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The Witcher: Battle Arena announced (MOBA, CD Projekt/Fuero, iOS/AND/WP)


Nintendo amiibo MOBA.
Think about it.

No, really think about it.

That would be amazing and system seller MOBA on console.

Would be great if they made Pokemon theme MOBA.

EDIT: This is interesting to see MOBA on mobile platform. This could means you can play this game on Android TV with Android L.


I liked the sound of the Board Game... But this, I just can't get behind it. A board game actually seems like a fully fledged little game that you just buy once, all good. No extra rubbish.

But this... Free to play? It's no doubt going to have premium features and CDPR were honestly the last Developers I expected to do this.

Well I hope... HOPE, that it doesn't have a negative effect on the company in any way... But we've seen the fall of developers before and I gotta say, this doesn't inspire confidence.





Some of us would rather see proven studios work on something more interesting than the latest flavor of the month. Especially when that genre is already flush with competition and generally requires a significant time investment to yield appreciable returns.

Don't get me wrong I think a MOBA on mobile platforms is interesting but everyone and their mother is pumping out a MOBA so it's not exactly a genre where people are going to be looking for new entries into the space. Unlike MMOs where the content was basically story and dungeons the content of a MOBA is typically the gameplay itself which doesn't lend itself to player turnover quite like the aforementioned genre. You don't burn through the "content" of a MOBA so the desire for new entries in the genre isn't nearly as strong as it is with genres where the content is based more on story, dungeon, or challenge modes. It's the same reason why few FPS games "hit" with their multiplayer nowadays because the gameplay differences are minimal so people stick with the established franchises.


Looks pretty cool and I love The Witcher characters. It's pretty awesome how they brought in Letho and Saskia.

I hope this is a sign of Letho's involvement in The Witcher 3. There's the back of an arm that looks pretty identical to Letho's. lol. It's in the sword of destiny trailer.


As a huge fan of the Witcher series, I am quite disappointed that they are focusing their efforts and talent in this direction.


Some of us would rather see proven studios work on something more interesting than the latest flavor of the month. Especially when that genre is already flush with competition and generally requires a significant time investment to yield appreciable returns.

Don't get me wrong I think a MOBA on mobile platforms is interesting but everyone and their mother is pumping out a MOBA so it's not exactly a genre where people are going to be looking for new entries into the space. Unlike MMOs where the content was basically story and dungeons the content of a MOBA is typically the gameplay itself which doesn't lend itself to player turnover quite like the aforementioned genre. You don't burn through the "content" of a MOBA so the desire for new entries in the genre isn't nearly as strong as it is with genres where the content is based more on story, dungeon, or challenge modes. It's the same reason why few FPS games "hit" with their multiplayer nowadays because the gameplay differences are minimal so people stick with the established franchises.

Fair enough, but is it really so worthy of the melodramatic "WHY WHY WHY"?

Are their motivations entirely based on "flavour of the month"? What it the scope of the game / do they plan to evolve it over a long period of time? How much resources are they pumping into this? Does this have anything to do with GoG Galaxy or something else?

None of these questions have any official answers. If this is a proven studio, perhaps you simply should let them demonstrate their game first. It is clearly something different to what they normally do, so I don't see any reasoning for being in utter dismay when there simply isn't enough info at this time

I doubt that is something we won't be able to enjoy on Pc, maybe later.

Sure, but if what they say is accurate, it sounds like there would need to be a fair amount of balancing to bring it to a level PC players would be happy with. I'd hate to see a Deus Ex: The Fall scenario


This just reminds me of the effort to "cash-in" on the success of WOW a few years back when everyone tried to make an MMO. Dumb. You're not going to transition those player bases from those other MOBA's nor will you be able to match their offering.
Game industry gonna do what the game industry is gonna do, run after the biggest cash cow at that moment in time. Open world games, MMO's, First Person Shooters and now MOBA's.

I don't know, this could be okay, they're starting from a good foundation but after the Dead Island MOBA got announced I'm just like 'of course they are' now after I hear something is getting MOBA'ized. Companies want to do F2P and the MOBA genre seems to be the template to adopt at the moment I guess.


I am quite disappointed that they are focusing their efforts and talent in this direction.
Gamasutra said:
Newsbrief: Warsaw, Poland-based studio CD Projekt RED, responsible for The Witcher franchise and the upcoming Cyberpunk 2077, is expanding to a second studio in Krakow, Gamasutra is able to confirm.

Here is managing director Adam Badowski's statement to Gamasutra verifying the news:

This July we are opening an office in Krakow. As we informed in our strategy outlook some time ago, aside from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and Cyberpunk 2077, the studio aims to develop two smaller (approximately 20h of gameplay) premium quality titles. Consisting of 20 people, the core team in Krakow will be responsible for developing one of these games.

It's a different team.


This is the same thing as MMOs a couple years ago. Instead of everyone chasing that World of Warcraft money people want some of that League of Legends and DOTA 2 money.


I don't play this type of games, but i just don't see why people are making fuss about this..CD Projekt RED are not even wasting their talent because, they are focusing on W3 and Cyberpunk : "Designed by CD PROJEKT RED and developed by Fuero Games" - they are developing those two games, not this one.. only designing the characters, world and giving advices, that's all..
I personally don't have a problem with it.. i love Witcher games and the universum from the start (books are fantastic), and if this means more people are going to be familiar with the Witcher world, the better - maybe this way they give the normal versions of CD Projekt RED games a try (Witcher 1/2/3, Cyberpunk)


It's a different team.

...that could be working on a different game? They are using resources to make a MOBA that they could be using to make a game that is closer in style and platform to their recent games. That is disappointing...
So are MOBAs just the next MMO, where there are a few super-successful examples, and everyone else chases that in hopes they can get in on that sweet, sweet money (even though they probably can't)?

The main difference being, I suppose, that a MOBA wouldn't be nearly as expensive to develop as an MMO, so there will probably be even more studios trying it out.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I think I would have much preferred a kart racer if they were going to do something goofy with the characters.

Then again, I can't get into MOBAs (or mobile games) for the life of me. Hope someone is excited for this...


Uhh, I like The Witcher and Dota is fun (sometimes)... but ewww. I think the MOBA genre has a lot of room to grow, but so far there's really nothing that's interesting enough to draw people away from Dota/LoL.
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