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STARCRAFT 2 ZERG Announcement Thread


S8 RoXoRz said:
Thank You!!! Hype for SC2 reached the stars!!!

I am guessing that's Kerrigan at the end of the trailer? Not sure though =(

Isn't Kerrigan supposed to be some sort of human/zerg hybrid with two legs?


Kittonwy said:
Isn't Kerrigan supposed to be some sort of human/zerg hybrid with two legs?

Yeah your right, No Kerrigan in the trailer and the narrator don't sound anything like Kerrigan either =(




(works for gametrailers)
IzumiK said:
I thought that megaupload video was that 9 minute youtube video.

Is there no hi def video of that 9 minute thing? Most of it seem like it was a part of the zerg reveal trailer.

Hey, that's the stuff! Hmm... any HD videos?
Unfortunately no HD for these.

Blame Blizzard.
I still don't like the idea of units like the queen and mothership. I don't particularly like it when you can only build 1 of something like that.

Other than that no real complaints.


AdventureRacing said:
I still don't like the idea of units like the queen and mothership. I don't particularly like it when you can only build 1 of something like that.

Other than that no real complaints.

you can build more than one mothership, they aren't as powerful as they were in the past.

The queen isnt meant for offense, think of it as a mother protecting its children, strong at home but once easily outnumbered outside she is no real threat.


Not Wario
Blizzard didn't put up the Terran HD footage until nearly a month or so had passed (maybe more?) since the demonstration. I wouldn't count on Zerg HD footage anytime soon. :(
Zyzyxxz said:
you can build more than one mothership, they aren't as powerful as they were in the past.

The queen isnt meant for offense, think of it as a mother protecting its children, strong at home but once easily outnumbered outside she is no real threat.


On another note what do yous think about ultralisks, personally i much prefer there old design. This new design just doesn't seem as badass, especially the attack animation/sound effect.
They pretty much drive the StarCraft plot line, and they're also probably the race that is the most unique to StarCraft in terms of their style of gameplay.


KarishBHR said:
Im not a Starcraft fan, but I am interested in this game... can someone tell me why the zerg are such a big announcement?

It brings the game one step closer to being released.


KarishBHR said:
Im not a Starcraft fan, but I am interested in this game... can someone tell me why the zerg are such a big announcement?

They're the Big Bad of the series.

Also they play differently than sides in other games.

U K Narayan said:
Is Glynnis Talken Campbell voicing Kerrigan in StarCraft II?

Because that sounds nothing like the Kerrigan I remember.

I know not an amazing source but IMDB has the voices of Kerrigan, Raynor, Artanis and Duran returning.


KarishBHR said:
Im not a Starcraft fan, but I am interested in this game... can someone tell me why the zerg are such a big announcement?
More than what everyone else has said, they're also the third (and final) race of the game. So zerg being announced means anything else we get on the game is entirely new info.


Gold Member
lybertyboy said:
Starcraft II 'Zerg Action' gameplay (9 minute video) - http://gamevideos.com/video/id/17938

The flash video is 640x360 (Fullscreen by clicking box in lower right hand corner of player)

Download QT at 960x540

Download WMV-HD at 1280x720 (Coming soon)

Wow. I'm not really into RTSs but that is fucking amazing. I really should go pick up the first one.


Gold Member
Do any of the Zerg gameplay videos have background music yet? It's awkwardly silent with it missing from all the ones I saw.


Wow, the infestor looks fugly. :lol



dam that 9 minute video was badass.

The Infestor looks like something that belongs on the scourge in Warcraft instead
aznpxdd said:
Eh, doesn't really fit the Zerg IMO, too fat and stubby. I rather they bring back the Defiler model.

They got rid of the defiler? It was my favorite zerg unit:(

Also i agree that infester just doesn't seem to fit.


Akia said:
Starcraft II Blowout Tonight @ 1UP

It's here: http://www.1up.com/do/previewPage?cId=3166871

Click the link for the full details.

Milky's 1UP Impressions said:
While the Roaches don't have a lot of HP, they have a regenerative ability that lets them burrow underground and heal back to full health in seconds, making them resilient, resource-light ground soldiers. You need fast, heavy firepower to kill them effectively (Terrans: Use Siege Tanks).

Milky's 1UP Impressions said:
The Queen is a specialized unit that can be upgraded multiple times (to a Large Queen, then a Huge Queen, et cetera). The bigger she grows, the more powerful she becomes -- which is important since you can only have one at any given time. The Queen lays down structures like Creep Tumors, which spread the creep. Other structures like the Swarm Clutch and the Shrieker replace the old-school creep colonies, spore colonies, and sunken colonies. The graphical presentation and detail of these structures is delightfully perverse -- eyeballs embedded in the creep, for example.

Milky's 1UP Impressions said:
Since protecting the Queen is of the utmost importance to a Zerg player (since she can wreak havoc on enemy troops, heal friendly units, and -- get this -- cause Zerg buildings themselves to attack enemy troops in a frenzy), think of her like the Queen in the game of chess: She's incredibly strong, but you only get one -- and if you lose her (in the case of StarCraft II), you lose her upgrades.'

Milky's 1UP Impressions said:
If you upgrade your Overlords to Overseers, their vision expands the longer you stay still. Once they move, however, the field of view shrinks back to default status until you rest again. Overlords* can now perform irritating (to the enemy) moves, like Mineral Infestation, which prevents a foe from being able to mine and can quickly and efficiently cut off his income -- without which he'll be unable to build units.

*Has to be a typo.

Milky's 1UP Impressions said:
Infest a Terran Barracks, and watch as it spits out half a dozen infested marines in a heartbeat. The balancing factor is that these units have a specific life span and can't be used indefinitely. These units are meant to be disposable.

Milky's 1UP Impressions said:
(the Terran Thor -- a powerful one-of-a-kind unit -- had a Schwarzenegger voice, which was totally awesome)


So the Queen IS a unique unit, and so is the Thor. I dunno. We'll see. I'm not crazy on the concept of heroes in SC2, but I don't know nearly enough about how they work to have a real opinion.

But, big :lol at this paragraph:
Since protecting the Queen is of the utmost importance to a Zerg player (since she can wreak havoc on enemy troops, heal friendly units, and -- get this -- cause Zerg buildings themselves to attack enemy troops in a frenzy), think of her like the Queen in the game of chess: She's incredibly strong, but you only get one -- and if you lose her (in the case of StarCraft II), you lose her upgrades. Fortunately, the Queen has a move called Deep Tunnel that allows her to burrow and resurface near any of her buildings. While some have suggested the Queen is like a hero unit from Warcraft III, that's not the case. You simply level her up to unlock additional tiers of abilities, and her ability list (including moves like Swarm Infestation and Regeneration) fills up almost her entire ability screen.
What the hell man, that's exactly what WC3 heroes are :lol
Akia said:
It's here: http://www.1up.com/do/previewPage?cId=3166871

Click the link for the full details.

Absolutely amazing; as a zerg player I'm extremely impressed with this. That reveal of the Protoss really impressed me and at the time I couldn't see how the other races would be able to compete. Then the Terran were revealed and I had similar thoughts. But now that it sounds like the zerg are absolutely badass I'm behind happy :D


I wasn't big into multi Warcraft 3, but couldn't you respawn heroes?

It sounds like the "heroes" in Starcraft 2 are specialized units once you lose them they are gone for good.

I'm not too sure I like this aspect, but Blizzard won't fuck it up.


Draft said:
What the hell man, that's exactly what WC3 heroes are :lol

In Warcraft III, your hero didn't lose their abilities upon death. Theoretically in Starcraft II, a player can destroy their opponents "hero" advantage and turn the tide in battle.. Not to mention that the unit is primarily being used defensively and has low HP. From the way things are sounding I think I'd actually prefer it to dragging drones around to build towers, repair buildings and spawn more creep area.

PhoenixDark said:
Absolutely amazing; as a zerg player I'm extremely impressed with this. That reveal of the Protoss really impressed me and at the time I couldn't see how the other races would be able to compete. Then the Terran were revealed and I had similar thoughts. But now that it sounds like the zerg are absolutely badass I'm behind happy :D

I completely agree. They just need to make the Zerg look nastier and change some unit models.


Mrbob said:
I wasn't big into multi Warcraft 3, but couldn't you respawn heroes?

It sounds like the "heroes" in Starcraft 2 are specialized units once you lose them they are gone for good.

There are one-of-a-kind units in Starcraft 2, but they are not hereos. They do not gain experience from killing enemies or creeps, they do not pick up items nor do they have an inventory. They get upgrades by paying for them, and the upgrades should take some time to build.

In the case of the Queen, most of her abilities only work when she's in your base, on the creep (making your buildings attack with fireflies, putting down creep tumors, shriekers, healing your buildings, tunneling between hatcheries, poisoning the creep). She would be quite vulnerable anywhere else, and is therefore only useful as a defensive unit.


Mrbob said:
I wasn't big into multi Warcraft 3, but couldn't you respawn heroes?

It sounds like the "heroes" in Starcraft 2 are specialized units once you lose them they are gone for good.
Yes, and they leveled up by killing stuff, not with resources. I am just breaking his balls because the Queen at least sounds very, very close to what WC3 heroes were.


The Zerg reveal just completely reaffirms that Starcraft II B.net is going to consume my life.

I'm actually quite scared of this game's release.


One new unit, the Roach, is halfway between a Zergling and a Hydralisk (the Zerg's second-tier warrior that can attack both land and air, and is a force to be reckoned with en masse). It has a ranged attack like the Hydralisk, but can't target aerial enemies. Reports out of South Korea suggest it's too good of a soldier for its low cost. Chances are the cost will be raised per unit after Blizzard's done balancing the game (which is still pre-alpha), but the Roach is so effective it may lead to a new term called "Roaching," or a "Roach Rush." While the Roaches don't have a lot of HP, they have a regenerative ability that lets them burrow underground and heal back to full health in seconds, making them resilient, resource-light ground soldiers. - 1UP

Sounds like you have to burrow the Roach for it's super healing to happen, good to see that the game will still be micro-intensive :D


Zzoram said:
Sounds like you have to burrow the Roach for it's super healing to happen, good to see that the game will still be micro-intensive :D

Fighting a Zerg Roach user is going to be an epic game of Whack-a-Mole.


Also, the 1UP preview is a bit sloppy. The corrupter isn't the replacement to the defiler, the infestor is, the corrupter replaces the devourer. Also, he mentioned that he had Dark Archons, which probably means Twilight Archons.
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