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The GAF POP |OT| of Diversity, Hidden Talent, and Stan Wars

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How evenly matched is the hate/love, though ?

Well cynosure is dead. It's going to be a bloodbath.

I'm looking forward to that more than the music tbh :p



im the only Xtina Stan left besides royalan(i think) but i make fun of her too, dont hate her though its just fun :p. Xtina is still a Pop Princess. Bionic was terrible but i have faith in her new album its gonna slay ;__;
im the only Xtina Stan left besides royalan(i think) but i make fun of her too, dont hate her though its just fun :p. Xtina is still a Pop Princess. Bionic was terrible but i have faith in her new album its gonna slay ;__;

Xtincta needs to get her head out of her arse and lose some fucking weight before I ever take her seriously again.

Or just release Dirrty 2.0 *.*
im the only Xtina Stan left besides royalan(i think) but i make fun of her too, dont hate her though its just fun :p. Xtina is still a Pop Princess. Bionic was terrible but i have faith in her new album its gonna slay ;__;

Gerl I worship Xtina. B2B, Stripped and even Bionic are albums I listen to consistently. Flawless bitch through and through really


im the only Xtina Stan left besides royalan(i think) but i make fun of her too, dont hate her though its just fun :p. Xtina is still a Pop Princess. Bionic was terrible but i have faith in her new album its gonna slay ;__;

It's hard on these boards for an Xtina stan. :(

But I will always be one. Ride or die. YES. THAT'S MY LORD!!!

Anyway, I have absolute faith in Xtina's music. She always releases good Pop-&-B albums. I even stand by the fact that Bionic was NOT a bad album. Was it close to being her best work? Of course not. But it definitely wasn't several rungs below what we would get from other pop princess acts. I'd say the only major Pop acts to seriously outclass Bionic was Adele (vocally, even though I DON'T think she's a better singer than Christina at her best), and Britney (Production). But Beyonce's "4", Katy Perry's "Teenage Dream", both albums Rihanna's released since 2010, and even Gaga's "Born This Way" (yeah, I said it) are overall reductive efforts that were saved by great marketing and at least one noteworthy single.

In my opinion, Two things killed Bionic:

1) Absolutely abysmal single choices.
2) Pitting herself against Gaga.

"Not Myself Tonight" was easily the worst track on the album and ONLY existed because the old farts at Christina's label thought she needed a "safe bet" single and it backfired terribly. Even "You Lost Me" was a terrible choice of single (despite being, in my opinion, one of the best pop ballads of 2010). It just wasn't a Summer single - Christina should not have caved into pressure that her image that era was too slutty and released "Woo Hoo" as was the original plan. That single had "Summer Banger" written all over it and featured Nicki Minaj at a time when a Nicki Minaj feature still meant something. But, again, she let the out-of-touch old fucks at RCA convince her that she needed to tone down her image and try to recreate her "Beautiful" success. Again, backfire.

As for pitting herself against Gaga, this is the one instance where I'll admit that Christina's diva-tude didn't do her any favors. Now the first instance was completely understandable. Gaga's fans got on Xtina's case for commenting in an interview that she didn't know who Lady Gaga was; but people have to remember that this was back when Gaga FIRST started out. Hell, "Just Dance" was still weeks away from hitting #1 on the Hot 100 and she was still primarily doing Monster Ball shows at club venues, so it's completely believable that an artist of Christina's caliber would genuinely not know who she was. But then, again, the old fucks at RCA saw an opportunity to create controversy and decided to pit Christina against Gaga with Bionic. Christina should have never let that happen, but she played into it. She should have kept it cute whenever asked about Gaga in interviews, but she let the claws come out - not realizing that by that time Gaga was no longer just a club artist. She was a pop culture phenom and appointed "Champion of the Gays." ANYONE who spoke out against Gaga at that point was instantly wrong for it (GRACE JONES got shit for speaking ill of Gaga and SHE legitimately had a point about Gaga ripping off her style and not being original enough for her to ever want to work with her).

By the time Bionic marketing was in full-swing nobody wanted to support it. It was a poisoned project from the start. An album that, while not great, definitely deserved to do better than it did.

And it was a good enough album to showcase that, musically, Christina is still a force to be reckoned with. She does things on that album vocally that your faves could only dream of. And her chameleonic ability to mold her powerful vocals to any number of styles makes her the most versatile Pop songstress since Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston.

All she has to do is mind her Ps and Qs this era, and she'll be fine.
I think Xtina will probably do well for this next album. RCA got new management and they don't seem quite as clueless as the ones before. Kelly has mentioned a few times how much she loves the new label-heads and it shows because Stronger is actually slaying compared to her last two albums

Mau ®

I hope Xtina flops again tbh

But it's unlikely, since she's now working with Max Martin. I'm gonna laugh my ass off when she delivers a Femme Fatale/Teenage Dream wannabe, exactly becoming the thing she bowed not be 10 years ago


sputum-flecked apoplexy
You know what's a great album that people don't talk about enough? Flesh Tone. Let's talk more about Flesh Tone.

Mau ®

You know what's a great album that people don't talk about enough? Flesh Tone. Let's talk more about Flesh Tone.

Spilling the true tea.

Hoz saying Bionic shouldn't have flopped. No, FLESH TONE shouldn't have flopped. That was the crime.

Didnt it sell 9k copies on opening week? That's only 2k more above K-Fed


You know what's a great album that people don't talk about enough? Flesh Tone. Let's talk more about Flesh Tone.


I love Kelis. Lord KNOWS I do. But I prefer her genius applied to "alternative" Pop-R&B than the cop-out Dance music that I hate to label Flesh Tone, but is the most fitting description. Just a completely uninteresting album, and it hurts my heart to say that about ANYTHING Kelis does because, frankly, I think she's a brilliant artist that had the likes of even Kanye West lusting after her talent. A trend-setter up until THAT moment.

But I wouldn't mind talking about Kelis in general! STILL responsible for my favorite debut single by a female artist EVER:

I HATE YOU SO MUCH RIGHT NOW!!! - EXCELLENT Track, and just one of those songs that completely sums up exactly what an artist is about. Only Kelis could have made that song. Man - she needs to get back with Pharrell. Those two made magic together...

Dr. Malik

waiT, cyno is perma?
I told ha to keep it cute, you britney fans should have left the good sis alone, why did you not listen cyno, why



Rihanna has annoyed me lately, off the stage, but she's a pop personality and her personality has come through since day one, since Music of the Sun (she was 'bad' already then, people saying it's now some put-on act are wrong). She's always sounded like her, and her own pizzaz has certainly spilled over to her music when she's been at her best, like the Rated R album (where she had lots more credits on songs than her last two, btw). It's always ridiculous to say an artist deserves no credit for sustained success over several periods - of course she does, there's cleary something about HER alone that makes her popular.

Now if we're going to get technical and subjective, I could say how that icy timbre in her voice attracts me, or whatever, but this is less about that than neutral observations: She's got her thing.

Plus, it's not like popular female rnb stars are a dime a dozen these days, they're more or less extinct. She's adapted. I'm not a fan of the musical direction that's taken her in. I love Rated R so much, but it didn't sell enough, so she found the sounds in her arsenal which does sell, and it worked. With me being less excited about recent albums I'll admit it's made it easier to grow tired of her antics and statements as well, though, so I'm a bit cool on her at the moment. Doesn't take away from the fact that it's her own qualities that's made her a star.


Rihanna has annoyed me lately, off the stage, but she's a pop personality and her personality has come through since day one, since Music of the Sun (she was 'bad' already then, people saying it's now some put-on act are wrong). She's always sounded like her, and her own pizzaz has certainly spilled over to her music when she's been at her best, like the Rated R album (where she had lots more credits on songs than her last two, btw). It's always ridiculous to say an artist deserves no credit for sustained success over several periods - of course she does, there's cleary something about HER alone that makes her popular.

Now if we're going to get technical and subjective, I could say how that icy timbre in her voice attracts me, or whatever, but this is less about that than neutral observations: She's got her thing.

Plus, it's not like popular female rnb stars are a dime a dozen these days, they're more or less extinct. She's adapted. I'm not a fan of the musical direction that's taken her in. I love Rated R so much, but it didn't sell enough, so she found the sounds in her arsenal which does sell, and it worked. With me being less excited about recent albums I'll admit it's made it easier to grow tired of her antics and statements as well, though, so I'm a bit cool on her at the moment. Doesn't take away from the fact that it's her own qualities that's made her a star.

I won't deny that she has that weird je ne sais quois pop quality that makes someone potential (well, actual in her case) star material, but that's *all* she has.


child I know you didn't not just say that while sporting one of Dr. Luke's girls

i cant.. Spiffy gurl

Hahahahaha... Yes, i realize how contradictory I sound. But honestly, I'll probably be going off Marina soon enough... Unless she somehow retains her artistic integrity. We shall see. She only used Dr. Luke for two songs. The rest of the songs are done by Greg Kurstin and Rick Nowels, so there's still hope. :|
I won't deny that she has that weird je ne sais quois pop quality that makes someone potential (well, actual in her case) star material, but that's *all* she has.

That and I end up liking more of her songs than I dislike. Somehow the combo is enough for me.


I'll never get over Breaking Dishes not being a single. Who the fuck releases shit like Shut Up and Drive.

The same one who made the decision to release "You Da One" and not "Talk that Talk" as a single. I mean really, Rihanna and J on Umbrella is a #1 hit, Jay and Rih on Run this town is a #1 hit, why not release Rihanna and J again? And instead go for another pop song while the first one is still slaying? Why not go for the song that wouldn't compete with WFL? It's amazing Loud and TTT singles have been successful with the messy management.
Would anyone be interested in a POP-GAF DJ ROOM? It's like turntable.fm but it uses Youtube so it's worldwide. You need a Twitter or Facebook account to join.

Here's the link: http://www.plug.dj/pop-gaf/

I'm currently creating a "best of Kelly/Britney/Gaga/Robyn/Janelle" playlist.

Nobody is in there :(

Done, thanks.


I see the little monsturds have raped the poll en masse. Seriously though, that disgusting toerag influential? She has been UNSEEN for the better half of a year.

The same one who made the decision to release "You Da One" and not "Talk that Talk" as a single. I mean really, Rihanna and J on Umbrella is a #1 hit, Jay and Rih on Run this town is a #1 hit, why not release Rihanna and J again? And instead go for another pop song while the first one is still slaying? Why not go for the song that wouldn't compete with WFL? It's amazing Loud and TTT singles have been successful with the messy management.

Live Your Life is one of the worst songs I have ever heard, and I'm not even joking.


LOL - Hateretha...


I am OBSESSED with this Hamerhamerhamerhamer song and I'm trying my best to immitate this woman's speaking voice. She sounds like a fierce cartoon character!

"Keedy Black on the track wit Black Biggie Black! You already KNOW what it's here fo!"

Mau ®


Rihanna has confirmed that work has started on her seventh studio album.

The singer admitted that she is eager to begin writing and recording a new record, despite her latest album Talk That Talk only being released back in November

"I'm definitely thinking about the next record. I'm a multi-tasker," Rihanna told Capital FM. "Right now we're working on collecting and creating the sound first before we even start working on the lyrical direction or melodies.

"I kind of have an idea though, and it's very rough right now. So I'm eager to start that."



It's coming!!!

Bitchez better deal Rih will cockblock your fave's dreams of chart hits once again

Dr. Malik


who the hell does she think she is, her album sales are poor, her tour sales are poor, her singles sales aside from one are poor.
Why does she think we want her music? take a seat and concentrate on how to cover up that forehead instead of releasing generic trash every year

who the hell does she think she is, her album sales are poor, her tour sales are poor, her singles sales aside from one are poor.
Why does she think we want her music? take a seat and concentrate on how to cover up that forehead instead of releasing generic trash every year


Mau ®


who the hell does she think she is, her album sales are poor, her tour sales are poor, her singles sales aside from one are poor.
Why does she think we want her music? take a seat and concentrate on how to cover up that forehead instead of releasing generic trash every year

11 #1's

Can your fave? lol no.

Mau ®


His fave can RELATE.


I like your tea, when taken in moderate doses

Poor Marius, I can understand his frustrations. His fave has been basically a non-presence for a while now, meanwhile Rih delivered one of the biggest hits of decade and her career.

And then he dares call Rih's music generic when he stans Icki Minaj, who just released an album whose second half is full of generic trash? i-fucking-cannot.

Dr. Malik

Stay pressedT


Now drive bitch, I said DRIVE BITCH and while you're at it, DIE BITCH, thats right drive bitch

Now if you are going to act like a bitch, then you are going to die like bitch


Gagita's irrelevance this year has made Marius's wig dusty and bothered.

I think you should ban yourself again love :(
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