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The state of NeoGAF

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I've been here for over a decade and have never seen anyone suspended for having *an* opinion. Many have been banned for having really ugly or hateful opinions, of course, if that's what you're alluding to.

The victim complex of some people is on full display right now. I've been a member of this site for over a decade and one of the few times I was banned was when I got overly heated and used some choice words to describe Republicans.

Yes, this site is staunchly progressive/liberal, but debate was not stifled. The problem was a tyranny of the majority (i.e. dog pilling) because the respectful and thoughtful conservative posters on this board were heavily outnumbered. Intellectually honest and respectful conservatives exist, but they're usually older and don't typically post on discussion forums. What we had here were young conservatives that were usually anything but intellectually honest and respectful. That's why most of them ended up catching a ban.


It encouraged a culture where people tried to up the stakes constantly to have bigger and bigger OTs and encouraged this bullshit overhype culture where the forum felt like being sold to. It’s lame and valueless.

I'm mostly chill when it comes to overhype culture, love you MGS-GAF.

However, that one time in the community thread with Team A, B,C and MGSV releasing Christmas 2014 etc.





Just calling it as I see it.

Got a problem? Then stop fitting the bill.

Fitting the bill? Fitting what bill?

I'll continue to call it like I see it: you are and were the problem.

Not the only problem, but a major problem. You attack -anyone- who disagrees with you with things like that: your "fitting the bill" is code for calling me a racist / sexist/ nazi / or whatever, even though -nothing- I've said is any such thing. Even though I've spent the majority of my life fighting such things.

My only crime is I disagree with you. So I must be the worst. I must be scum. And you will paint me as such. That's low. You're low.

And all the posts here - doing the same thing. 'Oh, look at all the [insults] coming out of the woodwork' and claiming oppression...

Well, yeah. This forum was protected by a shield of people like you that shouted down any opposing viewpoint with harsh slurs. Who wants to be accused of being something they're not? So most people stayed quiet. They weren't alt-rights hiding, waiting for something [I'm sure a couple were]... but in general, people just did not feel safe speaking their mind.

You are part of a culture of fear. Fear of speaking. Fear of putting forth one's own opinion because they might get piled on as being a [whatever]. People can't even use common phrases, for fear they're taboo... 'free speech', in this case. Use the wrong phrase, get lumped in with Nazis. So people stay silent.

And now, yes, the shields are down. So people -are- speaking their mind. And because you're so used to painting anyone you didn't agree with as the worst of the worst, you suddenly think you're surrounded by the worst of the worst.

No. You're just exposed. You're just the emperor with no clothes. You think you are wearing the shining outfit of progressive thought, and you used it to paint everyone else as degenerates. But you were just naked, and low. "Then stop fitting the bill" my ass. You try to silence through accusation, thinking you're the higher ground when you can barely breath through the muck.

Don't get me wrong - I believe in many of the same things as you. I believe we always need to work towards a better world. I think many people are ignorant, and a surprising number of people entertain quite vile ideas. But where we differ is I don't assume anyone that disagrees with me must be one of those people, and I certainly don't accuse people of it on the drop of a dime. If someone asks me a question, I answer and try to educate [even if it's the tenth time I'm asked] instead of shaming them.

I know this won't stick, today. But maybe, someday... something in here will make it past your ideological shield and you'll realize I'm on your side. I'm trying to help you understand that we grow through discussion, not silence. I'm not saying we should have the scum of the earth here - we agree on that. But the issue is your brush is far too broad. Vile people exist. And they should certainly be dealt with - I'm perfectly fine with giving no quarter for abusive behavior. But that's not what was happening here [and your 'stop fitting the bill' comment is a perfect example of that].


I remember when Voaters used to posts those images. Now it's the same people who cried about them. Oh man, the universe is filled with irony.


Fitting the bill? Fitting what bill?

I'll continue to call it like I see it: you are and were the problem.

Not the only problem, but a major problem. You attack -anyone- who disagrees with you with things like that: your "fitting the bill" is code for calling me a racist / sexist/ nazi / or whatever, even though -nothing- I've said is any such thing. Even though I've spent the majority of my life fighting such things.

My only crime is I disagree with you. So I must be the worst. I must be scum. And you will paint me as such. That's low. You're low.

And all the posts here - doing the same thing. 'Oh, look at all the [insults] coming out of the woodwork' and claiming oppression...

Well, yeah. This forum was protected by a shield of people like you that shouted down any opposing viewpoint with harsh slurs. Who wants to be accused of being something they're not? So most people stayed quiet. They weren't alt-rights hiding, waiting for something [I'm sure a couple were]... but in general, people just did not feel safe speaking their mind.

You are part of a culture of fear. Fear of speaking. Fear of putting forth one's own opinion because they might get piled on as being a [whatever]. People can't even use common phrases, for fear they're taboo... 'free speech', in this case. Use the wrong phrase, get lumped in with Nazis. So people stay silent.

And now, yes, the shields are down. So people -are- speaking their mind. And because you're so used to painting anyone you didn't agree with as the worst of the worst, you suddenly think you're surrounded by the worst of the worst.

No. You're just exposed. You're just the emperor with no clothes. You think you are wearing the shining outfit of progressive thought, and you used it to paint everyone else as degenerates. But you were just naked, and low. "Then stop fitting the bill" my ass. You try to silence through accusation, thinking you're the higher ground when you can barely breath through the muck.

Don't get me wrong - I believe in many of the same things as you. I believe we always need to work towards a better world. I think many people are ignorant, and a surprising number of people entertain quite vile ideas. But where we differ is I don't assume anyone that disagrees with me must be one of those people, and I certainly don't accuse people of it on the drop of a dime. If someone asks me a question, I answer and try to educate [even if it's the tenth time I'm asked] instead of shaming them.
This is EXACTLY what GAF has been doing for some time now. It's ridiculous.


Neo Member
Hi I am just a lurker and i have been here for a while and I know I wont be missed since I dont contribute with post (I am really shy about posting) like many of you guys did and ty for that.made ready some threads made some days so much better. I wanted to delete my account and couldt so can you ban me ty.

Anime Avatar

Neo Member
I remember when Voaters used to posts those images. Now it's the same people who cried about them. Oh man, the universe is filled with irony.

The only people that posted them were voaters because your account would get nuked if you posted them here and no one else cares about GAF
Still not banned? Well then, quote for a new page.

This would be funny, if it wasn't so fucking pathetic.

You've shown your character before. The ass grabbing incident. The revenge porn incident. And now this. Sprinkle in all your sexist drivel here and there, the picture paints itself.

Tyler Malka is a sexual predator.

And anybody that chooses to remain here under this chauvinistic shitsmear is complicit.

"I just wanna talk about video games" isn't an excuse. This forum has lambasted and torn apart plenty of people for much less than this. This forum takes great pride in it's holier-than-thouness for being such a paragon of justice and righteousness. This forum is an echo chamber, and always has been.

That's why Malka was able to get away with this for so long, even though it was known long before this what kind of person he is.

Do the right thing and leave. Don't give this cretin a platform. Don't give him an income. Don't give him the opportunity to hide behind his users and his moderators again, as he's done before. Have some principle, have some decency, and hang him out to dry.

One more time before I leave, and am likely banned...

Tyler Malka is a sexual predator.

And this needs to be posted repeatedly until GAF is 100% dead, or Tyler Malka (he's a sexual predator, in case you forgot) steps down entirely.

Guess I need to post this again since there are some people who seem to have already forgotten after 2 page. Wow, how the mind slips!


Opening admitting to sexually assaulting someone(then banning anyone who called him out for it)

Posting revenge porn with their real full names then another admin(a now jailed pedophile) printed the photos and jacked off over them and sent it to the boyfriend.

You're right, how can we even know if he's guilty or not? HMMMM



Neo Member
I finally remembered that I got my account approved and all then this whole situation happens

I’m just glad the site is back up!


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
It encouraged a culture where people tried to up the stakes constantly to have bigger and bigger OTs and encouraged this bullshit overhype culture where the forum felt like being sold to. It’s lame and valueless.

This is just not true. First, you can always just skip over the OT's first post, and once the thread reached page 2, it was lost to eternity and you never had to see it again. Second, I truly hate the bigger and louder OTs that we used to have, but I think it came from a place of loving the game rather than trying to sell the game to anyone. The thread creators did not get a percentage of the profit. They just loved that game/franchise/etc.

Anyway, sad to see folks like Bruce and Orbital leaving. I'll be leaving as well once I get my affairs in order so I can continue talking in my fav GAF communities. Many people in this thread aren't really appreciating what made GAF so great.


The only people that posted them were voaters because your account would get nuked if you posted them here and no one else cares about GAF

I suppose self proclaimed moral high ground is only worth it if you don't actually face consequences. In other words, hypocrisy.
This is just not true. First, you can always just skip over the OT's first post, and once the thread reached page 2, it was lost to eternity and you never had to see it again. Second, I truly hate the bigger and louder OTs that we used to have, but I think it came from a place of loving the game rather than trying to sell the game to anyone. The thread creators did not get a percentage of the profit. They just loved that game/franchise/etc.

Anyway, sad to see folks like Bruce and Orbital leaving. I'll be leaving as well once I get my affairs in order so I can continue talking in my fav GAF communities. Many people in this thread aren't really appreciating what made GAF so great.
I think I recognize you from NBa Gaf , do you know where everyone went ?


Neo Member
Guess I need to post this again since there are some people who seem to have already forgotten after 2 page. Wow, how the mind slips!


Opening admitting to sexually assaulting someone(then banning anyone who called him out for it)

Posting revenge porn with their real full names then another admin(a now jailed pedophile) printed the photos and jacked off over them and sent it to the boyfriend.

You're right, how can we even know if he's guilty or not? HMMMM


Hey what do you know?

Just the proof that this asshole and this place need to burn.
Go somewhere else people, I never liked this community for a lot of reasons, but staying here is supporting this piece of shit.
Inspector Cluseau this shit. Smallest big city, we goot this. You sticking it out? Gonna miss NOLAGAF.

I've barely been here all year as is. I'll probably make an account at the new place.

Yeah, I'd love to know where this supposed cult is. There's some weird folks down here for sure, but I'd think a 9th dan black belt in Krav Magoo would have been able to carry himself and both girls out of that situation without even scuffing his $599 italian loafers


Lets focus on video games, not the fact EL has been proven to post revenge porn and screenshots of him bragging about sexaul assault are out there.

Priorities dude.

Oh and there arent any other mods. They quit in protest.
Someone has been banning users, and I don't think its simply Evilore. I'm sure SOMEONE is moderating the site.

Also the 2nd post in the thread is a modbot post about how the site is now being moderated as well as how Neogaf's focuses are being shifted a bit to focus more on hobbies and gaming in general, so I wanted some clarification as to whether or not the particular ban on certain video games stills stood or not.
Well this was unexpected, guess I need to go find a new forum since everyone is abandoning this one and I honestly don't post much on the gaming side. I was like 90% off topic and I kind of liked the back and forth there even if it devolved into toxicity every once in a while.

I'm sort of caught up and while I think getting in showers with people naked if you're not certain they want you there isn't really prudent behavior I'm also not going to act like I know everything that went down and start pointing fingers or whatever.

Could anyone tell me how I can get invited to the discord for people that are moving on somewhere else? Is there one for the music production off topic community or just general off topic?


Fitting the bill? Fitting what bill?

I'll continue to call it like I see it: you are and were the problem.

Not the only problem, but a major problem. You attack -anyone- who disagrees with you with things like that: your "fitting the bill" is code for calling me a racist / sexist/ nazi / or whatever, even though -nothing- I've said is any such thing. Even though I've spent the majority of my life fighting such things.

My only crime is I disagree with you. So I must be the worst. I must be scum. And you will paint me as such. That's low. You're low.

And all the posts here - doing the same thing. 'Oh, look at all the [insults] coming out of the woodwork' and claiming oppression...

Well, yeah. This forum was protected by a shield of people like you that shouted down any opposing viewpoint with harsh slurs. Who wants to be accused of being something they're not? So most people stayed quiet. They weren't alt-rights hiding, waiting for something [I'm sure a couple were]... but in general, people just did not feel safe speaking their mind.

You are part of a culture of fear. Fear of speaking. Fear of putting forth one's own opinion because they might get piled on as being a [whatever]. People can't even use common phrases, for fear they're taboo... 'free speech', in this case. Use the wrong phrase, get lumped in with Nazis. So people stay silent.

And now, yes, the shields are down. So people -are- speaking their mind. And because you're so used to painting anyone you didn't agree with as the worst of the worst, you suddenly think you're surrounded by the worst of the worst.

No. You're just exposed. You're just the emperor with no clothes. You think you are wearing the shining outfit of progressive thought, and you used it to paint everyone else as degenerates. But you were just naked, and low. "Then stop fitting the bill" my ass. You try to silence through accusation, thinking you're the higher ground when you can barely breath through the muck.

Don't get me wrong - I believe in many of the same things as you. I believe we always need to work towards a better world. I think many people are ignorant, and a surprising number of people entertain quite vile ideas. But where we differ is I don't assume anyone that disagrees with me must be one of those people, and I certainly don't accuse people of it on the drop of a dime. If someone asks me a question, I answer and try to educate [even if it's the tenth time I'm asked] instead of shaming them.

I know this won't stick, today. But maybe, someday... something in here will make it past your ideological shield and you'll realize I'm on your side. I'm trying to help you understand that we grow through discussion, not silence. I'm not saying we should have the scum of the earth here - we agree on that. But the issue is your brush is far too broad. Vile people exist. And they should certainly be dealt with - I'm perfectly fine with giving no quarter for abusive behavior. But that's not what was happening here.

Exactly, well said.


The way this is all being handled is inexcusably bad, it's just a master class in bad executive decisions. There isn't much community left here, but removing the Off Topic forum because the owner of the website allegedly did something disgusting several years ago -- and was identifies -- is punishing the community for disgusting decisions that the owner of the website made.

Evilore, the Off Topic forum did not make you make the wrong decision or do the wrong thing 2 years ago or 5 years ago. The Off Topic forum did not make Amir0x download child pornography. Yes, the Off Topic forum exposes risk for your business (these three issues are examples of that risk), but the reason your business is a business is largely because the site has both a gaming discussion area (which I think is the initial draw for most members) and then an off topic area (which most members also chat in). I think most people here became members to chat about videogames, but then naturally, you chat about other things you're interested in -- sports, movies, music, or the really specific topics like the Black Culture threads, developer/programming threads, or the communities like WrassleGaf or NFLGaf. Punishing those communities because you or your former staff are exposing your business to risk with poor choices is not the right way to handle this.

There have been a number of high profile sexual assaults in the news lately, and while most folks are talking about Harvey Weinstein, Liberty Mutual -- the investment firm -- has also recently fired two employees for sexual misconduct at the workplace. It wouldn't be right for Liberty Mutual to say, "We're not having the company Christmas Party, because Christmas parties is what got us into this mess in the first place," or "We're not going to participate in social out reach because social out reach has made us look like hypocrites with these sexual assaults." No, because it's not The Christmas Party or the Social outreach program that's causing the problem: It's bad, hurtful, or illegal decisions made by you or by some former staff members.

You've always had a reputation for making brash decisions, and most of these have not faired well for you. Poorly thought out statements about Amir0x that bent the truth, came too late, and just weren't handled correctly; decisions to ban certain topics from being discussed; decisions to ban certain members or former staff, and scores of others. This, though, is clearly the worst decision and it shows in inability to accept fault. This decisions seems to simply be another projection: "I've made bad decisions in my life and business, and so the business must be punished." That doesn't make any sense, it's selfish and delusional.

You have an opportunity to make the right decision. Obviously you feel like this site is your baby and "it's your's," but this business exists in spite of you, not because of you. It can be hard for a CEO or business owner to give up something that they think is theirs, many CEOs resist this and are befuddled when their board ousts them for a business that they themselves launched. The right thing for you to do would have been to announce that you're taking an indefinite leave of absence from NeoGaf. Revenue from the site would be put into an escrow account to cover expenses and hire staff who would manage it in your absence. A board of staff (moderators, admins) would be formed to hire staff who would manage the site and support the community. Those would be base level decisions which would ensure, at least, some integrity with the site which would keep at least some members around. The site would persist and could possibly bounce back, ultimately you wouldn't be punishing your customers or your business for your own bad decision. Instead, you made the wrong decision with how this was handled and then continually made the wrong decision with how you're going to move forward with this, instead of holding yourself accountable, you're punishing the community that has made your business successful.

It shows an utter lack of self-awareness which then also undermines any integrity that you're trying to preserve against allegations like the ones you're facing.


I'm mostly chill when it comes to overhype culture, love you MGS-GAF.

However, that one time in the community thread with Team A, B,C and MGSV releasing Christmas 2014 etc.




This really hit home hard. My old avatar is included in team "B", Geddy Lee caricature second from the top on the left. Remember the birthday card we sent to Kojima? Good times.


lol the maggoty underbelly of gaf has really started to show.

To be fair, I think Camper has a history of posting like that in general.

My favorite part is that he's only had his account for a year but is, for whatever reason, bringing up the MGS4 OT from 2008 with seething anger.


peltz said:
Let's say the accusations against Evilore are NOT true, here's where he went wrong

Evilore's mistake isn't that he was accused of the acts in question or even that he denies them. To be fair, we don't know what happened and there's a 50/50 chance he's telling the truth. Either way, it's an ugly thing to accuse someone of, and it's an even uglier thing to have happened if it did in fact happen.

However, this thread is not about that. This thread is assuming that Evilore is innocent as far as the sexual assault is concerned. And I'm not saying that's what I personally believe, (it's not), I'm just assuming that for the sake of argument within this post.

Rather, his mistake was he did not communicate with the NeoGAF community properly, left his mods out to dry without releasing a statement for days, and had too much of a strangle-hold on moderating the forum and determining its discourse over the years which led to a lot of resentment... especially since he profited so much from it.

Whenever you have 1 person in a position of power that relies upon the contributions of many for him to maintain that power, you have the potential for a revolt the moment that any appearance of impropriety emerges about that 1 person. NeoGAF was a sole proprietorship (as far as I know) but Evilore was clearly not the reason why this place was so great. Instead, it was the posters like you and me who created tons of great OTs, shared breaking news. created crazy gifs, and had each other's backs that made NeoGAF what it is. In other words, even though its content was generated democratically, its leader acted like a dictator. No one else could do anything that contradicted him. He acted above criticism and banned those who laid into him hard within these forums

However, as I insinuated before, this community is about us, not him.
Ultimately, we are the reason why it was so great. We generated the content in massive numbers and kept things moving and fun.

And because this forum is great because of us and not him, when Evilore was accused of the sexual assault in question, he had a duty to take the spotlight off himself, either by stepping down, apologizing (if he is in fact guilty of doing this thing), or by donating funds generated by NeoGAF traffic to a worthy cause related to sexual assault victims. When he did not do any of these things, he made us all look bad by association and tamished what we love about this place. He is not an adequate spokesperson for our values.

His response, instead, was basically: "That bitch was crazy. No more OT My bad regarding the mods Talk about games only. Carry on or I'll ban you if you accuse me of shit."

And, quite frankly, that is not an adequate response. Nor was it timely And if he bans me as a result of this civil explanation as to what I deem his mistakes were, well, then it only proves my point that he thinks the forum is about him and that he is above criticism. And make no mistake - he is not. No one is.

In fact, locking/closing all the threads on Friday/Saturday that consisted of people wanting answers was probably the biggest mistake in the history of NeoGAF. If he allowed the criticisms to flow and responded humbly, then this community would still be strong In other words, the cover up on this forum was far worse than the underlying sexual accusations. Today, everyone who posts here about games is choosing to bury their head in the sand and ignore the elephant in the room. The community could have come out stronger in the end if we DID NOT talk about games for a few days and instead made the focus about investigating these actions and airing our grievances about them. Rather than dictating how we move forward in a sticky, he should have asked us in a thread - how CAN we move forward?

In other words, he should have deferred to us as to the best way to handle it because again, who is this community about? (Yep, us).
Yet, he did not do that. He assumed the same role that he always has, and made a decision about our community without input from the community. He is still projecting the same proud dictator image today that he always has. He is not humble even in a moment when he should be (and likely is) feeling incredible shame. And when someone is that out of touch, I completely understand vvhy so many people do not want to contribute to his wealth. I also understand why so many people want to very publicly insult him and ask for bans in protest.

Furthermore, by silencing most of the discussion about the underlying accusations anci talking about games, Evilore, and most of the gamers here, miss the point and don't understand what made the forums great for so many people. NeoGAF no longer feels like a place of truly honest discourse. It's an inauthentic brand going forward and will never be the same until the gaming discussion falls by the wayside for a bit so that the seriousness of the allegations can acknowledged by the entire GAF community. So, Evilore should not have gotten rid of OT and only kept gaming (as he did yesterday). Instead he should have done the opposite - focus on the OT section and create a discussion thread on how we can move forward as a community. He should have participated in the discussion humbly and allowed people to criticize him instead of what he did via the sticky at the top of thread list.

Yes, he can deny accusations. But he should have not denied accusations and closed off discussions. That was a tremendous error. And saying "I was slow and weak. I failed to handle it quickly enough and let the team down " is not a worthy apology and will never satisfy the major contributors to this community. That "slowness" and "weakness" is why he does not deserve to be a spokesperson for this forum any longer, and also why I will not be posting here in the future.

But keep on solely talking about videogames guys. That's not awkward or anything.

And Evilore, if you ban me today, you're beyo. help dude. And you're fighting a battle you cannot vAn. Take a moment to realize what NeoGAF was for so many of us, and then re- read your official statement and ask yourself honestly: "Did I do enough? Is this acceptable?" Because I think you know deep down in your heart what the answer is.

And remember, all this assumes the allegations are false. I could say more of what I really think is happening and who Evilore really is, but I decided to keep it civil on what he clearly deems to be his own turf.

Deleting posts like this kinda shows that you know your own story is bullshit, and you need to hide as much as possible.
Fitting the bill? Fitting what bill?

I'll continue to call it like I see it: you are and were the problem.

Not the only problem, but a major problem. You attack -anyone- who disagrees with you with things like that: your "fitting the bill" is code for calling me a racist / sexist/ nazi / or whatever, even though -nothing- I've said is any such thing. Even though I've spent the majority of my life fighting such things.

My only crime is I disagree with you. So I must be the worst. I must be scum. And you will paint me as such. That's low. You're low.

And all the posts here - doing the same thing. 'Oh, look at all the [insults] coming out of the woodwork' and claiming oppression...

Well, yeah. This forum was protected by a shield of people like you that shouted down any opposing viewpoint with harsh slurs. Who wants to be accused of being something they're not? So most people stayed quiet. They weren't alt-rights hiding, waiting for something [I'm sure a couple were]... but in general, people just did not feel safe speaking their mind.

You are part of a culture of fear. Fear of speaking. Fear of putting forth one's own opinion because they might get piled on as being a [whatever]. People can't even use common phrases, for fear they're taboo... 'free speech', in this case. Use the wrong phrase, get lumped in with Nazis. So people stay silent.

And now, yes, the shields are down. So people -are- speaking their mind. And because you're so used to painting anyone you didn't agree with as the worst of the worst, you suddenly think you're surrounded by the worst of the worst.

No. You're just exposed. You're just the emperor with no clothes. You think you are wearing the shining outfit of progressive thought, and you used it to paint everyone else as degenerates. But you were just naked, and low. "Then stop fitting the bill" my ass. You try to silence through accusation, thinking you're the higher ground when you can barely breath through the muck.

Don't get me wrong - I believe in many of the same things as you. I believe we always need to work towards a better world. I think many people are ignorant, and a surprising number of people entertain quite vile ideas. But where we differ is I don't assume anyone that disagrees with me must be one of those people, and I certainly don't accuse people of it on the drop of a dime. If someone asks me a question, I answer and try to educate [even if it's the tenth time I'm asked] instead of shaming them.

I know this won't stick, today. But maybe, someday... something in here will make it past your ideological shield and you'll realize I'm on your side. I'm trying to help you understand that we grow through discussion, not silence. I'm not saying we should have the scum of the earth here - we agree on that. But the issue is your brush is far too broad. Vile people exist. And they should certainly be dealt with - I'm perfectly fine with giving no quarter for abusive behavior. But that's not what was happening here.

You keep parroting this idea that disagreeing with someone lead to ostracizing or bans.


You were banned for poorly wording your position and it came off as toxic. That's it. Y'all just couldn't articulate well enough where what you said didn't express toxicity directly indirectly or directly. You guys remove any and all context for why the bans took place and cover it with a blanket, "they ban you for disagreeing" when that's not even true. You do this to reinforce that you yourself are a victim of injustice so you can go on with a clean slate.
Hey Tyler,
I still remember when I first showed you the MGS4 OT almost 10 years ago and how excited we were to put it together. Staying up late into the night just trying to figure out if we could even fit the whole thing and then the insanity of the next morning when we posted it. It was a moment that I think defined how you always saw this place and why it was so beloved by its members. It makes me sad to think how different things are now. I truly hope that the site is able to go back to its roots, that something can be gained from everything that has transpired but I know it will do so without me being a part of it. I will always miss it and to all the members staying I wish you guys the best of luck. Thanks for giving me a creative outlet and a safe haven when we all needed it.







Bruceleeroy Out
Mods or Mod please give me a viking funeral
The permanent kind

You were awesome bruce, goodspeed soldier

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
You are part of a culture of fear. Fear of speaking. Fear of putting forth one's own opinion because they might get piled on as being a [whatever]. People can't even use common phrases, for fear they're taboo... 'free speech', in this case. Use the wrong phrase, get lumped in with Nazis. So people stay silent.

Nazis should be afraid to speak, because everyone should be eager to smash them down the moment they voice their ugly and dangerous thoughts that are not compatible with society. If your "opinions" are getting you equated with Nazis, then that probably says something about your opinions and what they really mean.

No one was ever banned for the action of disagreeing. It's what that disagreement meant.
You keep parroting this idea that disagreeing with someone lead to ostracizing or bans.


You were banned for poorly wording your position and it came off as toxic. That's it. Y'all just couldn't articulate well enough where what you said didn't express toxicity directly indirectly or directly. You guys remove any and all context for why the bans took place and cover it with a blanket, "they ban you for disagreeing" when that's not even true. You do this to reinforce that you yourself are a victim of injustice so you can go on with a clean slate.

You were if you were talking to evilore. It's happened loads of times.


In retrospect, Evilore bringing up aspects of his horndog past and then telling everybody to post about games only (or else) probably wasn't the brightest idea ever. Guilty or not, it makes this place feel awkward as fuck.


Who'd have thought there would be so many social issues derived from a highly regarded video game forum.

I visit here to discuss video games in a civil environment with other educated people on the subject and nothing else. I've learnt so much about the common passion (and that would be video games haha) that we all share from this community and it would be a shame for it all to end.

Particularly during the launch week of Super Mario Odyssey! I want to geek out like a child with other like minded adults, not with kids themselves on the IGN or Gamefaqs forums.
I'm just glad all that toxic environment is gone. Fell free to judge everybody all the time in another place.

Even those who judge need some form of understanding, but yeah... seeing people go against one person like a pack wasn't good imo and they would turn on each other if it fit their agenda
You were if you were talking to evilore. It's happened loads of times.

That's a different story but these arguments of "I can speak freely now" aren't directed there. It's subtle jabs at people being put on blast for saying racist, misogynistic, bigoted, or prejudiced shit. To them this isn't about Evilore but to get back at them damn SJWs ruining mah video games.

Even those who judge need some form of understanding, but yeah... seeing people go against one person like a pack wasn't good imo and they would turn on each other if it fit their agenda

Whose agenda? What agenda? The agenda of holding people accountable for their terrible actions and views?

I'm sorry, that's what decent people do.
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