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StickSkills Rumor: New Mass Effect will be revealed at VGAs

The Flash

Please be more like ME1, don't be anything like ME2 or ME3.

ME1 had a fantastic atmosphere, characters and story. The mechanics weren't that great though. ME3 mechanics, ME1 pretty much everything else please.
What? No. Preferably no more "save the galaxy from big threats" arcs, but if it has to be, story or ME1. Level design a better version of 1 as well (more open-ended, but not as repetitive, to explore the unknown galaxy and worlds).

Unless you mean how 2 was more about the individual stories, in which case I agree.
That is what I meant. It was the individual stories that pulled me into Mass Effect.


Here's what which game got right (imNh0):

ME1- Locales, Soundtrack, Biotic powers, Overarching quest
ME2- Locales, Side missions, Character personas, Gun play (overall precision of controls)
ME3- Gun play, Probing Uranus
If thats true, it won't be gameplay... it will be a CGI cutscene like they did for ME3 that is extremely vague outside of the armor and weaponry.


Playing as a Turian would be absolutely amazing though. Imagine exploring the Turian homeworld as a Spectre. You could see their inner politics, culture, military, and gain a better appreciation for how other species treat Turians. The Turians are badass humans anyway so that could be a great opportunity.
Turians are even more boring than humans. They do have some neat experimental battle suits. I'd take the real birds (Raloi) over the metal birds.
Here's what which game got right (imNh0):

ME1- Locales, Soundtrack, Biotic powers, Overarching quest
ME2- Locales, Side missions, Character personas, Gun play (overall precision of controls)
ME3- Gun play, Probing Uranus
ME1 Biotics? I disagree. Too spammy. Would much more prefer an evolved ME3 system with more cooldown differentiation. For example Biotics could work like ME3 cloak or the charge weapons (Acolyte, Geth Shotgun, Graal.) The longer you charge the more power, but longer cooldown. It would really bump up the top end of the skill curve. A much bigger impact than just increasing enemy health and resistances.


Is it worth being excited for the next Mass Effect after what happened with 2 & 3? I ask this as a serious ME fan.


I want holstering. I want Mako exploration back. I want an enhanced dialogue system and no auto dialogue bs. I want explorable hub worlds integrated into the main questline. If they do all of that, I'll be very excited.
What i'd really like to see is a sequel - but one that reveals that shephard actually was indoctrinated the whole time and the ending didn't actually happen in that way. It won't happen though.

I'd still like a new Mass Effect game, as a long as it is absolutely nothing like ME3. There were so many problems with that game, with the gameplay as well as the story. It should go back to being more like ME1.


I'll say it's releasing March 2015.

EA was talking on their financial call how they had a bevy of games to fill the ~15-20 million in sales Battlefield does when it comes out in a given fiscal year.
Have we had a release date for Dragon Age: Inquisition yet? I'd call 6-12 months after DA release for the next ME.


DA:I is cross gen. I believe it's accepted that it originally intended to launch before Fall 2014 though.

It was announced originally as a Fall 2013 title, but EA delayed a title they expected to sell ~5 million units out of the prior fiscal year (the one that ended March 2013) due to "moving development resources to SWTOR", so that was also pretty obviously Dragon Age: Inquisition.
What I want them to do is to copy DA:I. Don't go Open World but do 10 or 15 smaller hubs (different planets, Citadel, etc.) you can actually handcraft without relying on random shit like for example Skyrim. If they still want (path) linearity for their story missions they can just make them separate and not set them in the hub. So give us room to explore but make sure you can actually fill that space.

As for abilities, after seeing what they have done with the the ME3 multiplayer I'd think that maybe they can give us enough powers so you can actually specialize instead of just filling up all your class powers. A real fleshed out skill tree would be a first for the franchise I think, although the first one at least went in that direction.

In the end I would say:
Mass Effect 1: Exploration, RPG elements, but build on them
Mass Effect 2: Characters
Mass Effect 3: Combat system

Story: sequel set a long time after 3, destroy = canon, something more personal, no ancient evil save the universe bullshit, you can't really top the reapers.
I thought ME was designed as a trilogy, that a lot of people hated the ending to.
Shouldn't they be scrapping it and moving onto bigger and better things at this point? It's a new generation, let's see something new.
I thought ME was designed as a trilogy, that a lot of people hated the ending to.
Shouldn't they be scrapping it and moving onto bigger and better things at this point? It's a new generation, let's see something new.

Have you seen this universe? I'd say there is nothing bigger and better out there, at least not something that originated as a videogame.
I hope they bring back more RPG mechanics (who am I kidding?) and more interaction and dialogue with squad mates and between them. Maybe cut the crew down to like 6 and flesh them out a ton more. I loved the banter between my squad when we got to omega or went on an elevator.
I hope they bring back more RPG mechanics (who am I kidding?) and more interaction and dialogue with squad mates and between them. Maybe cut the crew down to like 6 and flesh them out a ton more. I loved the banter between my squad when we got to omega or went on an elevator.

Hell no. There will be at least 2 human crew members, that would leave only 4 aliens. On the other hand I'd agree that 12 like in ME2 is too much. I think 8 is the magic number here.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Here's what which game got right (imNh0):

ME1- Locales, Soundtrack, Biotic powers, Overarching quest
ME2- Locales, Side missions, Character personas, Gun play (overall precision of controls)
ME3- Gun play, Probing Uranus
ME1 locales in the sense of level design. ME1 still has the best level design and you're right about overall story. ME2 made characters more interesting and the game was much, much smoother. Also, gunplay.

What is that second gif from? Is that Eve Online?

Also, what's up with all the giant animated gifs as of late?


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I hope it has plenty of shootbang.
It's hard for me to get hyped about another Mass Effect game. Bioware is a burnt out husk at this point and awaiting to be "westwooded" by ea


Bring it! I'm just as hyped for VGAs as I was for E3 in terms of game announcements. I want to see the new ND and SSM games too!


Nothing! I said nothing!
I love Mass Effect, I think 2 had the best balance. I would love to see ME style production values in a Bethesda style RPG though if that makes sense.
Is it worth being excited for the next Mass Effect after what happened with 2 & 3? I ask this as a serious ME fan.
Yes. As a serious mass effect fan you should have loved 2 and 3 as they were both excellent games.

The multiplayer alone should get you excited if you were a "serious" fan. However, from the way you phrased your question you seem more of a drive by troll than serious fan.

I finished me3 3x and put in 400+ hours into the multiplayer. This game is going to be fantastic.


I'm excited, I shouldn't be, I don't want to be hurt by them again after ME3, but I can't help it.

They really need to make a good mash up of all three Current Mass Effect games, they each had strengths and weaknesses. ME1 had great atmosphere and exploration into this unknown galaxy, and a proper somewhat coherent story pretty much all the way through, and the sequels brought forward a lot of modern mechanics, especially in the shooting area.

So if they can find a nice in between, not rely on combat and countless enemies every 30 seconds, then I would be pretty happy. Also, bring back something like the Mako exploration, I honestly thought Overlord and the Hammerhead were a good evolution on it with more direct paths and things to do, but still didn't feel quite as nice.
Matches with their previous history on the VGA's. Also quite reasonable after N7 days decidedly blase reveal of ME Next Gen pics (granted they were deliberately obfuscated/shitty res shots)


I'm hyped.

And guys, don't forget Fallout 4 might also be announced at the VGAs. Bethesda announced Skyrim at the 2010's VGAs, so it seems reasonable to expect that to happen again this year.
- Mass Effect Next
- Naughty Dog's new project
- Fallout 4


Makes sense to me.
People only watch the VGAs for the announcement's anyway so might as well show off some big ones.
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