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The New Yorker: Sean Murray/Hello Games and No Man's Sky


Good for him. Hopefully at E3 we get a huge blowout on this game, they have been real quiet for awhile now.


is responsible for the well-being of this island.
“I’m sorry there’s no game-play element on this planet yet”

With no gameplay element, what do you do on that planet?!


Nice to see coverage of some of the exciting things coming about in games from actual journalistic outlets. Refreshing to have a title that isn't some shit like "How No Man's Sky Will Be Unlike Any Other Game You've Seen" or "Will Sean Murray Change Gaming Forever?"
Good read. thanks OP.

Seems like Sony is betting big on Hello Games and NMS. If it delivers, rightfully so.

Seems like the game is still not close to being finished.

Early 2016 perhaps.

Might not be so bad. Sony have something else launching in early 2016 that's in need of a killer app.
All the jokes about "what do you do in this game" would ring far less true if the interview didn't contain the quote: "Sorry there is no gameplay element on this planet yet."

Gameplay. Who needs it?

Why ignore this part which is part of the same paragraph

In another, granular soil the color of baked salt was embedded with red coral; a planet hung in the sky, and a hovering robot traversed the horizon. “Those are drones,” Murray said. “They will attack you if they find you killing animals or illegally mining resources.”

It's a large scale game in an incomplete state, so it's not surprising that tehy'd run intoan area that reflects that.


I've a feeling this game will get a retail release and a big push by Sony to make up for its fall deficit that's if it makes 2015
I understand perfectly the purposes of a trailer, but trailers can be honest, dishonest, or somewhere in between. When CoD stage demos give you their "in the interests of time" fade to blacks, that's the developers being honest.

We all complain about 'bullshots' or 'downgrades' when it's EA or Ubisoft trying to pull the wool over our eyes, why not indies?

Picking out the high points of your game to show is understandable, but that isn't what happened here. This was the game being fundamentally changed and demonstrated in a way that any given player is extremely unlikely to see it.

There will be no choreographed majesty for you, no orchestrated convergence of flora and fauna, no purposefully balletic interplay of weather and scenery. You'll be relying on chance, which can produce it's own beauty, but often fleeting and infrequent.

I read the whole piece, that section seemed pertinent and an interesting opening for discussion.

It's a direct admittance that one of the most pressing concerns about this game is potentially valid.

Are you aware they've never hidden the fact that planets are chosen for trailers, that in the game proper Eden-like planets will be rare?

The people interested in this game already know these things. The people it's news to are those who want to be informed by trailers and nothing else.


All the jokes about "what do you do in this game" would ring far less true if the interview didn't contain the quote: "Sorry there is no gameplay element on this planet yet."

Gameplay. Who needs it?

You didn't even read anything other than that tiny quote did you? Not to mention:

"Sorry there is no gameplay element on this planet YET."


Adam Boyes said:
potentially one of the biggest games in the history of our industry

No pressure at all lol

Great read. Can't wait to explore this universe. A childhood dream becomes a little more real


Not surprising given how sparse the gameplay looked in the first looks we got a while back but I was hoping they'd be farther along by now. Guess we'll see this sometime in 2017.

Did I read that segment wrong, or wasn't this simply them playing with the same limited 6 planet demo that was used in those first looks too?


I am so psyched for this game. I was hoping it would come out this winter but some of Murray's remarks about release date have me worried. I think this game won't be one you marathon nonstop for a month then move on to the next game, but one that you will play for smaller amounts of time but over the course of many months/years.


You didn't even read anything other than that tiny quote did you?

It's pretty hard to read that quote alone since it's near the end of the article. It should be concerning because the world is procedurally generated and as such each world isn't crafted for specific gameplay reasons. That means that it's not the world that was absent but the gameplay systems and if those are absent it makes it seem like the gameplay remains sparse and the probable release date is father out then we had hoped.
Don't rush this games Hello games. This games has the potential to be the game that defined a generation.

From the article I got the impression that Sony are starting to put the pressure on the team?


Don't rush this games Hello games. This games has the potential to be the game that defined a generation.

From the article I got the impression that Sony are starting to put the pressure on the team?

Sean Murray seems like an "idea guy". Sounds to me like if left unchecked he'd just keep adding features to the game forever instead of releasing a final product. Sometimes people like that need someone to bring them back down to earth and ship a complete product, because feature creep can ruin a product.

Of course this is all speculation on my part.
he previous “builds” of No Man’s Sky that he had publicly shown—the ones that had generated so much excitement—contained choreographed elements. Features that might have been light-years apart were pressed closer together; animals were invisibly corralled so that they could be reliably encountered. Shifts in the weather that would normally follow the rhythm of atmospheric change were cued to insure that they happened during a demo. Imagine trying to convey life on Earth in minutes: shortcuts would have to be taken.

There's a bit of a demonstration purposes cop out at the end, but it confirms what I suspected all along. They've yet to show any footage of this game to the public that hasn't been doctored in some fashion. To which I must again ask, why? Do they think we couldn't handle it?
Sean Murray seems like an "idea guy". Sounds to me like if left unchecked he'd just keep adding features to the game forever instead of releasing a final product. Sometimes people like that need someone to bring them back down to earth and ship a complete product, because feature creep can ruin a product.

Of course this is all speculation on my part.

No you seem to be on the right track with him. So I take it Sony are publishing this game?
There's a bit of a demonstration purposes cop out at the end, but it confirms what I suspected all along. They've yet to show any footage of this game to the public that hasn't been doctored in some fashion. To which I must again ask, why? Do they think we couldn't handle it?

Do you think we could? Look at pretty much any game discussion and tell me with a straight face that people wouldn't start flipping their shit left and right over a trailer for this game where a guy just wanders the first random planet he finds, and there's nothing on it.

You'd be hit with page after page of "See? This game doesn't have any gameplay!"
There's a bit of a demonstration purposes cop out at the end, but it confirms what I suspected all along. They've yet to show any footage of this game to the public that hasn't been doctored in some fashion. To which I must again ask, why? Do they think we couldn't handle it?

Games of this scale are unpredictable. With only a few minutes to demo it, they're going to want to make the best of it. They'd run the risk of not seeing anything during a demo session if they didn't do some choreographing to make sure animals are where they want them to be.


Nice to see even small indies are getting into the AAA style of smoke and mirrors these days.


What's worrying is what this post says about your reading comprehension.

On topic: “If it is nighttime, and you are in space, and you see stars, those are real stars,” he added. “Those are suns, and they have planets around them—and you can go and visit them.”

Statements like that get me every time. Just tell me where to sign.


There's a bit of a demonstration purposes cop out at the end, but it confirms what I suspected all along. They've yet to show any footage of this game to the public that hasn't been doctored in some fashion. To which I must again ask, why? Do they think we couldn't handle it?

As a player playing the game, finding 10 barren planets before finding one with life on it is perfectly acceptable. To someone who likes to explore, I find that prospect enticing.

As a two minute trailer, that simply wouldn't work. He wanted to show the full range of travel as well as a sample of what to expect on living worlds. There is no other good way to do it.


The previous “builds” of No Man’s Sky that he had publicly shown—the ones that had generated so much excitement—contained choreographed elements. Features that might have been light-years apart were pressed closer together; animals were invisibly corralled so that they could be reliably encountered. Shifts in the weather that would normally follow the rhythm of atmospheric change were cued to insure that they happened during a demo. Imagine trying to convey life on Earth in minutes: shortcuts would have to be taken.

I can already see the "downgrade" thread.


There's a bit of a demonstration purposes cop out at the end, but it confirms what I suspected all along. They've yet to show any footage of this game to the public that hasn't been doctored in some fashion. To which I must again ask, why? Do they think we couldn't handle it?

No, I think most people would be turned off if they didn't see something resembling a vertical slice. What was really altered though? Animals that would normally wander anywhere were placed where they could easily be found given time constraints and atmospheric conditions that will occur naturally were shown off to give players an idea of what they can expect to see when the game is under their control. I don't see the problem here.


It's baffling to me that people still don't understand that exploration is the core gameplay mechanic in the game. It's what drives you as a player. If you have no desire to explore an unknown galaxy then yes of course you would find the idea of playing a game built around exploration boring.

That penchant for exploration is the essence of who we are as a species. In a sense it's our soul. That desire to learn, discover and explore is the very ineffable spark which defines us as human beings. If we have no curiosity, no desire to solve the mysteries and dimensions of our existence then what separates us from the countless other animals that accept their lot in the universe without thought or question? I don't understand how anyone could not be at least somewhat enticed at the thought of a literal galaxy waiting for you to discover.


It's baffling to me that people still don't understand that exploration is the core gameplay mechanic in the game. It's what drives you as a player. If you have no desire to explore an unknown galaxy then yes of course you would find the idea of playing a game built around exploration boring.

That penchant for exploration is the essence of who we are as a species. In a sense it's our soul. That desire to learn, discover and explore is the very ineffable spark which defines us as human beings. If we have no curiosity, no desire to solve the mysteries and dimensions of our existence then what separates us from the countless other animals that accept their lot in the universe without thought or question? I don't understand how anyone could not be at least somewhat enticed at the thought of a literal galaxy waiting for you to discover.

You summarized my feelings on the matter exactly. Even if you do not have an interest in this, please ignore this game, so that us people who do, can finally get a game like that, and not some diluted focus group game.


Excellent article, thanks OP. I was particularly fascinated by the author's brief explanations of math and algorithm that Murray and his team researched and came up with, and want to learn them more.

Murray seems like a pleasant and really well-meaning guy but unsure of himself at times. I hope that, regardless of whether he delivers the hype that has been around since the announcement of No Man's Sky, he will come out of this journey that he has been in unscathed and eager to build more games that he had wanted to as a kid.
It's baffling to me that people still don't understand that exploration is the core gameplay mechanic in the game. It's what drives you as a player. If you have no desire to explore an unknown galaxy then yes of course you would find the idea of playing a game built around exploration boring.

That penchant for exploration is the essence of who we are as a species. In a sense it's our soul. That desire to learn, discover and explore is the very ineffable spark which defines us as human beings. If we have no curiosity, no desire to solve the mysteries and dimensions of our existence then what separates us from the countless other animals that accept their lot in the universe without thought or question? I don't understand how anyone could not be at least somewhat enticed at the thought of a literal galaxy waiting for you to discover.

I'm pretty sure a lot of people saying "But what do you doooo?!" are just being belligerent. It's obvious the game's about exploration and discovery.


Still my most anticipated game of this next-generation. I really hope it all comes together. Article was nice, but nothing I hadn't read in other outlets before.


It's baffling to me that people still don't understand that exploration is the core gameplay mechanic in the game. It's what drives you as a player. If you have no desire to explore an unknown galaxy then yes of course you would find the idea of playing a game built around exploration boring.

That penchant for exploration is the essence of who we are as a species. In a sense it's our soul. That desire to learn, discover and explore is the very ineffable spark which defines us as human beings. If we have no curiosity, no desire to solve the mysteries and dimensions of our existence then what separates us from the countless other animals that accept their lot in the universe without thought or question? I don't understand how anyone could not be at least somewhat enticed at the thought of a literal galaxy waiting for you to discover.

Dismemberment and space sex or no dice.

Kidding, can't wait to bring my daydreams to (digital) life.
i just mean a lack of notable first party games slated for fall

Tearaway Unfolded
Ratchet & Clank
Until Dawn
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
Shadow of the Beast
Kill Strain
Drawn to Death
The Tomorrow Children

Can we knock this untrue shite on the head please?


Man, the knowledge that the first trailer was orchestrated makes the game more enticing to me.

It will be that much more special when you finally discover a planet "as dense" like the ones shown in the trailer.


Tearaway Unfolded
Ratchet & Clank
Until Dawn
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
Shadow of the Beast
Kill Strain
Drawn to Death
The Tomorrow Children

Can we knock this untrue shite on the head please?

Has a release window for Rime ever been announced? Dying to play that game.

Thank god, i wasnt sure if you were serious or not and was about to go all out war on you but its nice to see that we can now get a NMS thread where the only reason this question gets posted is out of humour and not willful ignorance :)

P.S. Please be ready soon, i need this game in my life. Morpheus support would be ideal too :)
There is no way someone named SaganisGOAT is not being facetious when asking "what do you do" in reference to a groundbreaking genuine space exploration game.

LOL As a Brit Sagan isnt someone i am very familiar with other than him being referenced online so it didnt click with me ;)
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