy Jones said:
Nice, FF13 was the only good Final Fantasy since FF6.

Seriously? Out of the FIVE games released (not counting XI) after VI, you didn't like ANY of them?


Amir0x said:
It is implied that anything from my comments is automatically "maybe for [me]", so the exposition to that effect was unnecessary. My team frequently made idiotic A.I. decisions, failing to capture the necessary nuance that any good self-respecting A.I. has - particularly in regards to buffing/de-buffing. Now maybe it's "good enough" for some people - obviously - but I definitely don't think settling does anything for the quality of the game. It's rough and could do with some improvements, no question about it, and incidentally including the option to not have to rely on the shit-ass A.I. wouldn't impact you or anyone else whatsoever. Options are good. Less options are bad.

Oh I don't disagree, more options is good, especially if other players have an issue for it. I didn't mean it in a sense that your complaint is not valid, but simply that not everyone sees it as a flaw so it's probably pretty low on a list of to-fix, compared to other more pressing issues. Ultimately, FFXIII-2 was never going to fix every problem for every player to begin with. That would require making a completely different game and would have been better off as a new IP. As it is, the sequel will target those who enjoyed the original game more first, rather than those who didn't enjoy the game much at all. So what the game changes and fixes will probably be slanted towards the feedback to those who had positive experiences with the game.

I don't agree that it isn't a town issue. I mean, I don't know about FFXIII-2's town thing, although I was almost certain I read an article (in GameInformer?) that said towns would be making a real appearance this time. Not the town "skins" that were in FFXIII, but actual towns.

By towns, I mean a location with many different buildings to enter, with shops to buy from, with secrets and maybe little treasure boxes to find in off areas. People to talk to that maybe give out sidequests. A town town. Final Fantasy RPGs feel desolate without some of these. They also give context to your quest, a sort of "what are you fighting for" undercurrent.

You'd know better than me as to its existence in FFXIII-2, however, since the only American article I've read on the subject has been GameInformer and they're GameInformer.

When I said that it isn't a town issue, I don't mean that not having a towns is a good thing. I meant that what FFXIII-2 is fixing is the pace and flow of the game, rather than adding what you think of as towns to the game directly.

We've both been playing RPGs for ages, so I think you know that I have a pretty good idea of what you mean when you talk about RPG towns. You're thinking of something like FFXII or Xenoblade, where there are big sizable areas which are specifically community based locations, with NPCs inhabiting the area and offering shops, going by their daily lives shopping/playing/talking/etc, and basically the feeling that this is a location where people live in and populate. Locations like the Citadel in Mass Effect, and Detroit in Deus Ex HR.

I do not believe that FFXIII-2 has towns like this. Based on all the media I've seen, and all the interviews I've read about the game, it is much more likely that they will simply be populating transitional areas between combat zones with NPCs and shops, so there's a feeling that the world is more alive, and there are people other than the player characters who are hanging around areas.

Think of locations like Snow's flashback in FFXIII, and the Nautilus resort, and also imagine if Vanille's old town on Pulse was populated by people walking around. That's probably a more reasonable expectation of what will be "towns" in FFXIII-2. I could be wrong, and there could be entire cities which are exactly like towns in previous FF games, but since we have seen nothing like that whatsoever, and the developers have specifically downplayed expectations on that aspect in at least one interview, and the game is 3 months away, I don't think that's something that I would expect.



Oh well, don't really care, anyways. I haven't truly enjoyed a mainline FF since X.

SE needs to show me they are willing to go back to a combat system I would enjoy playing. And since it appears we will see new FF's put out every two years, I doubt that will never happen now as we won't ever see a XV (or beyond).


prowler_ said:
FFXIII-3 to have badass Hope please.
Yeah, maybe they can kill him off, and then Raiden-ize him ala MGS4. I'd appreciate him alot more.

Or just make him less whiny. whatever is quicker?


duckroll said:
Oh I don't disagree, more options is good, especially if other players have an issue for it. I didn't mean it in a sense that your complaint is not valid, but simply that not everyone sees it as a flaw so it's probably pretty low on a list of to-fix, compared to other more pressing issues. Ultimately, FFXIII-2 was never going to fix every problem for every player to begin with. That would require making a completely different game and would have been better off as a new IP. As it is, the sequel will target those who enjoyed the original game more first, rather than those who didn't enjoy the game much at all. So what the game changes and fixes will probably be slanted towards the feedback to those who had positive experiences with the game.

Wouldn't that limit the potential audience? I mean, I don't know how it was received in Japan, but it had some pretty major and consistent complaints across Western reviews. Which feedback are they deciding to listen to?

They are going more 'open-ended' (this is going to have more than one ending?), so it would seem they're listening to the obvious #1 complaint if I am understanding you correctly. But I wonder if they see the town thing as a big issue (since they've commented on it in the past, so they know it's out there) and the next biggest issue I read about was the way the game wrestled meaningful control away from the player and into the [not always reliable] A.I.

duckroll said:
When I said that it isn't a town issue, I don't mean that not having a towns is a good thing. I meant that what FFXIII-2 is fixing is the pace and flow of the game, rather than adding what you think of as towns to the game directly.

Does that mean we'll have Pulse-like areas scattered throughout the title instead of one big chapter near the second half? What have they said they're doing to address the pacing issues? Hunts are returning, right?

duckroll said:
We've both been playing RPGs for ages, so I think you know that I have a pretty good idea of what you mean when you talk about RPG towns. You're thinking of something like FFXII or Xenoblade, where there are big sizable areas which are specifically community based locations, with NPCs inhabiting the area and offering shops, going by their daily lives shopping/playing/talking/etc, and basically the feeling that this is a location where people live in and populate. Locations like the Citadel in Mass Effect, and Detroit in Deus Ex HR.

I can't think of anything about Xenoblade since I never played it and unfortunately it's sold out everywhere there are imports unless I'm missing some website :(

Also Detroit is definitely more fully fleshed out than I'd actually expect from a FF town (although from Radiata Stories, I'd love another town as fleshed out as that) I'd settle for a town like Narshe from FFVI or some such thing.

duckroll said:
I do not believe that FFXIII-2 has towns like this. Based on all the media I've seen, and all the interviews I've read about the game, it is much more likely that they will simply be populating transitional areas between combat zones with NPCs and shops, so there's a feeling that the world is more alive, and there are people other than the player characters who are hanging around areas.

Think of locations like Snow's flashback in FFXIII, and the Nautilus resort, and also imagine if Vanille's old town on Pulse was populated by people walking around. That's probably a more reasonable expectation of what will be "towns" in FFXIII-2. I could be wrong, and there could be entire cities which are exactly like towns in previous FF games, but since we have seen nothing like that whatsoever, and the developers have specifically downplayed expectations on that aspect in at least one interview, and the game is 3 months away, I don't think that's something that I would expect.[

Ah ok. Well, that might at least suit the illusion well enough. My expectations are pretty low for this after FFXIII, so if not it won't ruin the day. The time traveling thing is what has got me to sit up and listen now... plus I'm sure we'll get another great soundtrack


what the...?!

And thus, SE continues being irrelevant to my gaming enjoyment. Ffs, how did this happen, was such a big fan of them :( Instead of trying to make new stuff like The World ends with You or another Kingdom Hearts-gamble, they keep making direct sequels to the worst FF-entry. siiigh


Hobbun said:
Nope, I meant X. Hated XII's combat system.
That's too bad. The game was packed with great content. I preferred XII's open world to X's list-of-places map, and I loved the combat. But those are the types of things that have been argued to death, and you've got your own preferences.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
I can't believe people here think a web domain confirms the existance of a game.

I'm seriously disappointed at GAF right now.


Sennorin said:
what the...?!

And thus, SE continues being irrelevant to my gaming enjoyment. Ffs, how did this happen, was such a big fan of them :( Instead of trying to make new stuff like The World ends with You or another Kingdom Hearts-gamble, they keep making direct sequels to the worst FF-entry. siiigh

Well if FFX-2 is any indication, just because one of the games might be mediocre doesn't mean the other will be. FFX-2 had one of the best battle systems in the series, FFX's battle system was merely just decent. Of course FFX-2's story drove that whole thing over the cliff, so it was a trade off :p

That said, SquareEnix has become relevant to me now because they got Eidos and they're cranking out Tomb Raider games and Deus Ex games, and that shit is hot :p

But I do hope they get back on the FF track (and that they announce FF Type-0 for the US Vita launch) :(


Brazil said:
I can't believe people here think a web domain confirms the existance of a game.

I'm seriously disappointed at GAF right now.

Fear of new possibilities where there were none before. If you don't understand that much then may the lord have mercy on you.

Is FFXIII really all that bad? I was thinking of picking it up alongside Versus-XIII whenever that releases. Also is XIII-2 chronologically tied to XIII?


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Crunched said:
That's too bad. The game was packed with great content. I preferred XII's open world to X's list-of-places map, and I loved the combat. But those are the types of things that have been argued to death, and you've got your own preferences.

XII was great, one of my all-time favourite games.
X was just really, really boring IMO. And I hated all the characters sans Auron, Rikku and Lulu (and the latter two gets a pass more or less only for being hot). Wakka is such a completely godawful character.


Put your snobby liquids into my mouth!
Well, maybe they'll make a good game, let's wait and see. More RPGs is not a bad thing, and to be honest I see how SE doesn't want to throw all those assets and effort put into XIII to the garbage bin. While playing XIII I was constantly thinking how everything in the game, from assets, to characters to locations, could be put to a much better use; it's good news to know SE sees this too and it's making something about it. That means they can focus on making an actual game this time. It also means FFXV (not due this gen I'm sure) won't fall into the same pitfalls.


Crunched said:
That's too bad. The game was packed with great content. I preferred XII's open world to X's list-of-places map, and I loved the combat. But those are the types of things that have been argued to death, and you've got your own preferences.

Eh, I guess I am considered as one of the dinosaurs. I don't like the move towards the faster combat systems. X-2 was decent, but didn't play enough of it to get a good feel.

So when I jumped from X's turn-based combat system (which will always be my favorite) to XII's mash of real-time/menu-based/scripts (gambits) system, didn't like it at all.

I will agree X could have been more open world, but it didn't detract from me enough to not like the game. I also loved the Sphere Grid, so it was fun to level my characters. And did I say it was turn-based?

Yes, good times.


duckroll said:
When I said that it isn't a town issue, I don't mean that not having a towns is a good thing. I meant that what FFXIII-2 is fixing is the pace and flow of the game, rather than adding what you think of as towns to the game directly.

We've both been playing RPGs for ages, so I think you know that I have a pretty good idea of what you mean when you talk about RPG towns. You're thinking of something like FFXII or Xenoblade, where there are big sizable areas which are specifically community based locations, with NPCs inhabiting the area and offering shops, going by their daily lives shopping/playing/talking/etc, and basically the feeling that this is a location where people live in and populate. Locations like the Citadel in Mass Effect, and Detroit in Deus Ex HR.

I do not believe that FFXIII-2 has towns like this. Based on all the media I've seen, and all the interviews I've read about the game, it is much more likely that they will simply be populating transitional areas between combat zones with NPCs and shops, so there's a feeling that the world is more alive, and there are people other than the player characters who are hanging around areas.

Think of locations like Snow's flashback in FFXIII, and the Nautilus resort, and also imagine if Vanille's old town on Pulse was populated by people walking around. That's probably a more reasonable expectation of what will be "towns" in FFXIII-2. I could be wrong, and there could be entire cities which are exactly like towns in previous FF games, but since we have seen nothing like that whatsoever, and the developers have specifically downplayed expectations on that aspect in at least one interview, and the game is 3 months away, I don't think that's something that I would expect.

One of the if not the main reason you design hubs of NPCs is to break up the pacing of the game. By having dialogue and interaction with other players it helps to break up the fighting and dungeons, something that FFXIII was absolutely atrocious at. The lack of sidequests as well added to this linearity and unbreaking pace in regards to the combat. The problem with the lack of towns wasn't that the world didn't feel lively or real but rather it made you realize how shitty the pacing and level design was as you directly transition from one dungeon to another. If they aren't fixing the pacing through towns then they better have a ton of minigames or sidequests otherwise XIII-2 will have the same problem its' predecessor had.


Amir0x said:
Wouldn't that limit the potential audience? I mean, I don't know how it was received in Japan, but it had some pretty major and consistent complaints across Western reviews. Which feedback are they deciding to listen to?

Being a FFXIII sequel to begin with already limits the potential audience. If they were looking for a new title which could capture a much larger potential audience, they would probably have been better off making a new IP. FFXIII-2 is a direct sequel to FFXIII, so I imagine they had that expectation going in.

Does that mean we'll have Pulse-like areas scattered throughout the title instead of one big chapter near the second half? What have they said they're doing to address the pacing issues? Hunts are returning, right?

Yes, actually they've specifically said that the entire game will be like Pulse, where you have more freedom in exploring around and/or doing optional content, instead of being locked into fixed areas for every chapter. I dunno if hunts in particular are returning, but there will actually be optional quests given by NPCs now from what I've read.

Ah ok. Well, that might at least suit the illusion well enough. My expectations are pretty low for this after FFXIII, so if not it won't ruin the day. The time traveling thing is what has got me to sit up and listen now... plus I'm sure we'll get another great soundtrack

Going in to all games with no fixed expectations is the best way to allow the games to stand on their own imo. Sometimes games which don't specifically cater to certain expectations can also turn out to be very good on their own, in different ways. :)


Amir0x said:
Well if FFX-2 is any indication, just because one of the games might be mediocre doesn't mean the other will be. FFX-2 had one of the best battle systems in the series, FFX's battle system was merely just decent. Of course FFX-2's story drove that whole thing over the cliff, so it was a trade off :p

That said, SquareEnix has become relevant to me now because they got Eidos and they're cranking out Tomb Raider games and Deus Ex games, and that shit is hot :p

But I do hope they get back on the FF track (and that they announce FF Type-0 for the US Vita launch) :(

Oh, you´re right about Eidos, but it´ll take a few more years until I´ll acknowledge these games as SE-games.

Regarding FF13-2 and 3, it just doesn´t matter how good these games turn out being. FF13 so thoroughly ruined that whole universe and cast, I simply don´t want to see more from them. And afaik, the cast is pretty much the same in these games, eh? (cough, Lightining, cough)

I also wrote about that in the Versus-thread, where people disagreed with me, but I´m also sick of SE´s misguided focus on high budget-cutscenes and detailed visuals in general. Get rid of the Gackt-character design, get rid of the "our characters are Hollywood-stars with Dragon Ball-powers"-philosophy. Man, it certainly wasn´t perfect, but it´s almost shocking that FF8 is from the same developer, yet has such a great cast of characters and a story that unfolds nicely. Really would like a more down-to-eath FF, closer to FF8 or FF9.


I can't believe people here think a web domain confirms the existance of a game.

I'm seriously disappointed at GAF right now.
They just want to lock the website, because of what could happen in the future, it doesn't mean that the game is real -_-

About FFXIII... it is really a GREAT game with negative points like not having enough content to let you forget about the combats, couldn't understand such massive backslash at all.
XIII-3, a two year schedule is finally coming around for them. Alot of people are excited for XIII-2 so it would be to the benefit of both fans and S-E with a steady release schedule. I suppose we have to wait on TGS to see what their concrete plans are.

Hyuga said:
YOU HEAR THAT, Polyphony Digital/Team ICO?????


I need to quote this and agree wholeheartedly.


Sennorin said:
Regarding FF13-2 and 3, it just doesn´t matter how good these games turn out being. FF13 so thoroughly ruined that whole universe and cast, I simply don´t want to see more from them. And afaik, the cast is pretty much the same in these games, eh? (cough, Lightining, cough)

So if you have no interest in the games at all, why bother posting in threads about them?


duckroll said:
So if you have no interest in the games at all, why bother posting in threads about them?

Because I´m generally interested in what SE does, and it makes me unhappy to see them announce something that I have no interest in, again. Can I not express that?


Sennorin said:
Regarding FF13-2 and 3, it just doesn´t matter how good these games turn out being. FF13 so thoroughly ruined that whole universe and cast, I simply don´t want to see more from them. And afaik, the cast is pretty much the same in these games, eh? (cough, Lightining, cough)

I already know I'm going to get flamed for this but while the rest of the cast was garbage I think the two notable exceptions are Sazh and Hope. Yes I said Hope. He probably had the biggest emotional development of all the characters and near the end actually was pretty likable.

The rest especially Snow can go burn in a fire and die.


LegendOfGood said:
So there's no chance that they're just rebranding Versus XIII as XIII-3?
Could be a possibility but I would find it odd for a sequel to XIII-2 to have a completely different world, gameplay mechanics and different characters.


Sennorin said:
Because I´m generally interested in what SE does, and it makes me unhappy to see them announce something that I have no interest in, again. Can I not express that?

Sure, you can express it over and over like a broken record, just like Mirror's Edge fans go into every EA thread announcement to post "NOOOOOOOO WHERE'S MIRROR'S EDGE 2?????". Just expect the same response from everyone else each and every time, wondering why you even bother.
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