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The Halo 3 E3 Campaign Trailer


epmode said:
Hideous cell-phone style pictures of the EGM story have leaked, apparently. I know it's against the rules to link to them, but what's the policy on the article's content?
Nah, you can't link to them either. Though they're easy enough to find.

Dual-wieldable Brute
OMGWTF! The Elites aren't too bad looking either. :D
You can't post the content, but feel free to do as our overlord Ghaleon says-- no, encourages-- and summarize what it says, (spoiler-tagged, of course).

Wait, sure enough they're out there if you know where to look. MIND BLOWN.


Well, 2-player online co-op is NOT confirmed, although it is currently being worked on. Technical difficulties, etc. May be included at launch, available as downloadable content later or may never happen at all. Co-op system link is back (split-screen as well,) Arbiter is player 2.

New weapon:
Mauler. Brute Shotgun. Slightly weaker than the regular shotgun, but can be dual wielded.

New deployables:
Radar jammer, personal shield (blocks fire from one direction only)

Metagame is essentially campaign mode with a scoring system. More points for stylish kills. Headshots, grenade stickies, etc. Point deduction for friendly fire kills.

edit: The Forge option has something to do with map editing, but doesn't involve altering geometry or anything you'd normally associate with an editor. Unfortunately, the page the text continues on is unreadable, so I can't give more details.

edit2: New gametype (involves a new weapon):
Hammer Time: King of the Hill, 75% gravity, players invulnerable when inside the designated scoring area. Knock players out of the hill with the Gravity Hammer (new weapon) to keep them from racking up points.

edit3: New deployable(?):
Flare (blinds all who see it, friend/foe)

edit4: Ships with 10 or 11 multiplayer maps (EGM estimate)


epmode said:
Well, 2-player online co-op is NOT confirmed, although it is currently being worked on. Technical difficulties, etc. May be included at launch, available as downloadable content later or may never happen at all. Co-op system link is back (split-screen as well,) Arbiter is player 2.
Wowowowow, I like what I see! (so far)

Also, I don't think anyone's mentioned it yet: Elites for MP have been confirmed (if they weren't before).

Looks like we were right about the shield!


Sorry but wasn't it revealed during the beta (someone hacking or something something) that the game would have 4 player online co-op?
New vehicle...
Prowler a brute vehicle that holds a turret guy a driver and 2 passengers... Sounds like Forge is a map editor ala Crysis in that you fly around in it and place objects although that part is hard to read atm... spending limit on the objects you can place in the map some vehicle called the elephant can't be placed in there


Another new vehicle:
Hornet. Human aircraft, only confirmed for campaign so far. Looks awesome with two turbines on each side, also room for passengers by the looks of it. It's a bit hard to explain, but imagine two small wings (except they're not) on each side where people can stand.
It also mentions something about a new kind of equipment called a
"Flare", which is essentially like a flashbang from what I read. It doesn't actually say its equipment but has a picture of a radar jammer type thing next to it. It also talks about invincibility power ups right below that which brutes can use, but are very rare in multiplayer.
yep forge is the map editor not maker I mentioned. You basically run around a existing map and move stuff/change positioning of things etc. Zombies vs Humans confirmed as well. Also the elephant sounds like a movable base/flag holder.


Aren't those screens last page b-b-b-bu......ts ?

The game is not going to look that good in reality with insane AA and ansiotropic filtering, is it?
No online co-op would be a major, major loss. I know so many people making plans to play the campaign online with friends the day it's released as lets face it, being able to see all the new stuff while playing with other halo fans would be nothing but awesome.



:lol The Grav Hammer is great:
-Does a lunge similar to the sword.
-If a vehicle tries to run you over, you can hit it and send it flying.
-Can be used to smack back incoming grenades. Return to sender, bitches!


raYne said:
:lol The Grav Hammer is great!
-Does a lunge similar to the sword.
-If a vehicle tries to run you over, you can hit it and send it flying.
-Can be used to smack back incoming grenades

With the forge they were making their own games like a rts type team slayer (hard to explain) and jenga. Also elephant can hold a mongoose. No disadvantages to using a Elite model this time


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
GhaleonEB said:
Slurpy's been on my Ignore list for many months now for similar comments; this is not his first broad, blind swipe at Halo 3. Please, stop quoting him, it defeats the functionality of the tool utterly. :(
Thanks for the tip.
HOLLY SHIT! I didnt read the EGM stuff. This is awesome. 2 player system link coop is all I wanted. Finally I will be able to play with my brother and each one in his own screen. Thank you Bungie. You have delivered in my book!
I wonder why they are still holding out on the co-op details.

If it is not online it will be a huge dissapointment to their fan base. Maybe if they have that meta-game or whatever. Is that mentioned in the magazine?


From what I see there's at least three Elite models for MP. Apparently Bungie has really made an effort to make the models as comparable in size to the spartans as possible.


cool_dude_2049 said:
I wonder why they are still holding out on the co-op details.

If it is not online it will be a huge dissapointment to their fan base. Maybe if they have that meta-game or whatever. Is that mentioned in the magazine?
They aren't holding anything back.

Supposedly the game's scale is giving them trouble with implementing the online aspect. Traditinal (split-screen/sys-link) co-op is still there, but online may or may not make it at launch, if at all.
Astr00 said:
From what I see there's at least three Elite models for MP. Apparently Bungie has really made an effort to make the models as close to the spartans size as possible.
In this part of the article it also mentions that there are "many more" than what they've shown.
Sierra 117= 5th mission apparently, just read the co-op part... please be in there please. Otherwise since it has system link I might have to do it the ol xbconnect if that thing is even still around? Oh and I guess that was the hornet we saw in the video


There's an image of a spartan dual wielding a spiker and a
mauler (brute shotgun)
. That has to be devastating. :D


sableholic said:
Sierra 117= 5th mission apparently, just read the co-op part... please be in there please. Otherwise since it has system link I might have to do it the ol xbconnect if that thing is even still around?

I thought that was confirmed as the first mission.
cool_dude_2049 said:
I wonder why they are still holding out on the co-op details.

If it is not online it will be a huge dissapointment to their fan base. Maybe if they have that meta-game or whatever. Is that mentioned in the magazine?

There's some nonsense about how players could potentially be miles away from each other, but it's nonsense as they could easily force respawn at newest checkpoint if someone is more than one checkpoint away. NO EXCUSES ACCEPTED.


epmode said:
New gametype (involves a new weapon): Hammer Time: King of the Hill, 75% gravity, players invulnerable when inside the designated scoring area. Knock players out of the hill with the Gravity Hammer (new weapon) to keep them from racking up points
I am quoting this, and un-spoilering it, because everyone must know if this new gametype. Seriously, that's absurdly awesome. It's like a giant flyswatter!


*raYne goes flying over the horizon*


Karma Kramer said:
GhaleonEB I expect you to make a new thread summarizing all the new tidbits of information.
Nah. Someone else do it.


If they have co-op with system link then I don't really see the hold up with taking it online. Sure you have lag issues but still, is it really such a stretch?
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