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Star Wars Battlefront Trailer, game will be 60 fps

I have no clue how will players control the speeders with that speed and in the middle of the forest.
I take it that we'll get crushed instantly if we messed up, right?


Impressive hype trailer. Wasn't that excited for the game beforehand, but that definitely got me to put it on my list.

Guess gameplay won't come until Sony's E3 conference. Hoping for the best.

Naw. If you really pay attention, you'll see some pop ups in the environment. It's in engine for sure. As far as the quality goes as an end product we'll see. If you want to see CGI, go watch this.


Not trying to disprove this, but I remember people doing this exact same thing for the Killzone 2 trailer back in 2005. The were pointing out pop up like it was proof that the trailer was in-game.
Why is it unbelievable that the game will run at 60fps on XboxOne? XboxOne is a bit weaker, but not a WiiU or something.
Because it nullifies the argument that the XBONE is a POS machine. Some people just can't accept that the 360 is holding back the current gen (or that 60 fps will be acceptable, even the 360 did with CoD).


looks fucking awesome.

I think it's safe to say the actual game will probably look half as good, with effects that don't resemble what we saw whatsoever, and completely different lighting.

I'm still excited, but I'm also jaded as fuck from EA lying to us for the past 8+ years.

The environment variety is fucking awesome though.

I really, really really, really wish the game would actually look like the trailer. Too bad there's no gameplay...


Not trying to disprove this, but I remember people doing this exact same thing for the Killzone 2 trailer back in 2005. The were pointing out pop up like it was proof that the trailer was in-game.

This trailer was in engine. Clearly stated. Not the same as gameplay, but still game assets. That Killzone 2 trailer was just plain CGI, not done in engine and it was simply misstated as gameplay by a Sony rep, not the trailer or studio.
Basically all these Battlefront threads amount to the following posts:

-CGI claims

-No SP!? WTF?

-No space battles!? WTF?

-No gameplay!? WTF?

-rage over "in engine"

-No way 60fps

Not that I luvs me some game debate and speculation but it feels like were going in circles at this point.


Why is it unbelievable that the game will run at 60fps on XboxOne? XboxOne is a bit weaker, but not a WiiU or something.

I'm having a hard time believing the PS4 is gonna do it at 60fps. At 1080p, no way for any of those platforms.

They will need to downgrade that a lot. Maybe even 720p and 900p to XB1 and PS4 respectively.

Don't get me wrong, I intend to buy it for XB1 even giving the fact I have a PS4. But its hard to believe they're gonna deliver that much!


Fuck the negative folks in this thread. I'm on team believe.

Looking forward to your lot eating crow :)
I mean, after how much of a disaster BF4 was, I'd say it's foolish to blindly trust DICE. It's very easy to kill your credibility, and it should be hard to re-earn it.
That trailer is so good, it all feels so Star Wars like, the sound effects and music are just incredible.

Naughty Dog's Josh Scherr nails it:


It's like you're watching a SW movie, fantastic job DICE.
Thats a great observation. It goes back to the incredible job Dice has done with it's sound effects since Bad Company. This game will look and sound like Star Wars.


Not trying to disprove this, but I remember people doing this exact same thing for the Killzone 2 trailer back in 2005. The were pointing out pop up like it was proof that the trailer was in-game.

It's just all theories really. The models looks like something out of Battlefield. Vehicle models look ace. I honestly believe we're going to get something close to that trailer on PC. Consoles who knows. I'll probably end up getting this for PS4 due to a larger community and how balls to the walls Sony is going to be marketing the game.
Eh, I probably won't buy this if it ends up looking like hardline did on XB1. What I played in the demo felt like I was looking at an xbox 360 game. The compromises for 60 fps were not worth it. I really doubt it'll improve for battlefront.


Albeit, Battlefield 4 is 60fps on both PS4 and XB1, right? I was forgetting that fact.

Yeah... maybe its possible then. At 1080p no way... but at 720p or 900p, with some downgrade here and there (cause I find hard to believe that "in-engine" stuff, for whatever platform were talking about). But with a second thought, I believe they can reach similar results.
Game wont be close to the reveal trailer (in terms of graphics) meltdown incoming

Holy shit, this is getting old.

It's not CG. Learn what CG is vs in-engine scripted cinematics.

People said the same shit about BF3 and BF4. They were right in that the console versions didn't look like the previews, but the PC version absolutely looked like the early footage.

Or did I miss the series of "Battlefield 3/4 downgrade confirmed" threads?


Basically all these Battlefront threads amount to the following posts:

-CGI claims

-No SP!? WTF?

-No space battles!? WTF?

-No gameplay!? WTF?

-rage over "in engine"

-No way 60fps

Not that I luvs me some game debate and speculation but it feels like were going in circles at this point.

Made me want to jump out of the threads to be honest... I get people have their concerns but yeah
Does this stuff look that much better than Killzone shadow falls forest levels? This is 2 years later too, seems like this level of improvement is somewhat approachable (obviously not exactly and I totally expect a downgrade).



Then that finally happens, and people are spazzing out.

I am disappointed though that 64 players didn't happen.
I think some parts of the trailer look like they could easily be in the game. Other parts look straight CGI(like characters falling over from explosions and getting back up, heads turning and looking at stuff, the ATAT falling down). I think they used both in game and cgi
BF4 is an older cross gen title and looks worlds better than Hardline. They compromised the graphics heavily to hold a more solid frame rate.

Nah, there has to be more to it than that. None of the levels nor their destruction come close to BF4 AND it's a lot uglier. I think a good deal of that was inexperience with the engine.
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