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The Mass Effect Community Thread

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Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Having played and finished Dragon Age Inquisition... you know what I missed the most? Mass Effect 2. The suicide mission, in particular. It was amazing, incredible finish, where decisions whether you upgrade Normandy or not actually mattered, and there were so many things that could happen during the assault.

DA:I "decisions" were laughable.

...Man, it's a mistake on their part to make that kind of amazing ending system for the middle game, ME2, and not for ME3. If ME3 has that kind of system, it would have been an amazing finale to a great series, instead of just hold-the-ground-vs-enemy-waves thing we got...


Past couple of days I've been loading up ME3 MP, folks are still going strong with the multi. Played a few matches and it was just as good as I remember. I still need to go back and finish ME1.

I hope the new ME captures the exploration/story elements of ME1, character building of ME2 and tweak the combat just a bit from what was in ME3. Oh, and please make sure to build from ME3 Multi-player on how to do it on the new one, some of the best horde/coop times I've ever had in a game.

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
I've never played ME1. I own it, but the combat and movement are SO different that it's hard for me to get into it, sadly. If they remake ME1, I hope they make the combat at least similar to ME2.

Mate, ME1 is such a great story, it's worth looking past any limitations of the wonky-ish combat to just experience it.

I, personally, love the ability cooldown orientated combat in ME1, Vanguard is a hoot and is so OP once levelled up in a NG+ that even the most hearty of encounters are a cakewalk by the end (but are still fun as hell).

I can't picture a world without ME1 in it.... it's probably the best story in the series and I really want anyone with a Jack avatar to at least taste the wonder that is Mass Effect 1, the original :)


I finished the trilogy today for the first time (I still need to finish Citadel DLC though) and I gotta say this franchise is one of the best I ever played.

Back then I read that people were so upset with the ending when ME3 came out but I really liked it. Well, I have Leviathan, From Ashes and the Extended Cut DLCs, so it might have helped a lot. A friend of mine guided me to have the best experience possible.

I got the good ending, and I was completely surprised.. I was spoiled of
Shepard's death, so when the cutscene showed her breathing I was ecstasy.. I was already crying since the goodbyes in London

Before this game and the Guardians of the Galaxy movie, I didn't liked science fiction or spece-themed media. But now I'm completely converted.

Oh, it was also my first BioWare game. The company now has my regards and trust. The dialogue tree and the cinematic camera during conversation were an awesome feature in this trilogy. The characters were also great. It's like a family now. :)

I was one of the ones carrying pitchforks and torches after seeing the ending, but really, in the end, ME3 is still my favorite of the three, and it's my favorite video game franchise of all times. (KOTOR could retake #1 if they ever had a proper KOTOR3...)

But yeah, no doubt that doing a straight runthrough that out of the gate includes, From Ashes, Leviathan, and EC would make for the best possible impression.

If this was your first bioware game, and if you like Star Wars at all, you owe it to yourself to check out the Knights of the Old Republic games (with 2 be sure to install the restoration mod). You may not be a big PC gamer, but these games are old enough to run on garbage hardware. Not really exactly the same type of games as Mass Effect, but so damn good, even to this day (replayed both last year).


not me
I finished the trilogy today for the first time (I still need to finish Citadel DLC though) and I gotta say this franchise is one of the best I ever played.

Back then I read that people were so upset with the ending when ME3 came out but I really liked it. Well, I have Leviathan, From Ashes and the Extended Cut DLCs, so it might have helped a lot. A friend of mine guided me to have the best experience possible.

Tell your friend he did good. ME3's DLCs really make a big difference on the experience of the game. Glad you enjoyed it.

Having played and finished Dragon Age Inquisition... you know what I missed the most? Mass Effect 2. The suicide mission, in particular. It was amazing, incredible finish, where decisions whether you upgrade Normandy or not actually mattered, and there were so many things that could happen during the assault.

DA:I "decisions" were laughable.

As much as I love the Suicide Mission, it generally boils down to "did you play all the side content? good then this will be really easy for you." Given the direction ME3 went, they definitely should have made the SM way harder to complete without any deaths, bordering on impossible. As it is there are virtually no choices of any substance, with the exception of a Collector Base decision (that gets retconned anyway) and Legion's heretic mission.

In DA: I you actually make decisions that have a meaningful impact on the world, and for the most important ones there is no "right answer" as opposed to, say, whether to have Garrus or Grunt lead the second fireteam.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
As much as I love the Suicide Mission, it generally boils down to "did you play all the side content? good then this will be really easy for you." Given the direction ME3 went, they definitely should have made the SM way harder to complete without any deaths, bordering on impossible. As it is there are virtually no choices of any substance, with the exception of a Collector Base decision (that gets retconned anyway) and Legion's heretic mission.

In DA: I you actually make decisions that have a meaningful impact on the world, and for the most important ones there is no "right answer" as opposed to, say, whether to have Garrus or Grunt lead the second fireteam.

I disagree severely.

For me, the fact that you can pretty much kill everyone in Suicide Mission is fantastic. That's significant choice for the players who have invested time in these characters, doing their missions, getting to know each and every one of them. It's the sense of "will he/she survives? will my favorite character make it out?" that make the Suicide Mission so gripping.

DA:I doesn't have anything like that. The Skyhold upgrade objectives, for instance, are laughable. And the ending battle/sequence is so very anti-climatic I just wondered what the hell they're smoking--especially compared to the Suicide Mission where once you travel through the Omega Relay all hell breaks loose and the pacing was just fantastic (barring the admittedly silly terminator end-boss, hahaha.) It's true that "story wise" you do feel like you're making big decisions, like for example the Orlesian Ball mission, but in reality, those "decisions" mean jack shit for the players, unlike ME2.

Hell, if you are playing as an Elf, there's a mission where you can have your entire family/clan killed and no one would even bat an eye on it, not even your character. That's weak.

But this is a ME thread, hahaha, sorry. I am just disappointed by how DA:I handles its ending....


I've replaying the trilogy, started ME1 in October and I''ve just done the first couple of missions in ME3. It's still as fantastic as ever. The only thing pissing me off slightly is putting running and cover to the same button: so when you try to run away from fire, Shepard takes cover.

This time I also bought all the DLC's I've never played before. Overlord was a disappointment, Bringing Down the Sky is just so ME1, nothing spectacular. But I'm eagerly waiting for Leviathan and Citadel. And From Ashes, too.

I personally loved the original ending but downloaded the EC to get the lower EMS limit.


not me
I disagree severely.

For me, the fact that you can pretty much kill everyone in Suicide Mission is fantastic. That's significant choice for the players who have invested time in these characters, doing their missions, getting to know each and every one of them. It's the sense of "will he/she survives? will my favorite character make it out?" that make the Suicide Mission so gripping.

That's how I felt the first time, but then I realized I could only get characters killed by 1) skipping their loyalty missions or 2) making bone-headed choices in the SM itself. It turns the choices into a content-completion check, instead of forcing you to make hard decisions. Compare this to Virmire and I think the differences are obvious. Now, content-completion checks are certainly a worthy paradigm to pursue, since it does a great jon of making the player feel rewarded for playing the game, but I don't think it's quite the same type of choice as, say, deciding who becomes the next Divine.
After finishing ME1, I'm currently going through ME2.

I'm at the second batch of people you need to recruit. I keep doing all the character backstory sidequests - destroy Jack's base, confront Jacob's daddy, etc.- but I still could not make Miranda loyal for some reason. Maybe it is because I let her kill that old friend of hers.

I just got Thane. I like the guy, but my favorites so far are Garrus and Mordin.

Probably since System Shock 2 or Bioshock Infinite, I have not had a game suck me in with a story like ME2's. And normally I do not like open-world games (which ME kind of is, with the whole exploration and whatnot)
What are the chances that we'll get a collection? Only reason I keep my ps3 :(
They already released a trilogy collection on PS3, but it didn't have all the DLC. If we get a remastered collection with all the DLC (which I'm still skeptical about), it probably won't come out on the old consoles.
I just got Thane. I like the guy, but my favorites so far are Garrus and Mordin.
Mordin is the most interesting squad member of ME2. He has an arc and everything. Having him aboard was a good compensation for the absence of Wrex.
And normally I do not like open-world games (which ME kind of is, with the whole exploration and whatnot)
I wouldn't call Mass Effect "open-world" per se. I think of open-world games as being a single, contiguous zone (sometimes with separate interior zones) that I can traverse without interruptions. But it's certainly very big, and ME1 makes you feel like you can go wherever you want.


Tell your friend he did good. ME3's DLCs really make a big difference on the experience of the game. Glad you enjoyed it.

As much as I love the Suicide Mission, it generally boils down to "did you play all the side content? good then this will be really easy for you." Given the direction ME3 went, they definitely should have made the SM way harder to complete without any deaths, bordering on impossible. As it is there are virtually no choices of any substance, with the exception of a Collector Base decision (that gets retconned anyway) and Legion's heretic mission.

In DA: I you actually make decisions that have a meaningful impact on the world, and for the most important ones there is no "right answer" as opposed to, say, whether to have Garrus or Grunt lead the second fireteam.

Hmm, meaningful? I'm not completely convinced yet. Bioware's usual approach is to give you big choices that won't show any consequences within the same story. The choice of
who will become Divine
is something that gets decided at the very end but we don't get to actually see the detailed consequence of our choice that supposedly is world-changing. and sadly, as with the council choice and councilor choices of ME Trilogy I don't think it will matter in the inevitable sequel Bioware makes because they cop out when they realize that the variable they left at the end of their previous game makes the new game way too hard to make if they had to take it into effect (or they're lazy)

At least their track record tells me they won't even try to pull it off. Ever since EA screwed them up it seems like Bioware has went with the approach of "If it didn't work we remove it instead of trying to improve upon it and make it work"

Mako was buggy in ME1. Their response was to remove it in ME2 just like elevators, instead of making them work right and refine the ideas.

But I guess ME4 is a good sign then, because the Mako is back. Mike Gamble said they wouldn't make it unless they knew it would be done right. I don't know though, I like experimentation sometimes.


Hmm, meaningful? I'm not completely convinced yet. Bioware's usual approach is to give you big choices that won't show any consequences within the same story. The choice of
who will become Divine
is something that gets decided at the very end but we don't get to actually see the detailed consequence of our choice that supposedly is world-changing. and sadly, as with the council choice and councilor choices of ME Trilogy I don't think it will matter in the inevitable sequel Bioware makes because they cop out when they realize that the variable they left at the end of their previous game makes the new game way too hard to make if they had to take it into effect (or they're lazy)

At least their track record tells me they won't even try to pull it off. Ever since EA screwed them up it seems like Bioware has went with the approach of "If it didn't work we remove it instead of trying to improve upon it and make it work"

Mako was buggy in ME1. Their response was to remove it in ME2 just like elevators, instead of making them work right and refine the ideas.

But I guess ME4 is a good sign then, because the Mako is back. Mike Gamble said they wouldn't make it unless they knew it would be done right. I don't know though, I like experimentation sometimes.

The Mako was pretty shit but more importantly the feature it was part of, the exploration element, was just terrible and worse than the "exploration" stuff people are complaining about now in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Like Dragon Age, it was also tacked on existing separately from the meat of the game which is the story set pieces instead of having any organic integration.

Mass Effect 1 is a bad game carried by a decent story and intangibles like the world and atmosphere. The actual product is an unfocused mess that tried to do many things and did almost all of them poorly. Some things like the combat were so inept that they had to rebuilt from scratch. The RPG elements were trash and a disgrace for an experienced developer. The characters are boring except for Wrex. Development issues resulted in an entire planet's worth of content being cut and replaced with a dull Mako-thon (Liara's world) leaving the game direly short on worthwhile content. But hey there's plenty of DA2-tier copy-paste worlds to aimlessly drive around in! It's easy for us to say why doesn't BioWare just refine things instead of cutting them but Mass Effect had severe problems across the board with things being outright BAD instead of merely rough around the edges.

Going forward BioWare chose to consolidate around the core of the first game in the story missions, characters, and cinematic dialogue leaving the poorly implemented bloat behind. Perhaps they realized some limitations of their abilities and tried to do a few things well instead of screwing up again with another sprawling broken, unfinished mess. Then again they did just release Inquisition, a game that repeats many of ME1's mistakes, which desperately needed stronger focus as well.
The Mako was pretty shit
Not really. But those terrains were awful to navigate.
the exploration element, was just terrible
It could have been much better, but I enjoy exploration. Cutting it from the series entirely was a mistake. I'll take optional (but sometimes bad) exploration over none at all.
Mass Effect 1 is a bad game
Why are you in this thread again?
Some things like the combat were so inept that they had to rebuilt from scratch.
Combat was janky, but it wasn't inept. Having separate cooldowns for each ability encouraged experimentation (since you couldn't just spam your favorites over and over); the sequels made a mistake by reducing the number of abilities and adopting a universal cooldown. The ability to be affected by enemy tech and biotic attacks (to the point that they could ragdoll you and temporarily disable your weapons) was nice; the enemies could actually affect you just like you could affect them.
The characters are boring except for Wrex.
Man, you really hate Mass Effect.
Going forward BioWare chose to consolidate around the core of the first game in the story missions, characters, and cinematic dialogue leaving the poorly implemented bloat behind.
Removing the entire idea of an inventory and item management from an RPG is not "consolidating," it's cutting. Deep. Removing uncharted worlds (which, if you didn't enjoy them, were completely optional) was likewise a mistake. ME2's planet scanning and ME3's weapon mods were a poor replacement for exploration and an inventory.
Not really. But those terrains were awful to navigate.

It could have been much better, but I enjoy exploration. Cutting it from the series entirely was a mistake. I'll take optional (but sometimes bad) exploration over none at all.

Why are you in this thread again?

Combat was janky, but it wasn't inept. Having separate cooldowns for each ability encouraged experimentation (since you couldn't just spam your favorites over and over); the sequels made a mistake by reducing the number of abilities and adopting a universal cooldown. The ability to be affected by enemy tech and biotic attacks (to the point that they could ragdoll you and temporarily disable your weapons) was nice; the enemies could actually affect you just like you could affect them.

Man, you really hate Mass Effect.

Removing isn't consolidating. Removing the entire idea of an inventory and item management from an RPG is not "consolidating," it's cutting. Deep. Removing uncharted worlds (which, if you didn't enjoy them, were completely optional) was likewise a mistake. ME2's planet scanning and ME3's weapon mods were a poor replacement for exploration and an inventory.

ME3 weapon mods > ME1's inventory. More varied, more interesting, more visually impactful, less chaff.
Why are you in this thread again?

You're not allowed to dislike one game in the series?

Combat was janky, but it wasn't inept. Having separate cooldowns for each ability encouraged experimentation (since you couldn't just spam your favorites over and over). The sequels made a mistake by reducing the number of powers and adopting a universal cooldown.

ME1 encouraged frontloading all of your abilities then waiting ages for them all to cool down (unless you had adrenaline burst). This is what they discussed wanting to avoid in ME2 during development. The sequels drastically reduced cooldowns but made them global. It meant that it encouraged cross-class combos with your allies rather than you doing them yourself. It's different, and it makes the combat faster paced, and even makes purely Biotic combat without weapons fire feasible, at least on the normal difficulty setting. The weight feature in ME3 made this really awesome actually by allowing you to take fewer and lighter weapons to boost the ability regen times if you wanted to be a biotic demon.
ME3 weapon mods > ME1's inventory. More varied, more interesting, more visually impactful, less chaff.
I enjoyed ME3's mods. ME2 and ME3 had better overall weapons, too; their differences were more pronounced. But there's no reason that BioWare couldn't have given us more varied and impactful mods and weapons while still having an inventory.
You're not allowed to dislike one game in the series?
He can dislike whatever he wants, but nothing in that post indicated that he even likes any part of the trilogy.
ME1 encouraged frontloading all of your abilities then waiting ages for them all to cool down (unless you had adrenaline burst). This is what they discussed wanting to avoid in ME2 during development. The sequels drastically reduced cooldowns but made them global. It meant that it encouraged cross-class combos with your allies rather than you doing them yourself.
True, but combos were the only interesting thing about abilities in ME2 (especially since the skill trees had been gutted and perks hadn't really been implemented yet like they were in ME3), and you could finish a playthrough without even discovering that combos existed.

Maybe, if tech/biotic combos were paired with separate cooldowns, that could discourage you from spamming your favorites, while still encouraging you not to front-load all your abilities (so that you could save them for combos with your squad members). Or you could have separate cooldowns, but using too many abilities in rapid succession would incur a penalty (you could call if "fatigue" or something) that would temporarily prevent you from using any of your abilities, regardless of their cooldown. Just a thought.
The weight feature in ME3 made this really awesome actually by allowing you to take fewer and lighter weapons to boost the ability regen times if you wanted to be a biotic demon.
I agree, weight was a good feature. It put weapons and powers on a much more even footing.
The weight feature in ME3 made this really awesome actually by allowing you to take fewer and lighter weapons to boost the ability regen times if you wanted to be a biotic demon.

Or a walking tech demon soldier

Single pistol, ammo power, concussive shot maxed out to use ammo power. Every shot creates a target seeking missile of the power type (incendiary, cryo, disruptor, warp, etc) that explodes on impact as a one shot tech combo. The recharge is ~1 second.


You're not allowed to dislike one game in the series?

ME1 encouraged frontloading all of your abilities then waiting ages for them all to cool down (unless you had adrenaline burst). This is what they discussed wanting to avoid in ME2 during development. The sequels drastically reduced cooldowns but made them global. It meant that it encouraged cross-class combos with your allies rather than you doing them yourself. It's different, and it makes the combat faster paced, and even makes purely Biotic combat without weapons fire feasible, at least on the normal difficulty setting. The weight feature in ME3 made this really awesome actually by allowing you to take fewer and lighter weapons to boost the ability regen times if you wanted to be a biotic demon.

By mass effect 3 I felt unstopable. Lift then throw was my GO TO. The biotic combo feature they added wasso awesome, THough it made the insanity run so damn easy.

GO back to costumes. I do wish they go back to the aesthetic of mass effect 1 with 70's retro inspired costumes. I dunno why but I like the way it looks more than what we had in ME3. Generic future space shit.


The fact that he mentions diversity excites me actually.

I do hope there's more to the game than exploring worlds with the Mako. as much as I love that it's returning. I want interesting and fun combat scenarios, Citadel/Illium like hub areas, interesting mission design with multiple ways to tackle objectives and exposition/combat, lots of character interaction, customisation and more.


not me
Man, you really hate Mass Effect.

He's talking about ME1, and I agree with him. It's only in ME2 that characters like Garrus, Liara, and Tali come into their own and start having something resembling fleshed out personalities and character arcs. ME1 Garrus ---> ME2 Garrus being the most obvious example. There's basically none of Garrus's signature wry humor in ME1. Most of your cast in ME1 are there to talk about their races as walking, talking barrels of exposition and not much else.

I enjoyed ME3's mods. ME2 and ME3 had better overall weapons, too; their differences were more pronounced. But there's no reason that BioWare couldn't have given us more varied and impactful mods and weapons while still having an inventory.

I don't see how an inventory would have improved the customization. It seems like unnecessary bloat. There are plenty of weapons in the game already without having ME1's syndrome of getting a bunch of duplicates of the same weapon with slightly higher or lower stats.

He can dislike whatever he wants, but nothing in that post indicated that he even likes any part of the trilogy.

While that's true, it's a huge leap of logic to infer that just because he posts criticisms of ME1, it means he dislikes ME2 and ME3 as well, especially considering this series where each game is fairly different.


Do you like space?
Do you like Jack Wall?
Do you like those things together?

Cross-posting only because I suspect there would be a lot of fans here.

DA:I had it's first set of weekend events. I like what DA:I is doing, but I'm really hoping they throw more resources at ME:C MP. Probably just wild speculation, but it seems like there was less up front investment perhaps justified by throwing more resources into tail sales.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
The fact that he mentions diversity excites me actually.

I do hope there's more to the game than exploring worlds with the Mako. as much as I love that it's returning. I want interesting and fun combat scenarios, Citadel/Illium like hub areas, interesting mission design with multiple ways to tackle objectives and exposition/combat, lots of character interaction, customisation and more.

The lack of hubs was one of the biggest criticisms I had of ME3
Can someone help me think of the name of a Mass Effect song? It's played in ME3 when [spoilers]Mordin sacrifices himself, if you had that happen in your play through [/spoiler] and is a call back to the first game's soundtrack. It's a slower, emotional piece that has synth sounds in it.


not me
Can someone help me think of the name of a Mass Effect song? It's played in ME3 when [spoilers]Mordin sacrifices himself, if you had that happen in your play through [/spoiler] and is a call back to the first game's soundtrack. It's a slower, emotional piece that has synth sounds in it.

Vigil's Theme.


The lack of hubs was one of the biggest criticisms I had of ME3

Definitely mine too.

Can someone help me think of the name of a Mass Effect song? It's played in ME3 when [spoilers]Mordin sacrifices himself, if you had that happen in your play through [/spoiler] and is a call back to the first game's soundtrack. It's a slower, emotional piece that has synth sounds in it.

I think you mean Vigil. From the original Mass Effect but it's more like a theme for the trilogy.


I always seem to forget how much I enjoyed the Mass Effect games, obviously the end of ME3 left a bit of a sour taste, but personally the journey getting there far outweighs the destination. I think there were only a few bits of ME3 that I didn't really like apart from the ending, I'd probably say that across all the games I enjoyed 95% of them, probably my favorite series from last gen. I am really looking forward to the next entry in the series.


Just finished DA:I and my desire to replay Mass Effect is strong. DA:I is a solid game, but the companions were hit or miss, IMO. It looks likely for a ME remaster so I'll just wait. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, no?


I spent all of The Game Awards and the PlayStation Event waiting for a remaster release date....which never came.

Would really love a confirmation of the existence of ME: Trilogy Remastered.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I spent all of The Game Awards and the PlayStation Event waiting for a remaster release date....which never came.

Would really love a confirmation of the existence of ME: Trilogy Remastered.

You'll be waiting a long time for this. At best, they're discussing about the possibility(judging about what a Bioware person said in this thread earlier) of making a remaster, but work haven't started at all.


You'll be waiting a long time for this. At best, they're discussing about the possibility(judging about what a Bioware person said in this thread earlier) of making a remaster, but work haven't started at all.

Yep. Those who now view this as imminent and guaranteed probably should try not to set themselves up for potential disappointment.


The hero Los Santos deserves
Most of the people who were upset about the trilogy ending were the people who did multiple playthroughs with different characters and different decisions and were hoping for those different decisions to manifest themselves into a better ending, which sadly didn't happen.

If you did one playthrough I'm not surprised that the ending didn't bother you as much.

However, for me the Citadel is the real ending. I just playthrough the original ending and then start the Citadel DLC right afterwards and that makes it a serviceable end.

I've been planning to do a full playthrough of the ME trilogy again in a month or so as I became inspired to do so after finishing DA:I recently. I've heard great things about the Citadel DLC and I think I just might do what you suggest since I am one of the people that was really disappointed at how they decided to end the trilogy.

ME1 = 3 playthroughs
ME2 = 4 playthroughs
ME3 = 1 playthrough

Kinda speaks for itself.

Looking forward to going on another great journey again soon though. Really hoping the next game is more like ME1 in terms of exploration.

Considering what they did with the Frostbite engine for DA:I...I'm very much looking forward to experience the open world exploration with the Mako again.

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
I finished the trilogy today for the first time (I still need to finish Citadel DLC though) and I gotta say this franchise is one of the best I ever played.

Back then I read that people were so upset with the ending when ME3 came out but I really liked it. Well, I have Leviathan, From Ashes and the Extended Cut DLCs, so it might have helped a lot. A friend of mine guided me to have the best experience possible.

I got the good ending, and I was completely surprised.. I was spoiled of
Shepard's death, so when the cutscene showed her breathing I was ecstasy.. I was already crying since the goodbyes in London

Before this game and the Guardians of the Galaxy movie, I didn't liked science fiction or spece-themed media. But now I'm completely converted.

Oh, it was also my first BioWare game. The company now has my regards and trust. The dialogue tree and the cinematic camera during conversation were an awesome feature in this trilogy. The characters were also great. It's like a family now. :)

This is the type of response that brings a tear to my eye... I feel your feels.

Anyone else holding off on another playthrough in the hopes of the remaster rolling out?
It's killing me, slightly.


That was two months ago. It's likely already in development. In fact I'd bet it was already in development when he made that post and that was his was way of seeing what could be implemented outside of his suggestions.
I have a feeling you are assuming too much. But we'll see.


How do you know? Link.
No link to common sense

But seriously, didn't we just talk about how that guy posting here asked yet again about the most broad of features there could be demand for? And hasn't it been far beyond your 8 weeks for development?

And EA doesn't do remasters. You keep saying without any probable reason that they've probably been greenlit or even started, and in reality, EA's record and the posts fishing for interest suggest otherwise.

But he'll, if there's a link, please post 'em.



Thanks for the link. Clearly I haven't been following this thread closely enough.
And its really cool that he would show up, spitball ideas with us, all the while communicating that there are no guarantees, etc. (EA is a business, making business decisions about time/resources...and measuring demand.) Couldn't ask for more in an outreach to the community, really.

It'd be neat if BioWare would move forward with a Remaster, and get it out in 2015. If there's no ME4 in 2015, then maybe we get it for the Holiday season. If ME4 somehow is to come out in (Holiday) 2015, maybe we get a Remaster for summer to build up hype, etc.

Anyway, I know more now because he communicated and you politely pointed me to his comment. Thanks again.
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