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Summer Anime 2017 |OT| More streaming services than shows to watch

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One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Is Astolfo Animegaf's waifu of the season?


In This Corner of the World

Finally watched this after so long and what can I say, it was a great film. I didn't know what to expect from this film beforehand, the only information I had was that it was set in Hiroshima and during the second world war but instead of focusing on the war itself it's more about the main character Suzu's coming of age from artistically gifted school girl to house wife and her relationship with her husband's family and day to day life during the war.

We see how Suzu herself views the world, through out the film she continues to the view the world in her way, firebombs are shown as showers of gold, the artillery fire is splonges of paint. The world is defined so strongly by paintings and sketches that adds another element to her personal story.

It's use of a light, water colour palette gives the film a gentle warmth to the story and suits what it's trying to tell, there's a scene early on where Suzu makes a painting for a friend that seems to carry a childhood innocence, I don't recall seeing such strong colours later in the film. With how light hearted the film started I was trending the later acts as war began to consume and effect their lives and when that happened the director took an abstract way to demonstrate it.

It was a moving film that I enjoyed a lot but I'm still not 100% sure how to put everything into words so I'll just say it was very good. If there is one criticsm is I felt at times the movie ran faster than it needed to and not giving the audience time to breath in and appreciate the scene. The final segment seemed to go way too fast but
it was still a touching conclusion and just what sort of note the story needed to end on, one of preservance in the face of tragedy, I loved the credit scenes showing the orphan girl mixing in with the family.
So yes, recommended watch.

Oh also the cinema stunk of piss, damn Piccadilly showings.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
He's mine. Apparently the fanartists have been going bonkers drawing him in a pink sailor fuku recently. I might make one my avatar.

This is like 50% of my twitter feed.
In This Corner of the World

Finally watched this after so long and what can I say, it was a great film. I didn't know what to expect from this film beforehand, the only information I had was that it was set in Hiroshima and during the second world war but instead of focusing on the war itself it's more about the main character Suzu's coming of age from artistically gifted school girl to house wife and her relationship with her husband's family and day to day life during the war.

We see how Suzu herself views the world, through out the film she continues to the view the world in her way, firebombs are shown as showers of gold, the artillery fire is splonges of paint. The world is defined so strongly by paintings and sketches that adds another element to her personal story.

It's use of a light, water colour palette gives the film a gentle warmth to the story and suits what it's trying to tell, there's a scene early on where Suzu makes a painting for a friend that seems to carry a childhood innocence, I don't recall seeing such strong colours later in the film. With how light hearted the film started I was trending the later acts as war began to consume and effect their lives and when that happened the director took an abstract way to demonstrate it.

It was a moving film that I enjoyed a lot but I'm still not 100% sure how to put everything into words so I'll just say it was very good. If there is one criticsm is I felt at times the movie ran faster than it needed to and not giving the audience time to breath in and appreciate the scene. The final segment seemed to go way too fast but
it was still a touching conclusion and just what sort of note the story needed to end on, one of preservance in the face of tragedy, I loved the credit scenes showing the orphan girl mixing in with the family.
So yes, recommended watch.

Oh also the cinema stunk of piss, damn Piccadilly showings.

About the pacing, apparently the makers wanted 30 more minutes for the film, but were unable to get sufficient funding for that, so it ended up being more abridged then they had desired.
Knight’s & Magic Episode 1

Yeah, they're alright.
Honestly the fact that this is going at breakneck speed is a good thing, because there's no twist or turns to be found here. The main character meeting his lifelong friends and making a magic gun is presented with no omph or flair, just something to check off so we can back to the CG robots. Granted, it looks okay (This one group scene in particular Though, should we be sending middle schoolers to fight Velociraptors?) though the character designs could really only be complimented as non-offensive. I will say, one thing that always irks me about these lost/reborn in another world shows is how the main characters have no problem just shrugging off their previous life. Apparently our mecha otaku really had no familiar or friendly bonds in his past life I guess. Which makes it all the weirder when he suddenly starts talking about protecting his friends kinda out of nowhere.


About the pacing, apparently the makers wanted 30 more minutes for the film, but were unable to get sufficient funding for that, so it ended up being more abridged then they had desired.

Oh really? That's such a shame, I can already tell where the extra minutes would have gone and it'd definitely have made a stronger product. Don't know if it's possible for them/have a desire to add any further scenes in later releases, I can only hope.
Am I missing something obvious or is the Shiro is this timeline simply like Shirou if Kirei had rescued him lol

Just one of those things that's supposed to be a mystery at first until they reveal it later on. In the first place, why would Shirou even need rescuing if Fate/Zero is supposed to have not happened in this timeline?


2017 Doraemon Movie About Antarctica and Stuff (dir. Atsushi Takahashi)

This was a lot of fun. I'm glad I got to watch this in a cinema because it certainly feels like a film. There's not a lot of plot driving this, but there's a lot of creativity in how the script keeps things moving along and is interesting throughout. There's some clever plot set up and pay offs too, although it's worth noting that everything is presented in an obvious and easy to understand way because first and foremost this is a children's movie intended for kids.

I think the direction was great and it definitely reminded me of the Blue Exorcist movie in some ways. It doesn't have the complex detail that Kimura brought to the art direction in that film, but it's still very charming to look at and Takahashi really likes having large scale settings which look fun to explore and have theme park elements. The color design was outstanding too, with a really nice contrast of using warm colors which stand out against the cold setting.

There's good action, decent comedy, a very fun setting, a relatively smart and tight scifi adventure story for kids, and some really nice effects and action animation. By the end of it I felt like I watched a pretty decent Doraemon themed Star Trek story. Lol. It'll be interesting to see how next year's film by Iwai and Kameda will compare. :)


Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid 9

Sports festival was fun and whatever but this was probably the first ep where the OST stood out to me as much as it did.


Knight’s & Magic Episode 1

Honestly the fact that this is going at breakneck speed is a good thing, because there's no twist or turns to be found here. The main character meeting his lifelong friends and making a magic gun is presented with no omph or flair, just something to check off so we can back to the CG robots. Granted, it looks okay (This one group scene in particular Though, should we be sending middle schoolers to fight Velociraptors?) though the character designs could really only be complimented as non-offensive. I will say, one thing that always irks me about these lost/reborn in another world shows is how the main characters have no problem just shrugging off their previous life. Apparently our mecha otaku really had no familiar or friendly bonds in his past life I guess. Which makes it all the weirder when he suddenly starts talking about protecting his friends kinda out of nowhere.

He does have the power to do so, so why not? Plus he grows up alongside them this time around so I guess it gives him the reason to.

Just T

A Centaur's Life: 1

That was something. Surprised it opened up with a play preparation.

Little Witch Academia: 15-16

Ursula went off in that episode and it was dope, she got some skills. It's good that she explained some things to Akko but don't get why she didn't talk to her about Croix and Chariot, odd. In the latter episode, it was obvious what Akko lacks and not sure she fully applied it lol but the yeti interactions were neat.


Space Brothers Ep 58

I sense a massive tragedy upcoming, with this flashback to a good childhood friend.
Also lol @ random Minnesota reference, don't think that city exists though from what I know.
Fafner Exodus 14

That end made me want to flip a table.

2017 Doraemon Movie About Antarctica and Stuff (dir. Atsushi Takahashi)

This was a lot of fun. I'm glad I got to watch this in a cinema because it certainly feels like a film. There's not a lot of plot driving this, but there's a lot of creativity in how the script keeps things moving along and is interesting throughout. There's some clever plot set up and pay offs too, although it's worth noting that everything is presented in an obvious and easy to understand way because first and foremost this is a children's movie intended for kids.

I think the direction was great and it definitely reminded me of the Blue Exorcist movie in some ways. It doesn't have the complex detail that Kimura brought to the art direction in that film, but it's still very charming to look at and Takahashi really likes having large scale settings which look fun to explore and have theme park elements. The color design was outstanding too, with a really nice contrast of using warm colors which stand out against the cold setting.

There's good action, decent comedy, a very fun setting, a relatively smart and tight scifi adventure story for kids, and some really nice effects and action animation. By the end of it I felt like I watched a pretty decent Doraemon themed Star Trek story. Lol. It'll be interesting to see how next year's film by Iwai and Kameda will compare. :)

Now that you've managed to enjoy a Doraemon film, maybe you can go back to Nobita's Dinosaur 2006 and appreciate it this time!


He's mine. Apparently the fanartists have been going bonkers drawing him in a pink sailor fuku recently. I might make one my avatar.

That's based on some sort of campaign going on in the Japanese version of Fate/Grand Order right now. It's all over my Twitter dash. They seem like a really fun character in Apocrypha! Hopefully I'm able to find some merch of them after I move to Japan later this month.

The servants in Apocrypha seem pretty fun in general! Mordred's personality is really refreshing compared to how boring regular Saber is. I'm enjoying the show, though it's a bit scatterbrained with how many servants it has to focus on. We barely got to see anything of
Jack the Ripper
, and I would have enjoyed seeing Astolfo going around town. The action scenes so far also just don't feel quite as exciting as ufotable's work in the franchise. Still, I'm enjoying it overall.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Production values on Made in Abyss are insane. If you told me ep 1 was part of a film I would've believed you.


Look 1 or 2 pages back I already did, loved it.

It's on Steam video with the english dub. And as I watch more of the english dub the more I realize I give or take voices, the majority being awful but I like Groovy's voice better, also Eva. Yuasa didn't seem to have directed from the credits I'm seeing, only designed the characters? It deifnitely has his abstract in it though.
You're right, he only did the character design. Looks like I misremembered. That's what I get for trying to staff whore, lol.


Attempt #3 on Wiegraf failed. But this was an expected failure because I was wasting turns testing the limits of what I can buff in the first phase of the fight. Getting closer! :)

Or that, sure.

On the subject of games, Titanfall 2 is pretty fun so far, by the way. Thanks for encouraging me to get it.

Glad you like it! It's certainly nice that we're getting more FPS lately with better and better SP components, and interesting mobility and weapon design rather than just the same cover shooters with boring encounters over and over!
Glad you like it! It's certainly nice that we're getting more FPS lately with better and better SP components, and interesting mobility and weapon design rather than just the same cover shooters with boring encounters over and over!

At first I was amused by how stereotypically mecha anime the opening was, and now I've gotten to the
time travel
, which is just blowing my mind.
Just finished Wakfu Season 2. Fairly disappointed with how much fucking filler and throwaway episodes there are. Will post impressions later.

Just one of those things that's supposed to be a mystery at first until they reveal it later on. In the first place, why would Shirou even need rescuing if Fate/Zero is supposed to have not happened in this timeline?

I get what you're saying, but here is my side: Shirou is such a beta fuck that somehow even without Fate Zero happening he was probably about to be killed, then his parents save him and die and Kotomine takes him in because he wanted to teach his butterfly knife tricks to someone.
Part of me wants to watch Made in Abyss, but from one spoiler I've read it apparently goes in some VERY uncomfortable directions.

I'm afraid it may be up there with Now and Then, Here and There as one of those shows that can be defined as: "Shows that may have some merit in checking out but I won't watch due to them being quite disquieting".


So I guess this finally got translated. It's based around Ema being a housewife and raising their kids while Leon goes and fights Horrors.

Really liked this shot, kind of reminded me of Mob Psycho. It's nice how BONES is messing around with things to make Stain more intimidating visually. Hayashi is also putting in a lot of great work this season.

The worst episodes are centered around Meteora talking.
The best episode is centered around Meteora talking.

this makes no sense


Part of me wants to watch Made in Abyss, but from one spoiler I've read it apparently goes in some VERY uncomfortable directions.

I'm afraid it may be up there with Now and Then, Here and There as one of those shows that can be defined as: "Shows that may have some merit in checking out but I won't watch due to them being quite disquieting".

Come on, NTHT can be criticised on its own merits without needing to amp up the shocking aspects of it.

I'll say that the stuff that could be most uncomfortable from Abyss seems to me to come mostly from art tendencies and the way some things are depicted visually, since the mangaka is probably a closet pedo (lol). But I don't think the anime will go there, and the content itself is not something that warrants turning it off out of disgust imo


Lord, I would love for us to get the anime continued....I don't read manga, so I have no idea how things end. For all the crap Bleach gets, I genuinely felt like this last arc you're going through now was a big step up from the preceding one.

I thought I remember some possible Light Novels might be done, so maybe that might help push for a continuation


Rage of Bahamut: Virgin Soul 14

Good show. I liked seeing Nina's town, and that moment with Jeanne and Nina's mom was really nice. She's had a hard life.

New OP looks bad and sounds boring. Give me more nu-metal.

Re:Creators 14

When did this show become Shirobako? And if it is, how the hell do they expect to make 180 minutes of film-quality animation from scratch in six months?

It's kind of tough to invest in this group of artists when they're still relatively flat. I didn't care much about the creative conflict in the middle of the episode because I don't really know these people. The writing isn't good enough to juggle this many characters.

Fortunately, they're adding more Creations, so that should make things better.

Please free snarky Meteora.
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