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Study: Loneliness, Social Isolation Greater Health Problem In US Than Obesity


It was great GAF.


Really? Socialising online does nothing for me except provide a bit of distraction and/or entertainment (sort of). It doesnt give me that 'social-feeling' after a day of spending time with someone.

Agreed, when I want to socialize I want to get out and have experiences with other people, not being still trapped in your house in front of a computer.

I don't see how internet, gaming or VR can be a substitute of true socializing, but maybe it's just me. I mean, of course it's better than nothing, but it's not the same at all..

Moose Biscuits

It would be extreamly painful...
To myself and a few other gaffers. But seriously, i know this all too well, but when i have an episode i reach out to people and it helps immensley, i suggest anyone here experiencing something similar do the same.

I dunno. I've reached out to people in the past when I'm feeling down, I've stopped doing it since over time people get annoyed by your lack of improvement or negative attitude.

I much prefer shallow interactions, or none.
There people who live with others who wish they could live alone and then there are others who can't live alone it seems people cant find peace in any situation.

Different people have different needs and that's fair. It's not contradictory at all to say that person a's life's needs are different from person b's

For the people who are lonely and know they need social contact - there are increasingly more and more ways to fulfil that thanks to the internet - I've seen plenty of gaf Meetup threads alone and I imagine online gaming would give people a chance to interact with others

I guess going beyond the internet and changing their lifestyle/ joining a group or society/ finding a social share house is the next step for people - and the onus is really on them to do so as no one else can really take charge of their situation

I guess what I'm saying is - it's never really too late for anyone who's socially isolated to take steps to fix that situation and it is a fixable situation for many but yeah I agree with the article - I think the risk of things going south for you are exaggerated if you don't have people around you to help you


I can understand social isolation taking a toll on you if you were previously social, and you find yourself in a situation where you're suddenly devoid of social contact. But I wonder if the effects of social isolation are lessened if you've spent your entire life isolated.

I've been a loner literally since I was born. I have vivid memories of being the shy awkward kid in preschool while my peers and I were still shitting our pants. So being alone is pretty much like home to me. Sure, I get the occasional bout of "damn, I should probably try to get out more while I'm still young." But it's not like I'm sitting inside all day reminiscing about the days of old. It's just the way I was born.

That being said, I do agree with the findings of this study that being alone is not good for you.
I'm alone for the duration of my day due to my job. I don't often get to socialize outside of my family due to my hours, and even then I often get home when everybody is going to bed. I've been doing this for the past three years and it's had a rather profound effect on me mentally. Decided to finally go see a therapist, as soon as I can find one that takes my insurance. It's not worth living life feeling alone and doing nothing about it unless that is how you want to live.
I dunno. I've reached out to people in the past when I'm feeling down, I've stopped doing it since over time people get annoyed by your lack of improvement or negative attitude.

I much prefer shallow interactions, or none.

Heh, I'm not the only one? Whenever someone tries to talk deep shit with me my reaction is always "oh god this is gettin' weird and personal". I'm just not cut out for that I think, even with my family

Sorry for your experience
I'm alone for the duration of my day due to my job. I don't often get to socialize outside of my family due to my hours, and even then I often get home when everybody is going to bed. I've been doing this for the past three years and it's had a rather profound effect on me mentally. Decided to finally go see a therapist, as soon as I can find one that takes my insurance. It's not worth living life feeling alone and doing nothing about it unless that is how you want to live.

Yeah I worked from home for years and people you talk to always think it's the coolest thing ever and yeah at first it is but after a while it sorta gets to you.


This makes sense. I find it a lot easier to be depressed than fat

I'm alone for the duration of my day due to my job. I don't often get to socialize outside of my family due to my hours, and even then I often get home when everybody is going to bed. I've been doing this for the past three years and it's had a rather profound effect on me mentally. Decided to finally go see a therapist, as soon as I can find one that takes my insurance. It's not worth living life feeling alone and doing nothing about it unless that is how you want to live.

Good call. I know talking about your feelings and being self-analytical and vulnerable for other people is really hard for some, especially guys, but I'd recommend it wholeheartedly.
Yep, I can see it. Thankfully I don't live alone, and I have a job where I'm with people, but it sucks that I still feel alone because I'm not in relationship or don't have friends to hang out with outside work.

I'm alone for the duration of my day due to my job. I don't often get to socialize outside of my family due to my hours, and even then I often get home when everybody is going to bed. I've been doing this for the past three years and it's had a rather profound effect on me mentally. Decided to finally go see a therapist, as soon as I can find one that takes my insurance. It's not worth living life feeling alone and doing nothing about it unless that is how you want to live.

I think I'm in the same boat as you. I feel like I should be doing the same thing, except the last therapist I went to basically just reiterated what I'm missing and not doing. It felt like all my sessions were just "Welp you don't have a wife/girlfriend and you don't drive, so yeah your life kinda sucks :/"


This article hits home. I wouldn't wish my problems, social anxiety and isolation on my worst enemy. Its harder to break out of when you don't crave social interaction and literally freak out when around people. When you get comfortable in being alone it's a hard place to return from.
I think with the rare exception of real people not being available for face to face socializing at all, that social media is an extremely harmful replacement for actual face to face social interaction. I believe that there will soon be the science to back this hypothesis, as well.
But I don't like hanging out with others all that much :/
Have to get better I suppose, I just hate small talk and many of the other social norms.

Will have to man up...grumble grumble..


What if you like being alone? I mean, that's usually the only time I get a break.

I don't need anyone else's attention to stay happy.

I'm plenty social 90% of the time.


Even my Steam friends list consists of only one other person so I'm definitely going to die soon.

feel free to add me as a friend o Steam. Same user name
I consider myself a pretty outgoing person but health circumstances over the past two years have cut off a lot of social interaction I would of normally had, and the feeling of isolation is extremely debilitating.

I value my alone time quite a bit, but when it's not balanced with positive, meaningful interactions with other people, it's feels like you've fallen into a hole with no way out, and any previous health issues just become magnified.
I went into a self-imposed exile for 3-5 years due to some traumatic events. When I mean exile, I mean the only person I saw for those years was my husband coming and going. I didn't get out and do ANYTHING with ANYONE.

I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy. It messes you up psychologically in ways I'm still discovering.

Used to be a social butterfly beforehand, now I'm having trouble connecting with people.

Moose Biscuits

It would be extreamly painful...
Heh, I'm not the only one? Whenever someone tries to talk deep shit with me my reaction is always "oh god this is gettin' weird and personal". I'm just not cut out for that I think, even with my family

Sorry for your experience

Eh, don't be, it's entirely self inflicted. If I get people wanting to be supportive I start complaining about my situation without doing anything to actually fix it, and make lots of excuses until people get sick of my complaining.
I've heard this particularly about men, at least more so than women. As men age they progressively become more and more isolated, even married men or men with families, and that loneliness can be one of the biggest health factors for aging men.

This has allowed me to convince my wife that going to the bar with my buddies is far more important than going to the gym.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I blame western societal mores about as much as economics or political factors or whatever. We're hyper individualist.

My Korean gf wouldn't have this problem. Her family never leaves her alone. Living alone is wierd there.


I blame western societal mores about as much as economics or political factors or whatever. We're hyper individualist.

My Korean gf wouldn't have this problem. Her family never leaves her alone. Living alone is wierd there.
But if your GF was living in Korea she would feel 'economically lonely' as the economic system is super non-forgiving there. People are not happy there and it's because of that.
Yeah, I totally noticed a mood shift going from working freelance at home vs working at an office. You really need to spend time with other people.


Ok, so what is the actual physiological thing that kills you? You don't exhume "loneliness energy" into a "lonely death jar" that fills up and then kills you. Am I just more likely to kill myself if I'm alone, or does cancers etc. detect our social activity levels and decide to ramp up if they detect no activity?

And someone else already asked, but what if you don't feel lonely when you are alone. As far as I can remember I've been alone and liked it. I'm an introvert through and through. I do like the social gatherings etc. but they really drain me and when I'm back to being alone I'm so calm and at peace. I know some dudes who are social butterflies and when they are alone they get all depressed and anxious. I could see a prolonged loneliness for that kind of person to be unhealthy if they get huge stress levels for prolonged periods of time.
Yeah, this is probably why I'll eventually kill myself. Right now I've got my mother and other relatives to visit and take care of, but after they're gone? What's the point?


Because I don't have to interact with people for 4 days unless I want to... which I probably won't want to.

Or if you're asking why I would feel like a goblin, it's because after 4 days alone you got to get used to people again, so that first day I'll probably be hunched over, mumbling to myself and avoiding eye contact like smiegol or something.

Astral Dog

Feeling lonely can be because of many reasons, better to be lonely than have bad company. Because they will make you feel truly alone and worthless

Astral Dog

Ok, so what is the actual physiological thing that kills you? You don't exhume "loneliness energy" into a "lonely death jar" that fills up and then kills you. Am I just more likely to kill myself if I'm alone, or does cancers etc. detect our social activity levels and decide to ramp up if they detect no activity?

And someone else already asked, but what if you don't feel lonely when you are alone. As far as I can remember I've been alone and liked it. I'm an introvert through and through. I do like the social gatherings etc. but they really drain me and when I'm back to being alone I'm so calm and at peace. I know some dudes who are social butterflies and when they are alone they get all depressed and anxious. I could see a prolonged loneliness for that kind of person to be unhealthy if they get huge stress levels for prolonged periods of time.
Exactly,its not physically being alone, but the feeling of loneliness that drains you, you can be perfectly fine with long periods of introvertion if you are healthy, content, but the environment and people around will determine how you start behaving or thinking.along with your own ideas of company.


I just recovered from 2 years worth of trauma due to awful friendship. I find it hard to trust anyone at this point but at the same time I admit that I feel lonely and crave that interaction with others.


I consider myself a pretty outgoing person but health circumstances over the past two years have cut off a lot of social interaction I would of normally had, and the feeling of isolation is extremely debilitating.

I value my alone time quite a bit, but when it's not balanced with positive, meaningful interactions with other people, it's feels like you've fallen into a hole with no way out, and any previous health issues just become magnified.

Yup, same circumstances. Chronic illness forced me to retire and I live alone. Only a couple of friends locally and they're all busy with their lives. For a while, I was okay as I'm an introvert but when you're alone 95% of the time, it starts to eat away at you.

Mikey Jr.

It's one of those things that when you are with a group of people all I can think of is "I wish I was at home alone right now".


I just recovered from 2 years worth of trauma due to awful friendship. I find it hard to trust anyone at this point but at the same time I admit that I feel lonely and crave that interaction with others.
Keep making the effort. Many people give up. I’m in my thirties and still have to make the effort consistently. It’s not high school or college. It takes effort.


Couldn't this be because living alone increases your chance of dying from something like a stroke or heart attack because there's simply no one there to call the paramedics?

Living alone is also why I enjoy escapism hobbies like watching movies, reading books and playing video games as opposed to hobbies that require to me go outside.


No real discussion of the methodology, what 'chronic loneliness' is, whether they've adjusted for any underlying mental conditions etc etc

Also a link to follow the website on Facebook in the middle of the article.

Yeah, I'm going to take this one with a grain of salt.
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