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Star Wars The Force Awakens Trailer

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I watched New Hope last night, have not seen this imperial deleted scene.
In the movie, you do not get, at all, that he wanted to join the imperial "air" force. He talks about being a great pilot and hating the empire.


I watched New Hope last night, have not seen this imperial deleted scene.
In the movie, you do not get, at all, that he wanted to join the imperial "air" force. He talks about being a great pilot and hating the empire.

He hates the Empire but also says he wouldn't join the Rebels after watching R2's message, which could imply an Imperial academy


Attack of the Clones Portman for life


Fuck yes.
He hates the Empire but also says he wouldn't join the Rebels after watching R2's message, which could imply an Imperial academy

Skywalker: Alderaan? I'm not going to Alderaan. I've got to go home. It's late, I'm in for it as it is.
Kenobi: I need your help, Luke. She needs your help. I'm getting too old for this sort of thing.
Skywalker: Listen, I can't get involved! I've got work to do! It's not that I like the Empire, I hate it, but there's nothing I can do about it right now. It's such a long way from here.



Skywalker: Alderaan? I'm not going to Alderaan. I've got to go home. It's late, I'm in for it as it is.
Kenobi: I need your help, Luke. She needs your help. I'm getting too old for this sort of thing.
Skywalker: Listen, I can't get involved! I've got work to do! It's not that I like the Empire, I hate it, but there's nothing I can do about it right now. It's such a long way from here.

This post sums it up:

There was no rebel academy, they were a hodgepodge group. Luke didn't like the empire but he wanted off the damn farm more.
I thought Palpatine was worried that someone would be able to turn the clones against him, so, he began to phase them out after revenge of the sith, and replaced them with loyal humans.
Screenwriting 101: don't give the audience visual or audio information which contradicts what they audience already knows as fact without some sort of explaination. The explanation can be before or after the information is given, but you cannot assume that you know what the audience will assume and not give an explanation.
Except audience assumptions aren't facts. Nothing is contradicted when an assumption is wrong. And nothing needs to be be stated explicitly through dialogue. Here is a way to show they are no longer clones: show a stormtrooper, say "this is a stormtrooper", stormtrooper removes helmet and is not a clone. That is explicitly stating stormtroopers aren't clones without having a worthless line of dialogue.

That being said, Boyega may be fresh out of boot camp and they may present that information in some way, e.g. Boyega expressing "this is my first mission woohoo" or a 'these are our new recruits sir" or showing this via visual information (like, say, having troopers of varying height...). The simple concept of "recruit", a single word that doesn't even need to be uttered (but easily could be), tells you ALL you need to know on the issue. Nobody needs to say "stormtroopers are no longer clones". That kind of lame info dumping plagued the prequels and is best left to TV shows and books (which, coincidentally, is where they DO explicitly explore this).
Any information that explicitly says stormtroopers have non-cloned humans amongst its ranks has come from sources post 2002, at the earliest. That's all I'm asking you to agree with me on.

By the same token any info on them being non-regular-humans is from post-2002.

If we're going to make assumptions based on only information from pre-Attack of the Clones, then there is no reason to doubt they are human (or at least some are). There is no evidence to the contrary. All other officers/workers in the Empire are shown as humans, and Luke and Han are able to wear the armour. They each have unique, individual voices in the scenes they are shown talking (Tatooine + Death Star).

If we're including information from after 2002 then I grant that it opens up the possibility that they are clones, or some are clones, or some used to be clones. However, that has to be weighed against the evidence provided in the OT that they are not. And as I said before, it's very important to note that Lucas did not attempt to go back and re-edit the lines to make them sound like clones, while he did exactly that for Boba's lines. Lucas edits every little thing, and the omission is strong proof that they are not clones.

A final thought: Luke wanted to go to the academy, yet we don't know what it is. Maybe it was a trooper academy, but more likely it was a pilot academy since they showed he was interested in that (and Biggs had gone there and was a pilot). Here's the thing: all the fighter pilots in the PT were clones as well. So why aren't they in the OT? So if the pilots are no longer clones, they it stands to reason that the troopers aren't as well. Also, they changed the name from Clone Troopers to Storm Troopers.

Anyway, can you please stop talking about this in this thread? Take it to the Star Wars community thread or something. I'm not trying to back-seat mod, but it's derailing this trailer thread. Heck, take it to the Unpopular Star Wars Opinions thread.
After watching the duel from RotJ again, I'm fairly confident that
The crossguard saber is not in any connected to Vader's like some have theorized. When Luke chops off Vader's hand, it falls down the same shaft the Emperor is thrown down. So the saber will be destroyed by the explosion, as will the crystal.

So yeah, I think that theory is wrong.


Random question:

Was there ever any truth to the rumor that Mace Windu was originally going to be killed by Boba Fett in III (shot in the back, iirc) but Jackson nixed the idea because he wanted a better death scene?
Random question:

Was there ever any truth to the rumor that Mace Windu was originally going to be killed by Boba Fett in III (shot in the back, iirc) but Jackson nixed the idea because he wanted a better death scene?

I don't think so. But maybe. I haven't heard that one in almost a decade now.


Random question:

Was there ever any truth to the rumor that Mace Windu was originally going to be killed by Boba Fett in III (shot in the back, iirc) but Jackson nixed the idea because he wanted a better death scene?

supposedly he was in some early drafts but IIRC Ep III (as well as Ep II, while we're at it) went through some pretty heavy edits since Lucas sourced outside help to work with him on his drafts. Some uncredited.


We may never know what was planned for Boba in Ep III aside from that it must have involved Anakin in some way.

It's possible that some of the Boba stuff in Clone Wars was based on ideas Lucas had for Boba that were dropped from Ep III


Unless I am missing something huge, I don't think there was any intention for Stormtroopers to be Clones...and they are not clones.

Just hope Abrams can really understand Star Wars and not just flash and whoosh and lens flare.

Random question:

Was there ever any truth to the rumor that Mace Windu was originally going to be killed by Boba Fett in III (shot in the back, iirc) but Jackson nixed the idea because he wanted a better death scene?

The only thing ever said about this is Jackson saying, "I don't mind dying, I just don't want to die like a punk." Though I think he did go out like a punk. His original involvement is him just wanting to be in the movie and said he'd even be a trooper in the background.
You know you are right on the internet when the person you are disagreeing with what you say has to resort to reposting your avatar as a reason to why they disagree with your argument.....

I'm not following the discussion but avatar quoting is a pretty average response.
Let me put it this way: George Lucas' intent was for the stormtroopers to be clones. The original trilogy does not contradict anything from Attack of the Clones regarding what/who stormtroopers are. Yes they are different height but this was because of special effects limiting what GL could do during filming. Hence why he was happy to make them clones.

What is this nonsense?

He couldn't find multiple actors with the same body type and height to wear masks? He couldn't have the same guy ADR all their dialogue? Your argument is ridiculous here. It would have been entirely possible to make them be clones, even in the late 70s. But he didn't. Where are you seeing that he did intend to do that but was limited by tech?


All 26 hours. Multiple times.
not sure why the hate for the hilt?
could aswell ask why real swords have hilts.
because they guard you!
Not sure why it would be different for a lightsaber.

someone care to explain?

I like the new lightsaber design alot.
So cool.

Trialer is ace.


not sure why the hate for the hilt?
could aswell ask why real swords have hilts.
because they guard you!
Not sure why it would be different for a lightsaber.

someone care to explain?

I like the new lightsaber design alot.
So cool.

Trialer is ace.

One can cut through the crossguard emitters, in other words, the crossguard blades are worthless.
Also, assuming they're full powered blades, they're a danger to the user, especially in close confines and elsewhere with limited maneuverability, more so than Maul's double-bladed saber as Maul could avoid the blades with sweeping motions. Even if they're not full powered, you probably don't want them to touch you.

As for lightsaber resistant emitters... If the emitters are lightsaber resistant, why even have the blades in the first place? Just use more lightsaber resistant material and have a proper crossguard.
Rule of cool is OK when it doesn't cause fridge logic, when it looks more dangerous than cool. I do like the concept for the sword, no the execution. Some GAFer here made an excellent variation of the sword that made more sense.


All 26 hours. Multiple times.
One can cut through the crossguard emitters, in other words, the crossguard blades are worthless.
Also, assuming they're full powered blades, they're a danger to the user, especially in close confines and elsewhere with limited maneuverability, more so than Maul's double-bladed saber as Maul could avoid the blades with sweeping motions. Even if they're not full powered, you probably don't want them to touch you.

As for lightsaber resistant emitters... If the emitters are lightsaber resistant, why even have the blades in the first place? Just use more lightsaber resistant material and have a proper crossguard.
Rule of cool is OK when it doesn't cause fridge logic, when it looks more dangerous than cool. I do like the concept for the sword, no the execution. Some GAFer here made an excellent variation of the sword that made more sense.

That makes sense. havent thought about the Emitters beeing cut.
what they could do is a sword with 45° front facing hilt. That could protect the Emitters and still provide a defense against a blade sliding down. and would provide an ancle to disarm the enemy
and would look even cooler on the villain.


That makes sense. havent thought about the Emitters beeing cut.
what they could do is a sword with 45° front facing hilt. That could protect the Emitters and still provide a defense against a blade sliding down. and would provide an ancle to disarm the enemy
and would look even cooler on the villain.

That has been suggested. And old Star Wars EU actually had something like that once (with one crossguard blade only).
I like the cross-shape more though, it is... powerful visually (if not for the practical issues...).

I do think the sword will end up a non-issue, especially if fight choreography is good. Done well, it will just look cool.
That new thread that went up with the potential spoiler leak... avoiding that shit like ebola. I truly want to go into the upcoming movies as spoiler free as possible.


Attack of the Clones Portman for life

6/10. She comes across as a teenager playing dress-up more than anything. I don't know if she was miscast or dragged down by the script or cast or crew, but she was not especially convincing in her role. She's not as attractive when she's so out of place.

The exception is her full-on Queen Amidala mode in Episode 1. There she seems like legit royalty. Maybe it was just the accent and outfits though.


That new thread that went up with the potential spoiler leak... avoiding that shit like ebola. I truly want to go into the upcoming movies as spoiler free as possible.
I really want to click on it, because I want a fresh hype injection, but I really shouldn't.

Maybe Disney should announce the OT for BRD, keep me hyped.
I really want to click on it, because I want a fresh hype injection, but I really shouldn't.

The main reason I usually read spoilers is to either feel better, like a sense of assurance that it's going to be good. And if there are things that may otherwise seem weird or whatever, I have time to get used to it (like some of the Jurassic stuff). I was also spoiled to hell with the prequels but I didn't mind that so much as a lot of things were obvious even before Lucas put the pencil to the paper. But with this, it's a fresh start, a clean slate, and there are so many unknowns.


Don't worry about that spoiler thread. The OP didn't do any research and posted a link to a reddit article about a guy on 4chan who "leaked" script pages from the movie...except Reddit figured out he faked all the script pages. It's not a spoiler.


Is there any way Williams can somehow logically weave in Anakin's Theme again? I love that theme and was always sorry that it was basically thrown out after Menace. Maybe Luke or Leia's child could have an Anakin's Grandchild's Theme? :(


Who knows, maybe some kind of reprisal if we ever see another child or very innocent/young character take center stage like Anakin did in Episode I. Though Anakin's theme very carefully wove some of the empire stuff into it so it would have to be different unless that was also an important part of their character.

It's definitely a wonderful piece from the Episode I OST.
Little known but should be pretty well known: Kiera Knightely was Natalie's double and at one time neither girl's mother could tell them apart when they were in full costume.


The inclusion of another gifted child tempted by the force would be bad I think.

The entire point of the prequels is to show Luke's arc again, but with the chosen one faltering. We've seen both sides of the Jesus figure model play out. The well's run dry.


There are so many creative ways to incorporate child force users... the idea that it always has to be about dark side temptation or about a prophesy is pretty lazy thinking.


There are so many creative ways to incorporate child force users... the idea that it always has to be about dark side temptation or about a prophesy is pretty lazy thinking.
You just said a child with an important Empire element to their character, no?

Sure, they could just outright have a Sith child with no Jedi aspirations, in fact, the journey from the Sith to the Jedi might be an interesting central core to the new trilogy, but I doubt it.
One can cut through the crossguard emitters, in other words, the crossguard blades are worthless.
Also, assuming they're full powered blades, they're a danger to the user, especially in close confines and elsewhere with limited maneuverability, more so than Maul's double-bladed saber as Maul could avoid the blades with sweeping motions. Even if they're not full powered, you probably don't want them to touch you.

As for lightsaber resistant emitters... If the emitters are lightsaber resistant, why even have the blades in the first place? Just use more lightsaber resistant material and have a proper crossguard.
Rule of cool is OK when it doesn't cause fridge logic, when it looks more dangerous than cool. I do like the concept for the sword, no the execution. Some GAFer here made an excellent variation of the sword that made more sense.

Unless you go off the Colbert explanation; the beam is still generated in the central handle and then split 3 ways. The little stubs are just there to protect the user's hands.
Don't worry about that spoiler thread. The OP didn't do any research and posted a link to a reddit article about a guy on 4chan who "leaked" script pages from the movie...except Reddit figured out he faked all the script pages. It's not a spoiler.
It is almost certainly fake, but I wouldn't go so far to say not to worry about it. It is largely based on what are generally assumed to be legit spoilers, so while new stuff is likely extrapolated nonsense, the basis may still be spoiler material (especially for those attempting a blackout).
It is almost certainly fake, but I wouldn't go so far to say not to worry about it. It is largely based on what are generally assumed to be legit spoilers, so while new stuff is likely extrapolated nonsense, the basis may still be spoiler material (especially for those attempting a blackout).

True, if you are avoiding all info (including the leaked concept art) then avoid that thread. While the guy has been proven to be a fake (not sure why that thread is even still open), he does base his speculations off of confirmed spoilers.
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