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The All New Spyborgs *Trailer inside*


Junior Member
Yeah this game does look pretty decent and I hope it rates well.. IGN recently did a write up and they seem pretty high on it so we will see!


I have to say from the earliest screens to now that game has come along quite well. Visually its miles ahead of most developers efforts.

We're glad to announce that in North America, Spyborgs will be shipping on SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2009!

That day you can get your hands on the awesome two-player co-op action that was born from classics such as Final Fight, Captain Commando, and all those addicting old-school brawlers. If you've been tracking this game, you'll see that we've been jamming satisfyingly fun, button-mashing gameplay in it - but it's wrapped in a seriously beautiful graphics engine. "Really, is that on the Wii?!" is a typical response that we get if you can believe that. To prove this...check out IGN's great preview story that ran yesterday.. They're digging the game.

For any Comic-con attendees, we'll have a cool giveaway (check back soon) as well as the first consumer hands-on in our booth. Anyway, hope you're excited about Spyborgs as much as we are...and while you're waiting, check out the final pack art and let us know what you think.



Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Why would you release it the same day as Dead Space Extraction?


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
schuelma said:
Why would you release it the same day as Dead Space Extraction?
so we don't have to go twice to the game store?
tetrisgrammaton said:
I was digging it until i saw the QTE finishing moves. Ugghhh...

I think does are optional . . . like, according to the IGN thing, you have to press some button if you want to do it but you don't have to.

Oh, and I read that IGN thing, sounds like this will be my next Non-nintendo game buy for the Wii after I get MPT which comes out in Aug.


About the lack of On-line Co-op.

Online co-op isn’t just a ‘oh, let’s just tuck that in there.’ There’s a ton of design work on top of the technological implementation that would have to be done. Then there’s online testing to do.

Online is really, really hard in anything and should never be done as an afterthought. And in 2009, I don’t think it’s absolutely required in every game. How many Wii titles have online co-op, even from Nintendo?” - Christian Svensson, Corporate Officer/VP of Strategic Planning & Business Development

I dont get the last part, what is the point of bringing up Nintendo as if the are the standard they should be following unless rising the bar? Hell, they could just look up to Monster Hunter Tri.
CapKraig said:
I can answer 1.5 of those questions easily, as #2 is still in the works, so here goes:

1: Defense (blocking) was in and working in the demo. There might have been a bit of it in the footage. The team is working on parries as we speak.

3. The stuff you saw was going very smooth 30.
Not sure how I missed this reply, but thanks. I love parries in these types of games as opposed to only having a block, and the smooth 30fps is certainly good to hear.

The new footage looks pretty damn nice, but I can not stand on screen controller indicators. Its possibly the most detaching thing a game can do for me outside of a jittery framerate. I have no idea why devs continue to do this for something so simple...

I could see for the first attempt, but afterward, there is no point. I thought that was the most terrible thing about resident evil 4 to be honest.

EDIT: After watching the new videos again...I LOVE the enemy animation. I looks just as good as the main characters, which is usually not the case at all.
The gameplay doesn't seem all that interesting but Jesus Christ the graphics are mindblowing! Why can't more Wii developers put that amount of effort into making their games look good?


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Thats a cool boxart. I just hope there's enough content in the game to keep coming back / playing for awhile. I'll be very disappointed if its a case of MadWorld; very fun but also extremely short. Clear through it easily in two days and not really have any incentive to go back.

Unlockables! Achievements! Secrets! Come on guys, give a reason for me and my buddy to keep playing.
EatChildren said:
Thats a cool boxart. I just hope there's enough content in the game to keep coming back / playing for awhile. I'll be very disappointed if its a case of MadWorld; very fun but also extremely short. Clear through it easily in two days and not really have any incentive to go back.

Unlockables! Achievements! Secrets! Come on guys, give a reason for me and my buddy to keep playing.
Some unlockables would be sweet, or even a +new game to go back through it again with your current moveset so you can add more in the second play through.

Id love to have a slight remix of the enemies and bosses as well, kinda like punchout. That would certainly be awesome, but probably not as likely.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
abstract alien said:
Some unlockables would be sweet, or even a +new game to go back through it again with your current moveset so you can add more in the second play through.

Id love to have a slight remix of the enemies and bosses as well, kinda like punchout. That would certainly be awesome, but probably not as likely.

Any of those would be good. Anything to help extend play time in a fun way, and not artificial crap like "BEAT THE HIGH SCORE LOL". I really love brawlers and dont mind if the first playthrough is short, but it really bums me when there's no incentive to keep playing.

Just look at a hack and slash like Diablo 2. Such simplistic additions to further playthroughs make it heroin. You keep playing even though so much is 'the same' thanks to the little changes and bonuses here and there.


EatChildren said:
Thats a cool boxart. I just hope there's enough content in the game to keep coming back / playing for awhile. I'll be very disappointed if its a case of MadWorld; very fun but also extremely short. Clear through it easily in two days and not really have any incentive to go back.

Unlockables! Achievements! Secrets! Come on guys, give a reason for me and my buddy to keep playing.
If you read through the preview this game has all of that.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
jrricky said:
If you read through the preview this game has all of that.

Yeah but so far the extras are artificial. Boss rushes, etc, are appealing only if you’re into that kind of thing. It’s like “Hey, enjoy fighting all the bosses one after another for the sake of it”.

I’m more talking about raw content. To me replay value and unlockables should not be simplistic spins on content that’s already there. Stuff like extra difficulties are only enjoyable if the fundamental gameplay is so damn good you want to play through again, since nothing is really changing other than challenge.

Resident Evil 4’s Mercenaries is a perfect example of getting right. All it does is use enemy and environment locals from the main game in a simple score based combat environment, but the inclusion of extra characters, features, and weapons makes it worthwhile. You’re not just playing “Leon in a village killing baddies”, you’re playing as characters and weapons you couldn’t even use in the single player. It was a fantastic, addictive, and feature packed extra.

I like content like simplistic achievements, secrets, and unlockable modes, but I like these things to also have original gameplay merit. I’m unlikely to play a boss rush more than once because, unless something extra is unlocked at the end, it doesn’t offer anything new.

It’s my primary problem with brawlers. The fundamental gameplay is a lot of fun, but the extras don’t take the effort to expand it and offer variety. As a result you whisk through the game in a day or two, and the lack of any ‘new’ content stops you coming back.

I hope I’m wrong, and I’ll almost certainly get Spyborgs either way, it’s just a factor that may lead to some disappointment on my end. Fingers crossed there is meat on the bone.
Valhalla Knights: Eldar Saga, can't forget that!

Monster Hunter 3 has co-op too right? Or is it just one against another, two, and/or three players?


batbeg said:
Batallion Wars
Endless Ocean

I guess this is why almost no one thinks about Nintendo and co-op, these games I never even thought about, maybe Nintendo need to add co-op in like Mario, Zelda, Starfox, Metroid type games for it to be noticed?

But by god that song "Prayer" performed by Hayley Westenra is pure awesomeness (Endless Ocean).


I reeally want this game, along with Cursed Mountain and Murumasa, but I don't have the monies.

If Capcom releases it at $40 then I might have to bite


Nice interview, it's nice they really emphasize the pedigree of the developer and seem to intimately know what's going on with it.

I'm actually pretty interested in following the digital comic and webisodes when they come up, I think. The first webisode appears to be on the site, but isn't loading, so maybe it isn't, I guess.

Seems like it might be cheap in the UK as well :D ShopTo and Play.com both have it up for pre-order at £25 so far.


Bionic Games seems to face some severe problems. Even their creative director, Mike Stout, was laid off/left in June.



The game is meant to be out in a couple weeks? Damn. And they still don't have any digital comics or webisodes up :mad:

Stout was laid off? God, he's just bouncing around like mad at the moment, isn't he?


8.0 Presentation
Slick menus, strong use of Nintendo's remote, short story sequences, a host of unlockables and achievements, plus character upgrades. Style waffles between gritty and cartoony.
8.5 Graphics
Saturday morning cartoon style complemented by great tech. Some of the best particle and lighting effects in a Wii game. Huge bosses. Framerate is usually smooth, but occasionally suffers.
8.0 Sound
Punchy, satisfying sound effects. The selection of metal-esque guitar riffs sounds good, too, but becomes repetitive.
7.0 Gameplay
A fun beat-'em-up. The controls work well, the action is frantic and the upgrade system is welcomed, but there's nothing innovative about the experience save for the coop gameplay.
7.5 Lasting Appeal
Upward of 35 levels to explore and the difficulty is sometimes relentless, frustratingly so. Upgrade your characters by performing huge combos and earning money, a good incentive to keep playing.
(out of 10 / not an average)
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