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SSX: Deadly Descents - 2011 - Trailer - [Update: Website & Description]

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BenjaminBirdie said:
But...that means....I'm right again?

*feather floats onto shoulder*
*am knocked over*

How could he know more about the game than I do, that's not revealed in that CGI teaser? I'm calling BS!
As long as the gameplay is there I'm down. I don't really give a shit about "charm" .. I just want it to have the same feel that SSX did.


flyinpiranha said:
As long as the gameplay is there I'm down. I don't really give a shit about "charm" .. I just want it to have the same feel that SSX did.

I agree with this.

It's the gameplay I enjoyed most about SSX. I really didn't care about any of the characters. As long as it feels like SSX, I'll buy it.

However, when I read TOM CLANCY'S SSX, I laughed and said, "Wait, what? That's...stupid."


I found the end of this damage control from the game's FB page sort of funny:

Appreciate all the feedback so far SSX fans. We know how passionate this community is and we'll be sharing the game and looking for your input throughout the development process. It's just a trailer, folks, and yes it will definitely be ...about the gameplay.

What'dya think of the wings?
This seems an unnecessary direction to take things in, but I'm still keen to see how this shapes up.

I'll definitely miss the colour in the environments- but am I the only person who found the "attitude" in the original SSX games extremelly lame? They were just as much a tired product of their times as this is of ours.
edbrat said:
I'm not going to go postal because it could still be good....can't it? guys....guys!!!
I'm sure it will end up being "good", but will it be SSX? Not judging by this trailer. I know how stupid it sound to judge by a trailer, but the visual direction is the total opposite of the original games colourful and charming aesthetic. That's part of what makes SSX what it is. There hasn't even been an HD version of the games to gauge how successful an SSX game in the vein of the originals would be. Doing a pre-emptive revisioning of the franchise is a slap in the face.
If the games good I don't see why there should be a problem. I'm sure there will be a "regular" ssx again someday and for now this may bring in some new fans. As long as it still feels like the old game, I don't care how it looks.
WaltJay said:
I can't wait for the NBA Street reboot where you play an ATF agent that has to infiltrate a cocaine operation by going undercover as a streetball player trying out for the crime syndicate sponsored team.

BRILLIANT! Give this man a raise.
Also from their Facebook page:

EA Sports SSX said:
Actually, Eric, the game is being done by the team very familiar with the series as it was developed at EA Canada (EA BIG was within EA Canada). Agree that with tight controls and fun gameplay, this game will still remain true for SSX fans.
Neuromancer said:
Also from their Facebook page:
Well they are dumber then hell for showing a trailer in which everyone believed it was fucking Battlefield 3. 10 seconds of gameplay would have made a world of difference but of course it's far too demanding of a request to show some in an unveil trailer that only Sony is able to do it.


drawer by drawer
mysteriousmage09 said:
Well they are dumber then hell for showing a trailer in which everyone believed it was fucking Battlefield 3. 10 seconds of gameplay would have made a world of difference but of course it's far too demanding of a request to show some in an unveil trailer that only Sony is able to do it.

You forgot Thor! :lol


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
mysteriousmage09 said:
Well they are dumber then hell for showing a trailer in which everyone believed it was fucking Battlefield 3. 10 seconds of gameplay would have made a world of difference but of course it's far too demanding of a request to show some in an unveil trailer that only Sony is able to do it.

It was the VGAs. Assuming the backpedaling is true, let's consider the trailer/reveal to be pandering to that audience.

*maintains silly glimmer of hope*
brohmbel said:

I'm thinking, though ... if Deadly Descent ends up doing well and EA discovers that a big market is indeed there, then they have the freedom to experiment w/ offshoots. Maybe they're hoping this new game is to the SSX franchise what "Undercover" was to the NFS franchise: a big revitalizer. Sure, not everyone liked Undercover, but all the money that flowed in let them release tons of NFS offshoots in later years. Most of those were crappy, but there were some gems there.
What? Undercover was a fuckind disaster. What are you even going on about?
It's kind of funny watching the expectations of hardcore gamers such as ourselves.

"More of the same?! WTF, we need innovation!"
"More innovation?! WTF, we need more of the same!"

I'm just as guilty, I didn't enjoy the Burnout change yet many did. But at the same time I love the fresh take on other games. It's a slippery slope indeed but I'd say developers have a pretty tough ass job to do.

I'm just REALLY hoping the gameplay is great. I like the treacherous aspect of it, that seems kind of cool but ONLY if they stick to their guns. None of this invisible wall shit when close to the edge, make it precarious.

mango drank

Net_Wrecker said:
Maybe he meant UnderGROUND.

I did. :lol

You know, Underground capitalized on a trend. I'm not sure what EA thinks SSX: DD capitalizes on. I'm just imagining some higher-up playing the snowmobile level in Modern Warfare 2 and thinking "We gotta do that! With snowboards!" Except there's no concrete trend they're latching onto, except for the general low-color gritty style that's popular, like people have been saying.

I'm having trouble divining the logic that went into EA's actions, so I'm quitting this campaign of devil's advocacy.

But I'm still holding out hope that the game doesn't completely suck.
flyinpiranha said:
It's kind of funny watching the expectations of hardcore gamers such as ourselves.

"More of the same?! WTF, we need innovation!"
"More innovation?! WTF, we need more of the same!"

I'm just as guilty, I didn't enjoy the Burnout change yet many did. But at the same time I love the fresh take on other games. It's a slippery slope indeed but I'd say developers have a pretty tough ass job to do.

I'm just REALLY hoping the gameplay is great. I like the treacherous aspect of it, that seems kind of cool but ONLY if they stick to their guns. None of this invisible wall shit when close to the edge, make it precarious.
Eh, that doesn't really apply here. The "more of the same" we're asking for is more SSX of yore - a snowboarding game bursting with personality and fun, a damn enjoyable time that's pretty rare in this gen.

The "innovation" is coming in the form of a "hardcore, guys hate colors and love war lol" skin.

The argument is pretty unanimous here. This SSX may be a good game but we've waited for a current gen SSX and this is not what any of us want. There's no reason not to make another fun version and instead opt for this take. It makes us sad. We were very clear about what we were begging for. EA really put a lot of effort into fucking this up. COD spilled over from their MoH projects into this. They're so blatant and lame.

Foxix Von

You guys got me, I thought the Tom Clancy thing was real. I thought it was going to be some sort of tongue in cheek take on it and then for about 5 minutes I actually thought it was a legitimate Tom Clancy entry :lol


I figured the characters would be gone and I think the wingsuit could be an awesome addition to the series, so from the trailer I'm pretty excited.

But for the love of God keep that EA right stick shit out of this game.
flyinpiranha said:
"More of the same?! WTF, we need innovation!"
"More innovation?! WTF, we need more of the same!"

MOAR PARAMILITARY GEAR != innovation (is the point many of us are trying repeatedly to make)

I would not expect a modern, rebooted SSX that "went back to the roots" to look like Tricky, a game that was developed so long ago that it was conceptualized before freaking 9/11. I would not expect it to use the exact same art style or include the same music. I would certainly not feel like it was a betrayal to create a new cast instead of giving me Kaori and Psymon. However, I would expect it to at least attempt to hew to the same basic concepts: over-the-top, elaborate, fun, colorful, bright, exciting, playful, edgy, fast. I think there'd be a lot of room within those adjectives to create something that looks very little like SSX Tricky but is still appealing on some of the same level (I can imagine drawing on the look of something like Mirror's Edge as one element of inspiration, for example) but this direction seems to actively move away from most of those.


WaltJay said:
I can't wait for the NBA Street reboot where you play an ATF agent that has to infiltrate a cocaine operation by going undercover as a streetball player trying out for the crime syndicate sponsored team.
Sounds plausible, sadly.
flyinpiranha said:
It's kind of funny watching the expectations of hardcore gamers such as ourselves.

"More of the same?! WTF, we need innovation!"

I definitely never said anything like that. In fact in the last SSX thread before the announcement I said that a new SSX design document should be the easiest design document ever made. It only needed to be 3 lines.

Improved and new animations.
Crazier tracks.
Everything else the same.

And I am not one bit surprised that snowboarding games lost popularity. SSX was the biggest snowboarding game around. As it got further and further away from the SSX and SSX Tricky design, the less popular it became. Not a coincidence.

mango drank

I just watched the trailer again. This has probably been mentioned already, but why does the boarder launch into a couple of tricks after all that tense military yelling and tumbling? Maybe he's dodging bullets?

Also, his voice sounds ... familiar. Nate, is that you?


What gets me is... why call it SSX.

Is it too late to make this joke?



WaltJay said:
I can't wait for the NBA Street reboot where you play an ATF agent that has to infiltrate a cocaine operation by going undercover as a streetball player trying out for the crime syndicate sponsored team.
:lol too perfect


I wouldn't be surprised if it was a big parody on stuff like COD and other "serious business" games (the trailer that is).


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Wallach said:
I wouldn't be surprised if it was a big parody on stuff like COD and other "serious business" games (the trailer that is).

If so it did a terrible job at it.


Is this a fucking joke?

All I want to do is play as a dude with an afro doing 3000 degree spins while flying 50 feet over a mile long half-pipe with fireworks exploding around me to the beat of a Dan the Automator track.

And this is what EA gives us? Medal of Snowboarding?


FStop7 said:
Is this a fucking joke?

All I want to do is play as a dude with an afro doing 3000 degree spins while flying 50 feet over a mile long half-pipe with fireworks exploding around me to the beat of a Dan the Automator track.

And this is what EA gives us? Medal of Snowboarding?

Yeah it isn't like we are asking for a lot. I'm not sure how they could fuck it up so bad!


Brashnir said:
Please God say it's not the Skate team.

or if it is the Skate team, that it doesn't use the godawful right-analog Skate controls
I think that's already been confirmed.


The Amiga Brotherhood
I don't understand that, whenever a developer decides it's time to bring back a franchise, they have to do something entirely different with it? I mean, every time there's been a demand for a new game in a loved franchise, people want more of the same. Yet, they just can't fathom that all they have to do is continue in the same vein or return to the roots, but on modern hardware. No, they have to be "smart" and go in an entirely new direction, something nobody's expecting and nobody actually wants.

Please, mr Developer sir, will you kindly someday learn that you are free to experiment AFTER you've brought back the franchise succesfully. If you try and bring back a franchise by deciding to mess it up by making it completely different from what people expect, and it's not a success - it's not because the franchise isn't wanted. It's because your brains are on vacation.


Foxix said:
You guys got me, I thought the Tom Clancy thing was real. I thought it was going to be some sort of tongue in cheek take on it and then for about 5 minutes I actually thought it was a legitimate Tom Clancy entry :lol

Oh god, I was under that impression for longer than I'd like to admit. I just realized that it was a joke reading your post :lol. I mean, I had forgotten about the Tom Clancy part by the time I finished watching the trailer but it kind of stuck subconsciously.
glaurung said:
I think that's already been confirmed.

Has it really been confirmed though? I'm sure there are member from the skate team, but the message on their Facebook page read like there were more than a few members who have experience developing SSX titles.


If the game returned to its pre-Tricky root(s) where the focus is on tight, high-framerate arcade snowboarding action rather than impossibly huge tricks with a Sonic the Hedgehog speed boost then I might be okay with this. Just so long as it had the colour (not looking likely) and the personality in the characters (also not looking likely).

Waiting and seeing.

And, fuck-it, it's current gen... it's not going to be high framerate at all, is it?
So I was at eating lunch yesterday with some friends right, and I mention SSX. I figured they didn't even know what it was, they aren't as game heavy as me, but surprisingly all three of my friends knew exactly what I was talking about and we started talking about UBER tricks and everything lol it was an awesome convo lol. Then I told them that they just revealed a new trailer for the new SSX game, they all wanted to see it, so after lunch we all headed to my place and I got them to watch the video.

I didn't voice my opinion at all on the new trailer, cuz I wanted to see there reactions first, untainted from my own.

Thankfully, they all were like wtf? Now I know this is a bad idea, gamers that aren't gamers don't want this happening to SSX either, when people think of SSX they think of Huge Jumps, Wacky Tricks, awesome music, and colors and fireworks and shit. NOT THIS.

I just can't fathom who in the world would green light a dark SSX. I mean cmon the time shown in the trailer is in Military time for christ sake. Rename this game, Drop the SSX. So i can pass over this title just like I did Shaun White's. This isn't SSX. This is nothing that people who played SSX wanted in the least.
HK-47 said:
If so it did a terrible job at it.
Yeah, I was starting to hope this was a parody and would be full of personality and silly takes on how macho-boring many games have become but it really just seems like this is genuine. There wasn't much personality in there. If anything this is simply a horrible reveal, they've showed enough to formulate only two opinions "Wtf? I'll wait to decide but wtf?.." and "Disgusting." That's their fault, not ours.
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