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Star Wars Battlefront Trailer, game will be 60 fps


yeah I didn't edit ammo count

would be awesome if the laser reflected on the water
I think some parts of the trailer look like they could easily be in the game. Other parts look straight CGI(like characters falling over from explosions and getting back up, heads turning and looking at stuff, the ATAT falling down). I think they used both in game and cgi

There is no CGI... You are talking about the obvious non gameplay animations. But the rest is believable IMO


Does this stuff look that much better than Killzone shadow falls forest levels? This is 2 years later too, seems like this level of improvement is somewhat approachable (obviously not exactly and I totally expect a downgrade).

I don't remember KZ Shadow Fall having even near foliage physics. Actually the foliage in a general wasn't that much impressive there, the stones were.

I believe Battlefield 4 is a better example. They deliver bigger maps, with much better physics, and a pretty nice IQ, playing online.
I think some parts of the trailer look like they could easily be in the game. Other parts look straight CGI(like characters falling over from explosions and getting back up, heads turning and looking at stuff, the ATAT falling down). I think they used both in game and cgi

Just because it was in-engine, doesn't mean they can't use scripted animations and effects. It was all in-engine--there was no CG.


Because there is no ammo count. People who saw the gameplay presentation said your gun can overheat but there was no sign of ammo.

It sure is too bad they didn't feel like showing all of us this gameplay!

It sure would be bad to actually let us see what they're trying to get us to preorder.
Dice doesn't have a history of deception, use of CGI to promote games is minimal and IIRC all they don't downgrade games...

Well when BF4 was showed at the Xbox E3 conference, it did look significantly better on stage than the launch game itself. But those were dev kits. Theres no dev kits now. We'll see i guess.


Looks great, it's nice to see games include split-screen in his day and age. Need to see Clone Wars and Ep 7 stuff in it first before I buy it though.



Then that finally happens, and people are spazzing out.

I am disappointed though that 64 players didn't happen.

Seriously, DICE can't seem to win. I feel like they try to add features that the community asked for in their previous games only to have people bitch about unpopular features that they remove.

The 64 player count doesn't really matter to me due to the fact that if the maps are designed properly for 40 players, which I'm sure they will be, then it will still give off the same feel as having 64.

Tom Snows

Neo Member
I hate to be that guy, but any word on resolution? It's great that it's 60 fps, but with Battlefield that most likely means 1080p won't happen.

Still, 60 fps > 1080p



yeah I didn't edit ammo count


Well still, it's an edited toghether cutscene playing in the engine.

So yes it's "real-time", but we've yet to see actual gameplay footage.

Which ironically is when the engine is actually updating the world dynamically each frame instead of playing back animations.
Well when BF4 was showed at the Xbox E3 conference, it did look significantly better on stage than the launch game itself. But those were dev kits. Theres no dev kits now. We'll see i guess.

This wasnt a Devkit... Actual XboxOne Devkits are not better than retail kits. They have the same hardware.

BF4 at E3 2013 at the MS Conference was simply running on a PC.
Because there is no ammo count. People who saw the gameplay presentation said your gun can overheat but there was no sign of ammo.
I don't remember ammo being a big problem / concern like it is in Battlefield games. It's a good attempt at balanced gameplay for a fps using blasters. Perhaps other weapons will have an ammo count.


Then that finally happens, and people are spazzing out.

I am disappointed though that 64 players didn't happen.
It's coming from a different crowd. Some of the BF people won't touch a Star Wars game, some of the Star Wars people probably haven't played a BF game. I like how DICE is avoiding a SP campaign. Their forte is multiplayer chaos. But to the people who don't play Battlefield, it's probably surprising.
the trailer on its own of course looks great(but already a big step down from last years e3 trailer). if it was the same crytek from 1997 developing a high end pc exclusive title, id believe the final results would be pretty close to that with enough downsampling. a dice developed multiplatform game? lol nope.


No game play and this game is supposed to be out in November. Huh, ok then. Hopefully this isn't another BF4 where it ships unfinished.


That few seconds of Hoth footage made me SQUEEL.

Seriously, every Star Wars game I've played with Hoth features is just amazing. (Shadows of the Empire, and any of the Roque Squadron games)


This wasnt a Devkit... Actual XboxOne Devkits are not better than retail kits. They have the same hardware.

BF4 at E3 2013 at the MS Conference was simply running on a PC.

Exactly. Same as Batman running on PC with PS4 DS4 button prompts at the Sony E3 2014 Conference and same as Battlefront running on PC this week at Star Wars celebration.....people need to really stop believing what PR and Devs feed gaming sites and bloggers...
No game play and this game is supposed to be out in November. Huh, ok then. Hopefully this isn't another BF4 where it ships unfinished.
E3 happens in less than two months. People need to stop overreacting.

Yeah... And the whole "deletes your single player save" issue..

They had numerous "fixes" and the game was still buggy as shit. If it was fixed, it had to have been at least six months after launch.
That happened to me but... did you really play a Battlefield game for it's single player campaign? I doubt it. After the server issue, the multiplayer ran smoothly.
Nah, there has to be more to it than that. None of the levels nor their destruction come close to BF4 AND it's a lot uglier. I think a good deal of that was inexperience with the engine.
That's the impression I got as well. I bet Visceral's next game will look considerably better than Hardline.


And just two days ago, folks were like "NO WAY this game looks this good" and then DICE comes out and says that they're pushing for 60 FPS :p


No game play and this game is supposed to be out in November. Huh, ok then. Hopefully this isn't another BF4 where it ships unfinished.

There's some massive leaps of logic going on here.

It's a pretty logical road map at this point, following the reveal of the game last year, that we are getting teasers now with gameplay to come at E3.

July isn't an unreasonable time for us to get our first gameplay look at a game releasing in November. If at E3 we are still getting in-engine stuff and it's not playable, then fair enough. Speculate away.


That would require a different wait to compute reflections. Sadly not possible unless you are using something like... voxels.

Phanta rei could do it.

Actually it's possible with a simple planar or billboard reflections and sometimes even SSR depending on how the renderer works and G-buffer is setup (Forward+, fully deferred or something else..for example SSR didn't reflect particles when first introduced in CRYENGINE for Crysis 3 because of the way things were submiteed to the G-Buffer). It's just that Frostbite sucks in this domain and form the looks of it still sucks based on what is shown here... it's only a fake shifty cubemap reflection...
Count me in for the PC version.

The only thing I'm worried about is the release date. Because Ep. VII is coming in December, there's no way they're going to delay the game (regardless of how development is going). I don't like the prospect of a game like this having a release date that's set in stone so early on.


I don't remember KZ Shadow Fall having even near foliage physics. Actually the foliage in a general wasn't that much impressive there, the stones were.

I believe Battlefield 4 is a better example. They deliver bigger maps, with much better physics, and a pretty nice IQ, playing online.

Inquisition has much nicer foliage, more lush, more motion. Frostbite has that down.




Neo Member
Looks good, cant comment on gameplay. But super disappointed that there are only 4 map locations. I know each planet has two different maps but I'm sure they will recycle assets. Hopefully they are set in different times of the day. Would've loved to see Cloud City or Dagobah. Also I hope they make each map tailored to one specific gametype.


I'm mainly interested in what the gameplay will be like, but given the impressions we have received so far, I am extremely happy with what DICE have done. The lack of space battles was initially a bit of a downer, but as long as I can still fly an X-Wing and hear an astrometry droid bleeping away in the back, I don't mind terribly much as long as they get the vehicle handling right. Also, local co op was a really present surprise, is this a first for DICE because BF4 definitely didn't have it nor do I recall BF3 having it (though I might be wrong there).

As for the graphics, worst case scenario they will probably end up looking noticeably better than Battlefield 4. I can't see them bragging about a new version of Frostbite only for it to be a marginal improvement over a cross gen game, and even then, I didn't think that BF4 looked bad aside from the texture pop in. It obviously won't be on par with this trailer. The fidelity of the environments might be possible on a high end PC but the animation was definitely pre rendered in-engine. I don't think console will look bad at all though, in fact, from the impressions we have been given, it will probably look amazing.

Overall, I am extremely hyped for this. Battlefront was everything to me when I was younger, and it was one of my absolute favourite PS2 games. Seeing the series return really puts a smile on my face, and provided we don't get a Betafield 4 scenario, I think DICE might really nail it. I'm hoping that we get space battles along with prequel trilogy/Abrams trilogy eras and a larger planet count in Battlefront II 2, because let's face it, it's going to happen after this inevitably makes them gangbusters.
If people are going stir crazy over marketing deals - that's a little overboard IMO.

For the most part, nobody did.

But knowing that Sony is committed towards making the PS4 version the version to own is nice.
Even though I acknowledge some downsides of exclusive marketing, I do recognize that there are a few small upsides.
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