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Square Enix RPGs on sale on North American PSN


Neo Member
I now have Chrono Cross, FFVII, VIII, and IX. No interest in Tactics.

Is there any other must-own from what's on sale? I've heard mixed thoughts re: FFVI, which is one of the SNES-emulated PS One games, no?


Dude, front mission 3 is a great value at that price, so many fun hours! Is buy it again I I could.

I'm in for FFX for vita.
I now have Chrono Cross, FFVII, VIII, and IX. No interest in Tactics.

Is there any other must-own from what's on sale? I've heard mixed thoughts re: FFVI, which is one of the SNES-emulated PS One games, no?

Yeah, you can watch a video of the FFVI PS One game... Dreadful.

Also: you should rethink FF Tactics. Just a thought. :p


How bad are the load times for Chrono Trigger PS1? I wish they do an HD version. Need that clean sprite look too.
I might buy FF4 for the low price of


Was getting caught part of your plan?
How bad are the load times for Chrono Trigger PS1? I wish they do an HD version. Need that clean sprite look too.

It takes about 5 - 6 seconds for battles to start once you bump into an encounter, and 2 - 3 seconds when getting into the menu.

Doesn't sound like much, but it's still quite a fluidity killer.
Are ps1 classic saves transferrable with the virtual memory card saves you make when you play an actual ps1 disc in a ps3?

I might pick up Final Fantasy IX if I can move my most recent file from my ps3 onto my vita in order to continue from there if I buy the digital version of the game...


Tactics...remake or original?

Origins...does it have the loading before battles like trigger/vi? Is it fast in and out of battle?


Ugh, I think I'm actually going to bite on Lightning Returns. I want to finish the trilogy and it's selling for less on PSN than it is used. It'll bug me not to have a physical copy alongside XIII and XIII-2, though...

Who am I kidding. I'll probably buy a used copy at some point just to have the case on my shelf.


Store finally stopped glitching for me. I got FF VII-IX, which I've already bought physically before but what the hell. Convenience of digital ownership was worth it at this price.

Chrono Cross and FFXIII-2 I also got and I'm excited because I haven't played either. CT is one of my all time favorite games, and I've read XIII-2 fixes many of XIII's shortcomings.

Btw why isn't XIII on the PSN store?
When SE does their yearly Final Fantasy sale, how low are the prices usually? Because I was going to wait for that but if these prices are the same then I will probably grab them now for the Vita.


Cool... been waiting for Chrono Cross to go on sale again. Looking forward to playing it for the first time in over a decade.

Also picked up X/X-2 on the Vita.

Thanks for the tip!
Is the slowdown gone on the digital version of War of the Lions? I tried to go back and play the UMD on my PSP recently and found it damn near unplayable.
The slowdown honestly didn't bother me in FFT WOTL. I thought it was an effect they added for spells..I don't know...When I hear gamers say stuff like "unplayable" it just makes me think most gamers are so fickle and blow stuff out of proportion.

Now the Chrono Trigger loading times are BAD though. I can agree with that.
I just want to warn folks that it is better not to play Chrono Trigger than to play the PS1 version. It has extreme load times that create an unpleasant experience.


Dropped cash on FFVII-IX, Chrono Cross, and Front Mission 3. I loved all of these games. FFX/X-2 Remaster was tempting, but looking at the Digital Foundry comparison video reminded me how emotionless the characters look--I really can't get over it despite the other tweaked visuals and the addition of the international version changes.


I might get the PS1 version of Tactics. I haven't played it in years. I'm getting a bit nostalgic for the horrible PS1 localization.

Is the slowdown gone on the digital version of War of the Lions? I tried to go back and play the UMD on my PSP recently and found it damn near unplayable.

It's still there. The slowdown isn't a effect of it being on UMD. It's coded into the game.


Neo Member

Picking up X/X-2, Chrono Cross and WotL Already have Chrono Trigger and VI - IX.
Now I just need to find the time to play.
Front Mission 3 is totally worth checking out. Especially to see the cool fictional in-game internet you can look at. It's kind of amazing how detailed it is, and a neat way to physically learn the history and lore of the game world.


Is PSN unbelievably slow for anyone else?

It's not my internet connection. Here on my PC I'm getting almost 3MB/Sec from Steam and speed tests, but I bought Lightning Returns 2 hours ago and it's *just* about to hit 20%.

EDIT: Switched the connection to my PS3 from wireless to wired and now I'm getting the speed I'm supposed to. The PS3's WLAN card must be a real piece of junk. The PS3 reported 100% signal strength and the console is physically less than 2 feet from the router.


And I JUST bought chrono cross. Now for.the internal debate. I enjoyed all the later Dr.games but I still own them. Do I blow 5 bucks.on something I already own,.abd can play.

I kind of want to buy one for.my vita.though.

Did any of them have achievments added?


Go with Final Fantasy IX. There are much better ways to play Chrono Trigger.

Thank you, you were the only one to respond to my post so I went with your suggestion and bought IX. It's now in the process of downloading and I should be able to play it shortly.


Fucking YUSSSS.

I was JUST thinking that there are a LOT of SE RPGs i want on PSN, but I can't afford them.

Finally Chrono Cross, we will be reunited...


Junior Member
Please no one buy Chrono Trigger through this.

I'm astounded people here will occasionally argue the load times aren't bad. They really are.

In it for FFVIII and IX. I bought at least one good game at a discount so it's a success.
Completely off topic, but only bc it's SE. Applevstore has secret of mana on sale at the moment, for $3.99 instead of $8.99. This sale ends Aug 10th.

Thank you, you were the only one to respond to my post so I went with your suggestion and bought IX. It's now in the process of downloading and I should be able to play it shortly.
I'm glad you got IX. I'm excited for you and anyone else who bought it.

Gona triple dip on FF7,8 and although I said I'd buy lightning returns for under $20, I might bite for $25. Digital is just so much more convenient without having to swap discs around


Junior Member
I'd buy Chrono Cross... if Sony allowed multiple accounts on Vita. Dammit, Sony.

Have you played Chrono Cross before? If not you'll be thankful you didn't put any money toward it.

Wait I take that back. It isn't terrible, but at normal price it isn't worth it.
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