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The Official Final Fantasy 12 (NA) Thread


brandonh83 said:
I'm still trying to find out if my Gamestop is doing a midnight sale...

I found out today that mine's having one, but I don't plan on being there. I'd rather get a good night's sleep and play all day the next day, which is my day off.

Plus, no cosplaying freaks.
Ancestor said:
I found out today that mine's having one, but I don't plan on being there. I'd rather get a good night's sleep and play all day the next day, which is my day off.

Plus, no cosplaying freaks.

Well if yours is, I'm sure a lot of them are. I'll still call tomorrow and see.


Mine is. And yes, cosplayers. The lady behind the counter described the "cool midnight party" as:

There's going to be this costume contest if, uhh... you know, you're into that... sorta thing.

COOL indeed.
Ancestor said:
I found out today that mine's having one, but I don't plan on being there. I'd rather get a good night's sleep and play all day the next day, which is my day off.

Plus, no cosplaying freaks.
Like i said ealier in the thread, I'm gonna be there but I'm probably going to strangle someone.
brandonh83 said:
I'll go get the game and leave. That will be that.
Yeah, it's at Union Square for me so I'll just go to a movie that ends right around midnight so as to limit the amount of time I have to be near the cosplayers, I really can't stand that shit.


brandonh83 said:
No what would be bad would be if a cosplayer came up to you after you got your copy and said "hey sugar, can you kiss me good-bye?"

Deep down inside, I am hoping for an attractive Ashe to approach me. Chances are it'll be something along the lines of Snorlax in pink hot pants, but you can't win every time.


Alts said:
Deep down inside, I am hoping for an attractive Ashe to approach me. Chances are it'll be something along the lines of Snorlax in pink hot pants, but you can't win every time.

It'd be better than a Snorlax in a Fran costume.
Ancestor said:
I found out today that mine's having one, but I don't plan on being there. I'd rather get a good night's sleep and play all day the next day, which is my day off.

Plus, no cosplaying freaks.

Mine isnt. Im just gonna hit up Target(as everyone goes to Walmart nowadays) for the game after they open.
psycho_snake said:
FFXII has got 92% on Gamerankings so far. When do Gamespot and IGN release their reviews?

IGN's will likely be Monday night, or maybe even over the weekend. Gamestop is far more unpredictable.
Is the "costume contest" at EB/Gamestop only limited to FF characters? The girlfriend and I are doing Ryu / Chun-li for Halloween and if there is a chance to grab some free stuff I'll dress up like an idiot for a while.
Zack-Morris said:
Is the "costume contest" at EB/Gamestop only limited to FF characters? The girlfriend and I are doing Ryu / Chun-li for Halloween and if there is a chance to grab some free stuff I'll dress up like an idiot for a while.

As long as you don't show up at my Gamestop, yeah I'm sure that would be just fine.


Well I went to EBgames today and picked up the LE guide. The clerk was talking to me about how it was good idea I reserved a copy since they only got 5 in.

So I then asked if they had any of the CE tin cases for display like most of the other EB/GS stores have and he said "Yeah, this way" and went to back with me holding open the door as he shuffled to get to a large cardboard box and was like "Now, don't kill me for this but...."

...Son of a bitch handed me a newly arrived and sealed retail copy of the CE.

Of course he wouldn't sell it despite all my efforts, and pleas, but I was just happy to know they'll have next Tuesday and are also having a midnight launch.

So yeah that's my FFXII for the tale. I got the LE guide and held IT in my hand. :D


Gamestop still hasn't shipped my guide. :( It says "Usually ships within 24 hours" on the site, though, so they had better ship it soon! I don't know if I will use it, but I need it to go along with the rest of my FFXII guide collection. :(


brandonh83 said:
That's kickass. How's the guide? The art?

The LE guide comes packaged in a similiar "folio" like folder like Brady's other LE guides with the CG image of the Judges as the cover art. I also managed to get Ashe as the cover for my guide which is like 305 pages thick.

The artbook is actually a pretty neat addition. It features renders, promotional art and artwork for the cast and supporting characters as well as airships, weapons, races and environments along with other artwork that featured on collector's cards from the "Potion" drinks.
Simo said:
Of course he wouldn't sell it despite all my efforts, and pleas, but I was just happy to know they'll have next Tuesday and are also having a midnight launch.

Since our orders are already "in process" and they've already put charges on our bank accounts, I wonder if EB/GS will ship internet preorders out early so they arrive on the 31st?


distantmantra said:
Since our orders are already "in process" and they've already put charges on our bank accounts, I wonder if EB/GS will ship internet preorders out early so they arrive on the 31st?

Well that's what the clerk in EB seemed to think. I tried that angle to see if that'd help him sell the game there and then but he said that if they're processing orders now then they'll most likely begin shipping over the weekend so that orders arrive on street date.

Here are some snaps of the LE guide I took real quick:

Front of Folio Cover


Folio Open


Inside of Folio without the Strat. Guide & Art Collection


Exterior of Folio Packaging

Here's a few samples of the Art Collection:





LE guide is lookin' nice.

The manager actually told me Monday that he thought they already had the game in, he hadn't had a chance to go through his shipment yet I guess. I sure wish they'd at least let the Collector's Edition folks get theirs early or something. I know the way it works though.


Wal-Mart has the LE guide for only $18.60 but if you throw in the 97cents for shipping charges and compare it to EB/GS's price with the 20% discount then you're only really saving around 5 bucks. Plus you can get the guide now from EBgames and GameStop.

Also the guide is 351 pages thick not 304. :p

0 HP

does anyone know if the collector's edition is preorder only? will there be more tins past the initial shipment and did stores get enough to cove non-preorders? i didn't want the CE at first, but now that its getting so close..


0 HP said:
does anyone know if the collector's edition is preorder only? will there be more tins past the initial shipment and did stores get enough to cove non-preorders? i didn't want the CE at first, but now that its getting so close..

Mgr. told me they put a stop on pre-orders of the Collector's Edition, which to me suggests they're all spoken for already. I doubt they'd stop them and then still have leftover copies to sell.

There's always the chance somebody won't pick theirs up in time if this is the case though. I think after 48 hours or something, it's fair game. Not positive on the time window.


Looks really nice. I can't wait for mine to arrive.

How many pages are the art portion, and how many pages are strategy? Also what sort of strategy guide is it? Is it like DQVIII? or more like the previous FF guides that sort of holds your hand from location to location?
damn, that looks great! Well, looks like I'm going to be picking that up on Monday night as well.

Is it okay that I secretly don't mind FFXII is going to cost me an arm and a leg?


Got the LE guide today, too. Not a lot of handholding, but it's very ****ing thorough. There's way too much side shit in this game.


Doom_Bringer said:
omg Ashe in bikini? Please tell me you get to see that in game ^_^

It's in the scene right after the rock concert and right before they go Charlie's Angels style infiltration of the Judges massive sand crawling tank base.
bluemax said:
It's in the scene right after the rock concert and right before they go Charlie's Angels style infiltration of the Judges massive sand crawling tank base.

so THAT'S what people are talking to when the refer to "changes after Matsuno"....


Sallokin said:
Looks really nice. I can't wait for mine to arrive.

How many pages are the art portion, and how many pages are strategy?

Well they're 2 seperate books. The Art Collection is around 95 pages while strategy guide is 351 pages, so with the 2 combined in the folio packaging the LE becomes and looks like an impressive set. :)
teiresias said:
Was the LE guide preorder only? If not I may pick one up if they have any when I got pick up my pre-ordered CE of the game.

I doubt it, I see LE guides around here all the time... I guess it depends on how many copies were made. I still see the Xenosaga II LE guide, the MGS3: Subsistence LE, etc.

Junpei Heat

Junior Member
Alrightie Today's been an alright day,I went to Toys R US to pick up .Hack GU they didnt have it.After a couple stops I went to a store that sells games to pick a PSP for my brother.....and lo behold I see ****ing FINAL FANTASY XII!!!.I asked him about it and he says he got it early,so I asked if I could get it,he seemed unsure but he said yes.10/25=I got a official copy of FFXII.

Im roughly 5:40 in,I just got back in
Rabnastare(sp) and Balthier and Fran just left me
So far this is pretty awesome,this battle system takes some time getting use to...unless you've played Vagrant Story then your pretty set.Gambit's are a bit iffy for me,as early as im in the game its expected to not have the best Gambit's so early but I find myself mostly having to control some the characters at times because instead of healing their so engrossed in their attacking someone's bound to die and if healing is top priority they seem to heal more than attacking mainly because after 60% is left they're set heal but note I've really only come across this problem in the last place I was in...the difficultly has ramped up and enemies like assaulting just one character(Vaan) at times and HP 320 would drop to 100 in a matter of seconds.Prehaps Im underleveled but im always glad when I reach a save point.

Now for the story,so far it seems pretty normal/good
odd change of pace from fight knights to rather large rats in a sewer
.I've seen only one Judge so far and
he took his helmet
and I had a hard time beliveing
that laughable twin brother angle with Basch
.Voice Acting is pretty awesome all around except for Vaan when he screams,Balthier's voice and mannerism=AWESOMENESS,Fran's voice is gonna take so time getting use to....,good for the rest.The writing is really neat,it really sets the mood and honestly makes characters seem cooler(Balthier)plus Fete=Party :lol .

I hope Gamestop get my LE in soon I dont wanna miss anything.


listen to the mad man
FrenchMovieTheme said:
junpei you liar. you downloaded it illegally. mods ban him for posting impressions of a leaked game

Or instead we could just accept the fact that it's not uncommon for street date to break a week early and it's quite likely he did indeed pick it up at his local TRU?
Simo said:
Well that's what the clerk in EB seemed to think. I tried that angle to see if that'd help him sell the game there and then but he said that if they're processing orders now then they'll most likely begin shipping over the weekend so that orders arrive on street date.]

are their maps in the guide?
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