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The One That Got Away -- Video Game Bosses


What is the boss (or what are the bosses) in the games you have played that you could never tackle and for whatever reason never went back to?

For me: Kalameet from the Dark Souls expansion. His strategy just eluded me. So want that Obsidian Greatsword.


When I was about 10 years old, I could not beat Evrae in FFX for the life of me. Eventually got bored and moved on.

If I pick up FFX HD, it'll be satisfying to finally whoop his ass.


Bowser in Paper Mario: Sticker Star.

I actually rather liked the game up until that point, and didn't really have any issues with the other bosses either (since once you figure out their specific puzzle weakness, the fight is over in seconds).

Bowser though? He has two back-to-back encounters and specific weaknesses in each phase. The amount of time it takes to even get to see each of them feels like a waste of my time as a player. I could just go look up a guide that says what to bring, but I don't even really want to start the game up knowing what waits there.
oh, thought you are talking about those stupid games where the bad guy 'just barely escapes' at the end of a level multiple times ala modern warfare 3.
Mike Tyson: The Thread



Kalemeet was an amazing boss fight. His tail weapon is an amazing sword.

I love the fact the ring you get from defeating him is actually a detrimental item that doubles all damage dealt towards you.

It's like the game is telling you, hey this boss fight was way to easy, here's a item that will make things more challenging.

for me it's Death in Dogma.....there isnt anyway for me to beat this fucker.


I'll call him a boss for the sake of this: the regenerator near the end of Dead Space 2.

Once I saw him I only tried once to get as far as I could from him before saying "not doing this shit again" and shutting off the game for good.


I don't think I've ever folded on a boss before I found hard. If anything if I find a boss hard I usually like to fight it over and over again until it's on farm status lol. :)

Item Box

Cloud of darkness in ff3

i feel so defeated that i've owned that game for years and only to get stuck right at the end :(
Kalemeet was an amazing boss fight. His tail weapon is an amazing sword.

I love the fact the ring you get from defeating him is actually a detrimental item that doubles all damage dealt towards you.

It's like the game is telling you, hey this boss fight was way to easy, here's a item that will make things more challenging.

for me it's Death in Dogma.....there isnt anyway for me to beat this fucker.

Fuck Death.
I never defeated the final boss in Final Fantasy Tactics
Queen Remedi and Li-Grim
. Made it to the fight, saved it for later and never came back for some reason I can't remember.



Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
fucking Ozma
I always stop while doing either the friendly animals or grinding to 60+ and just restart the game.


Second phase of Guacamelee's last boss.

I actually thought that one was easier than the first, you just had to keep throwing meteors at him after you broke his shield the first time. The invincibility frames from throws kept him from doing any damage to me.


It WAS the Black Knight in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. But Ike had a rematch last year and walked away victorious, so he's done.

Now it's Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts. I should get back to my Final Mix HD game and whoop his butt. Or get whooped badly, as it's more likely to be. Stuck on the Hades Cup in that one. Getting Second Chance at level 80 hurts... but Leaf Bracer is really nice.


Last boss in Ninja Gaiden Black, on Xbox I guess. Think I got stuck at the final savepoint with no health potions and half health. Just wasn't worth it after a while.

I'm also ashamed to admit I never beat Ruby or Emerald Weapons in FFVII.


The sad part is it isn't even a main boss, it's technically a mini boss. The fucking 3 headed dog in front of the massive gate in God of War 3.


Last boss of RE:CV. Turns out you can get to the end of the game with the worst weapons and little to no ammo because there's no indication it's coming.

This piece of fuck. His ground race was impossible for me as a child--each attempt ended with me throwing my N64 controller and screaming at the screen. When I looked up online how to beat him, I learned that I'd have to race him again in aircraft (my worst vehicle), at which point I just decided that it wasn't worth my piss.
I've got a few of these.

Yiazmat from FFXII - the grandaddy of all superbosses. I did well enough, but when he starts to go nuts later on in the fight, that was when I had to withdraw my intentions. This fight was so epic that waaaay, way into the PS3 generation, I was still attempting to beat him now and then, back when PS3's were BC. There must've been dozens and dozens of attempts overall.

Sephiroth from the KH games - I'ma just going to respect the fact you can kick my ass, and back away slowly. I rationalise by telling myself that only Cloud can truly beat Sephiroth. It helps.

Kalameet from Dark Souls - proud to have done everything else in this game, but the dragon. I helped beat him in someone else's game! But not my own. :(
Yiazmat in FFXII. I just couldn't be bothered to spend that much time.

I did kill Kalameet, but I never went back to get his tail. I'd like to do that at some point. He was definitely one of the more difficult bosses. Finding spots to attack him was difficult.
I've got a few of these.

Yiazmat from FFXII - the grandaddy of all superbosses. I did well enough, but when he starts to go nuts later on in the fight, that was when I had to withdraw my intentions. This fight was so epic that waaaay, way into the PS3 generation, I was still attempting to beat him now and then, back when PS3's were BC. There must've been dozens and dozens of attempts overall.

Sephiroth from the KH games - I'ma just going to respect the fact you can kick my ass, and back away slowly. I rationalise by telling myself that only Cloud can truly beat Sephiroth. It helps.

Kalameet from Dark Souls - proud to have done everything else in this game, but the dragon. I helped beat him in someone else's game! But not my own. :(

I beat sephiroths ass in the KH games for fun.


Yeah, Yiazmat in FFXII. Once he starts one shoting your characters and he uses that wind special attack, fuuuuck. What makes it worse is that he takes considerable less damage at a certain percentage from your attacks. Only good think to come out of it is that you're able to leave and come back to his HP at the same, but 50 million HP is a fuck ton.


That werewolf looking boss in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. Game was so easy until then then WHAM.

This piece of fuck. His ground race was impossible for me as a child--each attempt ended with me throwing my N64 controller and screaming at the screen. When I looked up online how to beat him, I learned that I'd have to race him again in aircraft (my worst vehicle), at which point I just decided that it wasn't worth my piss.
Wait, is that the bastard from Diddy Kong Racing?


The Sorrow in MGS3. Impossible to beat.

What? whats so impossible about that boss?

For me it was the big troll thing on the back of the truck in resident evil 5 on the hardest difficulty. We just could'nt beat him. We had no problem with him on previous difficulties.
The final boss in Minish Cap. I never collected many heart pieces in that game for some reason and I could never be bothered to go back and get more.


Neo Member
Skyward Sword, The Emprisoned the 2nd time, he's such a tedious-boring boss and when i heard you have to beat it a 3rd time, i just stopped playing.


Shadow Queen in Paper Mario 2. Despite loving the game, I got tired of watching the same long cutscenes over and over, and backtracking to the surface to grind would've been a headache.
I never did beat the real final boss of Cave Story. I don't know why either, he was hard but he wasn't ridiculous or anything. I just had a mental block with him and couldn't do it.



Never finished Ocarina of Time because of the Shadow Boss temple.

Not that he was infuriating hard but having to go back there each time was a pain the ass and I had to buy potions so I had to search for rupees and I didn't have patience for that so I gave up.
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