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The United States Senate today defeated proposals to expand background checks (+)

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...and passed a resolution to repeal the Affordable Care Act (which we know is a useless measure and will just be vetoed anyway).


In one of a series of near-party-line procedural votes, the Senate by 54-45 blocked a proposal by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) that would have stopped people on the government’s anti-terrorist “no fly” list from buying guns. Republican opponents said that the no-fly list includes too many errors to be used for preventing gun sales. By 50-48 the chamber also blocked a measure by Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) to tighten the background-check system.

All Republicans voted to block the Feinstein measure except for Sen. Mark Kirk of Illinois, who faces a difficult reelection campaign next year in a heavily Democratic state. On the background-check measure, Kirk, Toomey and Republican Sens. John McCain of Arizona and Susan Collins of Maine voted with the Democrats.

On both measures, all Democrats were in favor except for Sen. Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, who voted no, and Sen. Mark Warner of Virgina, who did not vote. A spokesman for Warner said he was unable to vote because of a prior commitment but would have supported both measures.

ACA Repeal:

AJ+ ‏@ajplus 11m11 minutes ago
Breaking: US Senate approves bill to repeal Obamacare.


American democracy, everybody!

Sorry, I'm just frustrated.


Sidhe / PikPok
The 61st try has got to be the charm

The dozens and dozens of previous bills have all been the Congress. This is the first time the Senate has passed a repeal bill isn't it?

Which would mean it is the first time they force an Obama veto on the matter.

Or has Obama already vetoed a Senate backed repeal?


I thought the headline was about immigrant background checks.

Not using the no-fly list is understandable. From the horror stories, it sounds like it constantly gets people mixed up because they have the same name and I guess we have no other way to determine who is who.
Not tightening the current system is shit though. The current systems have let many of the weapons used in shootings slip through the cracks.
"When we control the house, we can and will defeat Obama and Obama care!"

Two years later

"Ok we didn't win the Presidential election, but the battle is still waging against Obama!"

Two years later

"When we control the Senate we will be able to repeal Obamacare and show the President who is boss"

One year later

Ok, uhhh, well we can't actually repeal anything cause we don't have veto majority, so vote for Jeb!, he will be our savior! No wait, where are you people going, why are you running to Trump, come back!



It's cold as fuck in my room and I'm wearing a hoodie right now. The above was my literal reaction when reading the OP. They don't have the numbers to override, but they'll keep forcing the issue to look good to their base. But heaven help us if they take the executive in 2016.

Speaking as someone who's personally been affected by Republican measures to obstruct and repeal (read: DEFEAT) Obamacare to the tune of at least $5000, this is absolutely disgusting from a moral standpoint, and the party has basically told me that they are my enemy and that my life does not matter. Fuck them.
Well, if those proposals had a gun, they might have been able to defend themselves.

Sweet Jebus, who is happy at this news?


Nose how to spell and rede to
Not only was there another mass shooting (4 people) in Savannah GA yesterday, one person was shot to death in my town as well. Small potatoes I guess.


The Feinstein/King bill was and continues to be an overreach backed by egregiously facile logic.

The rest is just business as usual, though.
Can I get like one proposal that maybe the GOP would like better. Have an issue with the democratic plan to expand background checks? OK, draft one more palatable.


I'll hold my breath.


And when someone on a no-fly list commits a mass shooting, the Republicans will accuse the Democrats of "politicizing a tragedy" when they point out how this could have been avoided.


Fucking garbage. What is it going to take? Slaughter of small children does nothing. Does someone need to somehow light up a bunch of congressmen? Oh that happened too and nothing changed.

I can understand blocking the no-fly list measure as I agree it's probably rife with error, but not tightening regulation of background checks is RIDICULOUS.

There needs to be political protest on the level of the civil rights movement or women's suffrage movement to make an honest try in changing gun laws in this country. The article in the OP is disgusting. One of the republicans who voted for gun control HAD to do it because his district was becoming more democrat? What an asshole.
Interesting logic here...

You can't fly because you publicly say hateful things about Americans and make radicalized comments. But you are free to buy assault rifles if you like.


"the problem in america isn't gun control... its mental health care!"

"and that's why we want to repeal obamacare and won't expand medicaid"

Brilliant plan there, lads. If Republicans would actually do something positive for mental health care instead of gutting the mental health care system, demonizing the mentally ill, using prisons as a profit mechanism as opposed to a method of rehabilitation, and perpetuating a paradigm of insurance that is not conducive to the delivery of quality therapy, I might take their cries that the true problem is mental health care seriously.

But judging what they say versus their actions makes it clear that they are using those in need of psychological care as a scapegoat and nothing more.
"the problem in america isn't gun control... its mental health care!"

"and that's why we want to repeal obamacare and won't expand medicaid"

Brilliant plan there, lads. If Republicans would actually do something positive for mental health care instead of gutting the mental health care system, demonizing the mentally ill, using prisons as a profit mechanism as opposed to a method of rehabilitation, and perpetuating a paradigm of insurance that is not conducive to the delivery of quality therapy, I might take their cries that the true problem is mental health care seriously.

But judging what they say versus their actions makes it clear that they are using those in need of psychological care as a scapegoat and nothing more.

Also add "just enforce the laws we already have! (while not funding the enforcement of said laws or even maybe talking about which laws would have been useful)"

Rebel Leader

This was a first for the Senate. I can't believe it has taken them this long to even try, given the GOP control for the entire year.

The dozens and dozens of previous bills have all been the Congress. This is the first time the Senate has passed a repeal bill isn't it?

Which would mean it is the first time they force an Obama veto on the matter.

Or has Obama already vetoed a Senate backed repeal?

Does it matter? Its still the GOP


well maybe if liberals actually voted in off years we wouldn't have this issue.

Even then we are at a place where legislation in a realistic Democratic congress and presidency wouldn't be very impactful. Marginal at best. Likely subject to constant chipping away in the coming years.

What needs to happen before is congressional and election reforms. Campaign finance, gerrymandering, lobbying restrictions, and all of that will likely also take a new supreme court.

The boat has to be built before the river can be crossed. This is a lesson liberals need to be applying to not only gun control but a number of reforms.


well maybe if liberals actually voted in off years we wouldn't have this issue.

Liberal votes would not do anything to unseat Republican congresspeople in safely conservative districts though. There were two million more votes cast for Democratic candidates running for the House in 2012, yet Republicans held the majority nonetheless.


Liberal votes would not do anything to unseat Republican congresspeople in safely conservative districts though. There were two million more votes cast for Democratic candidates running for the House in 2012, yet Republicans held the majority nonetheless.

It would keep the Senate Democratic though and stop shit like this from reaching Obama's desk.



People calling for a total ban definitely as bad as pro-gun supporters. Yup.

Fuck off. Can't believe this couldn't even get passed. Jesus christ, we're so far from solving this thing it boggles the mind.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Republican opponents said that the no-fly list includes too many errors to be used for preventing gun sales.
I can only assume this concern about the no-fly list began and ended today.
Liberal votes would not do anything to unseat Republican congresspeople in safely conservative districts though. There were two million more votes cast for Democratic candidates running for the House in 2012, yet Republicans held the majority nonetheless.

the Senate could have easily been in control by democrats if people actually voted and didn't go "mehhhhhhhhhh"


I'm convinced that only someone walking into the Capitol and shooting up the place is the only way something will get done. Not churches, maternity wards, and not daycares. Those places are expendable, right Republicans?


America will afford the right of the mass murderer to go out in a blaze of glory! Hurrah! Our rights have been preserved!


I would much rather someone be erroneously denied a gun purchase than be erroneously denied the ability to board an airplane. These days flying is a necessity in life for a hell of a lot of people, myself included. Yeah, our Founding Fathers (PBUT) didn't see fit to put that in the Bill O' Rights, but I'd like to think any reasonable person could look at society nowadays and see that yeah, flying is a more important right than gun ownership.

So if the No Fly list has too many false positives to apply it to gun ownership, it certainly shouldn't apply to flying.
Reading through that article was eye opening.

The NRA has the country completely by the balls. Their lobbying power is crazy.

I would consider them a greater threat to this country than ISIS.

edit: and how the fuck can Republicans claim to be tough on terrorism when they vote to keep letting no-fly list people buy guns. Wtf
They never will, not with NRA filling their pockets.

Speaking of....


Urge Your Senator to Oppose Any and All New Gun Control Measures!
A group of anti-gun U.S. Senators are scheming to bring several gun control measures to the Senate floor TODAY, including the Manchin-Toomey “universal” background check bill that was defeated in 2013. Debate could also include an amendment to expand the prohibited person list for anyone who is on the “terrorist” watch list, even if by error and without due process. Other amendments are possible, so your action is critically needed to defeat these anti-gun measures.

All NRA members need to call their Senators NOW at 202-224-3121 and urge them to vote NO on any and all gun control proposals up for debate in today’s session, including the Manchin-Toomey bill or the expansion of the prohibited persons list.

Nothing gets in the way of gun industry profits.
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