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The Order 1886 Gameplay Demo (E3 2014)

When I played the E3 demo, aiming felt good. I think the recoil from shooting the weapon is the thing that's causing that weird feel when spectating the game. It's different from most games in that the recoil affects the aim horizontally as well as vertically.

I'm not so sure that sounds good to me. Jeff Gerstmann said the shooting was the weakest part of the game, and I generally agree with his assessment of things.


I really hope they hit a home run with The Order. They deserve it.

I have faith that they will Very interesting seeing them winning awards hardly gets reported or mentioned outside of this thread but the hate... is everywhere. I am not even a part of the production team and it kind of irks me those guys must have really think skin.

I for one and very excited to play the final product thank you for all of your hard work.

rdrr gnr

Here's the opening act for Uncharted 2 and it isn't all that different from what we're seeing in The Order. Move some distance, get the controls taken away from you for scripted scene to occur, move some more, another script shows up, do a couple more platform jumps, bam cutscene time. And this is from a very beloved game from last gen.

A beloved game with other redeeming qualities... but the key is in your post. It's from last gen. Standards change, expectations change. UC popularized that type of design but it also made it totally mundane and familiar.
I have faith that they will Very interesting seeing them winning awards hardly gets reported or mentioned outside of this thread but the hate... is everywhere. I am not even a part of the production team and it kind of irks me those guys must have really think skin.

I for one and very excited to play the final product thank you for all of your hard work.

Agreed. Really looking forward to this game.


This (series) will neverbe complete until I can play a medieval time flashback/prequel/dream/whatevee and have my mounted Knight of the Round Table (in shining armour!) skewer werwolf thingies on a lance. Please. There are way too few instances of mounted knights with lances in gaming.
Really glad to see these positive gameplay impressions. I posted earlier in the thread about my disappointment and hype deflation at the terrible conference trailer. People saying it's fun to play are helping to quickly return my hype to proper levels. I actually like interactivity in cutscenes as opposed to complete loss of control, so if I get lots of meaty gameplay properly interspersed with more gamey cutscenes than other cinematic games I'll be very happy.


Maybe you already know this but I share it anyway.
In a recent video interview, Pessino reassures that the gameplay is not all like the linear demos we've seen. These parts are used to tell the story but the game will focus on good and fun shooting. More gameplay will be shown from now on and don't worry, "you'll play a lot" (this might answer the doubts some people had).
First goal is to introduce players to this (amazing, I add) world of The Order: 1886. The cinematic experience is a plus, even if important.
Side note: all tech is proprietary.

Source (italian)
You can find a more detailed translation on dualshockers.

Well, can't wait to see more in the next months :Q__
Really glad to see these positive gameplay impressions. I posted earlier in the thread about my disappointment and hype deflation at the terrible conference trailer. People saying it's fun to play are helping to quickly return my hype to proper levels. I actually like interactivity in cutscenes as opposed to complete loss of control, so if I get lots of meaty gameplay properly interspersed with more gamey cutscenes than other cinematic games I'll be very happy.

Same. Very happy to see the game isn't as bad as some of the looks we've been given. Still one of my most anticipated PS4 titles.

Hopefully RAD shows off a good vertical slice of the game in the next few months to allay fears further

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
Maybe you already know this but I share it anyway.
In a recent video interview, Pessino reassures that the gameplay is not all like the linear demos we've seen. These parts are used to tell the story but the game will focus on good and fun shooting. More gameplay will be shown from now on and don't worry, "you'll play a lot" (this might answer the doubts some people had).
First goal is to introduce players to this (amazing, I add) world of The Order: 1886. The cinematic experience is a plus, even if important.
Side note: all tech is proprietary.

Source (italian)
You can find a more detailed translation on dualshockers.

Well, can't wait to see more in the next months :Q__

Still don't understand how a dev team could come to the decision that attempting to sell their "story" or their "cinematic vision" for their cutscenes is more important to give their fans via drip feed than just 5 minutes of solid gameplay.
Save your story for when people have the whole game in their hands - Sell people on your vision with enthralling gameplay that makes the competition look like they aren't trying hard enough. Show me dem physics models... some violence... some vistas... the free roam aspect... downtown london... crowded streets or a dark abbey full of fuckin werewolves even only for 1 minute - and you'd avoid all this negativity in an instant.

Still really excited personally. They never needed to sell me on this story. Their concept is hot enough already.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Still don't understand how a dev team could come to the decision that attempting to sell their "story" or their "cinematic vision" for their cutscenes is more important to give their fans via drip feed than just 5 minutes of solid gameplay.

Watching someone play a game, and playing it yourself are two separate things. They've focussed on stuff that comes across intact when experienced passively, not to mention that combat is tweakable (tuning is iterative) long after everything else is set in stone.

Besides its look and style are a bigger differentiating factor than the gameplay is likely to be, the TPS genre has been pretty comprehensively explored at this point!


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I went onto PSN to watch whatever trailer was there and there was still no gameplay in the trailer. Kinda weird way to present the game.
From the trailer




A beloved game with other redeeming qualities... but the key is in your post. It's from last gen. Standards change, expectations change. UC popularized that type of design but it also made it totally mundane and familiar.

Other redeeming qualities such as? Other than the nice pacing, likeable characters, adventurous story, all of which play into the cinematic aspect. Surely it's not the actual gameplay/gunplay because the shooting mechanics are the weakest part of the Uncharted series.

And again, complaints about "last-gen" design... Every next-gen game shown so far has last-gen game design. There's nothing new either in gameplay or the way stories are being told that hasn't been done before, so why is the Order getting more hate for not doing something "new?"
And again, complaints about "last-gen" design... Every next-gen game shown so far has last-gen game design. There's nothing new either in gameplay or the way stories are being told that hasn't been done before, so why is the Order getting more hate for not doing something "new?"

i don't know, maybe beacuseThe Order graphically destroys everything else (if you are the best in something, you'll have enemies), or because its a new IP and people pretend that a new ip had to be revolutionary no matter what.
During E3 conferences i didn't saw anything "new" of "fresh" . Assassin's Creed combat seemed the same as always, The Division is also pretty standard, far cry live demo wasn't innovative at all (and also unispired), The witcher gameplay is an evolution of Assassins of kings, bloodborne is a souls game in its core, combat of the batman seemed pretty classic, Driveclub is also pretty standard in its structure of closed races(yeah ok, social things).
And many of them showed very little of the gameplay at E3, but only The Order seems to be blamed for being a "classic shooter".
Modern TPS were born in the last generation, i don't think that the genre needs to be reinvented right now.
Honestly, i think that in the market there is room for a TPS with overtheshoulder camera that puts emphasis on storytelling and atmosphere.
I think that the Order can be classic, non innovative, but a good game. Nothing wrong about it.


Just sharing some positive news you can read the full article here. Sounds very interesting.


"During the demo we were shown alternative outcomes to those set pieces we saw during the press conference - the idea being to show us it's not really quick time events, but actually something a bit more dynamic and quite frankly, very appetising.

The sequence shown at the press conference that we later saw as an expanded and more fleshed out playthrough of behind closed doors, was our first introduction to the Lychen. These half-breeds can be said to be evolved humans, not just mythical monsters, but something very real - not beast, but highly intelligent foes. They've been around for hundreds of years and the war between man and half-breed has been raging ever since. This introduction is naturally cinematic and meant to give the player a closer look at the beast men you're fighting.

During our presentation Weerasuriya explained that the morphing from man to creature is something that happens in real-time and that later on in the game you'll see this play out without any cinematic cutscenes. The power of the new generation is at play."


Just sharing some positive news you can read the full article here. Sounds very interesting.


"During the demo we were shown alternative outcomes to those set pieces we saw during the press conference - the idea being to show us it's not really quick time events, but actually something a bit more dynamic and quite frankly, very appetising.

The sequence shown at the press conference that we later saw as an expanded and more fleshed out playthrough of behind closed doors, was our first introduction to the Lychen. These half-breeds can be said to be evolved humans, not just mythical monsters, but something very real - not beast, but highly intelligent foes. They've been around for hundreds of years and the war between man and half-breed has been raging ever since. This introduction is naturally cinematic and meant to give the player a closer look at the beast men you're fighting.

During our presentation Weerasuriya explained that the morphing from man to creature is something that happens in real-time and that later on in the game you'll see this play out without any cinematic cutscenes. The power of the new generation is at play."

That sounds great. Thanks.


Just sharing some positive news you can read the full article here. Sounds very interesting.


"During the demo we were shown alternative outcomes to those set pieces we saw during the press conference - the idea being to show us it's not really quick time events, but actually something a bit more dynamic and quite frankly, very appetising.

The sequence shown at the press conference that we later saw as an expanded and more fleshed out playthrough of behind closed doors, was our first introduction to the Lychen. These half-breeds can be said to be evolved humans, not just mythical monsters, but something very real - not beast, but highly intelligent foes. They've been around for hundreds of years and the war between man and half-breed has been raging ever since. This introduction is naturally cinematic and meant to give the player a closer look at the beast men you're fighting.

During our presentation Weerasuriya explained that the morphing from man to creature is something that happens in real-time and that later on in the game you'll see this play out without any cinematic cutscenes. The power of the new generation is at play."



I'd be in the dick
Just sharing some positive news you can read the full article here. Sounds very interesting.


During the demo we were shown alternative outcomes to those set pieces we saw during the press conference - the idea being to show us it's not really quick time events, but actually something a bit more dynamic and quite frankly, very appetising.

The sequence shown at the press conference that we later saw as an expanded and more fleshed out playthrough of behind closed doors, was our first introduction to the Lychen. These half-breeds can be said to be evolved humans, not just mythical monsters, but something very real - not beast, but highly intelligent foes. They've been around for hundreds of years and the war between man and half-breed has been raging ever since. This introduction is naturally cinematic and meant to give the player a closer look at the beast men you're fighting.

During our presentation Weerasuriya explained that the morphing from man to creature is something that happens in real-time and that later on in the game you'll see this play out without any cinematic cutscenes. The power of the new generation is at play."
Why aren't they shouting this from the rooftops? That would help hold back a lot of the criticism.


Just sharing some positive news you can read the full article here. Sounds very interesting.


"During the demo we were shown alternative outcomes to those set pieces we saw during the press conference - the idea being to show us it's not really quick time events, but actually something a bit more dynamic and quite frankly, very appetising.

The sequence shown at the press conference that we later saw as an expanded and more fleshed out playthrough of behind closed doors, was our first introduction to the Lychen. These half-breeds can be said to be evolved humans, not just mythical monsters, but something very real - not beast, but highly intelligent foes. They've been around for hundreds of years and the war between man and half-breed has been raging ever since. This introduction is naturally cinematic and meant to give the player a closer look at the beast men you're fighting.

During our presentation Weerasuriya explained that the morphing from man to creature is something that happens in real-time and that later on in the game you'll see this play out without any cinematic cutscenes. The power of the new generation is at play."

So there was a real demo and we all saw the gimped version. Why?


So there was a real demo and we all saw the gimped version. Why?

Could be because of time, for PlayStation conference, but I would go with that they may not have had a stable enough build to show it off on the stage.

Behind closed doors, more thing's can happen, and be omitted from a Journalists impression.


Could be because of time, for PlayStation conference, but I would go with that they may not have had a stable enough build to show it off on the stage.

Behind closed doors, more thing's can happen, and be omitted from a Journalists impression.

Probably more of a stability thing, yeah. Time wise I'm sure they could've made room for it given all the padded presentations we saw after.


I thought the demo here was more making a statement about how ineffectual shooting was with this type of enemy. It was barely gameplay, but I thought it was a deliberate choice to show an important facet of the game (also, graphics).
Hahaha.. Well the E3 reveal was about as exciting as one of the most boring youtube clips I found of a guy silently playing some part of game that a lot of people ended up liking. I can't imagine that's what you're going for, but that's the gist I'm getting from your post.

Here's the E3 gameplay reveal for Uncharted 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQlPa_a-_Q8

And The Order's gameplay reveal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZPDfD4_rIM

You don't think that's a more reasonable comparison? The Uncharted 2 reveal was also loaded with scripting.
The difference is that scripting was handled with a better sense of urgent using past pace action in U2, you don't script an already slow scene by cutting back control, when nothing is going on you need to let the player have more control and interaction without always taking camera control away (with items relevant to the story and ammo), when you're being shot by a helicopter you can sometiimes get away with linear segments because the player is more overwhelmed by the pacing.
Why aren't they shouting this from the rooftops? That would help hold back a lot of the criticism.

They said it was coming. They probably realise the internet is populated by idiots who'll keep shouting until they've seen everything there is to see, to which they'll reply 'meh'.

Look how dramatically attitudes to Destiny changed once people actually got to play the game.
This (series) will neverbe complete until I can play a medieval time flashback/prequel/dream/whatevee and have my mounted Knight of the Round Table (in shining armour!) skewer werwolf thingies on a lance. Please. There are way too few instances of mounted knights with lances in gaming.

I'm really hoping for something like that in this as well. It would be awesome to get a flashback level or two fighting off half-breeds in full knight armor with claymores and crossbows. My favorite thing about this game right now is the whole immortal knights concept.


Just sharing some positive news you can read the full article here. Sounds very interesting.


"During the demo we were shown alternative outcomes to those set pieces we saw during the press conference - the idea being to show us it's not really quick time events, but actually something a bit more dynamic and quite frankly, very appetising.

The sequence shown at the press conference that we later saw as an expanded and more fleshed out playthrough of behind closed doors, was our first introduction to the Lychen. These half-breeds can be said to be evolved humans, not just mythical monsters, but something very real - not beast, but highly intelligent foes. They've been around for hundreds of years and the war between man and half-breed has been raging ever since. This introduction is naturally cinematic and meant to give the player a closer look at the beast men you're fighting.

During our presentation Weerasuriya explained that the morphing from man to creature is something that happens in real-time and that later on in the game you'll see this play out without any cinematic cutscenes. The power of the new generation is at play."

We got hands on with the Termite gun - a weapon that sends out a cloud of flammable insects as its primary fire that you can then ignite with the secondary fire. Very satisfying, and naturally we played around with dispersing several salvos of termites, then igniting them all at once to produce a large cloud of fire

I think someone misheard thermite. A gun that shoots termites? Wtf...lol


Please tell us more... Been waiting to hear more about the game regarding pace & exploration..

RE4 pacing and encounters would put this game as GOTG behind Bloodborne. Sadly I don't think they're taking many cues from RE and are probably more influenced by Beyond and Doom than anything else. Uncharted could be an influence, but I haven't seen it yet. They need a merc type enemy that fights with tactics for that to happen.


i don't know, maybe beacuseThe Order graphically destroys everything else (if you are the best in something, you'll have enemies), or because its a new IP and people pretend that a new ip had to be revolutionary no matter what.
During E3 conferences i didn't saw anything "new" of "fresh" . Assassin's Creed combat seemed the same as always, The Division is also pretty standard, far cry live demo wasn't innovative at all (and also unispired), The witcher gameplay is an evolution of Assassins of kings, bloodborne is a souls game in its core, combat of the batman seemed pretty classic, Driveclub is also pretty standard in its structure of closed races(yeah ok, social things).
And many of them showed very little of the gameplay at E3, but only The Order seems to be blamed for being a "classic shooter".
Modern TPS were born in the last generation, i don't think that the genre needs to be reinvented right now.
Honestly, i think that in the market there is room for a TPS with overtheshoulder camera that puts emphasis on storytelling and atmosphere.
I think that the Order can be classic, non innovative, but a good game. Nothing wrong about it.

This has been my stance really, glad to see it well articulated.


i don't know, maybe beacuseThe Order graphically destroys everything else (if you are the best in something, you'll have enemies), or because its a new IP and people pretend that a new ip had to be revolutionary no matter what.
During E3 conferences i didn't saw anything "new" of "fresh" . Assassin's Creed combat seemed the same as always, The Division is also pretty standard, far cry live demo wasn't innovative at all (and also unispired), The witcher gameplay is an evolution of Assassins of kings, bloodborne is a souls game in its core, combat of the batman seemed pretty classic, Driveclub is also pretty standard in its structure of closed races(yeah ok, social things).
And many of them showed very little of the gameplay at E3, but only The Order seems to be blamed for being a "classic shooter".
Modern TPS were born in the last generation, i don't think that the genre needs to be reinvented right now.
Honestly, i think that in the market there is room for a TPS with overtheshoulder camera that puts emphasis on storytelling and atmosphere.
I think that the Order can be classic, non innovative, but a good game. Nothing wrong about it.

Most of the games you described as being an evolution of a previous title were at some point a unique, new thing when the respective IP started. Granted, I agree with you that most of what was shown at e3 was not that innovative, but I think people expect a new IP, like The Order, to provide something new that has not been done before (gameplay-wise). Focusing on storytelling and atmosphere can be done, but in the end it is a videogame, and what separates videogames from other forms of media is the interactive part.


Every time I've brought this up, everyone just says to wait for the next gameplay reveal....this has been happening since the first reveal.

Yeah... I don't remember seeing the wood fences etc. get destroyed by all the gunfire that the player unleashed in the demo. Soft body physics was one the main things that got me hyped for this because it sounds like something that hasn't been really done prominently before. I hope they are still in the game and that they had to cut them out for performance.
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