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The Offical "The Departed" Thread (Reviews/Anticipation/Reactions)!

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Solo said:
KFJ: Im not sure what you find off about the editing. What I mean is, it was done by Scorsese's lifelong editor, Thelma Schoonmaker, so it should feel like "a Martin Scorsese film" in that sense.

Not sure either. Something just put me off some, but as I said, I can't really put my finger on it. It could be that I was expecting a lot more out of the film, with they hype it's getting, and while I really enjoyed it, it just didn't blow me out of the water like I expected it to.

As the credits rolled, some jack-ass behind me quite loudly says "What a ****ing awful movie!" And I wanted to punch him. I don't feel that way at all, just not as blown away as I thought I would be. For example, I loved Flags Of Our Fathers, and came out of that film a lot more impressed.

Steelbook FTW.



I honestly flirted a bit with it Juice, but my tight-fisted-ness won out. Looks nice though. And we'll all be enjoying the same film regardless of what version we get. :)
Solo said:
I honestly flirted a bit with it Juice, but my tight-fisted-ness won out.
I haven't been buying too much crap lately, so I don't feel bad at all about spending $25 with tax on that sexy thing. I am so going to watch it tonight.
The Departed (Scorsese, 2006)

In the last 6 months I've done a lot of catching up with respect to watching movies I should have seen earlier. While many lived up to the hype created by more hardcore film buffs - such as Brazil and Die Hard - others didn't, and instead rubbed me as either just good (Heat) or simply ok (Reservoir Dogs, Blade Runner). Like many of the movies mentioned earlier, The Departed was introduced to my consciousness with an interesting trailer and lots of hype. I must say I was somewhat skeptical going into the movie, but after watching it I can truly say this is not only one of the best crime movies I've ever seen, it's also one of the best movies I've ever seen.

When I watch movies I look for two things: great acting and great writing. The Departed not only does both of these things very well, it knocks them out the park. Leonardo DiCaprio and Matt Damon give wonderful preformances as undercover "rats" - the former as an undercover cop and the other as an undercover mob informant. Both are seperated by more than just career desisions; on one hand DiCaprio's character Cortigan is the blacksheep in a family knee deep in crooks, while Damon's character Sullivan is the product of a stable, calculated good life. Yet despite their contradictary differences they are brought together by a central, powerful similarity: Frank Costello. Nicholson's portrayal of the mob boss is brilliantly chilling. A true force of power, Costello is the main man involved in a plan to bring down the Boston mob.

The preformances of all three are simply magnificant. DiCaprio especially shines and effortlessly portrays a fragile, scared man who simply wants to do the right thing, yet is afraid that doing it could lose him his life. Throughout the movie he effortless shows a wide range of emotions, from anger to manic fear to vulnerability. Although I haven't seen the other movies featuring best actor nominees for the oscar, it's hard to imagine anyone giving a preformance more real and stunning as DiCaprio's. Likewise Nicholson's preformance is also stunningly real and effortless; it's hard for me to understand why he wasn't nominated for best supporting actor. Alec Baldwin and Martin Sheen also give standout preformances which serve to further balance the movie.

The script is simply amazing in nearly every aspect and really compliments the great acting. Yet the force which brings it to life the most is Scorsese, who masterfully orchastrates this tour de force. It's amazing how he's able to use short scenes to flesh out each character without anything seeming rushed or looked over. The opening of the movie is simply brilliant, and truly sets the view up for the next two hours. It's as if he gives you a slight tease of what's to come before finally pulling up the curtain and revealing his magic trick. Yet once he does show his hand it's impossible to look away; the story simply draws you in and never lets go. Even the more emotional scenes that seem to drag other crime dramas down are handled with a superior level of intensity.

Everything comes together perfectly and leads right to the shocking climax and ending, as DiCaprio and Damon finally meet, the story in the balance. I was left impressed over and over again by the movie.

If I have any complaints it would have to do with the rather forced, gratuitous profanity towards the beginning of the movie and well as a few puzzling plot holes. Yet these are minor flaws when compared to just how much the movie gets right. I simply cannot express how much I was impressed by this movie - it's a balanced, perfectly acted blueprint of how to make a compelling crime movie.



i watched it at home last night and i was impressed a lot by the supporting cast

alec baldwin, martin sheen, marky mark, were all awesome in their respective roles, i especially liked martin sheen, idk but he had a certain kind of warmth or grandfatherliness (for lack of a better word) to his role

and ppl complaining about dicaprio or saying hes a bad actor are nuts and need to stfu, he was great in the movie, ppl who say otherwise must still have some kind of latent hate for him since titanic or something


The supporting cast is awesome, and I totally agree about Sheen. Only makes it more sad :(

Wahlberg is good too, but I actually liked Baldwin more. Wahlberg is a bit more over the top, where Baldwin's comedy is a bit more subtle.
Ford Prefect said:
omg how much

its a Best Buy exclusive version of the 2 disc set. its like $22 i think. I picked it up as well its really nice. And not a pain in the ass to get the discs out like a lot of other special editions.

and i hadn't gone through this thread when the movie first came out, but wtf at some of the hate? "typical hollywood" ending? Having every main character's brains get blown out is a typical hollywood ending now? And complaining becaues Damon's character didn't have the exact same remorse ending as in IA? That would have been horrible and wouldn't have fit his character at all. He was a friggin sociopath. Asian-o-philes ftl.

Ford Prefect

Ninja Scooter said:
its a Best Buy exclusive version of the 2 disc set. its like $22 i think. I picked it up as well its really nice. And not a pain in the ass to get the discs out like a lot of other special editions.
Looks like I need to visit Best Buy tomorrow.


well not really...yet
I picked up the DVD this week, and was definitely pretty impressed by the movie. I think I might like it even more than Infernal Affairs. Great cast, DiCaprio was great, Nicholson was crazy as **** and Baldwin was hilarious.


I'm a huge fan of Infernal Affairs, so I Netflixed the HD-DVD to compare. IMO, The Departed felt more bloated and it took away from the suspense. I blame that on the extra hour that was added and none of it added anything of importance to the story. The added love triangle is a good example of slowing the movie down with no payoff in the end. The Departed wasn't bad and I probably would've liked it more if I hadn't seen IA. But as it stands, IA succeeds more at making the viewer sit on the edge of their seat.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
Saw it last night, and it was pretty much great. DiCaprio once again proves why he's one of the best actors of his generation.

Compared to Infernal Affairs it's slower and it can't keep up with its pace. And for me, a lot of my favorite scenes were not as good in the remake, even though a few of the new scenes make it up somewhat.



Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
bigmit3737 said:
I haven't seen internal affairs....Is that a prequel?

Infernal Affairs is the original movie, from Hong Kong. The Departed is more of an extended remake. Bits and pieces have been altered, but as a whole it's the same story.


Ninja Scooter said:
and i hadn't gone through this thread when the movie first came out, but wtf at some of the hate? "typical hollywood" ending? Having every main character's brains get blown out is a typical hollywood ending now? And complaining becaues Damon's character didn't have the exact same remorse ending as in IA? That would have been horrible and wouldn't have fit his character at all. He was a friggin sociopath. Asian-o-philes ftl.



Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
Solo said:

Well, the differences in characters are there. In IA the "evil" mole is pretty much a decent guy in a ****ed up situation. He was desperate and got into all that but wants out and wants to live a "good life", but is stuck in the situation and slowly drowning.

The hollywood part of The Departed is, imho, that the "evil" mole (Damon) is pretty much a bastard who deserves what he gets. It's all black and white there.

In that regard also, the original is the better.


I was agreeing with respect to the criticism of "the ending being Hollywood" being ridiculous. If it were a Hollywood ending,
DiCaprio would have lived and rode off into the sunset with the shrink, Damon's character would have just gone to prison, etc. Any notion of a Hollywood ending went out the window when Leo's brains get splattered in the elevator.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
Solo said:
I was agreeing with respect to the criticism of "the ending being Hollywood" being ridiculous. If it were a Hollywood ending,
DiCaprio would have lived and rode off into the sunset with the shrink, Damon's character would have just gone to prison, etc. Any notion of a Hollywood ending went out the window when Leo's brains get splattered in the elevator.

No, I don't agree with you. Sure, to some extent it's not THAT Hollywood - the ending itself I mean, but making Damons character "pure evil" is.

By the way; was I the only one who felt that the ending, with all the differenct dudes showing up, felt a little bit like a bad try at making a twist?


Damon's character isn't "pure evil". He's a self-centered prick concerned with his own survival and reputation. AKA, hes human.

As for the shootout, I thought it played out less like a twist and more like a black comedy.

Finally, I still think DiCaprio was totally robbed of a nomination for this. It's Warner Bros' fault, since they wanted more people to go see Blood Diamond, so they backed him for that role instead of for The Departed.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
Solo said:
Damon's character isn't "pure evil". He's a self-centered prick concerned with his own survival and reputation. AKA, hes human.

As for the shootout, I thought it played out less like a twist and more like a black comedy.

Finally, I still think DiCaprio was totally robbed of a nomination for this. It's Warner Bros' fault, since they wanted more people to go see Blood Diamond, so they backed him for that role instead of for The Departed.

Alright, "pure evil" might be a stretch, but I know you see my point. Compare him to his counterpart in IA and the differences are pretty apparent. You never, ever, feel sorry for him, or even sympathize.

The ending definitely felt like a "bad twist", just to kick it up a notch from IA and even be surprising for people who've seen it.

And what the hell was up with the scene where DiCaprio is following Damon out of the cinema? Suddenly, he gets a message and his phone starts ringing loud, even though he through the entire movie has the sound turned of and only the vibrator on. I mean, I think he even got a SMS in the cinema while watching Damon and Nicholson without it giving off any sounds.

Blood Diamonds I haven't seen yet, but I'm gonna this weekend. I'm actually more stoked for it than I was for The Departed.


Wow, what a great movie. Leo and Damon were awesome plus it had my boy Wahlberg, Anthony Anderson and Chase from 24 :D


Ugh, I feel robbed! I bought the regular version today 2 bestbuy for $20 @ BB and now I see the special edition for $20 and the blu-ray for $23 on Amazon >_<


Post-Academy Awards bump! Congrats to The Departed for winning Best Editing, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Direction, and the big one, Best Picture!

Ford Prefect

Are they gonna double dip for MOTY/DOTY edition DVD now?

I still can't believe I missed out on the BB limited edition awesome set. My 2 discs just come in lame, particularly shoddy plastic :(


Ford Prefect said:
Are they gonna double dip for MOTY/DOTY edition DVD now?

Not that I know of, but it wouldnt surprise me if all future printings of the DVD have "Winner of 4 Academy Awards, including Best Director and Best Picture!" plastered on them. Which would be kind of cool, since it would make us early purchasers own semi-limited editions.


The Autumn Wind
Solo said:
Not that I know of, but it wouldnt surprise me if all future printings of the DVD have "Winner of 4 Academy Awards, including Best Director and Best Picture!" plastered on them. Which would be kind of cool, since it would make us early purchasers own semi-limited editions.
They'll probably just slap a sticker on there. It's much cheaper that way.
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