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Stellaris |OT| Imperium Universalis


Does anyone know when we get Steam keys if we pre-ordered from GMG? Or do they not come until release tomorrow?

AFAIK Paradox isn't even doing preloading, so as long as GMG delivers anytime before release you're not missing out on anything.
Advanced forms of government are out there, AFAIK. Some of them will allow for things like the Zerg or Borg, depending on how it works. (I haven't seen it for myself.)
My position is kind of odd, because I've never played much grand strategy, but I know why I want to play them. My mindset comes from my time with the tutorials and some play, and a lot of reading about these games. Stellaris will be the first I really sink my teeth into.

Unlike any other medium, games aren't mere conduits for us to enjoy stories, but can generate new stories themselves. While RPGs and other genres are good at this, there are a few that I would argue are natural "story generators". They usually combine systems-driven gameplay, open worlds, and open-ended mechanics to deliver emergent moments. Project Zomboid, DayZ, STALKER, Minecraft, and so on. But perhaps none more so than grand strategy games. Especially Paradox grand strategy games.

They're challenging games of management and both short-term and long-term planning. Success relies not just on turn-by-turn tactics, but foresight, thinking of how your decisions will affect you a generation, a century, two centuries down the line in-game. They have an epic scope and macro scale that can't be matched, entire continents and nations, populations and cultures. These games simulate things other games rarely touch, like the spread and influence of religion to the familial relationships of dynasties

But deeper still, all those turns and choices and numbers become something more. Much like how you can get invested in the @ in a game like Nethack, these game's numbers and portraits coalesce into epic tales of rival nations, of generations-old grudges erupting into all out war, of backstabbing kings and puppet vassals, of underhanded treaties and deft political maneuvering.

Stellaris takes this to a new height literally, leaving squabbling nations and feuding families behind and launching into the stars. Paradox has embraced the wonder of science fiction and the thrill of space operas, letting you rise from a new civilization dipping its toe into the galactic circle to a universe-conquering empire. From concepts rarely used in games like uplifting to the classic trope of the technologically advanced precursor races, to the need to consider the pros and cons of wormholes versus hyperlanes, Stellaris is a space opera of your own to mold and craft as you see fit.

That's why we're excited
Great post.

Paradox's titles do well to capture a personal and political struggle that most other games shrug off entirely, due to the inherent difficulty in making it work to begin with. This simulation is what makes the shallow AI opponents into fleshed-out adversaries over a course of decades, as struggles are won and lost, and situations change entirely. In grand strategy, you get to witness history as it is made.

The element of randomness, through events and so on, add so much to their games. A smart step away from the cold, hard numbers inherent in 4X titles.


So they said that the game will have a built-in link to the Stellaris wiki for whatever you want to lookup, has anyone seen that in action? I saw Quill mistakenly fire up a browser but that's about it.
So they said that the game will have a built-in link to the Stellaris wiki for whatever you want to lookup, has anyone seen that in action? I saw Quill mistakenly fire up a browser but that's about it.

If it's the same as CK2 it'll just be a little icon in the corner that you can click, which will minimise the game and bring up your browser with the appropriate page open. I imagine this is the wiki they'll use.

Also like CK2, I suspect it'll have an option to disable that feature in-game.


Just found the list of advanced governments, so fucking happy that I get to play out my Deus Ex fantasy in space.



Almost 10 pages already and the game won't be out until 14 more hours. That's serious hype galactic governors. Are you making a list of players for MP? It would be great to play with several gafers, imagine a big 20 players game schedule once a week, that would be great!


So assuming the list of negative traits on the Wiki is complete positive traits that cost 4 are a little awkward. You'll need two negative traits to pay for them but that leaves you using only 3/4 of your trait slots as there are no 0 cost positive traits and you cant have another negative trait as you need to be at a net trait cost of 0. Not a huge deal, just leaving an empty slot grates for some reason (probably because it kills my Intelligent+Venerable dream ;))


Almost 10 pages already and the game won't be out until 14 more hours. That's serious hype galactic governors. Are you making a list of players for MP? It would be great to play with several gafers, imagine a big 20 players game schedule once a week, that would be great!
If there's a list, put me on it too.

timelords pacifists?

lol ok
Was going to say the same thing.
Almost 10 pages already and the game won't be out until 14 more hours. That's serious hype galactic governors. Are you making a list of players for MP? It would be great to play with several gafers, imagine a big 20 players game schedule once a week, that would be great!

I'd love to do this, but it'd be highly dependent on the when. Plus, I'd personally like to go through a SP game or three just to understand the game before jumping into MP.

timelords pacifists?

lol ok

Yeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaah, not everything on there is accurate.


I got an email from GMG telling me how to redeem my game, but it turns out they were just "letting me know that it uses Steam", not actually giving me my code. :(
I got that same thing too, what a fucking tease.

I got three of them! Though that's because I have three preordered. Galaxy for myself, Nova for the wife, normal for the daughter. Oddly, my son who loves space hasn't expressed much interest in the game. He's going through his "I really only play shooters right now" phase.


Both, really.

There's an inherent challenge in managing an empire. You have to oversee economy, population growth and happiness, research, military, diplomacy, etc. These aspects are appealing, especially if you are in a difficult position (e.g. your starting position is unfavourable, or you're wedged between a few stronger opponents). That on itself is challenging, but there's a lot more aspects to this.
You have to prioritize the resources you have available (e.g. what is going to benefit you the most with that enemy empire about to declare war on you - better tech, more ships, or bribing another empire to ally with you?) in order to progress, while you are able to secure strategically important locations that provide more resources or a bottleneck to choke enemy forces through.
Is the situation especially hairy, then you can come up with creative ways to get out of them. The guy who did the GiantBomb quick look of Stellaris, for instance, had a part of his population that was very unhappy and about to rebel. So in order to weaken their faction, he basically gerrymandered the rebellious population by spreading the planets they influenced across several sectors, thus essentially making them a non-issue in his empire. You can only come up with this kind of solution in a complex strategy game.

It's hard to explain the appeal of complex strategy games, but they're really addicting, and it's easy to lose track of time when completely engulfed in them. The work of you leading your empire is never done, after all. :)
Great description of what makes the gameplay decisions of 4X/Grand Strategy so appealing. It inherently leads to emergent storytelling with the divergent ambitions and behaviors of AI factions over long stretches of time, and Paradox does a great job of peppering in authored storylets that add even more color, character and direction to playthroughs. Complex, but very rewarding.

Also worth mentioning that Stellaris has some great in game tutorialization and the early goings are designed to be welcoming and exploration heavy before introducing more nuanced elements of civics, politics and war.


Unlimited Capacity
Why can't this be out right now. I am staring at my library unable to play anything because I just want to play Stellaris. I don't even really care about UC4 coming out tomorrow at 11.
I was never into a 4X game before (no clue what to do in Civ 5) but super tempted to get this since intergalactic scifi is my gem...


I was never into a 4X game before (no clue what to do in Civ 5) but super tempted to get this since intergalactic scifi is my gem...

Paradox Grand strategy is a lot more complicated than Civ V. Though there's a lot of talk that the tutorial for this one is actually good for once, it's still going to be a steeper learning curve than Civ. If you want to get into it, be prepared to fail miserably the first few go play-throughs
Paradox Grand strategy is a lot more complicated than Civ V. Though there's a lot of talk that the tutorial for this one is actually good for once, it's still going to be a steeper learning curve than Civ. If you want to get into it, be prepared to fail miserably the first few go play-throughs

Ah I guess I'll give it a pass then :(

Here's a good way to get into it. Quill goes over the basics as he plays through the game.


Thanks, will look into it.
Ah I guess I'll give it a pass then :(

Thanks, will look into it.

I actually had a lot of fun failing miserably my first few games on EU4. If it's anything like that game, it's really just throwaway games until you learn how the systems works, and how to gauge things like what a big army is, what's important to get from negotiations, etc. I thought the learning curve on EU4 was pretty gentle, and this game is supposed to be even easier to get into. I'd definitely recommend giving it a shot.

I was kinda scared of the depth of Paradox games for a long time, and still have only been able to really grasp EU4, but I'd definitely recommend checking it out if the possibilities and setting interest you. It's not as easy to get into as Civ's "I'll settle in this spot, make a few soldiers, then crush some barbarians!" because there's just a lot more factors in play, but you're introduced to those different systems pretty naturally over the course of a few 20 minute games.

Honestly learning EU4 was one of my favorite recent gaming experiences. When I started the game, I looked at the different options for the map and was completely overwhelmed because there's about 30 different options for the map view. I ignored all of them for a long time, until I was eventually trying to figure out an easy way to visualize all the different alliances the different countries had, and suddenly the different map views made a ton more sense to me.

That process really repeated a ton of times. I would think to myself "How close am I to having a coalition formed against me? I wish I could see- OH SHIT, MAPS!" and I'd learn more about the game when it was necessary for me to know more about that aspect of the game.

Really I just did the tutorials and then had 2 or 3 10-20 minute throwaway games as Spain until I got a good grasp on the basic gameplay, then had a couple 2-4 hour games as Muscovy until I would get crushed and learn more about some of the more complex aspects of the game from how I got defeated. I put around 80 hours in the game, and every minute after the first hour was an absolute blast. If your barrier to playing the game is just the learning curve, I'd definitely recommend giving it a shot.

Also I've never made it past early-mid game Civ. I just like to kill barbarians, I have no idea what the game is like beyond that


Oh neat, the Transcendent Empire government type has your leader titled 'God Emperor'

Immortal for the low low price of thousands of sacrificed psykers a day!

GW should just commission an official 40k version of this game. It'd sell like crazy.


The 40k mod cannot come soon enough!

BUT FIRST THE GAME!!! Less than 12 hours?
Didn't the guy who said that say he used a medium sized Galaxy and had the game speed set to max for most of the play through?

Seems like if you set the Galaxy to large and don't rush a standard game could last much longer.
Didn't the guy who said that say he used a medium sized Galaxy and had the game speed set to max for most of the play through?

Seems like if you set the Galaxy to large and don't rush a standard game could last much longer.

You are right about that, however when I said less than 12 hours I meant until the release of the game!


Babylon 5 mod
Battlestar Galactica mod
Farscape mod
Flash Gordon mod
Doctor Who mod
Star Trek mod
Star Wars mod



Reviews will go live 2-3 hours before release for anyone still on the fence.

David Goldfarb @locust9
In other news, if Stellaris isn't at least high 80s I would be shocked. The last space strategy game this good was Master of Orion.


Reviews will go live 2-3 hours before release for anyone still on the fence.

David Goldfarb @locust9
In other news, if Stellaris isn't at least high 80s I would be shocked. The last space strategy game this good was Master of Orion.
I'm very interested in it but still on the fence since I've never played any game like this.
Why can't this be out right now. I am staring at my library unable to play anything because I just want to play Stellaris. I don't even really care about UC4 coming out tomorrow at 11.
UC4? What's that? :p

In other news, if Stellaris isn't at least high 80s I would be shocked. The last space strategy game this good was Master of Orion.
Don't hold your breath. The gaming media is completely unreliable when it comes to PC exclusive games, non AAA-games or strategy games. And stellaris happens to be all 3.
So what's going on with slavery, I heard it's kinda broken with no "consequences" to speak of (revolts and such). Is it something the devs have spoken about and will address?


So not worth it
DLGamer has a nice little countdown on your account page that is ticking down, it's sort of peaceful.

So what's going on with slavery, I heard it's kinda broken with no "consequences" to speak of (revolts and such). Is it something the devs have spoken about and will address?

If your race are slavers, why would your populace revolt when you practice slavery? Same goes with purging races, your race either does it or doesn't, it's a trait.

It does influence your relations, AFAIK, with races that don't enjoy the benefits of forced labour.


So what's going on with slavery, I heard it's kinda broken with no "consequences" to speak of (revolts and such). Is it something the devs have spoken about and will address?
We will almost certainly add them in the not distant future. They just were not prioritized for release because we chose to prioritize other things.

It's really not terribly unbalanced or anything. Slaves are still only good for minerals and food.
FYI Pop Factions and revolts are completely moddable, you could create faction revolts that only happen with Blorg slaves (forced friends)
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