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The Witness - Reviews Thread

Eh, I don't really agree with that obtuse games are good games either. So if he couldn't finish it, or muster up the desire to do so, fair play to mark it down.
Why can't obtuseness be a good quality? Should every game provide hints and handholding if one gets stuck?

Chairman Yang

if he talks about books, you better damn well listen
I thought Braid was incredible, and from listening to Blow on podcasts, I'm convinced he's absolutely brilliant. So I had high expectations from The Witness.

I'm glad that the reviews seem to be supporting my expectations! I don't particularly care if there are some reviews that have low scores and don't get the game; I don't even fault those reviewers, because this is the archetypal "not for everyone" game. I think it's useful to have that spectrum of opinions. Like, even the guy who basically said the game isn't very good because it's just puzzle after puzzle--that's going to be how some people feel, that's fine, and it's good that people who probably won't like the game might hold off on buying it because of reviews like that.

All that said, the types of things the positive reviews have been saying have convinced me that I'm going to absolutely love this, and that the crazy amazing picture of the Witness I had built up in my mind might actually be realized.


This is a puzzle game. You are on an island with ~700 puzzles to solve. The game mechanics are puzzles, and solving puzzles is the goal of the game. The island itself is one giant puzzle.

His critique amounted to not liking the genre. Which is fine, but it wasn't framed as such, thus the criticism of his review.

Not necessarily. Metro says:

The intricately designed puzzles-within-puzzles of The Witness are all very clever, but very little consideration seems to have been given as to whether they’re actually any fun or not.

Read more: http://metro.co.uk/2016/01/25/the-witness-review-a-maze-of-puzzles-5643676/#ixzz3yGpPXWSo


This is a puzzle game. You are on an island with ~700 puzzles to solve. The game mechanics are puzzles, and solving puzzles is the goal of the game. The island itself is one giant puzzle.

His critique amounted to not liking the genre. Which is fine, but it wasn't framed as such, thus the criticism of his review.
It is like to buy a Tetris game wanting to play something else.

As a review, he didn't like the frustration level. I think a lot of people here are going to fall on that end of the spectrum, so it's fair that a reviewer would feel that way and review it as such.

Others are going to fucking go bonkers for this game, and rightly so.

But sometimes that's not what people want from a book. In fact, I'd put money on the statement "most readers on the planet don't want complex dialogue or characters". It takes one look at the top selling novels of any country to work that out. There will be the odd gem on there, but most "successful" books are quick-consumption thrillers.

I respect that reviewer's opinion. I disagree with it, but I can totally empathise.

Which would also be perfectly valid, if the critic didn't like it?

And that's fine. He's entitled to that opinion. I'm just pointing out why people are taking issue with his specific criticism.


For you.
If moving on to another area is just moving on to do another puzzle then I fail to see how that helps with the complaint of the game just being a series of puzzles. I like doing crosswords but I dont want to do 10 of them in a row. And asking me to do a different crossword to break up the monotony isnt helping.

Again, FWIW I dont know if that is the case or not. I am merely saying the reviewer might be making a valid point which is being dismissed off hand by people.

It's a puzzle game, you do puzzles. Complaining about that is like complaining there's too much management in Football manager.
He's entitled to his opinion, but he should have handed over the review to someone else. It's like having someone that dislikes strategy games and has no experience on it review Crusader Kings 2.

Brad is writing the review for Giant Bomb and also really seems to dig it.


The hell, Sony. Why ain't this up for pre-order with a free theme?!?

I'd be all over that shit.

You should ask Jonathan blow that question

Blow mentioned that there had to be planning ahead of time to have it up for pre-orders that he wasn't aware of until it was too late, so no pre-orders on the PS4 unfortunately.

I'm thinking I might have to grab this, and I had zero plans to do that until about 20 minutes ago.


Very happy for J'Blow. All the time and effort seems to have paid off.

Glad I held of on the recent sales as I've now got £30 just sitting in my PSN wallet for this bad boy.

Time to dust off the mental cobwebs and get incredibly frustrated at my incompetence.


Unfinished Swan gave me crazy motion sickness and I've heard the same happened to some people with The Talos Principle. Really hoping this game doesn't do the same to me.

Seems like this is very slow paced, so it might be ok? I don't get motion sickness though so idk.


Gold Member
Sounds good. I'm in the middle of Witcher and stuff so it will be fun to follow the OT. Sounds like it might be worth it so far, just not yet for me.
There's a middle ground between hand-holding and obtuse. It's not binary.
Considering that many of the reviews state how things you learn and see elsewhere can help with puzzles you had trouble with earlier, could be more of an issue with the individual than with the game itself.


My time with this game was odd. I fall more on the negative side of the spectrum, but at the same time, I was watching someone play and I came in quite late. Both of those things don't contribute to a good experience as everything builds on each other. I'll wait for final judgement when I play the full game, if I do.

That said, some of the puzzles were way too abstract for me, and I didn't like that you could actually accidentally solve some of them, learning nothing in the process... which hurts you later on.

Can you expand on what you mean by this?


Maybe this will be the game that opens up the viable $40 starting price point for some indie games. Of course it will be bad when some games are overpriced but on the other hand I'm sure it will allow bigger projects to be made if the $40 price tag becomes viable.


Yeah, but criticizing a puzzle game for having challenging puzzles is like criticizing a book for having complex dialogue and characters.

I haven't played the game, so I can't say what I think and whether I agree with the specific reviewer, but there is absolutely things that can be described as "overcomplicated" or "too challenging". I can make the most ridiculous puzzle ever and decide you can't progressing until you finish it. Maybe it's a very cool and interesting puzzle in theory, but solving it in practice maybe isn't all too fun, especially if there's little else you feel you can do except keep trying. It's not about "this puzzle game is too much of a puzzle game", it's about that balance of difficulty and variety. I don't know if the game has this (it doesn't seem like it), but what if there was a challenge room on the island you could go if you wanted, that would generate different kinds of puzzles for you of varying difficulty. It wouldn't help you in your progress; eventually you would have to try and do that puzzle. But it would provide some variety, and would perhaps be a better way of resetting your mind a bit if you get stuck than "turn off the game for a while", which isn't particularly fun.

I doubt I'll have the same experience, I'm really excited for this game, but I won't be hard on people who didn't find it enjoyable getting stuck extended periods and couldn't do much but keep trying.


I bet all of those people spouting the "40$ is too much for indies guyz lolololol" feel pretty damn stupid about now. Here's hoping we can avoid that load of BS from now on.


The game is designed so you can just leave the puzzle and do others instead. So it needn't be so frustrating.

The problem is there's no such thing as "needn't be frustrating" with any game, let alone a puzzle game. Frustration is going to be super YMMV and is going to color any review where the reviewer had difficulty with the game. For some it is going to make the review score lower, for others higher. It's impossible to predict or quantify per se but it can't be avoided with any game.


This is beautiful:

Not only is it marked down because the puzzles were too hard for him personally to solve, but it was also marked down because he had to keep solving puzzles. In a fucking puzzle game!

What an idiot.
Guess he figures all games should have CoD/Skyrim style objective markers.

Which is indeed idiotic.

Rest of reviews are great: I'm in.
It's a puzzle game, you do puzzles. Complaining about that is like complaining there's too much management in Football manager.
He's entitled to his opinion, but he should have handed over the review to someone else. It's like having someone that dislikes strategy games and has no experience on it review Crusader Kings 2.

We should hand all reviews to people who love the genre and play it to death, not invite criticism from those with an outside perspective.

Consensus seems very positive...but not quite as good as I had expected (at least so far...there's still many more reviews to come in).

Looking forward to diving in myself tomorrow.


One of the take aways from the reviews I've read so far, is Blow was accurate in describing the size of the game. Estimates for a completionist run, which no one seems to have done, are in the 60-100 hour span, with reaching the initial ending in the 25-50 hours, depending on how fast you are at solving the game.

It's a pretty big game.


Maybe this will be the game that opens up the viable $40 starting price point for some indie games. Of course it will be bad when some games are overpriced but on the other hand I'm sure it will allow bigger projects to be made if the $40 price tag becomes viable.

Considering the quality of The Talos Principle, which was $40 as well I believe as well, and this game, then yeah I'd say the wheels are set in motion for high quality indies being $40. Or at the very least, $40 not being a too ridiculous starting point in some gamers eyes.


We're tracking reviews as they come in on OpenCritic: http://opencritic.com/game/1557/the-witness

20 reviews in so far

This is just a thought but you need to eliminate the coloring scheme unless you are going to hard code it to that site, because taking a 3/5 and transposing it to a 60% and then coding it in the red is disingenuous at best. It makes me not want to ever visit your site. So either eliminate the coloring or adjust them to each sites scale, because trying to say a 3/5 at one site is the same as a 60 at another is bs.

Back to OP
As for this game, holy shit I would have never expected it to be so high score wise, and reading through the reviews, wow, there is some praise being heaped here.

I don't have time nor desire to commit budget yet, but I may have to check this one out as it seems to be right up my alley.


I really don't understand that
tree puzzle
in the Kotaku review. Can someone explain it to me? Feeling pretty dumb!
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