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*They pick a Widow or Hanzo*

I find it fascinating that Overwatch has created two hated characters the moment someone selects either of the two - sometimes both. Doesn't matter if the match has started, most of my team flies into a rage when they see either select. I'm sure that's the case in a bunch of class based games.

I don't frequent many multiplayer team games. The last one I sunk hours into was Team Fortress 2, and the worst of that was the Battle Medic (basically a person playing healer but instead of healing he'd focus on dealing damage - which can work, but the problem is he's not doing his damn job!). Still, never have I seen so much heat for two characters when picked.

So what do you do when people pick either of those characters? Let it rock? Immediately ask them to switch off? Give them time to prove themselves depending on the comp? Or just give up playing? And what can Blizzard do to lessen the hate?

I usually let them go for a few minutes, but I've been burned so many times that I want to immediately ask them to get off when I see them pick either hero. Haven't hit that threshold, but boy sometimes I feel close to doing so.

Note: I don't play either of those characters besides in those goofy 500 percent quick play modes. I'm all about the heals.
I've started to see a shift, most games where this happens our team lets it slide. I personally politely ask (before the match starts) that if the pick isn't working if they would switch off. I even offer to tank, heal, or DPS based on what they want to do.

I personally play Widow on certain maps, sometimes getting an early pick can make capture that first point happen in seconds rather than minutes.


I love widowmaker, and got both achievements with her on PS4. But during that time I did feel bad about picking her.
Usually when I see both Widow and Hanzo in my team when we're in the attacking role I ask them to change. They never do though.


It's because everyone wants to be the uber leet super sniper and then you always end up getting people that pick them and then can't hit shit, thus leading to dead weight on your team.

Then you end up against them on the other team and they end up having that top 500 gradn master widow with the golden weapon just constantly popping off quick scope head shots in midair on your entire team.

Sniper characters just suck. It got so bad one night me and a friend were playing that we just insta-locked Hanzo and Widow every match, waited for everyone to pick characters and leave spawn then just changed to what was needed. We started doing a lot better when we didn't have a Widow missing every other shot or a hanzo shooting dragons off the map.

And I'm not saying "never pick these *harumph*", if you're good at them then by all means. But when you can't hit shit it's just annoying when we end up then basically playing 5 or 4 v 6. Even in Quick Play it sucks getting "DEFEAT" game after game and you start to notice the same Widow is always there yet you never see the infa-red scope.


Neo Member
unless it's competitive there's no reason to throw a fit imo.
Sometimes people suggest or nicely ask but other times people get downright buttblasted.


I don't see an issue with either pick until the person who picked them is terrible. That ends up being true for every character really so again, I don't see the issue. If you're gonna call for someone to change before seeing them play, I hope your game is on point for whoever you're picking.


I don't have a problem with the characters themselves (although Widow is probably my least played character). My problem is with a lot of the people who play them that will only play them and will pick them regardless if the other has already been picked and will play them like a sniper even when you're on offense and need to push a point and will not change to a different character if they're doing poorly.

Edit: Oh, and an answer to how you deal with this. Typically I just get silently angry in my chair and use the opportunity to internally blame them if I have a bad match
I never ask them to change or anything, and generally just roll with it. If I have both a widowmaker and a hanzo on my team on attack I'll usually just practice with some character I'm shitty with.


A good Widow or Hanzo can shutdown a team.

Good Widow's and Hanzo's are incredibly rare.

They can be good pics depending on the map and mode though.
If it's Arcade Mode, I don't say anything. If it's Ranked, then I make a polite suggestion once or twice: "Hey, X character isn't as effective right now, we could use a Y Character or a Z Character." If they switch, cool, if they don't, I shake my head in frustration but continue playing. I don't say anything else to the other player.


I respect anyone who can pull off Hanzo. I'm complete shit with him. Widowmaker is a little easier to handle in my opinon (still difficult overall).
I don't care if there's a Widow or a Hanzo, I'm pretty mellow about lettin' people rock what they wanna rock. If there's both though, I pipe up on mic and say that it's best if at least one switches to a more versatile DPS. If none of them do, well, bad luck. Shit happens I guess.

In truth I'm just more frustrated that Overwatch is so rigid in how players are expected to compose a team and how individuals are watered down so much to have to be reliant on everyone pulling their weight to the point that one unideal pick is cause for ruckus.
all it reminds me of is the Dunkey video he whoops ass with Hanzo to prove them all wrong.

Hanzo is no joke to use since they nerfed his hitbox on the arrows because they're dealing with an arcing projectile and requires prediction with their shots to actually hit anything. WHEN someone can actually hit something with Hanzo, he is good but at the same time, they can miss everything putting NO pressure on the team that he becomes useless. Safer to assume someone who picks Hanzo should be told to repick.

Beth Cyra

I don't do a damn thing.

These people paid for the game and they can damn well play who they like. I will be Mercy and heal as best I can to try and help us win.

So long as they don't throw a match on purpose I have no right telling them what they can do with their purchase.


I like to play both of them, if I'm doing bad I'll pick something else, or sometimes I won't if my team are being dicks about it.

I do actually have a really cool memory of just playing super well with Hanzo on defense and I got complimented by a few people at the end of the game "wow Hanzo you kept shutting them down on each push"

I can't always play at that level, honestly it's a lot of luck, but sometimes I just feel like I'm on fire and that's when I'll pick a sniper.


I try not to say anything at first but if they suck I'll be the first person to ask them to change. I don't think there's anything wrong with getting frustrated with them since both characters require good aim and a large degree of skill to be successful at a high level, and most people aren't as good as they think. Obviously don't be a dick about it but those two characters can ruin your comp if the players aren't good enough, and they're usually not. Especially on console.
I don't get why people care so much, I guess I understand in competitive but people care way too much about this stuff. Its a videogame, have fun.

This is the reason I stopped playing Dota
I have another question. Why do Hanzos and Widows inevitably switch to another class in the last 30 seconds of a match? Did it take them this much time to realize they were useless for the entire game? And do they think they're going to run back to the point or payload and then turn the game in the last 10 seconds?


First thing I do is check their career profile. If they've put in a decent amount of time and have a decent win % with them, I let it ride. If not, I ask them to be open to switch off if it's not working. Never will I outright tell someone to switch, or do so negatively, because being tilted/tilting your team is worse than letting this one dude ride out his character choice.


ive seen so many 2 man parties join in and pick hanzo and genji. the shimada allure is so bright


The hanzo's that pick him and then immediately leave team chat are my favorite.

Like, they know what they're doing is wrong.


It shits me when people choose those characters on Attack maps that don't suit them. Defense is fine usually, but most of the time players who choose either character don't swap to someone more useful when the time calls for it. Hero swapping is key to victory.


ive seen so many 2 man parties join in and pick hanzo and genji. the shimada allure is so bright

See you have to pick Hanzo or Genji and then spend the entire match dueling the other team's Hanzo or Genji and then type "BROTHER" into chat whenever you kill them


I have another question. Why do Hanzos and Widows inevitably switch to another class in the last 30 seconds of a match? Did it take them this much time to realize they were useless in the entire match? Do they think they're going to run back to the point or payload and then turn the game in the last 10 seconds?
In my experience that's not even remotely limited to either of those picks, but I've done that often at the end either swap to lucio to get back to the point asap or sometimes an emergency Winston pick that has turned the tide on occasion. Not a bad practice that I wish more people would do who stick to other heroes the entire time.
I used to play Lucio, but now I just play torb every round, regardless of what is happening around me. The Overwatch community doesn't deserve to be healed.


Never been a better time to play, honestly.

Half joking. I loved the hell out of it when it came out. Some weird reason though I just kinda fell off just before the first new character released. Still not quite sure what happened there as it's a really good game.


I had a guy play Hanzo who was the stereotypical, delusional Hanzo main who keeps fucking up but is adamant that the team just isn't supporting him properly. He muted me and when I made a joke about him in all chat and his own teammates started to join in, he thought they were talking about me and started joining in on his own roasting.
Not to talk shit on OW because I still love the game, but paladins did their bow character so much better than hanzo. They should copy the shooting mechanics. Essentially it's still a projectile but at maximum draw the projectile doesn't have drop. So before max draw you can use the drop to shoot over some objects. So much more fun.

I also love hanzo, but I think sha'lin does the bow better. Cassie did the bow better too, but she got a crossbow now and it was never quite the same as no draw time for shots.


I stopped playing competitive and the game got alot better. If someone is raging about a hero pick in QP, they have alot more issues going on.
I haven't seen hate for them that's particularly huge.

Of course, I'd surmise the reason people may have a problem with the choice is a sniper that's bad at aiming is essentially dead weight in the temp comp. Much like a Tracer or Genji that's not flanking, or any other character not fulfilling their role.
I used to play Lucio, but now I just play torb every round, regardless of what is happening around me. The Overwatch community doesn't deserve to be healed.
Were you the diamond guy who kept banging on the turret on the spawn point and spamming thanks! while everyone else was trying to do their best to protect the point on oasis


I guess in a competitive match this makes sense to some degree, you guys are playing that mode because you care about esports or something. I do NOT enjoy being told who I should or shouldn't be playing in a game however and I wish allot of the community would just STFU and let people play their videogame however they feel like playing. It may just be me but I really can't stand the community in online gaming as of late, might just be a sign of me getting older but I rarely have positive interactions with people.

Everyone is either a) There with something to prove? or b) Amateur armchair quarterback undergoing a peformance evaluation. It's really bad that I just play games to have a laugh with friends and unwind but I have to be constantly subjected to "Play the meta!" or "please do this instead, what you are doing is balls please stop being balls" just leave me the fuck alone, accept that this is a videogame and that it doesn't matter and move the hell on with your day. Taking the time to type to someone that they are bad and should feel bad doesn't make the game or the community better for anyone.


I don't play competitive.
I always let them be to start with, regardless of attack or defense. You never really know what you're getting with those two heroes, so you might get lucky and have them regularly get kills or clean up.

I play a good amount of Hanzo (40-something hours I think) and I'll always switch off if it's not working out. Same with any other hero; if it's not working, just try something else.
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