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The Mummy |OT| A New World of Gods and Monsters

It was great seeing Russel Crowe have fun with something again. Almost reminded me of his Sid 6.7 performance from Virtosity in terms of pure lunacy.

That's about it tho. Didn't hate it, didn't love it.
As usual, the opening prologue seemed much more interesting than the story we got. Was never a big fan of taking this to modern day to begin with. It doesn't start out too terrible, but definitely by the middle, the movie is off the rails. If you want the plane crash as your one, big eye popping moment, then great. But then they gotta throw in an ambulance and tossed cars and buses. And of course, nary a scratch or broken bone on our two protagonists. Cursed Cruise I guess I can buy, but Jenny from the block, nope. It's too much. And once you get to Cruise speaking ancient Egyptian and Crusader zombie knights swimming like navy frogmen, you have hit full blown unintentional comedy. And this Mummy doesn't really do anything save for a few soul sucks and yet another sand storm conjuring with a cgi face, yawn. Back to the drawing board again Universal.


I didn't mind the tone being all over the place, but the jokes didn't seem to work and Cruise delivered them as well as possible. The writing team should have dropped them or took the time to get them right. Same with the Nick/Jenny relationship. If those things had been fixed, I think this might have gotten the same type of appreciation Transformers gets.

The only thing I was disappointed with was the Mr. Hyde transformation. I was expecting something a little more like The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen with improved effects.

In general though it was ok. Not horrible, nor amazing.

I would prefer if The Rock should just reprise his role as the Scorpion King and I'm more interested to see a movie about Dr. Jekyll.


Wasn't perfect but I enjoyed it and especially liked the ending.

Glad I saw it and looking forward to the series, until Johnny Depp appears.


So about the ending...
am i the onlyone who thinks he should have turnedevil? Ignoring that the mummy was way hotterthan jenny, he seemed like a prototypical villainhe whole movie and he would have made a great villai. For the entirehniverse. Everyone loves to hate tom cruise.


So about the ending...
am i the onlyone who thinks he should have turnedevil? Ignoring that the mummy was way hotterthan jenny, he seemed like a prototypical villainhe whole movie and he would have made a great villai. For the entirehniverse. Everyone loves to hate tom cruise.

I was thinking the same. There is still hope!
Maybe he will turn bad for one movie and then turn good to take out the real boss of the universe? I was getting excited that he was going to turn bad. But at least he is a jerk so much that he could go a little bad.


Just saw it, to be fair it was far better than what i thought it would be based on the reviews . Still nothing memorable but I dont regret the 90 mins or so. Also Impressed with Crowe, he was pretty much into the role lol


Movie was fine until it paused halfway through and started showing a Dr. Jekyll movie instead for an hour or so. The Dr. Jekyll part was actually really good but it had no place in this movie, and killed it entirely. By the time The Mummy portion of the movie resumes, there are no stakes at all and the narrative just falls apart.

Tom Cruise's character was entirely pointless, he did absolutely nothing in the movie other than to be filmed running from zombies/rats/sandstorms. The horror of the movie was great, and it had a bunch of really funny moments, but it was a terribly written film.
Tom Cruise in
The Last Mummy

It might have been a not bad summer movie if the Dark Universe shit was left out. I thought Boutella did a great job with the little she had to work with.


Yea this movie wasn't great, but not the worst. I do like the implications
that Cruise is a dude with Mummy powers and can bring people back from the dead. He seems OP as fuck.

Crowe was fun in his role.

As far as the Dark Universe is concerned, I want it to succeed in so far as I just want to see the endgame. Their "Avengers/Justice League" if you will.

Like, who would be the big bad?
? Aliens? Cthulhu?
So, two days after watching this, I've had time to absorb, and reflect.

Here's the Double Toasted review of the film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvSXlmAUH88

And I pretty much agree with the whole thing.

This film is terrible. Doubly terrible, actually, because I was really rooting for it and I was hoping it would be good. The 1932 film and 1999 remake are fantastic films (one a creepy dreadful horror, and the other a swashbuckling grand horror-adventure), but this film is just a mess, in terms of tone and writing. You can tell that 4-6 writers worked on this, seperately, at random times, with zero communication with one another. It is absurd. There are just so many goddamn problems with it, but you know what, let me elucidate on what's good about it:

1) Tom Cruise:


Cruise Missile is on point as always. He's basically playing a douchier Nathan Drake, but I liked that. He brings a natural and easy charisma to a role that in any other actor's hands would probably be thoroughly unlikable. Plus, his commitment to stick with the absurd must be commended.

2) Airplane sequence:


This was cool.

3) Attempts at psychological horror and other interesting ideas.

There are some cool ideas. There's a neat idea (that they failed in executing) that they lifted from an American Werewolf in London (the below pic is a scene from American Werewolf that's a bit gory)


The idea that the Mummy is inside Tom's head is neat. They should have done more with that.

4) The ladies are pretty:

'Nuff said.

What sucked:

Everything else about the film. Literally. The Mummy's motivations were terrible and flat. The Prodigum stuff with Russell Crowe was incredibly terrible, because you can tell that he and Mr Hyde are just stuffed in there for the "Universe" connections. He is the literal definition of "shoe-horned". Jake Johnston or whatever the fuck his name is sucked. The film has no good flow. The characters are underdeveloped, and feel like they have zero relationship with one another beyond "We need the next scene to happen, so have this conversation now". Like, the blonde lady saying Tom Cruise is a good man, and then going out of her way to help him and shit, like they don't really explain why all of a sudden she wants his dick so bad, and then the ending is totally ludicrous, and then there's the weird almost-rapy-but-not-really-but-kinda-feels-like-it thing at the end. The powers make no sense, there's no greater context, the humor, adventure, and horror is not blended well.

Like, either go for a grand horror narrative like the 32 film, or go for a swashbuckler with horror tones like the '99 film, or do your own psychological/comedy thing, but all you did was take every ingredient, and toss it in without thinking how to properly proportion it out.

This film is dumb. I, myself, could have taken the bones of this film and have written a much better narrative. And I am not a great writer by any means, but there's no consistency here. The characters are cardboard, and they look like even more bland cardboard cause they're acting against the natural force of Charisma that is Tom Cruise.

Oh yeah, and this is Kurtzman's first directorial effort, but you know what, I'm not going easy on him. The direction is awful. The editing is abymal. The music is forgettable. The art design and set design is nice.

Here's the thing, I'm not comparing it to the '32 and '99 films. I wanted it to stand on its own merits, but it doesn't have many, if any, merits.

I'll probably say more stuff later, but I'll leave you with this for now:

And you know, this is just genuinely such a cynical and shitty way to start a franchise or universe or whatever.

A good film will focus on the characters first. But by the end of this film, I still didn't care about any of these characters. It's shitty. You're not invested in any of them in any way by the end. And it wasted all it's interesting ideas in such uninspired ways. Like, you wanna make a Modern-day Mummy? Cool! You wanna make the protagonist a thief/looter? Neat. There's an ancient secret society dedicated to protecting the world from ancient Evil, but it's led by a psychotic madman with a split-personality? Intriguing. The Mummy is in love with the Cruise Missile? Okay, let's run with it. The protagonist is being driven mad by her unearthly influence and he's haunted by ghosts of his dead friend and his misdeeds? Okay, intriguing. There's another individual using him for her own benefit, but she slowly is drawn to his side? Okay, pretty traditional. The Mummy is unleashed in a modern-day metropolis and we witness the havoc that follows? Could be cool!

And yet they fucked up all those neat ideas.


I thought it was fine. Didn't blow me away but in no way was it a dumpster fire. I'd be interested in seeing more of Russel Crowe
I don't understand why so many other movies can't seem to get that character right. They always
do a Banner/Hulk thing with Hyde. Crowe's Hyde was a little closer with being a brutal douchebag.

I give the film credit for not using Anubis as the Egypt devil
I thought it was fine. Didn't blow me away but in no way was it a dumpster fire. I'd be interested in seeing more of Russel Crowe
I don't understand why so many other movies can't seem to get that character right. They always
do a Banner/Hulk thing with Hyde. Crowe's Hyde was a little closer with being a brutal douchebag.

I give the film credit for not using Anubis as the Egypt devil

See, Jekyll/Hyde would be more interesting if they weren't just thrown in in such a contrived way. Like, if Hyde is such a severe problem, why does this dumb motherfucker just not have his syringes ready to go considering he seems to have an attack every two hours.


Was I tripping? Or did I see The Book of The Dead from the Brendan Frasier movies during the fight with


Yea this movie wasn't great, but not the worst. I do like the implications
that Cruise is a dude with Mummy powers and can bring people back from the dead. He seems OP as fuck.

Crowe was fun in his role.

As far as the Dark Universe is concerned, I want it to succeed in so far as I just want to see the endgame. Their "Avengers/Justice League" if you will.

Like, who would be the big bad?
? Aliens? Cthulhu?

People have guessed Dracula cause they have announced the cast of everyone else and none of them are Dracula or Creature from Lagoon, or wolfman. So those will all be the bad people?
And I really do wish Cruise would turn into a bad guy for at least one movie, just so we can see it and then we can see him get redeemed.
People have guessed Dracula cause they have announced the cast of everyone else and none of them are Dracula or Creature from Lagoon, or wolfman. So those will all be the bad people?
And I really do wish Cruise would turn into a bad guy for at least one movie, just so we can see it and then we can see him get redeemed.

The villain, if they make it that far, will probably be
Set/Satan/The Devil since they equivocated them.
This needed someone like Joe Johnston directing it, as it is there's nothing to latch on to. Script is nonsense and the film doesn't leave any impression, which isn't putting your best foot forward with building this whole dark universe thing.
This needed someone like Joe Johnston directing it, as it is there's nothing to latch on to. Script is nonsense and the film doesn't leave any impression, which isn't putting your best foot forward with building this whole dark universe thing.

I agree. I was thinking of directors that would be better at directing this kind of film, and if you wanna do sweeping and swashbuckling, Johnston would be a good person to do it. His movies are very competently and professionally made plus he's got good control of pacing.

But even he can't save that writing. You can have great direction, but when the script is this flawed, it's not easily salvaged.


See, Jekyll/Hyde would be more interesting if they weren't just thrown in in such a contrived way. Like, if Hyde is such a severe problem, why does this dumb motherfucker just not have his syringes ready to go considering he seems to have an attack every two hours.

Seemed like he was never too far from them. As for why he doesn't pre-load them, I don't know.

Was I tripping? Or did I see The Book of The Dead from the Brendan Frasier movies during the fight with

No you saw it. Even had the same little pattern for the key.

The Giant

I liked the movie.

I don't understand people complaining about the different tones in the movie. I thought it was good.

Loved that the other mummies were like zombies, made them very creepy.

Looking forward to the other movies.


Also it was bugging me when I saw Jake Johnson's character all
during the bathroom scene.

I distinctly remembered him looking different in the trailer and lo and behold,
I look up the 2nd trailer and he looks like a normal dude with a bullet hole in on his shirt.


You guys laugh now but in 5 years when they come out with their avenger movie where
they spend 2 hours doing the monster mash
you'll understand how great this is
Also it was bugging me when I saw Jake Johnson's character all
during the bathroom scene.

I distinctly remembered him looking different in the trailer and lo and behold,
I look up the 2nd trailer and he looks like a normal dude with a bullet hole in on his shirt.

I haven't seen the movie but just going by your description that sounds like a pretty cool homage to American Werewolf in London tbh.


sparkle this bitch
I agree. I was thinking of directors that would be better at directing this kind of film, and if you wanna do sweeping and swashbuckling, Johnston would be a good person to do it. His movies are very competently and professionally made plus he's got good control of pacing.

But even he can't save that writing. You can have great direction, but when the script is this flawed, it's not easily salvaged.

He did The Wolfman which a lot seem to dislike.

Me, I thought it was completely serviceable and a solid flick with him making a great choice for this. Definitely a for hire director, who would have done well.

With the original tone they were going for, the sort of Dark Psychological Comedy. I feel like Martin McDonagh would have been a great choice for that, at a penny of the cost at the PoS they got for this one.


Were the actresses in this more Scientology people or suppose to hook up with Tom in real life? Or is he married these days. Due lives in wacky world.


Pretty much right up the middle on this one. I would say it's tremendous wasted potential, and as much as I like Tom Cruise I think he wasnt the ideal fit for that type of role.

That in the story conclusion was pretty bad in general. Sofia Boutella was great with what she had to work with, Crowe was fun.

Overall pretty disappointing and forgettable, I would be surprised if this really does launch into this whole universe they want.
He did The Wolfman which a lot seem to dislike.

Me, I thought it was completely serviceable and a solid flick with him making a great choice for this. Definitely a for hire director, who would have done well.

With the original tone they were going for, the sort of Dark Psychological Comedy. I feel like Martin McDonagh would have been a great choice for that, at a penny of the cost at the PoS they got for this one.

The Wolfman has a great first act and phenomenonal second act, but the final act sucked.


Some questions about the dagger..

Does it make a difference if the princess stab Tom Cruise with the dagger or he stabbed himself (which he did)? Does he retain control of himself if he stabbed himself?
Does the movie imply that the princess will have control over him if she were to stab him instead? She looked terrified when he stabbed himself.
People have guessed Dracula cause they have announced the cast of everyone else and none of them are Dracula or Creature from Lagoon, or wolfman. So those will all be the bad people?
And I really do wish Cruise would turn into a bad guy for at least one movie, just so we can see it and then we can see him get redeemed.

Maybe some are not cast yet. As for Dracula they're probably avoiding him for the time being because of Dracula Untold being so recent.


Some questions about the dagger..

Does it make a difference if the princess stab Tom Cruise with the dagger or he stabbed himself (which he did)? Does he retain control of himself if he stabbed himself?
Does the movie imply that the princess will have control over him if she were to stab him instead? She looked terrified when he stabbed himself.

I think that's the idea, yeah. Or at the very least he has
some degree of control over himself instead of complete lack of control if he does it himself.


Some questions about the dagger..

Does it make a difference if the princess stab Tom Cruise with the dagger or he stabbed himself (which he did)? Does he retain control of himself if he stabbed himself?
Does the movie imply that the princess will have control over him if she were to stab him instead? She looked terrified when he stabbed himself.

This wasn't really explained, which I kind of like because it means the audience has to be trusted to be intelligent and come to the conclusion that
he probably exert some control by doing it himself.

The problem with that is the movie didn't really set up any kind of consistent mythos for what was going on, so instead of it being an intelligent conclusion it ends up being a series of leaps in logic that you kind of assume might be the case, but it's not really clear and then the ending narration doesn't explain it anymore either. In fact that probably makes it more ambiguous.
You know this movie has problems when Crowe chewing the scenery as Hyde is a more memorable villain than the titular threat. Funnily enough, for all its flaws, my favorite part of the movie was the Prodigium stuff, mainly because it felt like it was from a different and much more interesting film

A powerful paramilitary monster-capturing organization that not just kills monsters but also captures and studies them, run by a morally-grey leader with a psychotic monstrous dark side of his own? That was infinitely cooler than anything happening with the mummy, Cruise, a thousand replays of the same flashback, and zombie mummy hordes

Cruise was so miscast here. He almost did nail his Nathan Drake addition though; if only he could pull off snarky charming rogue without coming off as a jerk struggling with all the attempts at humor. ("I think...I think...I think....I think we're going to die")


You know this movie has problems when Crowe chewing the scenery as Hyde is a more memorable villain than the titular threat. Funnily enough, for all its flaws, my favorite part of the movie was the Prodigium stuff, mainly because it felt like it was from a different and much more interesting film

A powerful paramilitary monster-capturing organization that not just kills monsters but also captures and studies them, run by a morally-grey leader with a psychotic monstrous dark side of his own? That was infinitely cooler than anything happening with the mummy, Cruise, a thousand replays of the same flashback, and zombie mummy hordes

Cruise was so miscast here. He almost did nail his Nathan Drake addition though; if only he could pull off snarky charming rogue without coming off as a jerk struggling with all the attempts at humor. ("I think...I think...I think....I think we're going to die")

They didn't even give The Mummy much to do. She spends most of the movie
in chains, and then gets bodied by ultra-man Tom Cruise at the end. Bullshit waste of a neat idea for a Cleopatra-like villain and a pretty fun performance in what was otherwise a nothing role.
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