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The Last Story (US) |OT| One of Wii's epic last breaths.


To very vocally demand something, only to review it negatively when it comes out, is a tricky matter regardless of who turns up to crow -- a matter that involves putting pride on the line and preparing to deal with a torrent of smugness. However, the honest reviewer must bite the bullet and face the tormenting crowd with gritted teeth.

I'm not sure if I should call this smug or not.

"I'm being honest. You may now revel in my subobjectivity."


Constant framerate issues. There is pretty much no instant in the game where the game has a stable framerate.

Did you play it on Dolphin or Wii? On Wii, there are framerate issues, but for the most time it's just fine. I remember the framerate issues at the Lazulis castle lobby in particular, apart from that - even in battles (apart from the ghost mansion) - I had no issues most of the time.

Guys this game is one of the best games I ever played. The reviewers a complaining about some weird issues. I liked the voice acting, the story, the battle system is possible the best JRPG batltle system yet. There were some occasional framerate issues, but it doesnt ruin the enjoyment.



Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
How do you control the camera with a nunchuck?
It's not a free camera game like Monster Hunter (which works great with remote & nunchuck btw), when you're walking/running around the camera follows and turns with the character. It's a bit loose so it looks nice, not like early fixed Tomb Raider cameras. If it moves too slow for you, like when you U turn, you can also use Z to quickly recenter it. When you're standing it stops trying to follow the character and you can rotate it around the character with the d-pad but only sideways, you can't adjust the height level of it. When you're moving around instead, if you use the d-pad at all your character will just turn with the camera movement, an effect similar to using the analog stick to move around, but the camera then isn't loose. I'm sure you've done similar in dual analog third person games, where you used the camera control which the character follows to turn as it seemed more convenient at times. If you hold down Z you enter over the shoulder looking or aiming mode where your character can't move around and so you aim with the freed analog stick. That's for out of combat areas, in combat areas it's almost the same iirc, except if you walk toward a wall or obstacle you'll take cover behind it, Mass Effect style, and tap B to leap over it (you can also do some context-ish attack moves while in cover). Holding B is used to block (and also maintains leap over mode if you approach obstacles while blocking, or even enemies and allies). You can aim your crossbow popping out of cover with holding the Z button as usual, you use the same function in context to direct your allies. Holding B while in aim mode zooms in. That's it for the camera and related moving controls iirc, excluding some combat functions like what button is used to dodge roll out of the way etc which you didn't ask about.
Motion controls: Move the NunChuk so that it touches the d-pad; do so until the d-pad is down on either the left or the right side.
This confused me at first, lol...


BestBuy.ca is still convinced that they don't need to send me this until the 21st. Terrific.. Meanwhile, Nintendo of Canada sent an email claiming it was out now.


Did you play it on Dolphin or Wii? On Wii, there are framerate issues, but for the most time it's just fine. I remember the framerate issues at the Lazulis castle lobby in particular, apart from that - even in battles (apart from the ghost mansion) - I had no issues most of the time.

there were rumors about some fixes for the eu version, maybe they were true after all?


BestBuy.ca is still convinced that they don't need to send me this until the 21st. Terrific.. Meanwhile, Nintendo of Canada sent an email claiming it was out now.

I wouldn't worry about the supposed 21st release date. Best Buy just hasn't received XSEED's shipment yet, and they expect the game to come out on Tuesday, so it got pushed back to next week. Once they actually receive the games, pre-orders will probably be fulfilled immediately.



Just came out from my favorite retailer. No TLS until next week, that's for him and even for the competition he said, for Canada, ENTIRELY.



To be honest, I can better relate with a 4/10 review than with a 9/10 one. Last Story is a decent game, very flawed but fun. A solid 7/10 in my book. I can understand why someone would give at an 8, but there are so damn many flaws in the game that anything above that is rather ridiculous.
Man just when I thought Jim Sterling couldn't make more of an idiot of himself, someone hands him an automatic self-idotizing machine.

What really drives me nuts is that he always seems to review the games I'm looking forward to. Oi.

Sterling is the reviews editor at Destructoid, so he picks and chooses who reviews what. If he feels he can generate a ton of clicks by giving great games stupidly low scores, Vanquish, ACII, or Last Story, he'll heroically do what he must and take on such a task.


To be honest, I can better relate with a 4/10 review than with a 9/10 one. Last Story is a decent game, very flawed but fun. A solid 7/10 in my book. I can understand why someone would give at an 8, but there are so damn many flaws in the game that anything above that is rather ridiculous.

Did you enjoy Skyward Sword? There's a positive correlation between liking that game and not liking The Last Story.


Shocked at the negative reception. The Last Story is one of the best RPGs I've played in years.
It's statements like this that made me decide to just ignore any misgivings: if I have a blast, awesome! If I don't, rush through and trade it in for once. My resistances to that have been breaking down as of late.


Loved this game. There's real problems with framerate but the game is fun to play. I played with CC Pro and I recommend everyone to turn off the auto-attack.


Was told the game's delayed at the border (in Canada) and to expect it tomorrow or Thursday. Source: GS Manager

Went to ask for my copy today at EB (in Canada), was now told that it has been delayed till Friday and possible Monday. That's a colossal mess since NSB2 comes out on the Sunday.


Is NA just getting it now? I thought they got it a while ago. Anyway, I loved this game. Really liked the world and characters and loved the customisation with the different weapons and armour and colours and the multiplayer was pretty damn fun too.
Is NA just getting it now? I thought they got it a while ago. Anyway, I loved this game. Really liked the world and characters and loved the customisation with the different weapons and armour and colours and the multiplayer was pretty damn fun too.
Still waiting, actually.


Is NA just getting it now? I thought they got it a while ago. Anyway, I loved this game. Really liked the world and characters and loved the customisation with the different weapons and armour and colours and the multiplayer was pretty damn fun too.
It once was fairly common that Tuesdays were shipping days and Wednesdays were the days we got to actually pick up the game. I believe it's still uncommon, but in this case it actually looks like we MIGHT NOT get the game tomorrow, mine still hasn't entered the shipping process on Amazon. Guess I'll wait and see if Fry's has anything for tomorrow.


Stoked to get this. Didn't it have pretty average reviews when it originally came out in Japan? Not sure why people are surprised. Either way, seems like a flawed but fun game with some neat ideas, and it being the Wii's last 'hurrah', I'm willing to drop some bones on that


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Stoked to get this. Didn't it have pretty average reviews when it originally came out in Japan? Not sure why people are surprised. Either way, seems like a flawed but fun game with some neat ideas, and it being the Wii's last 'hurrah', I'm willing to drop some bones on that
No, it got great reviews in Japan. Not that reviews mean much (anywhere).

Edit: there are only a couple (from the somewhat notable) reviews giving it less than 7/10 from the Western press too.


The average is ~8/10. Just saying.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Did you enjoy Skyward Sword? There's a positive correlation between liking that game and not liking The Last Story.

That makes sense. I think Skyward Sword is fucking awful, and I love Last Story.


My Newegg pre-order is still waiting for product too. Though I guess I'm in no rush, I won't have anything to play this on until Wii U comes out.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Loved this game. There's real problems with framerate but the game is fun to play. I played with CC Pro and I recommend everyone to turn off the auto-attack.

Yep. Auto attack is actually a huge disadvantage in later battles.


Is Gamestop going to have the game in store tomorrow? I didn't get a text from them today, like I usually do.


Is Gamestop going to have the game in store tomorrow? I didn't get a text from them today, like I usually do.

If they get a delivery tomorrow, yeah. We didnt get anything in today aside from NSMB2, 3DSXLs, and some Persona 4 Arena refills + other stuff.
Constant framerate issues. There is pretty much no instant in the game where the game has a stable framerate.
The framerate issue sometimes got so bad, that I thought maybe it's a problem with my system/disk; I think sometimes it gets to single digit area


The framerate issue sometimes got so bad, that I thought maybe it's a problem with my system/disk; I think sometimes it gets to single digit area

This. I wonder if the Wii's themselves could be the issue. I would assume a lot of data is streaming and if the Wii is having trouble reading the disc (it's a dual layer disc right? ) maybe that could account for the frame rate issues some might be having.

NewEgg still hasn't shipped my order. I'm not in a rush though. I won't likely get around to playing the game until sometime in September or October. Might even wait until I get the Wii U. I only ordered now because it's likely going to be harder to find in the months to come giving that the print run is likely to be small. Also there are extras with the preorder and first printing and I got $10 off the price at NewEgg do to one of their coupons. Still playing through Xenoblade Chronicles and will be getting Guild Wars 2 at the end of August. So this will go on the pile (which is getting smaller).
So along with Romancing Saga PS2 last gen, this is the God Hand of JRPGs this gen?

I don't know if I'd go that far, since it's mostly getting 7-8 reviews, but I see where you're coming from if you mean genre-enthusiasts get it and to the mainstream press it's a kind of a turd.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess

Just came out from my favorite retailer. No TLS until next week, that's for him and even for the competition he said, for Canada, ENTIRELY.

Even if I don't get to play until next week anyway with finals and stuff... Booooooooooooo! That always seems to happen with niche stuff that doesn't come from Atlus. :(

Shiggy said:
Did you enjoy Skyward Sword? There's a positive correlation between liking that game and not liking The Last Story.
Uh oh.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Dark Schala said:

Weird, I thought that was going to create excitement among people. I guess I didn't count on other people actually liking Skyward Sword.
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