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*They pick a Widow or Hanzo*


Every competitive game is like this. You pick the weak character, or the wrong one for the composition, or the wrong loadout and so on.
I never got mad that they picked them, but so many of them were bad with them and wouldn't switch.

At that point you're just being a detriment to your team. Which is pretty shitty.
Because a scoreboard would cater to DPS with others getting shit on for not scoring as high, discouraging their use. Players would ignore objectives because gotta pad that score and K/D.

Scoreboard would be awful.

This was fixed ages ago:


Do you see anybody else's K/D ratio? Nope. Only points are added to the scoreboard, and points are earned for a variety of tasks beyond killing dudes (Medics and Engineers are usually at the top for a reason).

Not having a scoreboard has made Overwatch so much more toxic. Insane meta worship to a level I've literally never seen before. No way of identifying if that guy screaming at everyone isn't contributing himself. No way of actually judging your performance, or actually identifying the weakness in your team.


sparkle this bitch
I don't get why people care so much, I guess I understand in competitive but people care way too much about this stuff. Its a videogame, have fun.

This is the reason I stopped playing Dota

Well you just hit it. Overwatch is closer to Dota than a normal FPS.

Half the argument is, play what you want. Is true. It shouldn't matter.

But also not having the core basically means you will lose unless the other team is simply that much lower skilled than you are.

Even in Quick play, you're tanking the team depending on the comp. This is just how the game is simply made for it. Just like DOTA.

On Widow and Hanzo, my issue isn't so much the characters, but typically when both are picked. Your team's two DPS spots are now Snipers. Reinhart can basically keep that shield up all day now. It's an easier counter that effectively shuts down your team.


This is one of the reasons why I have a hard time playing Overwatch anymore. The community is one of the worst out there. Every match turns into the blame game with healers bitching that our tanks suck while others yell at the healers for supposedly not healing. Everyone is just so passive aggressive and can't handle losing so they pin it on someone else even if they're playing horribly. I want to win in competitive but your teammates are more likely to troll you when you're an asshole on the mic.

Last game I played we had people complaining about a Hanzo on our team, but the other team ended up having one that absolutely annihilated us. Sometimes you're just outclassed, but you shouldn't presume to know what's best for a certain player to contribute to the team just because you don't want to do that role. I'm down to play for whatever, but that doesn't necessarily help the team if I'm forced into a role I'm not good at so there's got to be some compromise on the team.
Rainbow Six: Siege is where it's at for me. A lot of intense matches and communication without all the bullshit for the most part.
I give a shit when someone acts like you in your post. Playing competitive you want to play. If you wouldn't want to win, why even bother being such useless weight for your teammates and waste their time? People that act like seriously waste other peoples life time. It's not fun. It's another story in QP where you expect that and where people train, but in comp I would hunt you down on the internet after such a shit comment. Don't waste peoples time.

And people want to give COD a bad name! My interaction with the community extends to overhearing a conversation between two people in a living room who don't realize or care that the play station camera captures voice.

You play whatever load out you want, and the score is 98-100 every time. It's pretty good. I guess the taste-makers moved on, but the rest of the world is enjoying it.


Rainbow Six: Siege is where it's at for me. A lot of intense matches and communication without all the bullshit for the most part.
For me, Rainbow Six people are the most aggressive, ruthless and rough people I have ever played with, plenty of insults and high tension all around.

I'm not complaining though. I kinda dig that vibe.

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
So i see this talk everywhere and that Hanzo main meme and all that junk but I don't play overwatch and i feel like that kid looking through the window at the toy display...

every video i see of hanzo he is just wrecking people... i can understand the widowmaker hate if you are on offense and they are hanging back not contributing but where does the hanzo hate come from? Is he just mostly terrible>? Why so many people main him them? He looks aggressive enough and shooting a giant 1 hit kill dragon through walls seems like it could be a valuable defense option even...

Probably too complicated to explain easily/quickly but still... i don't get it.

Is that a pro-genji? (ya'll say this ... right? Am i Overwatching now? *cries*)


Is this the type of shit someone has to deal with in Overwatch, people bitching about picks? If so I'm glad I didn't get it.


For me, Rainbow Six people are the most aggressive, ruthless and rough people I have ever played with, plenty of insults and high tension all around.

I'm not complaining though. I kinda dig that vibe.

The Siege community reminds me of SOCOM which is probably why I like it. There's trash-talk, but it's not as passive-aggressive as Overwatch with people whining all the time. Then again, I play with a dedicated Siege group so we can do stupid shit anytime without hearing too much about it.

I think it's because you can make a difference with any character in Siege since it still comes down to shooting compared to filling roles in Overwatch.


Honestly, I get far more hate for picking Sombra than I see others get hate for picking Widow or Hanzo. And usually with Widow it feels mostly due to fatigue. It's a rare game where my team doesn't have a Widow/Genji on it. Usually both. Which makes things difficult for the other four players because it's going to be tough beating the enemy team if they're not running an equal number of "lone wolf" players.

I don't get why people care so much, I guess I understand in competitive but people care way too much about this stuff. Its a videogame, have fun.

This is the reason I stopped playing Dota

This... isn't really analogous to Dota in my experience. You'll get "hate" in Dota if you don't pick by role, certainly, but that's due to the nature of the game. Your chances of beating a team with two supports while you are a team of five late game carries is really marginal if the enemy team actually knows how to play with their supports (which isn't even a given).

I can't really think of any specific heroes in Dota that are as hated. Perhaps Techies?

Probably Techies.

But with a roster over 130, you almost never see Techies in any game.

I never got mad that they picked them, but so many of them were bad with them and wouldn't switch.

At that point you're just being a detriment to your team. Which is pretty shitty.

What makes you think that them switching to another hero will make them more effective? If the player has sunk 60 hours into Widow and is useless, they're not going to suddenly pick up Reinhardt with 0 hours of experience and be a god. They'd just blindly charge solo into the enemy team, charge off cliffs or drop shields at the worst possible time leading to the death of their DPS.

Essentially: if they're shitty on their favourite hero chances are they're shitty on every hero.

So i see this talk everywhere and that Hanzo main meme and all that junk but I don't play overwatch and i feel like that kid looking through the window at the toy display...

every video i see of hanzo he is just wrecking people... i can understand the widowmaker hate if you are on offense and they are hanging back not contributing but where does the hanzo hate come from? Is he just mostly terrible>? Why so many people main him them? He looks aggressive enough and shooting a giant 1 hit kill dragon through walls seems like it could be a valuable defense option even...

Probably too complicated to explain easily/quickly but still... i don't get it.

Is that a pro-genji? (ya'll say this ... right? Am i Overwatching now? *cries*)

Of the two, I've only played Hanzo to any reasonable degree. I think most of the Hanzo hate boils down to meta adherence and community stigma. If you're a player that's trying to follow the "pro scene" as exact as possible to increase your odds of winning, you're going to hate any "off meta" pick. Hanzo is... inconsistent at best as a hero so while you may have matches where you're murdering everyone with each released arrow you'll also have matches where you miss everything and just die constantly.

But of the two, Hanzo is far more likely to be useful than Widow in my experience. Scatter arrow, sonic arrow and his ultimate will still do some work in the choke heavy designed maps. It's just if you're facing a team that's coordinated (or feels coordinated), then them diving your defence is going to make Hanzo feel less useful since he doesn't handle close up pressure well at all. So if your team can stick the enemy at the choke, you're fine. If they break through, your defence isn't likely to hold and it's easy to see how useless Hanzo is in that situation.

As for attacking, Hanzo isn't great at diving so if the enemy has a Hanzo (which is likely) then you sticking at the choke and holding back is going to weaken your team's push/dive which is exactly what you want to do against the enemy Hanzo.

Long story short, Hanzo is a gamble and if a player is going to complain about their teammate's hero selection then they're likely the type of player that isn't going to want to gamble on inconsistent picks in the first place. Case in point, I never see Widows complain about Hanzo picks just their performance.
This was fixed ages ago:


Do you see anybody else's K/D ratio? Nope. Only points are added to the scoreboard, and points are earned for a variety of tasks beyond killing dudes (Medics and Engineers are usually at the top for a reason).

Not having a scoreboard has made Overwatch so much more toxic. Insane meta worship to a level I've literally never seen before. No way of identifying if that guy screaming at everyone isn't contributing himself. No way of actually judging your performance, or actually identifying the weakness in your team.

I find curious how the Overwatch devs thought that having a more "positive" scoreboard (with all these shiny medals) would reduce the toxicity, but instead it made it actually much worse lol


As I like to say "When you pick Hanzo, my rank will go Downzo".

And there is truth to that, 99.9% of all Hanzo's I get stuck are the weak link in the chain when it comes to Comp. In Quickplay though, I dont care.
I pick the character I want to play as. I don't care what the game mode, map or flow of the game is like. I play for fun and always try to go for the objective.

People take games way too seriously.


I pick the character I want to play as. I don't care what the game mode, map or flow of the game is like. I play for fun and always try to go for the objective.

People take games way too seriously.

Keep that attitude in Quickplay, keep it out of Comp.


I've played Overwatch a lot and it might be harsh to say but some heroes just aren't met for competitive play. Certain heroes are required to complete the objective and many do not realize that. If you want to play those heroes, it is best to play quick play. Ultimates are so important in Overwatch, that one good ult can literally complete an objective. Unfortunately, Widowmakers alt while good is not enough to capture a point or move the payload. It would help the team more usually if another hero was selected like Zarya. Of course this is near all instances. Once in awhile, you will get a good widow or hanzo, that will contribute but it is very rare.

I think the problem is MANY times, people choose a hanzo or widowmaker and it really hurts the team and do not help move the payload or capture the point, that many will say something. Many of them are just sitting way back and not getting many kills while the team is getting rolled on and can use another tank or a heal, that it is frustrating.

There are FEW places where widow is viable in competitive. One of them is attacking on Anubus. At the start, if you climb to the first roof above the first gate.


What makes you think that them switching to another hero will make them more effective? If the player has sunk 60 hours into Widow and is useless, they're not going to suddenly pick up Reinhardt with 0 hours of experience and be a god. They'd just blindly charge solo into the enemy team, charge off cliffs or drop shields at the worst possible time leading to the death of their DPS.

Essentially: if they're shitty on their favourite hero chances are they're shitty on every hero.

But but Reinhardt is part of the approved meta by Armchair Generals everywhere, I mean yeah you have the best killrate on the team, yeah you actually know what you're doing, yeah you're the one person who actually tries to kill the Pharah, but GO REINHARDT YOU USELESS PIECE OF SHIT!!!


The second you don't choose the character THEY want you to play, you get the blame for everything that goes wrong, even if you are actually decent at who you pick. Just have fun with the game damnit! Or is that not approved by the meta either?
People will always hate snipers. This hate will never fade. Getting killed from across the map feels bad no matter what game you're playing.
But but Reinhardt is part of the approved meta by Armchair Generals everywhere, I mean yeah you have the best killrate on the team, yeah you actually know what you're doing, yeah you're the one person who actually tries to kill the Pharah, but GO REINHARDT YOU USELESS PIECE OF SHIT!!!


The second you don't choose the character THEY want you to play, you get the blame for everything that goes wrong, even if you are actually decent at who you pick. Just have fun with the game damnit! Or is that not approved by the meta either?
Spot on
huh this thread certainly makes me happy i never tried to get into overwatch
It's easy to just play quick play if you want though and not worry about this nearly as much. Very few people make a ruckus about picks there and you can just have fun. I find I play half comp/half quick play depending on what mood I'm in.
Not to talk shit on OW because I still love the game, but paladins did their bow character so much better than hanzo. They should copy the shooting mechanics. Essentially it's still a projectile but at maximum draw the projectile doesn't have drop. So before max draw you can use the drop to shoot over some objects. So much more fun.

I also love hanzo, but I think sha'lin does the bow better. Cassie did the bow better too, but she got a crossbow now and it was never quite the same as no draw time for shots.

Whew. Sorry.


Feel free to pick Hanzo or Widow, but if we start to lose and you aren't "helping"
(perhaps due to lack of skill or other team keeps opposing you) then you need to switch.


There is a similar type of dislike in Smite for Loki being picked.

I personally don't really get it, I have had people who picked Loki do amazingly well and terrible with him like every other character... more often than not it comes down to the player and the team rather than a specific character pick.


not me
What makes you think that them switching to another hero will make them more effective? If the player has sunk 60 hours into Widow and is useless, they're not going to suddenly pick up Reinhardt with 0 hours of experience and be a god. They'd just blindly charge solo into the enemy team, charge off cliffs or drop shields at the worst possible time leading to the death of their DPS.

Essentially: if they're shitty on their favourite hero chances are they're shitty on every hero.

Being shitty on other heroes is still more productive than being shitty on a sniper. Switch to Lucio and do emotes and you'll be contributing more to your team than 96pct of console Hanzos do. Id take the Rein in your jokey example because he's at least getting in there and causing disruption.

This is all for competitive btw, people can do w/e they want in Quickplay as far as I care.

It's too bad Blizzard designed two awful heroes while also designing other heroes who are far easier to play with and contribute a lot more to a team, but that's the game we have.


The Overwatch community is far more toxic than in other FPS's I've played, although Overwatch is still worth playing for Quick Play and Arcade alone. I usually stay out of Competitive so I have a blast with the game.
I like picking Genji and Hanzo since they are fun to use. If you don't want people playing certain characters go find a group to play with and shut up if you are going to complain.
What makes you think that them switching to another hero will make them more effective? If the player has sunk 60 hours into Widow and is useless, they're not going to suddenly pick up Reinhardt with 0 hours of experience and be a god. They'd just blindly charge solo into the enemy team, charge off cliffs or drop shields at the worst possible time leading to the death of their DPS.

Essentially: if they're shitty on their favourite hero chances are they're shitty on every hero.

i understand the sentiment, but a bad tank still soaks up some damage before dying. a bad soldier still puts some bullets in people. a bad sniper who whiffs attempted headshots doesn't really offer any silver lining. people get frustrated with them because the skill floor can be so much worse.

of course, unless you have a dedicated practice group, people in overwatch have no choice but to try to get good in public, so we should all really just chill on quickplay unless someone does some serious trollish nonsense.


sealed with a kiss
Tempted to buy ow and solely play these two champs now ty for the heads up op I can tell I'll have a lot of fun


Trying to tell people how to play their games is one of the reasons I think most people have switched to party chat instead of bothering with in game. You can yell at them all you want but it's unlikely that they even hear anything your saying to them.

If you don't like the fact that people want to play a character they enjoy playing then excuse yourself and find another group.


The meta doesn't really apply to quick play or comp games, people are better off picking what they are best at most of the time then trying to adhere to some meta. Last night in comp my team was Hanzo, Genji, Widowmaker, Torb, Junkrat and me as Rienhardt. Guess who won? My team. People need to stop being salty before the match even starts and let things be. Yelling at people for picking certain characters has never helped any match succeed.


There's a reason why I don't play competitive. Just enjoy my time in arcade, and if I don't like the situation I can always leave.
I really only hate two snipers (or other don't mix it up characters) is when we're attacking on escort and nobody is helping to move the payload forward. They might be getting kills, but without at least one tank, a healer and some good attack characters, the damn thing just doesn't move and yet they stay way far from the action.

Same is true on a lesser extent for assault.

There are ideal ways to play the maps in terms of team composition, but i mostly don't mind except when the other team is really on and the match lasts like 60 seconds and even if you're playing well, it doesn't matter. You just don't have support to make a dent.
Where I'm ranked I doubt it matters who you play. I think it's much harder to be good with those champions so you see a lot of hate slung their way. I reserve my distaste for a team with both in it because they serve such a similar role and usually take away from a tank or healer.
I don't mind those characters and I even sometimes request somebody on my team to go them when the enemy team comp is weak against them but just as I am with anybody that isn't contributing to the team I tell them to switch off to another role or another hero
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