They used to take women as slaves lmao.
They used to take so many hundreds of thousands of slaves from the British isles that Dublin was founded by them to function as a hub to organise and industrialise the trade in British slaves to the Middle East, North Africa and Asia.
Sure, they also colonised the North of Britain and Ireland, and interbred with the locals they ruled over, so they didn't murder and enslave everyone, but depicting them as virtuous heroes that the English were wrong to rise up against is incredibly disengenous.
Really I see this as a part of the English/British once again falling victim to our own success, as well as no good deed going unpunished.
It doesn't matter that history is full of everyone being ruthless gits to one another, that the Britains were on the receiving end of conquest, enslavement, oppression and colonisation just as much as everyone else, that we were the first major civilisation and Empire in history to briefly end slavery throughout our lands and most of the rest of the world, or that it was our ideals and concepts of individualism, fairness, democracy and self determination that both ushered in the modern age, with all its freedoms, wealth and progress, and which also lead to the dissolution of the Empire not due to war, disaster or uprisings, but, uniquely, primarily because it was decided to be morally and financially untenable.
Even if everyone else is just as, if not more drenched in blood than you are, it's easy for everyone else to point the finger of blame for the crime at you, when you were the last person holding the knife.