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The most insane detail you have seen in a game


Junior Member
The Division isn't getting enough love. Here are some bits from the IGN article linked:

6. Intelligent Destruction
This is a small thing, but when you shoot screens they react according to how they're made. If you shoot an LCD screen, this will happen:


And if you shoot a sign:


8. Counting Cars

There are over 22,300 hand-placed vehicles clogging up the streets and sidewalks of Manhattan in The Division, with around 493 variations.

Again, these aren't random. The team at Massive intelligently researched the cars you'd find in the New York City area, including what's the most popular style of vehicle and colour, so the mix feels accurate.

9. Beautiful Garbage

28,349 piles of garbage litter the streets of The Division. The density is higher in residential areas like Hell's Kitchen.

But you'll also see medical rubbish spilling onto the streets close to where casualties have been treated.

11. This Snowy Tree
And finally, this isn't a big point and I have no details or facts to back this one up, but I just really love how the snow sprays off this tree when someone shot at me.


A few personal favorites of mine:

- If you run through your entire clip, the gun's muzzle will accurately glow based on how long you were shooting and steam if you're in the cold.


- If you stand outside in the snow long enough, the snow with collect on your character. When stepping inside a building, the snow will melt and your clothes will appear damp.
- If there was a snowy area and the sun comes out, the snow will gradually melt and puddles will appear.
Little visual animations are nice, but I am always more impressive by design or mechanics details like those that have been mentioned from Ultima.

That said, The Division and UC4 are super impressive.
In Uncharted 4, there are a few times where you're moving from location to location via a jeep. The area is a giant playground and you can get out of the jeep at any point. During this part of the game, Sam and Sully will talk about their past. If you jump out of the jeep mid-conversation, the characters will notice this and stop talking. Whenever you get back, they'll say something like. "So what was I saying? Oh yeah: when I was younger..."

It's a pretty cool way to prevent players from missing dialogue, and it sounds natural, too. I thought it was pretty cool. Another cool detail in this area are the moving clouds, which cast shadows on the environment.
Does not work if you drive off a cliff. "So what was I saying? Oh ye--AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!"

Conversation may or may not resume when you respawn.


Dark Souls 1 textures.

Too much detail

I feel like you're going to have to explain this one.

He's probably talking about how a lot of the textures in Dark Souls are much more detailed than your average console game, as if they were targeting 1080p instead. Quite a bit of detail is lost at the 720p console resolution, but when you play it on PC at 1080p you really get to see it all. Some of the armor sets and shields and whatnot have better looking textures than in DS2 and even DS3 of the same armor sets and shields, as if they decided in the newer games they should reduce the quality a little because it wasn't needed or something.


When I played Skyrim, I was on some quest and had to go talk to somebody in their home. On the way out, I was grabbing some items and accidentally STOLE a cup or something. Later on, I finished clearing a cave, weak as hell, overloaded with loot, and when I entered the overworld, three dudes accosted me and tried to kill me. I got the best of them and searched their bodies. There was a note from the lady whose cup I accidentally stole that basically put a hit out on me for taking her property. That wasn't nice.

So I went back to her town. I found any and everybody who had the same last name as her and I murdered them in the coldest of bloods. I collected each body and left them near her front door. Then I waited for her to find them. Unfortunately, she never noticed them, because she never left her house for whatever reason. So I snuck into her house late at night, murdered her husband or brother and threw him into the burning hearth. When she woke up, she looked at the hearth but didn't really react. I don't know if the AI glitched or she lost her mind, but after she saw it I just walked out confident in knowing that she knew that I ended her bloodline.

I liked Skyrim.

That's the opposite of attention to detail, it's just an account of you killing people without the AI even noticing anything.
The soundtrack for the first NieR game is one of the greatest of all time, and the work done to make it is pretty great, essentially having the songwriter create a made up futuristic mishmash language for a song, to match the game taking place 1300 years from now, with some other songs in futuristic english and gaelic



Other neat details, like certain game scenarios being reworked to match the music


Also, the ammo counter on third person Assault Rifles in Halo.
In OG Halo 1, zooming in on weapons held by NPCs will show the same details as when you are holding them (ammo count and compass point in the assault rifle for example). Hopefully the newer games still do this, but that detail had me impressed on the xbox.
They show the magazine ammo count even when they're on the ground. And there's a quirk in Halo's reload system which makes this kind of amazing.

Basically, if you start reloading automatically due to emptying a magazine, and you swap for a weapon on the ground while that reload is occurring, the first weapon will finish the reload on its own as it's lying on the ground. If it's an assault rifle, you can visually see the counter change when the reload finishes.

But it gets better.

There are two very strange things about the reload-on-ground thing:
1-A reload that takes place on the ground doesn't actually cost any ammunition from the weapon's storage. So it's pretty easy to cheat; just toss the weapon on the ground whenever you empty a magazine, and it refills the magazine for free.
2-If the first reload-on-ground doesn't fill the magazine (because the weapon's storage has less ammo than the magazine capacity), the game... initiates another reload! Yep, weapons in Halo 1 can repeatedly reload themselves on the ground until the magazine is full.


If you have an assault rifle with 1 round remaining in storage, and you empty the magazine, and you throw the rifle on the ground... it will reload itself SIXTY TIMES until the magazine is full again.
And you can watch the ammo counter on the rifle increment as it does this.
You can watch it increase by 1.
Sixty times.

Attention to detail? Nah, more like inattention to detail. But it is certainly insane detail!


You don't need to be empathetic towards me.
When I played Skyrim, I was on some quest and had to go talk to somebody in their home. On the way out, I was grabbing some items and accidentally STOLE a cup or something. Later on, I finished clearing a cave, weak as hell, overloaded with loot, and when I entered the overworld, three dudes accosted me and tried to kill me. I got the best of them and searched their bodies. There was a note from the lady whose cup I accidentally stole that basically put a hit out on me for taking her property. That wasn't nice.

So I went back to her town. I found any and everybody who had the same last name as her and I murdered them in the coldest of bloods. I collected each body and left them near her front door. Then I waited for her to find them. Unfortunately, she never noticed them, because she never left her house for whatever reason. So I snuck into her house late at night, murdered her husband or brother and threw him into the burning hearth. When she woke up, she looked at the hearth but didn't really react. I don't know if the AI glitched or she lost her mind, but after she saw it I just walked out confident in knowing that she knew that I ended her bloodline.

I liked Skyrim.




The Uncharted 4 examples throughout this thread are blowing my mind

Yup...it's really making me want to play through the game again.

Also, the Metroid Prime example in the OP and Metroid smash trophy reflection are awesome and didn't know about those. And of course ice cubes mgs2.
The Wonderful 101 has a set of details that impressed me when I noticed them. Each (main) character has a Unite Morph attack right? When an enemy attacks you, and one of them has a Unite Morph equipped, the player takes damage and the Unite Morph shatters...it takes a few seconds before you're able to re-form the Unite Morph. If you attempt to attack in that timeframe and all of the team is knocked out, each character has an attack animation consisting of a weaker version of their Unite Morph...but its a whole new animation for each (main) character! Wonder Red has a 4 hit punch combo, Blue has a sword combo (4 hits I think), Green uses his Christine Daee to fire off 3-burst rounds of projectiles at enemies (reminded me of Mega Man), etc.


Ok, this is kind of a dumb, recent detail but I was still impressed.

In Overwatch, if you play certain modes you can end up with two Mercy on the same team.

If one Mercy uses her damage boost on the other one, she'll say "Oh, so that's what that feels like".

I just think it's neat that they recorded a voice line for an event that probably never, ever happens. Who damages boosts a Mercy?


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
Arkham Knight's hallucinations. Take any midgame save, look at any billboard and rotate the camera around a few times. What was once a jewelry ad is now a lot more sinister.

Oooh sometime I'll reinstall and download the 60gb and check that out, dead serious thx!

In Superman Returns, I always loved how the sound becomes more distorted the longer you fly and go through stages of increased speed. Eventually, it goes silent after Superman breaks the sound barrier a third or fourth time. While the game wasn't great, they really nailed that aspect of the character.

Agreed. I also liked how when you went really high up above the cloud layer, the music shifted to a more celestial theme. There was really no gameplay reason to ever fly that high.

I play it once in a while on 360 to fly at top speed and fail again at that one escort mission that stopped me forever.

Its very old school, but the first time I saw Sonic do the wait animation on the Genesis, it blew me away as a kid.

So that takes me to my example, recently when I was playing Inside I was running around with the groups of controlled, enslaved, automaton people. My boy character stopped for a moment, standing in their midst, to consider a puzzle, when one of them standing next to me just idly reached up and began affectionately stroking the boy's hair with his hand.

Such a tiny little animation detail with such small characters on the screen, but it creeped me the hell out and had a big effect. Bad angle here but you get the gist:

When I played Skyrim, I was on some quest and had to go talk to somebody in their home. On the way out, I was grabbing some items and accidentally STOLE a cup or something. Later on, I finished clearing a cave, weak as hell, overloaded with loot, and when I entered the overworld, three dudes accosted me and tried to kill me. I got the best of them and searched their bodies. There was a note from the lady whose cup I accidentally stole that basically put a hit out on me for taking her property. That wasn't nice.

So I went back to her town. I found any and everybody who had the same last name as her and I murdered them in the coldest of bloods. I collected each body and left them near her front door. Then I waited for her to find them. Unfortunately, she never noticed them, because she never left her house for whatever reason. So I snuck into her house late at night, murdered her husband or brother and threw him into the burning hearth. When she woke up, she looked at the hearth but didn't really react. I don't know if the AI glitched or she lost her mind, but after she saw it I just walked out confident in knowing that she knew that I ended her bloodline.

I liked Skyrim.

LMAO - that's petty. But I like the dedication.


Re Zelda, I cant believe no one has posted this yet:

If you try to open a chest in zelda botw he does the normal link thing and kicks the chest open, except if you have no shoes on this happens:

Also everything else about this game. the way you can hit something metal with something like a rock to make sparks to make fire, the way link shivers on the menu screen if you're in a cold environment without enough clothing, the fire will spread in the direction the wind is blowing, and also the way that the physics ties into the animation is really impressive. Few games have managed to get the blending right after being tossed aside (I think gta4/ force unleashed might have been the first ones) and its especially hard with a player character to make it look right and not feel like you have no control.


Dark Souls 1's backgrounds have a crazy amount of detail. Going out of boundaries really shows how much detail they kept that could have easily been removed or downsized to save on performance. For example behind you and to the right of Firelink Shrine there is like an entire town location that is completely inaccessible that is unnecessarily detailed when looked at up close.

This guy on youtube explores out of bounds areas of video games. The one on Dark Souls shows what I'm talking about. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjmTL39l9fM&feature=youtu.be&t=57
When I played Skyrim, I was on some quest and had to go talk to somebody in their home. On the way out, I was grabbing some items and accidentally STOLE a cup or something. Later on, I finished clearing a cave, weak as hell, overloaded with loot, and when I entered the overworld, three dudes accosted me and tried to kill me. I got the best of them and searched their bodies. There was a note from the lady whose cup I accidentally stole that basically put a hit out on me for taking her property. That wasn't nice.

So I went back to her town. I found any and everybody who had the same last name as her and I murdered them in the coldest of bloods. I collected each body and left them near her front door. Then I waited for her to find them. Unfortunately, she never noticed them, because she never left her house for whatever reason. So I snuck into her house late at night, murdered her husband or brother and threw him into the burning hearth. When she woke up, she looked at the hearth but didn't really react. I don't know if the AI glitched or she lost her mind, but after she saw it I just walked out confident in knowing that she knew that I ended her bloodline.

I liked Skyrim.

Is this you?



Maybe not the most insane I've ever seen but Geralt's swords on his back and how they never clip and naturally react to any and all contact.


In GTA IV in tunnels or listening to a radio just before you received a text or call you'd sometimes get interference and a faint clicking on the radio. A phenomenon I thought only I noticed (and I don't think it happens now on 4G networks, but it blew my mind that someone implemented that real-life quirk of cellular technology interference with speakers.


All the Grand Theft Auto V, Uncharted 4, and The Division examples in this thread are insane.

The ice cubes in MGS 2 are still the craziest though.


Dark Souls 1's backgrounds have a crazy amount of detail. Going out of boundaries really shows how much detail they kept that could have easily been removed or downsized to save on performance. For example behind you and to the right of Firelink Shrine there is like an entire town location that is completely inaccessible that is unnecessarily detailed when looked at up close.

This guy on youtube explores out of bounds areas of video games. The one on Dark Souls shows what I'm talking about. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjmTL39l9fM&feature=youtu.be&t=57

Crazy. No wonder the games run like ass sometimes.
I was surprised by how much work Rockstar put into the gory and gruesome details of Max Payne 3. It's probably the most realistic shooter ever when it comes to showing graphic details of bullet wounds, blood sprays, and general bullet mutilation. To top it all off, these details are all enhanced with the use of realistic Euphoria physics. I was thinking maybe that Max Payne 3 was a way for them to demo all of the hyper violence that would be included in GTAV, but that game is quite tame and standard in comparison.




If you hurt Meryl near the wolves and quickly get in your box, she'll call one over to do this


Now that your box smells like the wolves, when you equip it the wolves won't harm you in the Cave

Mind blowing


Did the the car door closing make it in the Division? I played through the game, but never really took notice.

Yes > God tier game
No > piece of crap useless software


in MGS3 you can kill a boss by turning the game off and wait 7 days
or you can just change the internal clock
and the boss will die of age. If you come back earlier than 7 days the boss will instead catch you.

you can also kill him the first time you see him after a cutscene if you are quick enough.

True, but doing this means you miss out on one of the best boss fights in all of gaming.
The Division isn't getting enough love. Here are some bits from the IGN article linked:

A few personal favorites of mine:

- If you run through your entire clip, the gun's muzzle will accurately glow based on how long you were shooting and steam if you're in the cold.


- If you stand outside in the snow long enough, the snow with collect on your character. When stepping inside a building, the snow will melt and your clothes will appear damp.
- If there was a snowy area and the sun comes out, the snow will gradually melt and puddles will appear.

I agree, The Division isn't getting enough love, there is an insane amount of detail going on in this game. Very cool to see in such a big open world game, that's also very different from a lot of the mentions here. It's an open-world multiplayer game that still has all this detail going on.
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