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Study: Loneliness, Social Isolation Greater Health Problem In US Than Obesity


WASHINGTON — Is feeling alone the greatest health problem Americans face? While the obesity epidemic has long been front-and-center in major cities across the U.S., new research finds that loneliness and social isolation is an even greater public health threat than being overweight.

Dr. Julianne Holt-Lunstad, a professor of psychology at Brigham Young University conducted two meta-analyses of previous studies to determine how social isolation, loneliness, and living alone plays a role in a person's risk of dying.

In an analysis of 148 studies that included more than 300,000 people total, her research team found that ”a greater social connection" cuts a person's risk of early death by 50 percent.

”Being connected to others socially is widely considered a fundamental human need — crucial to both well-being and survival. Extreme examples show infants in custodial care who lack human contact fail to thrive and often die, and indeed, social isolation or solitary confinement has been used as a form of punishment," says Holt-Lunstad in an American Psychological Association press release. ”Yet an increasing portion of the U.S. population now experiences isolation regularly."

In her second analysis, she looked at the role that loneliness, social isolation, and living alone played in a person's lifespan. Using 70 studies that included more than 3.4 million participants (mostly from North America, but some studies did look at people in Europe, Asia, and Australia), the research team concluded that all three were as much of — and in some cases more — a threat to a person's health as obesity and other risk factors.

All three conditions were found to be equally hazardous and significantly raised the risk of premature death.


Seems we've been learning more and more about the importance of the social component to our health in the recent years. I do think the Western world exacerbates this more for a variety of reasons--job insecurity, leading to more mobility, the decline of institutions, overreliance on spouse/SO to met social needs alone, and so on.

Dan Buetter, a journalist who has studied the longest lived populations on the planet, noted that long term social connections were one of the biggest commonalities amongst them.


but i stay in my house alone as much as possible and i'm still alive, so what gives huh???

anyway i would believe this. it is not a healthy way to live life. i am not saying that to make introverts feel bad - i would want plenty of room for privacy regardless of what my friend circle was like. however, the fact that i shut out so many people and dont allow room to make friends with people definitely can lead to a heck of a lot of sitting around by myself and stewing unhealthily in my own emotions.

i just dont really know what to do about it, myself. it is a lot of effort for some of us to get past that initial hurdle and go out into the world or interact with people in order to make friends instead of just hanging out with our cats and dying alone. and the thing is, most days now i dont even feel like i even want to try anymore


I'm not very social - I have an office job where I have menial interactions with people throughout the day, and after that I go home and rarely interact with anyone. I feel pretty fine - I go to the gym every day, eat very healthy, am extremely focused on my ambitions while giving myself a little time for indulgence in hobbies. I don't have time to go out to dinner or a bar with people, and honestly it just doesn't interest me much.

However I'm pretty curious what will happen when the day comes that I am able to cut the office job and that social crutch is removed.


It is an apples and oranges comparison at first, but then you realize obesity leads to loneliness and social isolation as well. Obesity is the greatest threat facing industrialized nations. In ten years, 70%+ of Americans will be overweight and more than 50% classified as obese. If you are looking at early death as a health problem, how much do you think obesity impacts that before you do die an early death? Type 2 diabetes, knee, joint and back problems. Low self esteem and hormonal imbalances.

I agree social isolation is terrible. Humans are social creatures. It is why so many just spend their time tweeting thousands of things, living vicariously through others or pretending they have a social life when in reality they suffer many things like depression, agoraphobia etc.
The researcher studied long-lived populations? If so he must have studied Japan as well, where isolation (especially of old people) is so widespread they even have a term for it: "kodokushi" (literally, dying alone).

These people often die and are left unnoticed for months because they have no one keeping tabs on them.


It does suck, but can't say I'm not trying to fix it. Ten years ago I remember graduating high school being suicidal about having no friends and ten years later I find myself wishing I had less at times.. even though it's not terribly many now. It's a weird feeling. Most of my isolation comes from lack of a love life now. Hopefully the cycle ends at some point. Can definitely see how much of an affect it has on a person though. My worst feelings in life have come from complete isolation or loss


Human beings are social animals, meant to live in a thriving sociable atmosphere. Too bad our society is far from perfect, often labeling/ostracizing people instead of celebrating diversity.


Some years ago I interviewed Trip Hawkins; he said loneliness was going to be one of the major health issues that people will face. I think his view was influenced by a book called Bowling Alone.

However, in countries like the U.K. And US, I think we're going to see a new generation of people who, in old age, can continue to socialise and make connections -- because of online games.

Certainly the socialising I do online is an important part of my life and sharing experi noes with people.
It's sad because even prison inmates have people to talk to and can go outside for one hour a day. There are some people that don't leave the house.


Luckily I have a spouse but sometimes I still feel like that is not enough. Feels weird to admit seeing as I'm extremely introverted. It seems like society has gone more isolated lately, and the connections we do have are all the more superficial.

Acquaintances just don't fill the need of socialization and friendships.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
I think I take loneliness extremely well, but humans are social creatures. Not too surprising to be honest.

I try to call the Earth's command
Desperation in my voice
I'm drifting way off course now
With very little choice

The loneliness is hard to bear
I try to calm my fear
Just hoping any second now
Some contact filters through

Desperate calls...
Signal back from Satellite
As my life flashes right in front of me

Try again...must get through
Hear me now...
For I've very little time

Not much time...hear my call
Please get through...I am here

In the words of Iron Maiden


Well the good news is if you don't die instantaneously your final moments won't be filled with the shame and guilt of leaving loved ones behind.
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