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The Black Culture Thread |OT3| Lighten Up

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they may have just sold me going to wait till after E3/Christmas tho but i am hyped as fuck

Edit : reading the gaming side holy shit..... Nintendo went in deep without a rubber and busted a nut


Man, I really need to find a new side job.

Currently, I'm a part-time technical writer for a company in the Bay Area, part-time resume reviewer/editor for a company in the Bay Area, and soon to be substitute teacher, but the job in question I want to drop is more of a side hustle than an actual paid position.

I make funeral programs for families. My Uncle owns a funeral home and he refers people to me, so I have plenty of contacts, but consistently dealing with grieving families can be such a downer at times. People breaking down crying in front of you, seeing young people go before their time, reading about people's wonderful lives only to know that they've passed, etc. Shit's hard sometimes, but it's decent money and these school loans aren't going to pay themselves.

I'm still looking for an actual full time job, but between the two part time jobs I'm working, and the funeral program stuff, I'm making decent bank and I'm definitely working less than 40 hours a week. Don't know if I'll be able to find anything comparable.
Good games, Onee-Mic

What I learned today:

Teddie is random as fuck
Ahkihiko mirror matches are the best thing ever
Mitsuru is still the queen
And Kanji is Kanji ;_;

I hate modern r/b aside from The Weekend and Janelle Monae. So sick of this Anthony Hamilton 'Pray for Me' song.

Charlene is still my favorite R&B song, hands down


wut u say bout xenosaga? /meanmug
I can't speak for 2 and 3 but xenosaga was meh as fuck. The mechs were worthless too. Jr. Seemed like he may have been an interesting character, but now I guess I'll never know since the back story was reserved for the followups I assume.


The physical form of blasphemy
Yeah but Japanese can make something so simple turn into full shit.

Japan is no worse than the West is, when it comes to dialogue and story. The levels of terrible are exactly the same.

The Walking Dead is probably one of the few recent exceptions to the videogame stories being ass "rule".

I hate modern r/b aside from The Weekend and Janelle Monae. So sick of this Anthony Hamilton 'Pray for Me' song.

Dunno if you saw it, but: R&B is Coming Back Strong


Japan is no worse than the West is, when it comes to dialogue and story. The levels of terrible are exactly the same.

The Walking Dead is probably one of the few recent exceptions to the videogame stories being ass "rule".

Dunno if you saw it, but: R&B is Coming Back Strong
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. Japan devs definitely have a proclivity for shitty storytelling and dialogue. That goes for my beloved mgs series as well.


I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. Japan devs definitely have a proclivity for shitty storytelling and dialogue. That goes for my beloved mgs series as well.

They both have shitty storytelling and dialogue, but at least a lot of the West's shitty stories are somewhat rooted within reality and adhere to basic narrative conventions. Japan just doesn't give a fuck sometimes, and a lot of the times it's just.... no.


They both have shitty storytelling and dialogue, but at least a lot of the West's shitty stories are somewhat rooted within reality and adhere to basic narrative conventions. Japan just doesn't give a fuck sometimes, and a lot of the times it's just.... no.


The physical form of blasphemy
I'm fine with certain ideas taking priority over conventional narrative and plot construction, the same way I don't mind it in films.


What's with the interest in the Wii U all of a sudden? New announcements?


They both have shitty storytelling and dialogue, but at least a lot of the West's shitty stories are somewhat rooted within reality and adhere to basic narrative conventions. Japan just doesn't give a fuck sometimes, and a lot of the times it's just.... no.

Yes, that I what I was trying to say.
I have a feeling Nintendo is gonna botch Wind Waker HD badly. I can already smell the forced waggle controls. :(
Don't need Monolothsofts game. Dragons Dogma 2 Dark Souls 2 have already preordered my body.

Mario Kart is the most overrated series ever and Smash Bros died for our sins when people stopped playing locally because of internet.


If anything, Brawl's godawful netplay made people play locally MORE. Not a single person I know who still plays Brawl will touch online willingly unless the only friend they know who plays lives further than driving distance.


I think that when Japan really has talented writers that bring out the best of the medium story wise. Games like Killer 7 and Silent Hill 2 are very unique, well directed, and almost film like in the amount of symbolism they carry even down to the smallest pixel. Western games simply don't have that level of detail. Even games like Planescape.

I think that's the biggest difference between Western and Japanese games. Western games are attempting to mimic the cinematic experience, all the way down to succumbing to established film tropes and embodying the 3-Act structure. Japan does this a lot of the time, but are a lot more likely to at times. For example, I can imagine stuff like Halo or The Witcher 2 transitioning over to the silver screen without alteration. It may not be good, but it's narrative structure and flow is relatively in line with that of a traditional film. On the flip side, this same scenario is not true for A LOT of Japanese games. They're simply too out there, convoluted and narratively disjointed for that 1:1 transition to be possible. Their stories are very much a "video game story," an entirely different form of story telling, created for the sole purpose of consumption within a video game space.

That's not necessarily a bad thing, but as a film student and avid book reader, I find myself enjoying the traditional aspects of Western game storytelling. But then again, I rarely find any game's narrative to be legitimately great, and have always valued game play over story. So I definitely enjoy the Japanese approach to video games in that regard.

Seriously Harson as a film major you'd like Killer 7. The gamefaqs plot analysis is insane.

I do love Killer 7! Suda bought himself so much good will with that game that I find myself dropping bank on his games regardless of how much I've disliked his output since Killer 7....

A.E Suggs

Yes blackgaf is now wiiU gaf! Now I won't be the only person in here to own one within the year.

It should also be mandatory that we all own the black console.
If anything, Brawl's godawful netplay made people play locally MORE. Not a single person I know who still plays Brawl will touch online willingly unless the only friend they know who plays lives further than driving distance.

local gaming lol

Haven't done it since Halo 2.

I've got a better chance of pulling a white girl at a nascar event than I do of getting someone to want to play Smash Bros.


Curious. What Japanese games are you referring to?

I'm obviously using blanket statements for the sake of debate, but pretty much any Japanese game I can think of, especially JRPGs.

Whenever I think of a legitimately good video game story, whose narrative is good enough to elevate game play or even shroud deficiencies, my mind instantly gravitates towards the West's output.

Stuff like Planescape Torment, Baldur's Gate, Max Payne, Tim Schafer/Dave Grossman's Lucas Art games, The Witcher 1 & 2, Deus Ex, Vampire: The Masquerade, The Walking Dead, Half-Life series, Alan Wake, Soul Reaver, System Shock II, some of the Elder Scrolls series, etc.

Those games have stories that I could find myself consuming if the gameplay were stripped away and I were forced to experience it in novel, comic or film form. There just aren't many Japanese video game narratives where I could make that same claim. They exist, but not at nearly the numbers IMO. I love Xenogears, Chrono Trigger, Okami, Ocarina of Time, etc. but those are great complimentary stories to a video game, and not necessarily representative of narratives that are sound in their own right. As I said, having a distinction between video game story telling and other forms of storytelling is not necessarily a bad thing, but it's definitely a tangible distinction between Western and Japanese philosophies when it comes to constructing games.

Basically, I typically leave Japanese games thinking "Damn, that was a great fucking game," and never "Damn, that game had some brilliant story telling!" I enjoy the experience as a whole but the narrative definitely takes a back seat to the game play which is front and center. On the flip side, I've come away from Western games thinking "Jesus Christ, that story was actually pretty damn good. I can see that making a decent film if handled correctly." Hell, there are many Western games where sound story telling propels an otherwise mediocre experience in terms of graphics and game play.
black people and nintendo hard ons is just such a weird concept for me to get my head around

Shit I had a N64 back in the day, I was "dat nigga" back then. I still remember a kid from around the block tried to steal my clear controller me and my brother beat the brakes off him lol


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Yes blackgaf is now wiiU gaf! Now I won't be the only person in here to own one within the year.

It should also be mandatory that we all own the black console.

its gonna have to be something big to make me drop cash on a wii u


Somebody should compile the Black-GAF introductions from the 2-3 OTs into a single post or two that can be linked in the OP.

A.E Suggs

What counts as something big to you? The announcements today counts as something big yet isn't going to appeal to everyone(like anything ever). So basically what would you be looking for in terms of genre.
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