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Super Seducer no longer releasing on PS4, possibly due to pressure from Vice Motherboard

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So we are fine with Rainbow 6 censoring people, but a publisher decides not to put the game on a platform and its a shitstorm. I don't get the disconnect.

Well in R6 people, are being racist, harrassing people, etc. This is a game which is in all ways harmless.


Yeah, nobody would have noticed this game, but because we have to be outraged about everything, here's a topic that isn't even about the game itself but meta-politics.
The people upset by this are not the people who are outraged by everything. The people who caused this are the ones who are outraged by everything. The people upset by this are generally outraged by one thing. And that is the people who are outraged by everything doing whatever they can to shut down perfectly normal people's fun.


"We don't want to take your games away!", indeed. This will just drive more people to pick it up on other platforms to see what it's like.
The people upset by this are not the people who are outraged by everything. The people who caused this are the ones who are outraged by everything. The people upset by this are generally outraged by one thing. And that is the people who are outraged by everything doing whatever they can to shut down perfectly normal people's fun.

How IRONIC, indeed!


Yeah, nobody would have noticed this game, but because we have to be outraged about everything, here's a topic that isn't even about the game itself but meta-politics.

That's right. I didn't care about the game before (tbh I still don't) but I do care about people filtering the content that I'm supposed to see. I also believe that this is a very important topic that should be discussed every time something like this happens.

All gamers should be concerned about this. Today is a visual novel about picking up chicks and tomorrow it could be Doom or GTA or Monster Hunter or whatever. There can't be compromises in regards of freedom of expression.
Choose Your Own Adventure : Losers Edition. It's kind of laughable how crap this really is. You know what? I'll take my Leisure Suit Larry series, at least those were actual games. This makes the walking simulator genre seem like Baldur's Gate.


Choose Your Own Adventure : Losers Edition. It's kind of laughable how crap this really is. You know what? I'll take my Leisure Suit Larry series, at least those were actual games. This makes the walking simulator genre seem like Baldur's Gate.

Pretty cool to have a NeoGAF arbiter to tell us what a “game” is and isn’t.

By your measure, you would also claim that Dragon’s Lair and Space Ace aren’t “games” either? They’re not that much different in concept, except outcomes must be selected in a shorter amount of time and and only one selection is a “good” one.

Rather than judge what I believe to be “games” or “not games”, I simply make a choice to “buy” or “pass”. I don’t care that “walking simulators” exist; I know that they’re not my thing, so I skip them. I’m the gatekeeper for my own tastes— not everyone else’s.
I'm watching a stream of the game right now (top 10 on Twitch right now lol) and it's actually hysterical. Fuck me, I think I'm actually going to pick it up to play with the gf during the weekend.


I'm not offended easily but this game is garbage and needs to suffocate.

Stalking may be a wrong answer but ruining book plots ad general harassment are constantly right answers.

As far as I'm aware this isn't marketed as satire no matter how much we want it to be; The creator Richard seems to be completely genuine in thinking the advice in the game is how to treat women.

F U Richard.


I'm not offended easily but this game is garbage and needs to suffocate.

Stalking may be a wrong answer but ruining book plots ad general harassment are constantly right answers.

As far as I'm aware this isn't marketed as satire no matter how much we want it to be; The creator Richard seems to be completely genuine in thinking the advice in the game is how to treat women.

F U Richard.
Ok this is just stupid. HE NEVER ENCOURAGES HARASSMENT. He always reminds the player to be respectful. He talks about how "controling" the conversations but not to make anyone uncomfortable but to make them feel better. He tells you to never send dick pics etc. It is more for social awkward people trying to get a conversation going. Which may or may not end in a friendship or a relationship.

There are 10 scenes and one of them end in a sexual way. Rest is getting their number, asking for a date etc. Maybe you should play the game first before judging on badly full of lies articles.
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I'm not offended easily but this game is garbage and needs to suffocate.

Stalking may be a wrong answer but ruining book plots ad general harassment are constantly right answers.

As far as I'm aware this isn't marketed as satire no matter how much we want it to be; The creator Richard seems to be completely genuine in thinking the advice in the game is how to treat women.

F U Richard.
That's the beauty of freedom. You're free not to buy it. Well, you would be, if the extremely vocal minority who are offended by everything hadn't done what they usually do.
That's right. I didn't care about the game before (tbh I still don't) but I do care about people filtering the content that I'm supposed to see. I also believe that this is a very important topic that should be discussed every time something like this happens.

All gamers should be concerned about this. Today is a visual novel about picking up chicks and tomorrow it could be Doom or GTA or Monster Hunter or whatever. There can't be compromises in regards of freedom of expression.

Filtering content that you're supposed to see? You're not entitled to an intellectual property unless you buy in and then agree to the EULA.

Developing or playing video games is not an inalienable right, nor is being able to publish or play a game on the platform of your choice.


That's right. I didn't care about the game before (tbh I still don't) but I do care about people filtering the content that I'm supposed to see. I also believe that this is a very important topic that should be discussed every time something like this happens.

All gamers should be concerned about this. Today is a visual novel about picking up chicks and tomorrow it could be Doom or GTA or Monster Hunter or whatever. There can't be compromises in regards of freedom of expression.

Oh great the gun argument in video game form : First automatics, then handguns, soon we can't have water guns!

I would love a Cheetah but we need lines.

This game is toxic in its genuine insistence that this is how to treat women. No. Just no.

You have the freedom to yell fire in a theatre and the cops have the freedom to arrest you for it; Here Sony has the freedom to tell Richard to take a hike.
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I couldn't give a rat's ass about this game. No one is censoring it but the publisher themselves.

Sony is refusing to sell it, not the publisher— and it comes after a prominent gaming press site decided to launch a negative campaign against it. Perhaps Sony was never going to greenlight it and the VICE harangue was merely a coincidence.

Either way, much like EA Access, Papa Sony made the decision that none of its PS4 users should decide if they want this game. It’s the company’s right to do so, of course, but that doesn’t make any less of a questionable decision.


Tears in the rain
Game looks completely harmless as far as I can tell. And it looks really bad, but awesome in a "Let's get drunk and play this shitty game and see what happens in it!" kinda way.
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Pretty cool to have a NeoGAF arbiter to tell us what a “game” is and isn’t.

By your measure, you would also claim that Dragon’s Lair and Space Ace aren’t “games” either? They’re not that much different in concept, except outcomes must be selected in a shorter amount of time and and only one selection is a “good” one.

Rather than judge what I believe to be “games” or “not games”, I simply make a choice to “buy” or “pass”. I don’t care that “walking simulators” exist; I know that they’re not my thing, so I skip them. I’m the gatekeeper for my own tastes— not everyone else’s.

Dragon's Lair and Space Ace were barely games either; I remember them back in the day. They were considered laughable, at the time, outside of the impressive animation. Still, your extrapolation that I'm somehow an arbiter of what is and isn't is absurd. It's clearly my opinion on the matter, and as such, you don't need to take it so personally.


Filtering content that you're supposed to see? You're not entitled to an intellectual property unless you buy in and then agree to the EULA.

Developing or playing video games is not an inalienable right, nor is being able to publish or play a game on the platform of your choice.

I'm not supposed to see. Thanks for the correction.

I think differently. I believe that writing or producing media about any kind of topic is a human right and a necessity for society to grow. Sony is indeed free of deciding to publish or not. I just wish they decided based on what they feel about the content and not because of pressure of certain people. I think the same about any way of communicating but it just so happens that right now we are talking about video games in a vg forum. I'm not calling to boycott Sony nor vice nor whatever. Quite the opposite: I'm saying that if we don't agree with that decision (I myself don't agree) go and buy it for another platform (I will, even if I'm not really interested in the game).

As I said, today is something that you find morally questionable but how are we as individuals to decide what is right and what not? Why should the voice of some people be heard about the rest just because they complain harder on social media? There are many kinds of games that I don't like for different reasons but I will never ever try to suppress them from being published. I personally find that very dangerous. Is not that I agree with this particular piece of software, it's just that I find any kind of censorship a risk to society in general.

You can check my post history and you will see that I participate in these topics whenever I can and my position is the same: The power to filter content should not be placed in the hands of the few, regardless if they are the government or a segment of society.

Oh great the gun argument in video game form : First automatics, then handguns, soon we can't have water guns!

I would love a Cheetah but we need lines.

This game is toxic in its genuine insistence that this is how to treat women. No. Just no.

You have the freedom to yell fire in a theatre and the cops have the freedom to arrest you for it; Here Sony has the freedom to tell Richard to take a hike.

I don't have strong feelings (either way) for this particular game. I prefer to think that most (sane) people can differentiate fantasy from reality. If I had any doubts about that, I'd think that other games are much more toxic (murder simulators, for example). The same argument could be applied to pretty much everything: if it disgusts me then it's bad and nobody should have access to it.

I don't believe in PUA but there are books, websites, movies, forums and podcasts. Should they be banned? I don't think so. Where do you draw the line about what's acceptable and what not? Who gets to decide and how do we make sure that power is not misused? In my mind the risk is too much and the best option is just not to censor.

I agree about Sony having the freedom not to publish the game. I 100% support that. What I wish was different is the fact that, if I understand correctly, they were planning to allow it on the PS4 but changed their mind after pressure from the media and social media. I know they are protecting their bottom line but it makes me a bit depressed that stuff like this happens. What if tomorrow a certain segment of society decides that there should be no blood in games? Will we go back to the times of the yellow liquid coming out of a character's torso? That would be a shame.

And no, I don't think we can support some forms of censorship and not others. That's self serving and hypocritical. The price for protecting a basic right for any society is to put up with stuff we don't necessarily like and I think that's a fair price.


When you see someone like "This game is toxic in its genuine insistence that this is how to treat women. No. Just no." you are probably safe in knowing that person has 0 interactions with any sort of female outside of their mothers suckling breast


The nicest person on this forum
Its funny to see ride to hell retribution that is 100 times more offensive than this game got released.


I'm not offended easily but this game is garbage and needs to suffocate.

Stalking may be a wrong answer but ruining book plots ad general harassment are constantly right answers.

As far as I'm aware this isn't marketed as satire no matter how much we want it to be; The creator Richard seems to be completely genuine in thinking the advice in the game is how to treat women.

F U Richard.

And there'd still be nothing wrong if this was intended as serious advice like you claim it to be.

We live in a world where nobodies give advice about nutrition in order to lose weight. None of that is certified in any way, but it's allowed. Pick-up advice in game form? Why not?

"I don't want you to like thing!" is how you sound.


The outrage from the media like Vice, which ironically have their own issues with sexual harassment, is absurd to the level of Night Trap insanity.


Heh, this sounds like daft fun so I nabbed it on Steam before it gets pulled from there as well.


Heh, this sounds like daft fun so I nabbed it on Steam before it gets pulled from there as well.
I doubt it will. They tried the same with Hatred and thanks to that a shitty game got a ton of sales. It seems to be doing quite well on Steam and streamers like Sodapoppin with almost 40k people watching is good advertising as well^^


That's legitimately funny and in no way endorsing that kind of behavior; much like Always Sunny in Philadelphia. It's obviously satire.

Edit: After seeing more and more of the aftermath of this, it really is a train wreck from every direction. The outragists are "gonna outrage" and the developer himself appears to know what he's doing in terms of exploiting that fact, Milo Yiannopolis-style. I'm out.
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Xaero Gravity

"We don't want to take your games away!", indeed. This will just drive more people to pick it up on other platforms to see what it's like.
I know more than a few people that hadn't heard about this game until today, and now they're buying it on PC. I imagine I'm not alone on that, so it wouldn't surprise me to see it sell more now than it would have on two platforms.
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Neo Member
This went from a maybe to must buy
Same. Wasn't on my radar, but after reading the article decided pick up two copies. One for my self, and the other for a friend. Would've double dipped for a PS4 copy, but ah well. Really enjoying it so far. It surprisingly has seem informative topical discussions on some other matters besides the obvious dating/conversational techniques.
It's so funny, the more the usual outrage warriors within gaming journalism are screeching and hissing, the more popular these games become. By this point they should just quit their jobs, start a PR agency and ask money for it.



Aww, I wanted to see the 10 inch dong :eek:

Greg ain't no Trump that's for sure :p

Pretty much shows how stupid the outrage is. The "stalker" choices are reacted completely negatively, and the guy reinforces that saying it is bad.

It's also hilariously bad which the actors make it so funny.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Pretty much shows how stupid the outrage is. The "stalker" choices are reacted completely negatively, and the guy reinforces that saying it is bad.

It's also hilariously bad which the actors make it so funny.

The fact that people are taking it seriously with lines like "Its not like I am trying to fuck you in the arse!" makes me question their sense of reality.


There's even a dance scene where "Twerk Attack!" is an option lol. Hilarious scene.

Reminds me a bit of Plumbers Don’t Wear Ties a little bit, though this game actually has moving video.

I thought the game was hilarious when I watched an LP of it. Maybe the guy is a legit pick-up artist, maybe it’s tongue-in-cheek. I was definitely curious about it as someone who digs FMV games.

But, alas, I’m not going to get a chance to play it since it’s not coming to the PS4 and I swapped my laptop for an iPad.


I'm not offended easily but this game is garbage and needs to suffocate.

Stalking may be a wrong answer but ruining book plots ad general harassment are constantly right answers.

As far as I'm aware this isn't marketed as satire no matter how much we want it to be; The creator Richard seems to be completely genuine in thinking the advice in the game is how to treat women.

F U Richard.
The fact that this isn't intentionally satire makes it much better.

Spreading the gospel according to PC takes precedence at Vice's games division. Yes, I have heard the Good News; no I'm not interested in joining your shitty cult.

For anyone who isn't familiar with Vice's unbiased and unwavering commitment to the consideration of artistic and technical merit above all else, this might give you some insight into their approach to the medium that they hold in the highest regard. Here's their brief discussion on The Last Night:

They're about as credible as Islamist Gamer.
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Xaero Gravity

Reminds me a bit of Plumbers Don’t Wear Ties a little bit, though this game actually has moving video.

I thought the game was hilarious when I watched an LP of it. Maybe the guy is a legit pick-up artist, maybe it’s tongue-in-cheek. I was definitely curious about it as someone who digs FMV games.

But, alas, I’m not going to get a chance to play it since it’s not coming to the PS4 and I swapped my laptop for an iPad.
The game is perfectly suited for the iPad, so I'm certain it'll come out there eventually.


I sure do miss the days when the gaming press wasn’t knee-deep in activism and instead just covered the games themselves. Aside from the occasional Letter From The Editor, coverage mainly revolves around the games— photos, explanations, impressions.

When the 24-hour news cycle and always-connected internet required a fuckton or content to fill in the gaps, that’s when gaming press started to go off the rails.

Then it was talking down to its readership in a holier-than-thou manner, calling readers “entitled” and other choice terms.

Then it slid into activism, of which this scenario is but one of many examples. It promotes divisiveness; you’re either with them or against them. There’s no nuance, and limited ability to make choices for oneself because readers are being told what to think— and worse, the industry kowtows to them (again, such as this occasion).

VICE got its web traffic and emerged victorious in its crusade to prevent a game from being released. It’s a win-win for them, and emboldens the outlet to pull more of these stunts in the future. You’d better hope the outlet doesn’t target a game you’re interested in.


I sure do miss the days when the gaming press wasn’t knee-deep in activism and instead just covered the games themselves. Aside from the occasional Letter From The Editor, coverage mainly revolves around the games— photos, explanations, impressions.

When the 24-hour news cycle and always-connected internet required a fuckton or content to fill in the gaps, that’s when gaming press started to go off the rails.

Then it was talking down to its readership in a holier-than-thou manner, calling readers “entitled” and other choice terms.

Then it slid into activism, of which this scenario is but one of many examples. It promotes divisiveness; you’re either with them or against them. There’s no nuance, and limited ability to make choices for oneself because readers are being told what to think— and worse, the industry kowtows to them (again, such as this occasion).

VICE got its web traffic and emerged victorious in its crusade to prevent a game from being released. It’s a win-win for them, and emboldens the outlet to pull more of these stunts in the future. You’d better hope the outlet doesn’t target a game you’re interested in.
How am I to know right from wrong if I don't have video games journalists to tell me? Without them looking out for my best interests I may unwittingly perpetuate racism and homophobia by playing the wrong game.


I just purchased the game. Won't be able to play it until probably tomorrow but I'll share my impressions then. Just saw a trailer and while it looks like the guy is totally serious with the kind of advice he is giving, he does point out at some point that touching a girl's ass without consent is illegal.

If anything it seems to be pretty solid advice for socially impaired people (the kind of people that actually swear on PUA stuff).

down 2 orth

It looks like a cheaply produced game that's depending on controversy for P.R... I was hoping for something like Leisure Suit Larry :(


The game looks pretty dumb, and Pro Jared has a hilarious riff/lp of it, but it shouldn't be banned. Let people make their own decisions.

It'll still be on steam though, right? So this is more of an inconvenience for people who prefer console. The devs will sell a while bunch more for the controversy though.
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Well, I just bought this strictly because some people tried to decide that I shouldn’t be able to. I’m really sick of the state of “games journalism”. I’m fine with people having opinions, and even being “outraged” by things - but don’t try to decide for everyone else what is good and what isn’t.
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Well, I just bought this strictly because some people tried to decide that I shouldn’t be able to. I’m really sick of the state of “games journalism”. I’m fine with people having opinions, and even being “outraged” by things - but don’t try to decide for everyone else what is good and what isn’t.
If you got some friends who love bad movies, invite them over and enjoy the room of video games
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