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The New Board Game Thread (Newcomer Friendly)

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Classic example for me is Tales of the Arabian Nights. They make it look really fun, but I know for a fact that just about anybody I would try to play it with would hate it because it's more of a framework for storytelling than a game. The problem is, they don't tell you that in the review. They just make it seem like the most immersive gaming experience of all time.

The problem with that fact they love the hobby is that they often get pretty deep into fanboy mode - at their worst, their reviews are "look at this awesome game, I love it because of a random mood I am in and games are cooool".

Still easily the most consistently entertaining board game videos out there though.


So let me see if I have this right: the first Dice Masters reprint is coming in early May but this shipment is going entirely to the hobby market which mainly will be using these copies to fill preorders they weren't able to fill on the first print due to allocations. The rest of us will be generally out of luck until the second reprint, which is supposed to be substantial, but not here until June/July.

Which... Seems fair, if frustrating. I had no idea the hype train was building so much on this until it released and immediately sold out. The main two games I want right now plagued by supply issues. Le sigh....


shutupandsitdown.com is a great board game site!

I believe they ran, or were a contributing part, of the PC gaming review site Rock Paper Shotgun before they became disillusioned with video gaming and found board games!

I watch their reviews religiously. Between SU&SD, Dice Tower and Watch It Played! I feel I can get a pretty good idea for a game.


So let me see if I have this right: the first Dice Masters reprint is coming in early May but this shipment is going entirely to the hobby market which mainly will be using these copies to fill preorders they weren't able to fill on the first print due to allocations. The rest of us will be generally out of luck until the second reprint, which is supposed to be substantial, but not here until June/July.

Which... Seems fair, if frustrating. I had no idea the hype train was building so much on this until it released and immediately sold out. The main two games I want right now plagued by supply issues. Le sigh....

The hype train has been in the station preboarding for months! MDM was all over the web review sites well before it's debut at the Vegas Toy con a month or two back. Check local comic book stores for copies of the starters.


I've been waiting for this to arrive :)

I've definitely been in a Star Wars kick lately, and the recent news about the movies and all that aren't helping anything. Considering how many times I've almost pulled the trigger on this, I can understand your excitement. Will go on record and say if the Outrider ever showed up as an expansion (unfortunately not likely with the EU no longer being considered cannon), I would pick the full set up the same day.

Spent a couple hours checking out the card spoilers for most of the Hoth cycle after I got home last night, and man do I want to have a battle of Hoth now.


Shut up and sit down is really entertaining, but as you said, more about the feeling of the game than about the nitty gritty of game mechanics. That said, they are my go-to site when picking up a new game. The dice tower is their polar opposite and even though I understand why they are the de facto top review site, I can never make it through their videos. So dry and boring.


The hype train has been in the station preboarding for months! MDM was all over the web review sites well before it's debut at the Vegas Toy con a month or two back. Check local comic book stores for copies of the starters.

I'm not saying it wasn't. I'm saying I wasn't aware of it.

Sometimes people have things going on in their lives that distract heavily from hobbies... I have nearly a year's worth of comics back logged because while I manage to make it in to the shop once a month for five minutes to pick up my holds, I haven't really had the time to read them, though things are improving and I hope to catch up soon. It's my dumb luck that this occurred right when the game was coming out. Almost would have been better if the busy days kept up a few more months so I could have been blissfully unaware till supply issues evened out.
I've definitely been in a Star Wars kick lately, and the recent news about the movies and all that aren't helping anything. Considering how many times I've almost pulled the trigger on this, I can understand your excitement. Will go on record and say if the Outrider ever showed up as an expansion (unfortunately not likely with the EU no longer being considered cannon), I would pick the full set up the same day.

Spent a couple hours checking out the card spoilers for most of the Hoth cycle after I got home last night, and man do I want to have a battle of Hoth now.

Being canon has nothing to do with what they will put out. The EU is still part of the star wars license and they can do with it what they want. They already heavily use the EU in its RPG, card, and mini game, they aren't going to stop now.

I'm not saying it wasn't. I'm saying I wasn't aware of it.

Sometimes people have things going on in their lives that distract heavily from hobbies... I have nearly a year's worth of comics back logged because while I manage to make it in to the shop once a month for five minutes to pick up my holds, I haven't really had the time to read them, though things are improving and I hope to catch up soon. It's my dumb luck that this occurred right when the game was coming out. Almost would have been better if the busy days kept up a few more months so I could have been blissfully unaware till supply issues evened out.

It's only a couple months, ain't gonna kill ya. And if anything its for the best as you get to see if it's just the next fad game release that falls on its face or if it has some staying power.


Games I've played for the first time in the last couple of weeks (in addition to having familiarised myself with and nearly overplayed Avalon and Monster of Tokyo recently) --

One Night: Ultimate Werewolf
Love Letter
Ticket to Ride
Takenoko (aka Catan: Harvest Edition)
Cosmic Encounter

I like them all, but I will comment on two of them.

Cosmic Encounter stands out as having the most rules and structure to remember, and it's not my favourite sub-genre, but I enjoyed the card management and negotiation elements. However, I am so envious of other players who pick up multitudes of new rules so quickly. I am such a visual person so when someone is reading out a bunch of stuff and even explaining themselves, as convincing as it sounds I just don't absorb the words, whereas instantly other players are asking appropriate questions, or laughing at the right moments when a joke is made that isn't obviously a joke, or quickly skimming through a card's powers and going "OH REALLY?? WOW OMG THAT'S AMAZING THAT WILL HAVE SO MANY IMPLICATIONS FOR THIS OR WHEN THIS HAPPENS ETC OMG" whereas for example I'll be reading some card thinking "yep, that written information is a bunch of stuff" ... anyway, ultimately the strategy itself is relatively simple to carry out (although there is obviously advanced strategy possible) and it's all rather visually clear what's happening, in what order, etc.

The opposite and yet the same sort of applies to One Night: Ultimate Werewolf, for me, in that the concept itself is simple (there are a small set of cards, usually 5-10, each with an associated action performed at a certain time when everyone's eyes are closed) so it's easy to get the ball rolling, to pick up and play for newbies, but the gameplay -- keeping track of and visualising the different scenarios and possible solutions -- is just too hard for me. In fact, after playing about 10 rounds I still am absolutely confused about when and why to lie or to conceal information, and without being able to follow everything easily, I just decide to sit back and let everyone else accuse each other (occasionally sitting in to play along with made up assumptions), and at some point (if a villager) will announce the truth and see what happens. In this case, I'm envious of how other players upon learning the game, can 1 round later know exactly what they're doing and perform flawless strategy. But I know others are exactly like me -- others don't know what the hell they're doing in terms of strategy or lying or whatever, and I don't know if it's because Avalon is just easier or it's more visual, but I and practically everyone else who has played Avalon has cottoned on really quickly about different strategies, but people have been sitting in the dark a bit more with Werewolf.


I don't know if it's because Avalon is just easier or it's more visual, but I and practically everyone else who has played Avalon has cottoned on really quickly about different strategies, but people have been sitting in the dark a bit more with Werewolf.

Werewolf (and by extension, One Night Ultimate Werewolf) is a game that I find to be harder than Resistance/Avalon. Resistance/Avalon is probably a simpler game, because there is more structure to the way the game proceeds, with missions and teams and voting and such. Players start with more information, and the structure of the game and the voting gives players more information as it goes along. There are also less roles confusing things.

Werewolf, at it's simplest, is still pretty difficult. It tells you "there are werewolves in this group, good luck trying to talk your way into figuring it out". As a villager, you start with no information and have to come up with the deductive tricks on your own. Even as a Werewolf, if you want to stay alive, you probably have to be more of an active participant in throwing the group's logic off somehow. Otherwise, people are just going to pick you at random. Throw in some tricky, confusing roles, and it's quite a puzzle.

I tried playing both Resistance and Werewolf recently with a group of people who were fairly new and casual board gamers. They caught on to Resistance pretty quickly, but it took them playing through the first game to really get it. They immediately wanted to play again, and loved it the second time.

Werewolf, on the other hand, was more difficult for them (they played it after), and it didn't quite click for them even after one play, probably because of how little direction it has.

I think both games need practice for anyone to get good at them. Lying is something that doesn't come easy to some people, and lying to trap others liars is even more of a skillful thing to do - but it feels awesome when you do get it right.


I think I will finally pick up Resistance. I don't know when I will ever have 5-10 people to play it, but prices are rising and it has gone OOS in some places. I found a copy at retail for $20, so why not? I wish I had got in in that Coup expansion and would have added that Resistance and Avalon but I clean forgot.


Resistance/Avalon is great! I will happily play it always. What I won't do is to continue to play with players that don't grasp the ideas behind hidden traitor mechanics. They are always the same; They never vote negative during the selection process even when told to almost always veto the first selection, they will always suspect the loudest person at the table, and they most importantly, always sit silently the entire game. So very frustrating.

Buy the game and teach hidden mechnics. Make the world a better place!


My favorite game on One Night Ultimate Werewolf so far involved me as the troublemaker, and then telling everyone I swapped someone claiming to be a villager with a mason, when really I had swapped two other people. It turned out I had swapped the werewolf with the tanner, BUT the lie I told at the beginning told us for sure the villager claim was real.

The next favorite was the one before that where I was a werewolf, and I claimed to be every role (including werewolf), causing mass confusion and leading people to believe I was the tanner, so they didn't pick me at all.


I didn't like the Troublemaker at first because I thought it was random nonsense. Then I realized that it is just the best thing because you tell people that you switched them and that leads to them telling everyone what they were or more deviously, still are, because you didn't actually switch them. It only becomes a problem if multiple people at the table don't talk. Part of which I think is a habit gained from normal Werewolf/Mafia were telling everyone what you are is stupid dangerous.
I have definitely gotten burnt out by the hype in SUSD videos. Love the passion, love the podcasts, love the news articles but man, sitting through some of their sketches when all I want is talk about the game can be frustrating.
Luckily I have recently discovered the boardgamegeektv Game Night series which is totally up my alley. Whether I want to sit through it and watch it being played or if I just want to skip to the end to get their thoughts on it as a whole I feel like it offers me whatever I want.
I cannot stand Dice Tower reviews/discussions from some of the guys there. It makes me feel like I am watching 90's review videos or something. I dunno. I feel a bit distanced from them.

Having said all that though, man am I happy that we can even discuss multiple sources of board game review/preview news.
I have definitely gotten burnt out by the hype in SUSD videos. Love the passion, love the podcasts, love the news articles but man, sitting through some of their sketches when all I want is talk about the game can be frustrating.
Luckily I have recently discovered the boardgamegeektv Game Night series which is totally up my alley. Whether I want to sit through it and watch it being played or if I just want to skip to the end to get their thoughts on it as a whole I feel like it offers me whatever I want.
I cannot stand Dice Tower reviews/discussions from some of the guys there. It makes me feel like I am watching 90's review videos or something. I dunno. I feel a bit distanced from them.

Having said all that though, man am I happy that we can even discuss multiple sources of board game review/preview news.

I pretty much just stick with Tom's videos. The top 10 lists are great though as you get three different perspectives.
I pretty much just stick with Tom's videos. The top 10 lists are great though as you get three different perspectives.
Same here. Ryan is...OK, but he just seems uncomfortable in front of the camera. Even now after all his videos. Other than that the only other video reviews I will watch are Joel (eekamouse) and Lance (Undead Viking). However, I will pick and choose which videos to watch from them. Especially Lance since his videos can get epically long.


In no order, I watch

Ricky Royal (Box of Delights)
Blackbelt Gaming
Drive Thru Review
Callasmar (Lonesome Gamer)

I watch Rahdo occasionally, even though he almost always concentrates on euro games and I'm not interested in those. But the guy is so enthusiastic that it makes it fun to watch. Watch It Played is ok too, especially if you want to get to grips with a games rules.
Anyone play Risk: Walking dead yet? Thinking about pulling the trigger since it combines 2 of some of my favourite things. Only problem is I already own 3 variations of Risk and don't know how many replays it will get.

Also Horus Heresy is on sale for $60 and very itchy to pull the trigger but doubt I will get more than 1 game a year!
Can't bring myself to watch any bg reviews, too much wasted time in many of them. Prefer reading reviews, easier to get the info I'm interested in and user impressions that vary. Haven't found a video reviewer that I can say has consistent taste either


Well hell.

Apparently when making a paypal order through CSI on a pre-order they still charge you straight away.

Financially it's no big deal in the end, but feels terribly wrong for a company to charge you full amount on a pre-order ... Especially when they are already anticipating it being allocated and not being able to fill all orders.

Meanwhile I'm out $80 on a game I may or may not get? Come on!


Well hell.

Apparently when making a paypal order through CSI on a pre-order they still charge you straight away.

Financially it's no big deal in the end, but feels terribly wrong for a company to charge you full amount on a pre-order ... Especially when they are already anticipating it being allocated and not being able to fill all orders.

Meanwhile I'm out $80 on a game I may or may not get? Come on!

CSI (and every other dedicated OLGS I'm aware of) charge you fully no matter your payment option. At least with CSI, the allocation thing is an exception to the rule. Generally speaking CSI gets a fuck ton of stock. When they don't, it's usually because of Z-man's stupid fucking print runs, or (if you're referring to Marvel Dice Masters) the lightning in the bottle success of the game.

Amazon has ruined us all.

Edit: Also, there is no 'may not' get. You'll get your game. Again, if you're referring specifically to Marvel Dice, they probably have small foreign children breaking limbs to get these things shat out as fast as possible.


CSI (and every other dedicated OLGS I'm aware of) charge you fully no matter your payment option. At least with CSI, the allocation thing is an exception to the rule. Generally speaking CSI gets a fuck ton of stock. When they don't, it's usually because of Z-man's stupid fucking print runs, or (if you're referring to Marvel Dice Masters) the lightning in the bottle success of the game.

Amazon has ruined us all.

Edit: Also, there is no 'may not' get. You'll get your game. Again, if you're referring specifically to Marvel Dice, they probably have small foreign children breaking limbs to get these things shat out as fast as possible.

I'm not. I'm talking about Caverna, so no small foreign children in a sweatshop working this one. Also, unlike Dice Masters, it's not like another reprint is just around the corner - chances are good it will be several months more if the order isn't filled in this reprint.

Rarely have I felt the need to preorder any game. I'm not usually riding the Cult of the New edge of boardgame entertainment the way I strangely find myself doing now. You'll pardon me if this is a new experience and I find the practice frustrating as no other company, large or small, has ever charged me full amount for a preorder before, regardless of payment method.


I ran into the same issue when I pre-ordered Dungeon Run from CSI several months before it released. Thankfully, I did it with store credit. I did still find it rather unsettling though, and have not pre-ordered anything from them since.

Their in-store system is really shitty too. They don't have a lot of stock out, so there are a dozen PCs or so with the website on them. You have to place an order there exactly like you would from home, and then go to the register with your order number. The really fucking stupid thing about that is that in order to complete the order under your account (and get your discount/points), they want you to punch in your credit card/paypal info into a public computer. Fuck that.


I'm not. I'm talking about Caverna, so no small foreign children in a sweatshop working this one. Also, unlike Dice Masters, it's not like another reprint is just around the corner - chances are good it will be several months more if the order isn't filled in this reprint.

Rarely have I felt the need to preorder any game. I'm not usually riding the Cult of the New edge of boardgame entertainment the way I strangely find myself doing now. You'll pardon me if this is a new experience and I find the practice frustrating as no other company, large or small, has ever charged me full amount for a preorder before, regardless of payment method.

Caverna falls under my Z-Man clause. Shit has went downhill since the selling of the company. Regardless, I'd still call it an exception rather than the rule.

Edit: Now the preorder charge, that's going to be the rule. If you're going to get into boardgaming you better get used to it now if you need to preorder an item.


Caverna falls under my Z-Man clause. Shit has went downhill since the selling of the company. Regardless, I'd still call it an exception rather than the rule.

Edit: Now the preorder charge, that's going to be the rule. If you're going to get into boardgaming you better get used to it now if you need to preorder an item.

Caverna is published by Mayfair. The difficulty in print sizes is apparently to deal with the absurd amount of wood that goes into the games, and Mayfair's own suppliers ability to deliver all the bits needed.

The edited in statement reeks of "hey, if you wanna be in OUR LITTLE EXCLUSIVE CLUB..." I'm not "going to get in" I'm in, but like I said I've never really felt the need to pre-order something. Most things I've ever been interested in were readily available before I was ready to buy.

I feel like if a shop is going to charge full amount on a pre-order, they should be able to guarantee ability to fill the order. Otherwise, put a stop on orders, and if you have additional stock release it for sale when it arrives.


Maybe they could've used less wood if they hadn't have made Caverna playable by 7 people for some insane reason.

Yeah I won't argue with that. I have a feeling I'll be forced into 7 player games eventually but gonna try hard to keep it to 4...


The edited in statement reeks of "hey, if you wanna be in OUR LITTLE EXCLUSIVE CLUB..." I'm not "going to get in" I'm in, but like I said I've never really felt the need to pre-order something. Most things I've ever been interested in were readily available before I was ready to buy.

I feel like if a shop is going to charge full amount on a pre-order, they should be able to guarantee ability to fill the order. Otherwise, put a stop on orders, and if you have additional stock release it for sale when it arrives.

1) I in no way, shape or form implied this was an exclusive club, or you weren't welcome. I was just saying that's the norm. That's what this thread is for: information.
For fucks sake, can we not be super sensitive about some dumb shit?

2) CSI will get you your game eventually. This is a fact. If you're uncomfortable with them having your money for an extended period of time and you want it back they will give it to you no questions asked if you call or email them.


1) I in no way, shape or form implied this was an exclusive club, or you weren't welcome. I was just saying that's the norm. That's what this thread is for: information.
For fucks sake, can we not be super sensitive about some dumb shit?

2) CSI will get you your game eventually. This is a fact. If you're uncomfortable with them having your money for an extended period of time and you want it back they will give it to you no questions asked if you call or email them.

I have to chuckle at the idea that that was me being super sensitive. It doesn't read at ALL like merely giving information to me, but, on this point, how about we just say "LOL at tone not carrying on the Internet" and be done with it?

As far as getting my game eventually... Yeah they probably will, but do you really not see an issue with forking over a sum of money to any vendor who then tells you, "You'll get it... Eventually". Seriously kinda feel like I've fallen into the twilight zone here.

As far as canceling my order... No, I won't at this point. My offense to the issue has largely been over blown, as my initial comment here was just "feels terribly wrong". It's not like I'm super-pissed at CSI or anything, or really accusing them of anything nefarious, and at this point it's my best shot of getting a copy so might as well let it ride. If it doesn't get filled and turns up for sale on another vendor, sure, I'll buy it there and cancel my order and grats CSI on getting the time value of my funds, hahah


Well I apologize if it came across that way, it truly wasn't my intention.

Let's move on and talk about great games though, what say you?


Just think of it as Kickstarting Caverna, complete with the abject uncertainty of when you'll ever get a game out of the deal :p

Hah, I was talking to a friend about just this comparison. Probably why I've stayed to mainly lower priced kickstarters.

Though I must admit I was very very tempted by Cthulu Wars...
I have to chuckle at the idea that that was me being super sensitive. It doesn't read at ALL like merely giving information to me, but, on this point, how about we just say "LOL at tone not carrying on the Internet" and be done with it?

Neverfade can come off a little gruff sometimes Faiz. He's good people though, even if he doesn't like some games that he should, so don't take it personally.


So jelly.

Edit: Do you know if they're eventually going to expand their business or are they content with having a year queue to keep up a bullshit 'exclusive' image?


Hail to the KING baby
Yes just think of neverfade as a grump and an initiation into the thread. Next thread should say Newcomer Friendly but you have to get past neverfade first.


"Warning: Bad Tiger"

Wouldn't be too hard to add to the OT2 I've been working on...

I'm glad someone has been. I think I volunteered to do it like 30 pages back and then decided "hey, why don't I move to a new house with a 1 year old while preparing for e3 and shipping my game"


Neverfade can come off a little gruff sometimes Faiz. He's good people though, even if he doesn't like some games that he should, so don't take it personally.

Yes just think of neverfade as a grump and an initiation into the thread. Next thread should say Newcomer Friendly but you have to get past neverfade first.

Hahah ok, fair enough. It happens. I've certainly had my share of arguments over dumb stuff on the Internet which eventually led to fast friendships and productive collaboration.

Mista Koo

Played Betrayal for the first time last night, great game. I wish the people I played with were more into roleplaying. They did enjoy my voice over for the creepy little girl exploring the basement alone until just before the haunt (aside from one guy who threatened to cut my throat).
We had a great moment at the end when we took turns attacking with the spear of pulsing power, dropping it, and having the next player pick it up.

Also won my first game of Castles of Burgundy. I'm starting to get the strategy in this game and began taking/building useless tiles just to block others.

Get Bit became a regular filler game, it plays different number of players and it mixes bluffing with a hint of take that elements. We had five players playing, but me and one other person were just aiming for each other.

I also saw the Wil Wheaton promo leader card for 7 Wonders. As if I did not hate promo cards before, super out of place cards are way worse.


Got a 4 player game of Super Dungeon Explore in tonight for the first time in who knows how long. Incorporated the Von Drakk Manor expansion. Game is much better with more players.


Played Betrayal for the first time last night, great game. I wish the people I played with were more into roleplaying. They did enjoy my voice over for the creepy little girl exploring the basement alone until just before the haunt (aside from one guy who threatened to cut my throat).
Aw. One of my favorite things about Betrayal is hamming it up.
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