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State your Hardware Biases - Round II (now with poll!)

What's your Hardware Bias?

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... even though I tend to buy every console per gen.
I need games most of all regardless of where they are released!


I chose Microsoft & Nintendo, I'm buying the Xbox 360 and the Wii and I'm still in love with Nintendo’s portable platforms. But I'm also into PC gaming, it still has a lot to offer.



Though I own Xbox, PS2 and Gamecube, I voted Nintendo, purely because Nintendo has me smitten with the DS at the moment.


My biased is towards me.

I buy what I like. I don't need anyone, or anything, to tell me what I like or dislike.
I like the internal development studios of Sony and Nintendo so i'll go with them. But in all honesty all I particularly care about is actual games and not cynical hardware manufacturers. I will certainly buy all three consoles this cycle simply to get the games.


While I try to get every hardware at some point, this time looks unlikely, so for now Wii and PS3. Also have both PSP and a shinny new DS lite:D


(more a nerd than a geek)
Amir0x said:
Can I write in "I hate all three of them ****up companies"?

... well, you can vote for "Other", I suppose. Are you telling me you have no bias towards buying the hardware of any of those three?


DavidDayton said:
... well, you can vote for "Other", I suppose. Are you telling me you have no bias towards buying the hardware of any of those three?

No, i buy based on three criteria

- Third Party Support (whichever has the best wins - been PSOne and PS2 by leaps and bounds last two gens)
- Features (whichever has the best online system usually wins, but there are other factors)
- Legacy Support and First Party Support (BC, and Nintendo usually wins first party wars)

So TYPICALLY it's pretty even, right? Xbox wins features, PS wins third party, and Nintendo's first party outweighs any other part of the third criteria.

BUT... this latest round is a disaster for all three companies from my standpoint. They all do some neat things, but they've all also ****ed up so badly that I hate them all :mad:


E3 was my turning point.

Sony lost me with "RIIIIDGE RACER," "giant crabs," "massive damage," and "five-hundred and ninety-nine U.S. dollars."

Microsoft +1


Has no PEINS
I simply tend to enjoy the franchises on Sony consoles. I haven't had a Nintendo system since Nintendo 64 and I haven't regretted it, I also don't regret not owning an Xbox so I guess that makes me a Sony fanboy


i used to not have a bias but the recent infux of nintendo fans on this forum has really discouraged me from buying nintendo games. dealing with them at work was one thing, but on these forums, yesh. microsoft and sony ftw.


(more a nerd than a geek)
teepo said:
i used to not have a bias but the recent infux of nintendo fans on this forum has really discouraged me from buying nintendo games. dealing with them at work was one thing, but on these forums, yesh. microsoft and sony ftw.

The funny thing is that, based on the stats so far, the relative portions of Nintendo, Sony, and MS fans have remained fairly constant since September of last year.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Nintendo and Sony

I'm sad that the Wii is pretty underpowered, but hey, it's got a real Mario platformer, Zelda, and soon to come, online SSB. How can I resist such an onslaught?

I admit, it's fun teasing Sony nowadays, but I do love the amount of Japanese support the PS1 and PS2 received, and I'll eventually get a PS3 when I can afford it (which is years from now).


DavidDayton said:
The funny thing is that, based on the stats so far, the relative portions of Nintendo, Sony, and MS fans have remained fairly constant since September of last year.

People can cry what they want, but this forum has had more Nintendo fans for awhile. It's just they have gotten more ballsy and loud since E3 and the MS fans have been riding those coattails from the TXB forums screaming "Sony Bias!" and "Wii360!". Just about every fanbase this gen has a good portion of positive things to point to and scream "MINES BETTER THEN YOURS" which makes this coming gen interesting.


Not having a computer gaming bias is stupid, because it's very clear some people have that. I have no real console bias right now since E3. I used to have a Sony bias, but there is no way I'm paying over 600 for launch hardware. I wouldn't mind being an xbot, but MS is still having serious reliability problems with the 360 for me to even think about getting one. So I guess right now my biases are PC gaming and Nintendo (Wii).


Tagged as I see fit
Man - I thought this was about a *hardware* bias...not software or games.

In the spirit of the thread I chose Sony and Nintendo. Sony because the hardware (to me at least) seems like it still we be quite nice. Nintendo vs MS in the hardware arena goes to Nintendo just because of all the issues the MS hardware seems to be having right now. I will say that's a little unfair though as neither the PS3 or Wii are out yet so my bias is absolutely subject to change.

However, for right now, it's PSThwii/Wii3 for the win.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
As of this post, PSThwii is beating Wii60.... Maybe the fad has died and we've returned to sanity?


A couple of months ago I would have said Nintendo+Sony but I've been re-evaluating my position and trying to understand what games I enjoy most and wouldn't want to be without, while at the same time trying to lower the buying rate of games.
Hitting the big 3-0 soon might have something to do with it I believe. ;)

I used to buy lots and lots of games and simply didn't have the time to play them all.
At some extend I still do, especially now when trying to find lots of GBA games that I've missed before they get to hard to find or get too expensive.

The thing I found out was that I simply enjoy classic style games more then the newer stuff.
You know twitch gaming, shmups, platformers, puzzle games, basicly arcade style games...

So for the forceable future I'll go with a DS and a Wii. Might change my mind in a couple of years time, but untill them it'll be retro systems and these 2 for me. :)

ps I would have picked Nintendo+Sega if that was still an option. :D
I don't generally have any "bias", i could easily like or dislike any company for any reason at any time. I didn't particularly like Microsoft and the Xbox last generation, for example, but they're impressing me this generation (even though there are still issues). In general, i just go where the games i want to play go, so right now it's primarily Sony with the 360 peaking my interest (Lost Planet, Bioshock). This may be the first generation where i'll end up with more than one console.


Junior Member
Price wise, I'll be buying 2 consoles this upcoming generation. Maybe that last year, I'll buy the third. I'm shooting for sub $300 consoles only. **** the push for $500+ consoles.
standard disclaimer: I will own all systems, I'm mainly a fan of good games, yadda yadda. Warning though: Lots of MS damage control up ahead :lol

That said, as much as people would disagree, MS seems to be doing the most things "right" as far as hardware features and developer support goes. From a business standpoint they're making mostly good decisions, and from a gamer/developer standpoint I can't complain too much. It's funny, because in the PC world they're the big corporate monster, but in console gaming they've fit into the scrappy underdog role. Then again, I read "The Xbox 360 Uncloaked" recently, so that kinda colors my perception of things, heh. Their software background helps as far as ease of development goes, and all the media features don't seem to get in the way of the gaming experience.

Even decisions that seemed horrible at first aren't as bad as I thought they were in retrospect. Everyone gave them shit about the Core/Premium package, yet they'll probably be able to get the system down to $150-$200 when Sony is still trying to get under $350 because of it. And everyone gives Sony shit for packing in a blu-ray player "no one wants", yet when MS gives you the option of a hard drive, they're the worst. The main problem with the core system is not that it exists...it's just that it cut into the supply of the premium that most early adopters want. And even though the hard drive is technically not standard, I sure haven't felt like my hard drive was unsupported. If you wanna count it as a peripheral, it's the best damn $100 peripheral ever made, lol.

Also, people say system prices are out of control, but a $300 Xbox 360 gets you the same basic items as a PS2 at launch, but no one complained about it back then. $40 memory cards now, $40 memory cards back then. Sleek $50 wireless 1st party controllers for 360 now, $40-$50 3rd party wireless controllers (logitech) with bulky adapters and lack of direct headset support for the original Xbox.

They also caught a lot of flack for the worldwide launch, but I don't even think that was the worst thing ever. People say they shouldn't have sent any to Japan because Japan doesn't care about the 360, but it's not as if the units shipped to Japan would've made a huge difference in the US anyway. Some people make it sound like they sent 500K units to Japan or something...wasn't it just like 125-150K? The Japan launch sucked for other reasons, not because they took units that should be in the US. Hell, they just launched in Chile for gods sakes, so it's kinda cool that they're actually trying to take gaming out of just 3 markets. Yes I know it's all part of MS's world domination plans...it's still cool though, lol

And last but not least, MS always catches shit for the BC situation, yet if they came out with a $450-$500 power hungry intel/nvidia based system that played every Xbox 1 game perfectly, some people would probably be like "why do I have to pay for BC, I already have an Xbox!".

The only major ****up in my eyes from a consumer standpoint (besides the obviously unintended shortage) are the 3 red lights. Get that sorted out, and they're in the clear in my book.

So yeah, MS damage control ftw, lol
I was originally planning on going with a DS, Wii,PC, and PS3 this generation. PS3 costs too much to be affordable, so for the foreseeable future, I'll be a PCWiiDS person. When Sony drops the PS3 price to something worthwhile (300ish for top end model) I'll probably bite, Given how long it took for prices to drop this generation I'm not holding my breath though. X360 still has too much junk that will be available/I'd rather play on PC to hold my attention much, just like last generation.


you can't put a price on sparks
well, i'll just say that the only console i'm really planning to buy in the future at this stage is a sony console.
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