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Summer Anime 2017 |OT| More streaming services than shows to watch

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A Centaru's Life Episode 01


Not much going for it but i'll continue watching hoping they ever reveal how she wear her clothes

Don't get why the ED is basically focused on the class president


Princess Principal 01

Wow, the OP is amazing.
And the ED is super adorable.

I thought this was a very strong start. It kind of feels a little like anime Dishonored, based on the setting, style, supernatural elements and the main characters being spies.
...I could post backgrounds all day long.

I also really liked the lighting and framing here:

...And so that you don't call me intentionally misleading, sometimes it also looks like this :p
Magical Girl Lyrical Symphogear - 10


Oh shut up you barely even did anything to help her. Had it not been for Genjuuro she'd have turned you into swiss cheese.

This entire show is basically just 70% Nanoha Season 1, with Chris going through almost the exact same arc as Fate Testarossa and Hibiki being a much worse Nanoha Takamachi.


Made in Abyss Episode 1:

Right, so this has been getting some decent reviews, enough for me to watch the opening episode and I will say that this is already my favored debut series. I know some are turned off by the artstyle but I like it, it gives Abyss a personality distinct, which really fucking helps in a sea of shows that all look the same at a glance. I also like the sense of exploration and mystery and danger built into things here and also an artificial human type that isn't being revived by some variation of lewd trope. Basically this maybe the next under the radar hidden gem type show.


Maria Holic 08-09

Sort of converted wholly to show's side after not feeling it very much at the beginning, the last few eps were consistently good. And some of these faces are damn glorious.
Fate/Apocrypha 02

Oh I see Astolfo got who is basically me as his master. Otherwise another great episode, Berserker of black is pouty and cute which was somewhat unexpected and Saber of Red continues to be an awesome badass.

Centaur's Worries 01

Starting the show off with that kiss is a good way to start most certainly. Everything went as well as expected.


Princess Principal Episode 1:

Okay, this title has great potential to be overlooked and that would be a damn shame as this would be my second favorite debut episode. Once again I am really digging the atheistic of the design going for a interesting fusion of late Victorian design but instead of it being steampunk they went ahead a bit and made it diselpunk if they have cars that advanced. I am also enjoying the spy game and how it appears to be the core of the proceedings, not too many of those in anime. I do have to admit that the super moe girl squad isn't really gelling all that well with the more realistic designs of everybody else during action scenes.


...Wait a minute. I'm just realizing this now, but could it be that there is no battle harem school anime this season? :O

I'd trade having a battle harem school show for a couple series that'd at least be somewhat interesting to watch in CR, because right now I don't even see a single show worth watching, not even as a trashy guilty pleasure.

I'm still holding out hope that the magical mecha isekai doesn't make the protagonist into too much of a Gary Stu, but I bet that's how things are going to turn out since the story's apparently some kind of flashback, and the MC's destined to revolutionize both the fields of magic and mecha construction because of how damn awesome he is.

Seriously, I wish authors would drop the premise of a character that dies a pitiful death in the real world, and is then reincarnated in a place that seems like it was built especially for them. One of the reasons I found Tanya fun was because she was OP as hell and always came out on top in the end, but luck/God had it so that every victory of hers had actually been putting her farther away from the comfy and risk-free life she was after.

Just T

Little Witch Academia: 12-13

Very good episodes. Starting with the first one Akko had it tough, class already doubts her regularly seeing where her skills are at and even she knows she needs improvement but nonetheless keeps aiming for her goal. It’s another thing though when her own friends put her down as well, they didn’t have to tell her she’s going to win or anything but a little encouragement in there wouldn’t have hurt, she already gets enough of that crap from Hannah and Barbara. But Akko getting to walk in Diana’s shoes thanks to Professor Woodward was interesting, she got a firsthand perspective how different they are and the different expectations people have towards them. However, think Diana is a bit off with her assessment of Akko, it’s not that she loses interest she just starts to go for an unconventional approach after a while. It’s true though Akko’s knowledge isn’t up to par with the others but they’ve come from magic families and been personally involved with it way longer than she has. Akko probably would know a bit more than she does without the sleeping in class lol but she’s making her improvements.

As for the latter episode, it was good for Akko’s personal stride plus the overall development of Sucy and Lotte’s friendship with her. Through these episode Akko has started a lot of crazy situations as amusing as they were lol it’s not that odd for Lotte and Sucy wanting to keep things simple this time around. After hearing what Hannah or Barbara idk they both ain’t shit had to say about them and seeing Akko keep working hard, I’m glad they came around and stood beside her. Diana’s unicorn looked pretty cool but she’s so constricted then you have Akko’s performance which besides being grander is way more whimsical and fun for everyone to watch. The whole Vajarois thing was odd too, all that time she could have been helped but they just left her like that and if wasn’t for Akko’s goal and Ursula’s help it would have stayed like that. It’s bull that Akko is apparently disqualified but regardless she and co definitely won that one.


I'd trade having a battle harem school show for a couple series that'd at least be somewhat interesting to watch in CR, because right now I don't even see a single show worth watching, not even as a trashy guilty pleasure.

I'm still holding out hope that the magical mecha isekai doesn't make the protagonist into too much of a Gary Stu, but I bet that's how things are going to turn out since the story's apparently some kind of flashback, and the MC's destined to revolutionize both the fields of magic and mecha construction because of how damn awesome he is.

Seriously, I wish authors would drop the premise of a character that dies a pitiful death in the real world, and is then reincarnated in a place that seems like it was built especially for them. One of the reasons I found Tanya fun was because she was OP as hell and always came out on top in the end, but luck/God had it so that every victory of hers had actually been putting her farther away from the comfy and risk-free life she was after.
Lol, there's no way he's not going to be OP as fuck.
It's the second episode and he killed a monster that wiped an entire fortress during his first time piloting a mech.

And yes, Tanya was great because her OPness brought her farther and farther from her goal all the time.


Lol, there's no way he's not going to be OP as fuck.
It's the second episode and he killed a monster that wiped an entire fortress during his first time piloting a mech.

And yes, Tanya was great because her OPness brought her farther and farther from her goal all the time.

I didn't watch the second episode yet, but the next episode preview made me think that was going to be the case.

I'd rather have a gag series where the MC's foreknowledge from a previous life is actually detrimental to what s/he wants to do becuase of some core difference in how the field developed in each reality, or where the ideal world the MC got sent to is actually revealed as a Matrix-like contraption, and s/he has to accept that such wish-fullfillment fantasies are often too good to be true and get out of that alternate reality somehow.

Then again that doesn't mean I hate isekai stories per se, but just that I'd rather have more shows like Tanya or Konosuba than stuff that plays everything perfectly straight like Knight's & Magic.
Knight's & Magic Episode 2

I guess I like Ernie because he is similar to Tatsuya (programming the magic weapons aspect and proficiency at everything).

Dietrich was the best, I hope he and Ernie can team up a bit more in the future. lol.


eva rewatch 17-26 + end of eva

yup the rewatch didn't really change my thoughts of eva.
has some interesting ideas but in general isn't executed very well and is a vastly over rated series. That being said I would still consider it a must watch merely based on the impact it had on anime.

Jojo 1-2
showing my wife this to catch her up before part 3 starts airing on toonami. unlike eva I am enjoying this one more on the second watch.

Dragon ball buu kai + 1-24 of super + both new movies

Buu kai was more fun before buu started transforming, actually reminded me quite a bit of db's gag roots. The movies are fun. The first arc of super is clearly worse than the movies, though I think the freeza one might be better done in the TV series.


I think I liked Hanamaru more than Katsugeki so far.
The episodes so far have just been pretty boring. Hanamaru was more fanservicey, but at least it was fun.
Princess Principal 01

Wow, the OP is amazing.
And the ED is super adorable.

I thought this was a very strong start. It kind of feels a little like anime Dishonored, based on the setting, style, supernatural elements and the main characters being spies.

...I could post backgrounds all day long.

I also really liked the lighting and framing here:

...And so that you don't call me intentionally misleading, sometimes it also looks like this :p

I really liked this one too. It's one of the handful of original shows this season and I think they nailed the opening.


Aikatsu Stars 64

Elza telling Rei to finally get off her butt and do some idoling. Mahiru is not an idiot and is only mildly surprised by Rei's debut. Too bad Rei is still way too caught up in the glory of Elza-sama. Even Mahiru had a healthier relationship with her sister last season, and that's saying something. Speaking of Yozora, she's back to steal Koharu for herself. As the top student of Four Stars can Mahiru carry her side to victory? Well no wings yet, but she still gets a great song as usual. She seemingly compares favorably to Rei for now, so that's good.

Edit: I'm dumb and somehow missed Mahiru getting her wings. She really is best S4.


Re:creators 14

I actually sorta enjoyed this episode, even if it was once again just about talking. The series sorta has a direction I guess and it was fun seeing the authors brainstorming together.

Or maybe my expectations just hit rock bottom and I no longer expect anything from this.


[Made in Abyss] - 01

This was actually pretty good. I can only hope it continues to be good in the future.
Fate/Apocrypha 2

Well at least the show is putting all of its cards on the table with its trashiness. In this episode we meet a lot of the rest of the cast. In this episode alone we had.

- Frankenstein. Not the doctor, the monster. Who in a show about revealing your true name is hilarious they opted to have her as a servant when the creature was always called Frankenstein's Monster. You read that right, Frankenstein is a she in this show. Not Frankenstein's bride either. This puts a whole new twist in the classical tale as now it's certain that Victor Frankenstein wanted to create the ultimate waifu in his mad quest for knowledge. And she grunts and makes pouty faces.

- A lady licking her servant's abs in a psycho sexual killer fashion, because what anime wouldn't be complete without the horni yuri psycho.

- A loli murdering servant who I couldn't tell if she was supposed to be Jack the Ripper, liberties to have waifus for everybody is something I should have expected from Fate.

- Red Saber going from her full knight outfit to a battle leather strap bra. And then because she wanted modern clothing, she went to a modern anime t shirt bra complete with a red jacket and daisy dukes. A buttshot and everything. But it's ok, she is a tomboy and a badass.

I had my hopes higher than I expected for this, the first episode and key visuals made it seem maybe it'd be closer to Fate Zero in it being not as trashy as Fate Stay Night. But I was gravely mistaken. At least it doesn't have awkward harem comedy hijinks so it's still better than that, but not by much I guess.

This will likely be one of those shows I recommend to my friends with a "watch it for the action, and despite the fanservice it was worth a shot".

edit: wait Astolfo is supposed to be a boy? Once again, fooled by anime attire and VAs.


Maturity, bitches.
BanG Dream! - End


I wouldn't be surprised if 90% of the animation budget went to drawing this one final still.

Finally sat down to watch the last handful of episodes of this.

Doesn't really break the mould in any way. The blonde haired girl was kind of fun with all her snark. The main character's hair-do is wack.

All I want to say is, I wish, in this post iM@S world of ours, that all these idol/music based shows stopped with the 'character gets depressed' arc they all seem to have.


If Side-M does it, I'll be kind of annoyed.


Made in Abyss 1

First off, don't watch this right after Aikatsu Stars. The leads of both having the same seiyuu gave me several mindfucks. Aside from that, believe the hype. Striking animation, an interesting premise, lots of mystery with Reg, the sketchy orphanage, and of course the Abyss. How dark will this treasure hunt get? No idea, but but I suspect very. I think the best part was how they introduced the world and the characters skillfully in a way that made me want more with minimal exposition to drag down the pacing.
Princess Principal 01

I'm a sucker for London and Steampunkish setting so this was right up my alley. Probably the third most visually pleasing show I've seen this season.

Aoyama 02

Girl certainly has some impressive locking picking skills. That alone should make her a keeper along with her cleaning skills.


I think this is one of those situations where even a moderately decent dub in your own language Trumps another language you aren't familiar with voice acting.

With Anime I've at least grown to recognize some voices and I'm already used to watching content in Japanese with subs. But in French the only real voices I thought were great were the two ladies and Nox. The rest of the cast I could give or take.
I don't know if it got the English dub treatment too but you should watch the OVA directed by Masaaki Yuasa that details Nox's backstory. It's good stuff.
I don't know if it got the English dub treatment too but you should watch the OVA directed by Masaaki Yuasa that details Nox's backstory. It's good stuff.

Look 1 or 2 pages back I already did, loved it.

It's on Steam video with the english dub. And as I watch more of the english dub the more I realize I give or take voices, the majority being awful but I like Groovy's voice better, also Eva. Yuasa didn't seem to have directed from the credits I'm seeing, only designed the characters? It deifnitely has his abstract in it though.


Nintendoman Isekai 02

Now the problem is that this episode doesn't exist in a vacuum. This should have been episode 3 at the very earliest. Much tension falls flat, because frankly, why should I give a shit about any of those characters I don't even know the names of and spent no time with?
What's so amazing about what Ernesti is doing compared to the regular way? We haven't learned shit about the magic system.
There's lots of squandered potential here, but I guess I'll stick with it because mechs and good action (the sonudtrack is pretty good too), and the hope that they don't go shinkansen-speed again.

Bonus pic:
Yeah they're going through the story abit quickly. So they've already established that magic is like programming and a Silhouette Knight is piloted through magic aka scripts. Since he's a genius programmer he makes better, more efficient scripts. Basically allows him to turn a clunky robot into an anime-style robot.


Subete no aware
I wasn't happy with anything I could find online so I made it myself!
What does God need with a Starship?!?!



So there was a column on Yamato on ANN and I forgot that Japan had cosplayers do a web show promoting Yamato back in the day. And they have a new group of girls doing it for 2202. Ah, anime. lol

Just T

Made in Abyss: 1

A lot of people have already said it but this had some really pretty backgrounds, well done montage. The character designs are a bit odd but eh it's not an issue. This was a very intriguing start, interested in learning about the setting and just overall the direction the story will take.

Ah yeah, those desks are some foolishness and the way the robot was brought back was surprising to say the least.

Little Witch Academia: 14

Well then, Croix shook things up as soon as she arrived and already gained the interest of Akko. Ursula seems to have some history with her. Also, of course Akko ends up joining their side lol and she put Diana down so hard she disappeared for the rest of the episode. The new opening and ending is straight.


What does God need with a Starship?!?!



So there was a column on Yamato on ANN and I forgot that Japan had cosplayers do a web show promoting Yamato back in the day. And they have a new group of girls doing it for 2202. Ah, anime. lol
I thought this was a JAV when I first saw your post haha.

And yeah they had those weird segments promoting 2199 in the US back in the day!
Fate/Apocrypha - 02

Loving this. Again I say, this is much more in line with Zero than Stay Night, and that's a good thing. The whole ensemble was presented this week, and I think Saber of Red may be my favourite incarnation for that specific class.


Subete no aware
I thought this was a JAV when I first saw your post haha.

And yeah they had those weird segments promoting 2199 in the US back in the day!

Actually, they had a full crew for the Japanese series, before bringing on that gravure model for the US release. I think all those videos have been nuked though, since Japan doesn't like to keep anything around online.

The weird thing was that for the US videos, the girl pretended to be full Engrish and mispronounce things, because I guess that's what they think Americans expect from Japanese girls. lol


Princess Principal 1

Not sure spies are supposed to be fighting that much, but I'm all for lots of action. With a compulsive liar as the main character, and the others not being much better, interpreting the truth could get interesting. The steampunk setting was nailed, and I think a good tone was hit with it treating these cute girls being spies seriously, but not being grim or over the top. The individual story was quite good with several twists. ED is adorable. Another keeper for this season.


Knight's & Magic epsiode 1 and 2. So far this anime is fun to watch. I never really a fan of Mecha animes, but this one is really good.



Actually, they had a full crew for the Japanese series, before bringing on that gravure model for the US release. I think all those videos have been nuked though, since Japan doesn't like to keep anything around online.

The weird thing was that for the US videos, the girl pretended to be full Engrish and mispronounce things, because I guess that's what they think Americans expect from Japanese girls. lol
I hope someone archives them for posterity.
Yamishibai 1-3

Yeah, this is pretty alright, though I can't help but think it pales somewhat in comparison to Kagewani season 1. Granted that show had nearly twice the time to set the mood. In Kagewani, you got to know the characters a bit, while in Yamishibai it feels like we're here to watch the characters get got. (Come to think of it, I don't think any character has been named so far.) That's not to Yamishibai does a poor job of setting the stage, it does what it can. Episode 2 in particular was the most successful in that regard so far.
Yamishibai 1-3

Yeah, this is pretty alright, though I can't help but think it pales somewhat in comparison to Kagewani season 1. Granted that show had nearly twice the time to set the mood. In Kagewani, you got to know the characters the bit, while in Yamishibai it feels like we're here to watch the characters get got. (Come to think of it, I don't think any character has been named so far.) That's not to Yamishibai does a poor job of setting the stage, it does what it can. Episode 2 in particular was the most successful in that regard so far.

I was also not big on Yami Shibai after having watched Kagewani. It feels like Yami Shibai relies more on jump scares than atmosphere, perhaps due to its very short runtime.

But I do love the ED of the current Yami Shibai season. I'm a sucker for the "zoom through one image into a different one" technique.


Fate/Apocrypha 02

Oh I see Astolfo got who is basically me as his master. Otherwise another great episode, Berserker of black is pouty and cute which was somewhat unexpected and Saber of Red continues to be an awesome badass.

Astolfo is insanely hot.
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