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//: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty |OT| GL HF GG

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Next week cant come quickly enough.
Btw I hope there is an archive of that Day 9 king of the beta stuff up soon. Like NOW o_O


Since I can't play RTS games in MP (I'm the worst player on the net, and my heart borders on exploding every game), I'm really curious about the SP campaign. Is it supposed to be good/great/awesome in this?


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
BeeDog said:
I'm really curious about the SP campaign. Is it supposed to be good/great/awesome in this?

Absolutely yes.

The story of StarCraft is amazing, and they've done a ton of improvements to the single player since the original game came out.


ZealousD said:
Absolutely yes.

The story of StarCraft is amazing, and they've done a ton of improvements to the single player since the original game came out.

Thanks for a non-stupid-sarcastical response, since I was genuinely curious. Most RTS's I've played lately have had unique SP missions, but they still border on the "capture that base/kill X enemies/survive X minutes" stuff, pretty standard fare. I hope SC2 has a lot of unique stuff instead.

(P.S.: It should be obvious I haven't kept up with this game at all :D )


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
SC II will be my first RTS game, i will buy. The beta was awesome.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
BeeDog said:
Thanks for a non-stupid-sarcastical response, since I was genuinely curious. Most RTS's I've played lately have had unique SP missions, but they still border on the "capture that base/kill X enemies/survive X minutes" stuff, pretty standard fare. I hope SC2 has a lot of unique stuff instead.

(P.S.: It should be obvious I haven't kept up with this game at all :D )

There's several videos in the OT that address the single player.



BeeDog said:
Since I can't play RTS games in MP (I'm the worst player on the net, and my heart borders on exploding every game), I'm really curious about the SP campaign. Is it supposed to be good/great/awesome in this?
It's like Wing Commander in structure.

Point and Click adventure between missions, very involving plot.
Choice of missions to perform.
Research and purchase of new units (during point & click part).
Story highpoints in stunning CG.
Mega budget.

It's going to be awesome / remembered for years.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Cant wait, to those who feel they cant get sc2 down get down a few builds with a race from tl.net, simple stuff, and while doing those builds focus on 3 things

a) keep building probes (bind cc/hatch/nexus to 1 perhaps)
b) Keep building units
c) Try to keep your gase/minerals at an even keel, not dead on but be warey of letting either get too high (later in the game if you are teching this is fine but early days just keep it simple)

Binding nexus to 1, gateways to 2, starport to 3 etc will allow you to make sure your buildings keep building and your cc keeps churning out probes. I know it sounds silly but so so few people remember to keep making things, especially probes, and early on in your sc2 life that is the most important thing. I would suggest not to bother laddering at all, take the pressure off and stick to custom games. Create the game and when he joins check his profile to see his level, filter out by silver/bronze players.

You will develop a few builds, refine some, learn that if you cut this probe here you can get this unit here, or if you delay this building you can get a few more probes etc etc. Expansions are tricky too but short of ingame wisdom the best advice is to expand when you feel safe, when you can adequately defend it OR when you are going to be attacking yourself.

All in all keep it simple until you have got the basics down and i assure you you can beat 90% of silver/bronze players by simply making sure to build probes and build units (check the replays and you will see most bronze/silver players have far far too many minerals at the end.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Acidote said:
And power overwhelming show me the money :lol .

That was solely to save time. =P

Each campaign needed like 3-4 hours of work in recording, editing, and uploading. If I hadn't used cheats, I would have needed a couple weeks to do everything.


BeeDog said:
Since I can't play RTS games in MP (I'm the worst player on the net, and my heart borders on exploding every game), I'm really curious about the SP campaign. Is it supposed to be good/great/awesome in this?

Don't play 1v1. Play in some bigger match ups like 3v3/4v4 until you get into the swing of things and build your confidence a bit.
There are always people playing this type of game who aren't brilliant, some of the crazyness I've seen in the years playing rts will make you chuckle, but you wont get better unless you actually play some MP. In the bigger games you can be carried until you learn.
If you don't play MP your missing out on a large part of the game.


Do we have any sort of release date window for the two expansions?

I know Blizzard haven't said anything about them yet, but maybe some of the Blizzard connoisseurs can make some broad predictions.... one per year? one expansion every two years?

Starcraft is all about the story for me, so having the three races split into several games is like, wcs.


Haunted said:
Do we have any sort of release date window for the two expansions?

I know Blizzard haven't said anything about them yet, but maybe some of the Blizzard connoisseurs can make some broad predictions.... one per year? one expansion every two years?

Starcraft is all about the story for me, so having the three races split into several games is like, wcs.

every 2 years...
It's funny because I was super stoked for this game until I played the beta and realized that, like SC1, I will never ever be able to be good at this game. Ever. My hype kinda died after coming to grips with this depressing fact, but now that the game's launch is imminent, I can't help but wonder if I gave up too soon.

Maybe I should just buy it anyways.


autobzooty said:
It's funny because I was super stoked for this game until I played the beta and realized that, like SC1, I will never ever be able to be good at this game. Ever. My hype kinda died after coming to grips with this depressing fact, but now that the game's launch is imminent, I can't help but wonder if I gave up too soon.

Maybe I should just buy it anyways.

It's just practise. No matter how good you are at this game you will still get beaten so it doesn't matter really what your level is.
Do you really need to excel at something to be able to have fun?
I'm sure after a few weeks the ranking system will sort itself out so your playing against similarly skilled players.
It does have a bit of a steep learning curve initially, but when your over that you should be good.
I'd probably advise against starting with zerg and play as someone like Terran until you learn the ins and outs of the game more.
One great thing about this game is you'll still be learning from it for ages regardless of your level.
autobzooty said:
It's funny because I was super stoked for this game until I played the beta and realized that, like SC1, I will never ever be able to be good at this game. Ever. My hype kinda died after coming to grips with this depressing fact, but now that the game's launch is imminent, I can't help but wonder if I gave up too soon.

Maybe I should just buy it anyways.
Just keep at it, the game is MUCH easier to be decent at than SC1.


I'm still pissed they got everyone back to voice their respective characters and they replace fucking KERRIGAN. :(


Nork unification denier
anaron said:
I'm still pissed they got everyone back to voice their respective characters and they replace fucking KERRIGAN. :(

Ranks right up there with the lack of LAN for me (seriously).
Any word on how long the campaign will be?
Didn't they say they split the game in to 3 parts because the Terran campaign will be as long as all 4 Warcraft 3 Classic campaigns together?


Gold Member
Dr. Kitty Muffins said:
Any benefits to buying the digital copy?

Your game could be pre-loaded on your drive and ready to go right this instant. Blizzard probably gets a larger cut out of the digital copy too.

Tryckser said:
Any word on how long the campaign will be?
Didn't they say they split the game in to 3 parts because the Terran campaign will be as long as all 4 Warcraft 3 Classic campaigns together?

OP explains. But they did it because it was impossible for them to achieve the meta game they wanted with shorter campaigns. Game length will be significantly longer than SC1 thanks to achievements allowing multiple replays of the same level, and various difficulty levels, also allowing replays of the same level.


anaron said:
I'm still pissed they got everyone back to voice their respective characters and they replace fucking KERRIGAN. :(

It does sound really weird :( Especially since one of the earlier trailers has the old Kerrigan voice actor in it.


Seeing those videos of the single player again brings up a question I had before. Well more of a wonder then anything. How both the Goliath and Thor are suppose to work together and why only the Thor was allowed for mulitplayer. Unless some units are only avaliable in certain missions due to story reasons now really sure how all these units will be handled. I guess that's part of the plan in the end and we'll find out but has been on my mind at times when it comes to the game.


Starcraft II Wings of Liberty GPU graphics performance


As you will learn, ATI is not yet ready with their drivers and as such AntiAliasing is not yet supported. The majority of our test sessions will have either 0xAA for ATI and NVIDIA graphics cards and 4xAA solely for NVIDIA's graphics cards.

Final words

StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty seems to be a huge title with a lot of potential. We loved playing the beta and can't wait for the final product.

We do wish it would have used a next-gen DX11 engine and some more eye-candy, but none the less it still is a very attractive game to observe alright. Performance wise if you stick to 0xAA then any reasonable graphics card will do just fine. Value for money wise if you are in the market right now then you should hunt down a Radeon HD 5770, 5830 or GeForce GTX 460 768 / 1024MB. We hope that ATI will update their drivers soon so that AA can be tested on their end as well.


gillFTR said:
still on the fence if i should get the collectors edition or not

Me too. Actually I don't need anything of the extra content, but when I just look at my old WoW CE with the super smooth design etc., I just can't get myself to cancel my preorder.

And Goddamn it, it's Starcraft man! Starcraft!
Kinyou said:
Me too. Actually I don't need anything of the extra content, but when I just look at my old WoW CE with the super smooth design etc., I just can't get myself to cancel my preorder.

And Goddamn it, it's Starcraft man! Starcraft!

Artbook, soundtrack, previous games, can probably sell the wow pet, etc. Worth it to me.


Gold Member
DennisK4 said:

Sorta a re-hash of a post from the I need a new PC thread, but seems relevant here too...

I prefer this review, out of the recent batch. They do an excellent job of showing how inadequately the game uses the CPU.

They also agree the GTX 460 is an amazing card, offering 1200p gameplay at 60fps w/ non-optimized, forced 4xAA which ATi can't match on any card. If AA ever gets natively supported (and they show examples, which quite honestly are hard to tell apart), performance will be even better.


That means the CPU is not working properly (or perhaps saying it is performing inadequately is more correct) in the game's engine.

At 1920x1200, because the GTX 460 is already hitting a CPU limit, the SLI performance doesn't equate to anything and the extra card is kind of useless..

That CPU limit is being hit while it is only utilizing around 20% of the CPU, pretty embarrassing for a game with a 100M budget.

I would say overclocking your CPU is definitely one of the bigger, simpler things you can do for performance gains. The game very much prefers 3Ghz+, closer to 4 the better.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Tenks said:
Bitches don't know how tingly my balls are for this game


I have a GTX295 in my gaming rig right now. What should I upgrade to? Preferably nVidia since I don't want to reformat my system drive. Nothing too noisy, but other than that I'm not being picky about the price.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
they do, they're just to polite to ask you to go have a shower FOR THE THIRD NIGHT IN A ROW


My GF has banned from talking about Starcraft2 around her. Apparently her ex-fiance got lost in the world of warcraft and is convinced I'm going to do the same with Starcraft2. So in other words I'll be single here pretty soon. Where girl-gaf at???


Also how exclusive is the club of people who got Starcraft1 day1 and will be getting Starcraft2 day1??! LETS HANG OUT


Truant said:
I have a GTX295 in my gaming rig right now. What should I upgrade to? Preferably nVidia since I don't want to reformat my system drive. Nothing too noisy, but other than that I'm not being picky about the price.

Nothing out there worth upgrading for Truant, I'ld wait it out for those high end ATI6 series and other possible GF104 based high end fermis. (end 2010 / early 2011 something)

(I'm using a GTX295 myself)

Also keep in mind that SC2 is a DX9 game.

Edit: I played the beta on it and the game ran fine, everything maxed. 1920x1200


Truant said:
I have a GTX295 in my gaming rig right now. What should I upgrade to? Preferably nVidia since I don't want to reformat my system drive. Nothing too noisy, but other than that I'm not being picky about the price.

WTF thats a $500 card and you want to upgrade it??


Also in the 295 club


Really Really Exciting Member!
Truant said:
I have a GTX295 in my gaming rig right now. What should I upgrade to? Preferably nVidia since I don't want to reformat my system drive. Nothing too noisy, but other than that I'm not being picky about the price.

You don't really need a super video card for Starcraft II. I mean, all i have is a 9800gt and i can play in Ultra setting and highest resolution settings with smooth FPS unless there is thousands of units on a single map. The only time i saw a big drop in FPS was in some small custom map, probably badly optimized, with me & 7 CPUs. All the Blizzard maps are almost perfect.


Truant said:
I have a GTX295 in my gaming rig right now. What should I upgrade to? Preferably nVidia since I don't want to reformat my system drive. Nothing too noisy, but other than that I'm not being picky about the price.
Must be nice being rich.

I am rich too! *internet highfive*


Alright, guys! Thanks, I'll probably stick with it for a few months. I know the card is expensive, but it's such a NOISY BEAASTTT.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Sooo worried about my social life after this is out :(
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