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The Godfather or Scarface?

Two totally different settings, which do you prefer?
For me I had my fill of 1980s Miami with GTA: Vice City so it would be the Godfather hands down.
Despite wanting to hate both of these, I like them both. About equally TBH.

Godfather was more of a slow burner for me - played in stints, eventually got really into it, and then kinda lost interest again...

Scarface appealed a bit more (and I'd never played a previous version, which protected the novelty factor) and I'd probably go with that if I had to choose between them. But there's not much in it. Worth picking both of 'em up eventually if you like that kinda thing... let's face it, they'll be in the bargain bins by Xmas.
They both seem to be pretty standard fare clones which is why I simplified it down to whay appeals more.

They both essentially set out to make pre-prepared content fit into a GTA-esque game engine. They both did it in an acceptable fashion, as nobody really complained about them. Except the way they look :/


I am leaning towards Scarface (loved VC and like bright Miami settings), but it seems like Godfather has better wiimote implementation.


Scarface has slightly better shooting controls, but Godfather has the incredible melee controls - made the game far more fun to me, and made it (easily) the best version of the game. Rent 'em both, I bet you'll choose Godfather, despite its PS2 graphics.


30% Failure Rate
Well I've only played Godfather so I can only tell you about that.

It's a fairly well done clone of GTA. The city seems kind of bland and repetitive, however. There's really no incentive to explore because there's not much there that's worth seeing like in the GTA games.

The gameplay is pretty great, IMO. It's biggest strength is it's combat, both hand-to-hand and weapon based. Getting into fist fights using the Wii remote/nunchuck is just plain fun. There's quite a few ways to rough people up and they're all implemented very well with the Wii controls.

Gunplay is similarly well done. Obviously aiming with the Wii remote is ace, but there's also much more depth to it than in any other GTA-type game I've played. You have the ability to hug walls or crouch behind objects which essentially lets you play it the same way you would Gears of War, stop-and-pop style. It made raiding warehouses and infiltrating other mob families' compounds really fun. I seriously doubt even GTAIV will have combat as good as this. Mind you I'm only comparing it to other GTA games where the combat has always been pretty simple. Obviously it's not as deep as something like Gears of War, but it's impressive for this type of game.

Production quality is very high with good voice acting and storytelling. Graphics are pretty average. Lengthwise the main story is about as long as GTA3, not as long as GTA:VC or GTA:SA. It does have a lot of side missions (the Wii version has 50 more than any other version I believe).

Overall the game is worth a look. I had a surprisingly good time with it. Worth a rental at least, or maybe if the price drops to $30 or something then buy it.
I've put 35 hours into Godfather, and it was a very solid game, but I doubt I'll play it again. Once I became Don of the family (second highest rank next to being the Don of NY) I stopped playing.


Thanks guys (especially Videoman for his in-depth thoughts). I came in thinking Scarface, but now Im leaning towards checking out the Godfather.


Well, I don't know about Scarface, but Godfather has the whole Blackhand thing which very well suits the Wii controls.

I mean in terms of use of the Wiimote+nunchuk, I think Godfather is clearly the best one.

What is there in Scarface apart from aiming and a waggle chainsaw ?
I can't give an accurate judgement because I haven't played both Wii versions, however I played both games elsewhere.

If you are looking for more of a "GTA Clone", Scarface would fit the bill better. It has a better "open world" vibe to it. Scarface has better music to listen to while you just mess around in the games world.

The Godfather has a good focus on storyline. If you watched the movies, there isn't much of a deviation (a few things i won't spoil). However it gets tiring after a while to just extort businessess.

Plus in Scarface you ARE Tony Montana, you have all his mannerisims and catch phrases it feels cool as hell to taunt someone while shooting them.

In The Godfather you are a nobody.

Thats my take on both games.
NintendosBooger said:
I've put 35 hours into Godfather, and it was a very solid game, but I doubt I'll play it again. Once I became Don of the family (second highest rank next to being the Don of NY) I stopped playing.

Same here, but I think I'll eventually go back to become Don of NY. Anyone know if there are any easter eggs/unlockables for being Don of NY?
Echoing the sentiments of everyone here, I like them both. However, I prefer Scarface. So long as you can get past the constant drum of f-bombs, I think it's got a bit more variety to the missions, vehicles, and weapons.

I was NOT anticipating enjoying the game at all, but in fact, I was assigned the GamesRadar review of it and basically fell in love.


The Godfather is also really good, but I much prefer it on the 360 than the Wii.


mysticstylez said:
I can't give an accurate judgement because I haven't played both Wii versions, however I played both games elsewhere.

If you are looking for more of a "GTA Clone", Scarface would fit the bill better. It has a better "open world" vibe to it. Scarface has better music to listen to while you just mess around in the games world.

The Godfather has a good focus on storyline. If you watched the movies, there isn't much of a deviation (a few things i won't spoil). However it gets tiring after a while to just extort businessess.

Plus in Scarface you ARE Tony Montana, you have all his mannerisims and catch phrases it feels cool as hell to taunt someone while shooting them.

In The Godfather you are a nobody.

Thats my take on both games.

I mostly agree with this. I completely finished Godfather and am about 2/3 of the way through Scarface on the Wii. In terms of the Wii versions, I think Godfather makes better use of the controls than Scarface does. I really enjoyed the melee aspects and it probably makes extorting businesses less monotonous (as I didn't find that part to be too bad). The motion controls in Scarface is pretty shallow with the focus being on aiming with the wiimote (however, the aiming does work well).

Personally, I would lean towards Godfather over Scarface based on the melee controls and wider variety of executions.

I don't think you will find a concensus choice between the two. It really depends on what aspects of the game you prefer.


Hmmm.... two more questions:

- I assume Godfather just offers cars. Does Scarface offer bikes/boats/planes?
- should I skip these two altogether and just get Super Paper Mario? :lol


I havent played scarface yet but im really looking forward to doing so.

So I can only really speak about the Godfather. The controls are great but the game kinda sucks. The city is dull and ugly and the missions arent much fun. Beating people up either using your fists or a baseball bat feels great. Using a gun the traditional way with z-targeting works just as well as in lets say GTA. Using the IR also works great as long as you dont have to turn, then its kind slow. Wiis latest GTA clone Driver Parallel Lines has much better aiming.

Unless youre a big fan of the movies or a fan of fiction in the American ww2 era I wouldnt recommend the game for anything other then a rental. Its worth trying only because of the controls.
mentalfloss said:
Same here, but I think I'll eventually go back to become Don of NY. Anyone know if there are any easter eggs/unlockables for being Don of NY?

How do you become Don of NY?
I've extorted/destroyed all the businesses owned by my rivals, but still nothing. Do I have to wait for the destroyed buildings to be repaired and re-opened?


lx4 said:
Wiis latest GTA clone Driver Parallel Lines has much better aiming.

Could you tell me about this one ? I was a bit disapointed that the Godfather didn't have the "shoot while you drive" thing, which could be pretty fun with the wiimote.
And what about the city, and the rest of the controls ?

(I guess it's not that off topic)


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
The Godfather is not a good game. The largest issue is simply the repetition. Not only is the city among the most bland you'll find in an open world game, but the actual locations which you visit actually repeat over and over again throughout the game. You'll be paying a visit to the same warehouse many times throughout the game (oh wait, the safe is now on the right side of the room instead of the left...must be a new location). The combat itself is nothing special, the driving mechanics are average, the story is told through chopped up cutscenes, and the game is butt ugly. Oh, and they overuse the Godfather theme like you wouldn't believe.

The only positive aspect of the game is, perhaps, it's use of the Wii-mote. I was shocked and appalled at the amount of support this game received around here. A quality Wii control scheme (for once) should not be a free pass in every other area.

As for Scarface, I really have no clue how it plays on Wii, but the PS2 game was certainly more interesting. The city and mission areas are actually competent this time around. The main issue with this game is the lack of content. The missions are enjoyable, the atmopshere well done, and the amount of dialog quite entertaining...but you're often forced into performing petty tasks before proceeding to the next mission (though the same issue exists in Godfather and Saint's Row). Basically, you need to reach a certain amount of money before you can move forward in the game. Still, that certainly doesn't ruin the game.

Let's face it, neither game is of the same quality as the series they were inspired by, but if you must select one, I'd suggest Scarface. Godfather offers solid controls with little else.


NintendosBooger said:
How do you become Don of NY?
I forget where exactly where it is, but there is a screen that has a list what you've done (businesses extorted, warehouses, film reels acquired, etc.). You have to get everything on that list with the exception of items listed as optional.


dark10x said:
The Godfather is not a good game.

Many of us consider it a good, even great game. I'd put it second only to GTA in the genre.

Scarface was fun on the Xbox, I might pick it up for the Wii.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Nozi said:
Many of us consider it a good, even great game. I'd put it second only to GTA in the genre.

I completely disagree and find myself unable to understand. Surely you see my complaints with the game. You perform the same few tasks over and over and over again with a few extremely dull and limited environments while the story of The Godfather is sliced up into something much less. The game design is poor.

I'm actually curious to hear from you as to WHY you think so highly of the game.
dark10x said:

I completely disagree and find myself unable to understand. Surely you see my complaints with the game. You perform the same few tasks over and over and over again with a few extremely dull and limited environments while the story of The Godfather is sliced up into something much less. The game design is poor.

I'm actually curious to hear from you as to WHY you think so highly of the game.

I don't mind reptitive gameplay if the gameplay itself is alot of fun. For example, a gunfight could be the same 100 times but if it's an interesting combat system i'll play it for the gameplay itself.


It's not the same gameplay, the only thing that's repetitive are some of the environments. There's multiple ways to handle exorting businesses/taking over warehouses/etc, and the actual story-based missions are pretty varying.

The score of the game is great, BTW... Bill Conti did it (Oscar winner and most famous for the "Rocky" series).


I've rented both and Scarface is much more enjoyable.
Godfather tried to teach me everything about the game in the 1st 30 minutes, instead of letting me play!
Scarface was a little better, but the controls are more enjoyable. The language is exceptionally harsh - be aware of that.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
ElectricBlue187 said:
I don't mind reptitive gameplay if the gameplay itself is alot of fun. For example, a gunfight could be the same 100 times but if it's an interesting combat system i'll play it for the gameplay itself.
Halo proves this well.

Unfortunately, I found the gunplay in Godfather to be of mediocre quality. :\

The game was a mix of poor and mediocre elements, I felt.


dark10x said:
Unfortunately, I found the gunplay in Godfather to be of mediocre quality. :\

The game was a mix of poor and mediocre elements, I felt.

And I found it very fun to enter a fight only using my hands. I picked up people, threw them against their comrades, threw them outside the shop window or into an oven. Smashed someone's head onto the counter.

I wouldn't do that all life long, but it was very fun for the 30-40 hours it lasted.


30% Failure Rate
NintendosBooger said:
How do you become Don of NY?
I just did it. You have to get 90% completion. From the in-game menu go to Tom's Report > Criminal Profile and at the bottom it gives you your % complete. I had completed all missions, all hit contracts, all favors and extorted all businesses and rackets and STILL did not get Don of NYC. I had to go back a bomb some more safes to push my percentage up an extra 1.5% to get 90%. I think it's just missions (story/hit/favors), safes and executions that count. Good luck.


I'd have to lean to Scarface as well, Godfather was definitely solid, but it fell apart too quickly, and once you get to a certain point you just do the exact same thing a little too much.

Scarface has a lot more action and overall I like the gun play a lot more. I like the variety and the more filled out city.

I am also interested in Driver Parallel Lines that came out the other day. The PS2/Xbox versions were rated in the mid to low 7's, and I am hoping that the wii-controls add something to the title like with Scarface and Godfather.


Have not played Godfather, but Scarface on the PS2 is pretty good, although it gets a little old after 20 hours or so. :p Scarface also looks really good for last-gen sandbox game.
I would say Scarface is the superior game, but the controls (whilst excellent in Scarface in terms of the pointing controls) are more fun in Godfather.
RichyDevil said:
Echoing the sentiments of everyone here, I like them both. However, I prefer Scarface. So long as you can get past the constant drum of f-bombs, I think it's got a bit more variety to the missions, vehicles, and weapons.

Get past? That's the best bit in the game, just randomly swearing your head off at passersby!

RichyDevil said:
The Godfather is also really good, but I much prefer it on the 360 than the Wii.

I think you're the only person I've ever heard say that - Godfather is a pretty generic / mindless GTA-me-too as a game, but the Blackhand controls make it rise above the herd on the Wii, on the 360 you might as well just buy Just Cause or Saints Row


Hmmm... now Im thinking Scarface again. :lol

How about Driver? Is it even out yet, and are there any reviews?


MrNyarlathotep said:
I think you're the only person I've ever heard say that - Godfather is a pretty generic / mindless GTA-me-too as a game, but the Blackhand controls make it rise above the herd on the Wii, on the 360 you might as well just buy Just Cause or Saints Row

I had Godfather for the 360 and thoroughly enjoyed it, much more so than Saints Row. It has some of the best combat mechanics in an open world game.. the atmosphere is spot on, the story engaging and the characters believable. It just all came together nicely. The city is the weakest point, as I like to explore these games a little more usually.


Solo said:
Hmmm... now Im thinking Scarface again. :lol

How about Driver? Is it even out yet, and are there any reviews?

It comes out sometime this week and there arent any reviews out of it yet. I did beat it last night however and I did very much enjoy it. It cant really be considered a great game but its lots of fun and the wii controls work great.


Solo said:
How is it in the length and visuals departments?

It will last you maybe 10-15 hours if you dont do any side quests. If you want to do all the side quests (most of which arent that much fun) and collect all the stars that are spread around the city (which are placed in very creative ways and are fun figure out how to get to) it could very well last you 50+ hours.

As for the graphics, It looks like a good looking ps2 game. Not God of War 2 good looking but still nice. The way the cars get damaged and wreck really impressed me, the game almost seems next gen in that department. Oh and dont believe the very impressive screenshots they released for the game, it doesnt look that good but from what I heard its supposed to look better then the ps2/xbox versions.
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