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*They pick a Widow or Hanzo*

I don't get why people care so much, I guess I understand in competitive but people care way too much about this stuff. Its a videogame, have fun.

This is the reason I stopped playing Dota

Well, there's a fairly big chance that people playing competitive modes probably want to win, and to maximum their chances, you'd assume that the team would at least be willing to compromise in order to better the chances of securing victory. Being bad at a character and refusing to switch is pretty selfish and annoying, while directly impacting the joy of others. If I'm ass with Widow and I refuse to switch, we probably aren't going to win, and it'll rightly make others salty.

In team based games, you have to consider the other players, whether you want to or not. That isn't to say people should switch off every single time, but still.

Van Bur3n

The curse of the sniper class in video games in general. Most people who play them either suck or are just in it for the kills and don't pay attention at all to the objective. And thus, people hate them.

It can annoy me too, to a certain extent.
Are Hanzo or Widowmaker bad or something? Or are they just the standard newbie pick?

No they are not bad. As said earlier, a good widow or hanzo demand to be respect and can shut down entire pushes. The propblem is, most people don't have very good positioning or mechanical ability to play them at a high level. Anything lower then a mid diamond ranked hanzo/widow, and I'm skeptical. Plus, there is usually another DPS character that is easier to use and can accomplish just as much.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
I wonder how many of these grown people raging at the quiet teammate and their picks realize they are often freaking out online at little kids.

Anybody can play the game. You might be forming a young mind.

I'm good with whatever the picks are. Good luck, everyone!


I trust that they might know what they are doing and hope for the best. I never get mad about it and I absolutely do not tell them to switch characters. People who do that are the worst. There's a reason I mute everyone in every game I play.
So what do you do when people pick either of those characters? Let it rock? Immediately ask them to switch off? Give them time to prove themselves depending on the comp? Or just give up playing? And what can Blizzard do to lessen the hate?

Blizzard can't do much.

When folks wanna main a sniper 100% of the time the best you can do is inform them of the point in the match where they're getting hard countered and should probably switch to another dps. I've personally found that they're more than willing to switch off to another DPS than to a second healer or 3rd tank. Negotiations are a necessary component to victory.

Of course if after hearing that they just 'lol quick play' at me then I'll just switch to symmetra and abandon the thought of victory.
Kinda reminds me of something going on with paladins. I play a lower ranked character a lot.

But no one ever complains because I have master rank with her :)

And they usually let me draft her because I go "<master tyra" every game lol

Still working on getting grand master...

I think people need to give more of an effort for a positive attitude in competitive games. Someone is not stealing your fun away because you're playing a "weaker" character. That is more a result of attitude than anything else. Not saying to never get upset or annoyed, but just keep that in mind. You won't play the top of your game if everyone is worried about random hanzo's performance.
In my experience that's not even remotely limited to either of those picks, but I've done that often at the end either swap to lucio to get back to the point asap or sometimes an emergency Winston pick that has turned the tide on occasion. Not a bad practice that I wish more people would do who stick to other heroes the entire time.

It's fine to switch to a Lucio/Mei/Tracer at the end to contest the point and delay the other team. But if someone contributed next to nothing and it was a 5v6 match the entire time then they're not doing any favors to their team by switching for the final seconds. And even if it is a good idea, my question is why that bulb goes off in the last 30 seconds instead of 5 minutes ago.

The curse of the sniper class in video games in general. Most people who play them either suck or are just in it for the kills and don't pay attention at all to the objective. And thus, people hate them.

It can annoy me too, to a certain extent.

This too. It's not an issue exclusive to Overwatch. So many snipers in Battlefield would rather lie in the corner of the map and get a 10-0 kill score at the end of a round instead of helping their team cap points even if their K/D goes negative. Lot of respect to scouts who buck the trend and play close combat anyway.


I don't hate them too seriously, but I do kind of groan and roll my eyes when I see a Hanzo or Widow on offense

Like the saying goes, high skill ceiling means they tend to either be dirt garbage or super mega snipefolk. The only more obvious suck is when you have a healer who can't heal for toot.
Are Hanzo or Widowmaker bad or something? Or are they just the standard newbie pick?

If the Hanzo/Widow is actually really good and are nailing most of their shots, they can be a great asset to a team. The problem is that they have a particularly high skill floor, so most people aren't good enough with them to really justify playing them. Hence, you'll see the team complaining the second they get picked.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
If I'm in comp I'll let it go for a bit and see if they do anything. The characters can be really good so there's no use grouping everyone together, but if they're not doing much or totally ineffective against the other comp then I might speak up.

QP is a mess so I don't really care.

Attack Sym in comp is a nope though. Immediately lose faith in winning the match.
I don't do a damn thing.

These people paid for the game and they can damn well play who they like. I will be Mercy and heal as best I can to try and help us win.

So long as they don't throw a match on purpose I have no right telling them what they can do with their purchase.

When Overwatch did a free weekend last year I main'd Mercy with the same mentality. I just liked healing and trying to support the team. Only after that did all the "I need healing" meme jokes make sense to me. If I ever get back playing it I'm sticking with her whether people like it or not.


Unless they're picking those characters under the worst-case circumstances, I don't say shit.

Everyone's gotta start somewhere when it comes to getting good at a character.
If there's both Widow and Hanzo in your team in competitive, you've lost. That's just how bad these characters are. Given how matchmaking will pair you up with players around your level, if that team decides to choose any other characters with even a little bit of team synergy, there's nothing you can do. That being said I believe the hate on Widow and Hanzo is a little overblown given that Sombra is the character that statistically loses teams games the most, as teams with Sombra iirc in fact have the lowest win percentage. So if anything, she should get the most hate.

All that being said, this all ultimately falls on Blizzard. I get that balancing is difficult but but making characters that are so much worse than the rest of the cast is their fault.


In Quickplay I don't care (actually play them sometimes myself), in Ranked I used to pray they're good (because they're not going to change anyways).


I always complained when my brother picked hanzo. Then he made an alt and played exclusively hanzo and its in masters and Im stuck in diamond fml.


I don't do a damn thing.

These people paid for the game and they can damn well play who they like. I will be Mercy and heal as best I can to try and help us win.

So long as they don't throw a match on purpose I have no right telling them what they can do with their purchase.

That's exactly what I do!


I think the problem is that those heroes require a good amount of aiming and lead skills but the problem is majority that main them don't have that skill and those who can are already in diamond - master rank where they aren't being complained much and put the money where their mouth is.

When theres smoke theres is fire.

In Platinium and below is where the rage lies due to lack of mechanical skills,team comp knowledge and situational awareness hence all the rage for Widow/Hanzo.


Both characters can actually be very good depending on the player- on attack or defence. I've seen plenty of Widows on attack that have carried the team.

Of course, having both in the team is silly. They're very situational.


Playing a Hanzo isn't that bad. He can still do good damage and indemnify locations. But widow maker is just useless on console.
all it reminds me of is the Dunkey video he whoops ass with Hanzo to prove them all wrong.

Perfectly represents the annoying instantaneous bitching you have to witness when you play Overwatch and why I don't use a mic (even though I don't play one of the characters in question).

And lol @ talking about "meta" as if it matters at most levels of play. You're not pros and most of you aren't competing at a Masters level. If you're good at something, you can win with it. Play it.



Junior Member
I usually yell at them to kill themselves then if they don't I play tjorborn the rest of the match and jump off the side of the ledge.

i deal with it and hope that if there not a beast after a couple minutes they chanfe


"I don't remember PEWPEWPEWPEWPEW being a part of the Star Wars movies."
I largely stopped playing Overwatch because of this - while I like to play a variety, Hanzo is probably my favorite. I usually do quite well with him, but the vitriol when I pick him and the attitudes of everyone if I have an off game is just..upsetting.

I think it's not only the sniper factor, but the fact that everything you do as him is visible. If you miss a shot, it's easy to see. If you miss an ability, it's easy to see. If you whiff an ult, everyone knows it.
I'm surprised you guys have time to worry about what one other person is doing. Rarely have I seen a situation where one person is the reason you lost. It's usually a combination of factors like your DPS not being able to hit anything or your Rein doing more dashing in than shielding the team or your Mercy tunnel visioning on one ally and ignoring the healing needs of the rest of the team, or dying without rezing. Or simply getting outplayed as a whole.

Seems to me that Hanzo and Widow end up being the targets for your collective team's poor play. Most of you would probably do better to focus on your own contributions and find a way to have more of an impact. That's how you move up in competitive PvP games. You need to learn to carry your team regardless of the contributions of others.

And lol @ talking about "meta" as if it matters at most levels of play. You're not pros and most of you aren't competing at a Masters level. If you're good at something, you can win with it. Play it. You're not going to get better scapegoating other players for the games you failed to carry.


I microwave steaks.
Widow and Hanzo aren't the only heroes persecuted, Junkrat gets a lot of shit constantly. Thing is, I usually let hero choices rock. If someone tells me to switch off junkrat before the match starts, I will choose him for the rest of the game.

Long story short, don't pick off meta heroes, and you don't get shit.


I bought the game with my own money so I pick whoever I want and if someone else doesn't like it, then tough luck, you are free to leave. I am all for coordination and team work but when people start complaining from the get go I simply mute them and play my game. I don't come home from work to manage people's moods online. I just want to relax and have some fun.

Play your game and ignore the hate. It's not healthy for anyone.


Lmao dude two battle medics holding each other in an uberchain could stomp most pub servers not gonna lie
Most people were too dumb to react to it.

As far as Hanzo and widow, I think the problem is that people default to them expecting it to be the easiest class, when it's not necessarily true. Since they don't know how to play it, the team reacts harshly.

Well, Hanzo gets some easy potshots I guess but I digress. Widow just doesn't shine much unless you've put in some serious time into knowing how to play her tbh


Widow can be good at certain moments but especially on domination she is so useless even if the person playing her has a good aim.


Fun coincidence. Was reading this thread, went to play OW, Hanzo and Widow on defense on first match. Ended up being 2 good snipers. They even contested the point! It really depends on the skill of who is playing them in the end.
Don't mind it at all. Usually it's me who costs the team since I suck.

It is funny though that if I pick Genji everyone immediately assumes I'm gonna spam "I Need healing" over and over again. Never used that at all.

Secretly glad that I play on PS4 where there is no chat box.

Enemy Mercys, Meis, Symmetras, etc can go die in a hole though.
because unless the enemy team has someone eqaully as dumb, you can expect to lose the majority of the time. you probably want to add sombra/torb to the title as well. as long as blizzard is too incompetent to create any sort of balance among the characters, this will always happen. i dont know why there isnt an option to create a list of people you dont want to be matched with. i dont understand why they havent implemented this

I bought the game with my own money so I pick whoever I want and if someone else doesn't like it, then tough luck, you are free to leave. I am all for coordination and team work but when people start complaining from the get go I simply mute them and play my game. I don't come home from work to manage people's moods online. I just want to relax and have some fun.

Play your game and ignore the hate. It's not healthy for anyone.

do you play quickplay or competitive


Overwatch is serious fucking business.

Good thing I pick Mercy and enjoy flying to heal/buff everyone around while they're shouting to Widow or Hanzo players to "fucking kill yourself" and all that jaz

I don't get why people care so much, I guess I understand in competitive but people care way too much about this stuff. Its a videogame, have fun.

This is the reason I stopped playing Dota
See, I used to think like you "play to have some fun, come on".

Then again, if people enjoy being stressed, angry and performing in such a serious manner in a videogame, let them. I don't play competitive mode and only quickplay, that's how I ignore the hate messages I get. People have a legit reason to get angry and yell in competitive mode, and that's why I stay away from that thing.


In comptetitive shooters, the sniper class is often picked by people that don't want to play the objective or help the team.

I don't rage at teammates on principle. But there's so many Hanzos/widows that get hard countered and still don't switch that i expect to loose whenever i have one on my team.

Being bad is ok, i'm not great myself. But it's nice when everyone is trying to win.


In quick play, it doesn't bother me at all. Play whoever you want.

But in comp, I'll let it slide at the start. But if they aren't pulling their weight, I ask them to change. It really applies to any character, so I'm not sure why Widow and Hanzo are some heated characters.


If it's competitive don't pick Hanzo, Widow or Torb unless you are really good with them... now quickplay, pick whatever, I even play Torb on attack and Mercy pistol only lol.


I believe any game made before 1997 is "essentially cave man art."
Guy who plays mostly quickplay here.
Honestly, having someone who doesn't know how to play Hanzo and Widowmaker and refuses to change character is infuriating. If you don't care if you win or lose, why not play arcade? It's literally a mode where anything goes and no one takes it seriously. Quick play has the same rules as competitive minus the level tracking, it's inherently based on people putting some thought in composition.
I used to get upset by this but I've now let it go and just see how we go regardless of picks as long as we have an okay composition.


Guy who plays mostly quickplay here.
Honestly, having someone who doesn't know how to play Hanzo and Widowmaker and refuses to change character is infuriating. If you don't care if you win or lose, why not play arcade? It's literally a mode where anything goes and no one takes it seriously. Quick play has the same rules as competitive minus the level tracking, it's inherently based on people putting some thought in composition.
So how do you think people should learn new heroes in a ruleset similar to comp? Arcade 6v6 with stacked heroes won't help you with that and neither will the other gimmick arcade modes. I don't think people who want to try new characters should change just so you have a better chance of having a nicer W/L ratio on overbuffed.
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