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This generation is pretty bad

in general. every developer, every console maker/1st party developer. its pretty bad all around

games take 2x-3x last gen's development period and it seems like no company was prepared for it. or they simply don't care. I really feel like when you have f2p 3rd party games bringing in massive money through microtransactions. you really dont care about making that many games because games are now not a priority to make to bring in the income.

instead make a few advertising piece games and thats it. move on with it. am pretty sure I can't be the only one when I say I love diversity in non-indie games. I love the old platformers and the old racing games that had a bit of a budget behind them. I enjoyed the quirky games that had a bit of a budget beyond your typical indie game. EA/ACTI/UBI stopped making any sort of A-AA gaming experiences instead these companies spew out 2-3 games a year that are the same serialized games.

next one doesn't look promising at all. you have developers overpolishing games so they can't be criticized and nit picked . games take 5-6-7 years to make which is just crazy. I don't enjoy these games more than ps2 games that took a year or two to make at most.

game companies are understaffing development and overstaffing network/cloud BS because they want the recurring payments. pretty sure fortnite made more money for Sony than ther own first party games even tho epic owns that.

literally the only developer that has a bit of a unique taste and wants to make fun games at this point is like insomniac games and from sofware. the rest, first party or not. have a template given to them by their owner. "here makes us a game that looks like this because our other game that made money also looks like this". Days gone yeah.
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RSI Employee of the Year
No, it's not.

This generation delivered some of the best games I ever played, and it's poised to deliver more.
Did you sleep well, SlashBringingHasher SlashBringingHasher ? Sounds like you need a good restful nap.

Imagine saying this generation is bad when we have had the most 85+ Metacritic/OpenCritic scores in a single generation. Also, a handful of games that set benchmarks for almost every genre of gaming should be noted.
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You should spend more time looking for good games instead of waiting to be spoon-fed and not liking what you get.

Eat your vegetables !
Stop look at insanely large AAA titles as the only meaningful games out there and that problem will go away immediately.

I don't know how anyone can say gaming is "bad" right now. We're spoilt for choice right now. There are more good games coming out at the moment than I even have the time to play!


It's bad on certain consoles but not others. Some of the finest games of all time have been released this generation. Quite frankly, you're talking absolute jizm.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Sorry, I love Insomniac and Spider-Man as much as the next guy but saying they're one of the only developers with a "unique taste" is absolute nonsense. Spider-Man is a great Arkham clone. It's exactly the kind of template you mention immediately after.

I think you're just bored of video games, honestly. Or you're playing the wrong ones.
I honestly agree and feel like I dodged a bullet by not buying a current gen console. Its a mess and the business practices it established are concerning. It pains me when people think that 5~7 year development cycles are acceptable and 1000 men dev teams are completely fine.
I miss when AAA studios used to create more variety.
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Nah Slash, I can’t agree with you this time. It’s either you really lost interest in video games or you have been playing wrong games. I mean come on now lad, we got insane games experience this gen. Witcher 3, God of War, Sunset Overdrive, DOOM, Celeste, Spider-Man. I can go on and on man and I’ll end up saying that this is the best generation..


Nah, it's been a great gen. I agree with another poster about Spiderman - fun game but follows the same old open world template as dozens of others.

I do wonder how much more AAA development time / cost / staff levels can keep on ballooning though.


I was a late adopter but I have loved this gen just as much as any other.

The Witcher 3 has absorbed my gaming time for months but I'm now into the expansions. Waiting for me unplayed are Bloodbourne GOTY, Nier Automata, Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition plus some others and I can't wait to play them. I Also play a lot of PS3.

There is so much left for me in this gen and last, hell I think I might have to skip a generation tbh. If anyhting I find there is too much choice especially as I really enjoy niche and indie games aswell as AAA's.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
The Remaster generation.

Going back to PC soon.
Calling it the remaster generation is up there with the stupidest comments I have seen.
I honestly agree and feel like I dodged a bullet by not buying a current gen console. Its a mess and the business practices it established are concerning. It pains me when people think that 5~7 year development cycles are acceptable and 1000 men dev teams are completely fine.
I miss when AAA studios used to create more variety.
Then why are you here? Seriously. If you cant find anything to enjoy then it seriously is time to find a new hobby.
games take 2x-3x last gen's development period

Errrr, no. AAA Games take about as long to develop as last gen. Cost has gone up because teams got bigger, sure.

Other than that this generation is better in almost any aspect than the last. Publisher-developer relations esp. on Sony's side. Diversity of market places. Developer-friendlyness of platforms. Sheer game quality. Digital social platforms for indie developers to find each other and collaborate.

The problems remaining are 1) discoverability, 2) mismanagement (usually on the AAA publisher side), 3) unreasonably high expectations towards small team indie titles and 4) revenue splits on digital store fronts.
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No, it's not.

This generation delivered some of the best games I ever played, and it's poised to deliver more.


Some great Yakuza titles, Persona 5, RE7 and RE2 remake, DMC5, Monster Hunter coming to console, FFVII remake (even though not here yet) actually liked FFXV and KH3, some of my favorite Battlefields with 4 and 5, Uncharted 4, The Last Of Us 2, MGSV, Witcher 3, Fallout 4, Dragon Quest XI, Ratchet Remake, Doom, Metro 3, Nier and so many more to list. Buddy, God Of War right now might be my favorite game not only of this gen, not only favorite PS4 game....FAVORITE OF ALL TIME!

Don't even get me started on the new IP, The Division, Watchdogs, Death Stranding, Ghost Of Tsushima, Days Gone, Sekiro, Bloodborne, Until Dawn, Cyberpunk, Shadow Of Mordor, Evil WIthin, Titan Fall etc

You know whats crazy? I didn't even list Nintendo's titles or many GASS games and I can still tell you this gen offered a ton and still has several press events left to many titles that are very much still coming to current gen systems.

So this gen has given a whole lot and I just can't cry or complain. I got my fill and then some of this generation and its up there with one of the best easily. I just can't cry about getting a solid FF, Metal Gear Solid, Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Quest, Fallout Uncharted, The Last Of Us and a boat load of other established and new IPs.

If this gen was pretty bad to you, maybe you don't like games bud. I'd argue almost every major genre got something that many are seeing as THE BEST OF ALL TIME.

Many will debate this on Witcher 3 for RPG or maybe Pillars Of Eternity
Many will debate racing with Horizon 4 or Mario Kart 8 etc

So many are in that area enough to see that any genre you could like got lots of releases this gen from even the smallest genres.

So I think its just you...
The Remaster generation.

Going back to PC soon.
yep. exactly this. the remaster generation.

man. congrats to all the people that are happy playing 1 zelda, 1 mario. 1 god of war, and calling it a great generation. I remember when you'd play the caliber of these games every year from the same development team

really congrats to yall that can somehow do that.
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I'm honestly the opposite. For me, this has been one of the best generations. I'd be pushed to tell you which I honestly think IS the best one, but this one is up there.


I don't really see it.
I feel like the 360/PS3 gen was far worse on basically every single relevant aspect.
Especially with that poisonous trend toward "cinematic games", overly-linear design and the whole QTE galore.
Then why are you here? Seriously. If you cant find anything to enjoy then it seriously is time to find a new hobby.

Woah, easy there. That's quite an aggressive reply. Did you stop and consider that might not be the case? I actually still play games, but I'm sticking to the previous gen. You seem to have an issue with people who don't agree with your view.

It boggles my mind how people legitimately express that its unthinkable to be critical of these companies/corporations.
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next one doesn't look promising at all. you have developers overpolishing games so they can't be criticized and nit picked . games take 5-6-7 years to make which is just crazy. I don't enjoy these games more than ps2 games that took a year or two to make at most.
100% agree with this.
Graphics and technical rubbish are killing the video games industry since the introduction of HD graphics on console.
yep. exactly this. the remaster generation.

man. congrats to all the people that are happy playing 1 zelda, 1 mario. 1 god of war, and calling it a great generation. I remember when you'd play the caliber of these games every year from the same development team

really congrats to yall that can somehow do that.

thats not even remotely true. when has a developer EVER released God of War tier games every year?

And then remaster generation? This is the same weak argument people make with hollywood remaking movies. Are they remaking more movies and games than previously? Sure, but they are also making vastly more original content at the same time.

Besides, what is wrong with a remaster? I dont get the hate. It takes minimal effort and you get to play beloved games again in netter fidelity. Also, this is one of the first generations where remasters made sense.
agreed. by far the worst. every shit head that thinks thats not the case was either not born to play the great games of the past that were many, and diverse. and filled every niche. or is just a shit head.
lol. You simply are spoiled and take shit for granted. A game like the Witcher 3 has more content, craftsmanship, artistry, and story than dozens of previous gen “classics” combined that you could name.

A lot of that is by virtue of the tech and state of the industry today. If you really, truly compare The Witcher 3 to what you consider as long lost great console games of years past you will realize this.

You are living in a bubble of nostalgia


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
man. congrats to all the people that are happy playing 1 zelda, 1 mario. 1 god of war, and calling it a great generation.

Does it matter when Breath of the Wild is better than TP and SS combined? When God of War is the best one since the 2nd? When Mario Odyssey is the best Mario game since Galaxy 2?

You sound really bitter and it's hard to work out why when it's literally impossible for you to play all the games on offer. Sounds like you just need to step away from the AAA space. If an unashamed Arkham clone like Spider-Man is your definition of unique taste then I have absolutely zero idea what you're looking for.
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agreed. by far the worst. every shit head that thinks thats not the case was either not born to play the great games of the past that were many, and diverse. and filled every niche. or is just a shit head.

How the fuck are you getting away with this kind of trash talk? Which mod are you friends with, seriously? It's one thing to respond back and it's another thing to insult back. Get a damn grip on yourself, you're going to lose people's respect when it comes to gaming discussion in this forum.

Be critical but also be mindful.


Really good generation if you're on PlayStation, personally I've loved their output and the only thing I'm really craving that isn't being addressed is a console version of Civ V.

The single players games have been phenomenal, the open world games have been great and Destiny 1 was an incredible and very memorable time for me.
Sure there were disappointments like Mass Effect: Andromeda, Battlefield , Fallout 76 and Anthem but then you had incredible games that totally eclipsed last generation and the generation before that, like Bloodborne, UC4, Horizon, RDR2, GOW, Sekiro, BOTW, Forza Horizon, The Witcher, Cuphead, Overwatch, Persona 5, Nier: Automata, Ratchet & Clank remake, RE7 and RE2 Remake, Devil May Cry V, Spider-man and MGSV.
Not to mention Titanfall 1 & 2, Apex Legends and Fortnite.

We haven't even finished this generation and Sony still have incredible games on the way.

Hissing Sid

Glad I got to play Bloodborne. However I will say that my PS4 game pile is a lot smaller than my PS3 pile. Take the remakes and remasters out and it’s smaller still. I’m definitely taking a wait and see approach to the next gen.
yeah so everytime I've been thinking about picking up a PS4 in the past 2 to 3 years I go over the exclusive games and I fail to come up with a list of at least 10 games that I would buy (at that specific point in time of consideration) in order to justify purchasing the console.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
It boggles my mind how people legitimately express that its unthinkable to be critical of these companies/corporations.
Nowhere in my post did I imply that criticism wasn’t legit.

But, it boggles MY MIND how people can make comments like “remaster generation” and “this gen has nothing to offer”

I mean seriously when I see people say those things I ask them what they want in a game and I NEVER see a straight answer, because what they are looking for is having that exact same feeling they had when they played their all time favorite games and that usually isn’t possible.


Nowhere in my post did I imply that criticism wasn’t legit.

But, it boggles MY MIND how people can make comments like “remaster generation” and “this gen has nothing to offer”

I mean seriously when I see people say those things I ask them what they want in a game and I NEVER see a straight answer, because what they are looking for is having that exact same feeling they had when they played their all time favorite games and that usually isn’t possible.

That's why streaming has to fail, you get these people that are so entitled that they feel they should get everything for free and still want more. They want everything for nothing and are unwilling to put money back into the industry or pay a fair price for what is being offered.
People like this will ruin gaming because they can't recognize and reward quality.
As you say, they don't actually know what they want because it will never exist and if it did they wouldn't give it a chance anyway.


Last gen had far better games than this gen for sure. I think last gen was the best gen in gaming ever. Just look at the franchises we got last gen compared to this one.


I agree to a certain extent , I believe we have had a few games that will stand the test of time and will go down as all time classics - Witcher 3 , Bloodborne and one or two others.

but lets be honest where are the AI improvement this gen ? what exciting new mechanics that blow our minds ? ( i haven't tried VR yet ) what we do get is safe mode , an example is Ass Creed Odyssey/origins , Ubisoft saw the success of the Witcher 3 and a few others and just try copying them and fail miserably i will add . this is what this gen was to me nothing spectacular.

Basically for me the majority of the games we got this gen was prettier versions of 360 games.
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Sorry OP but i'can't agree.
Dark Souls 3
Witcher 3
Dragon Quest XI
Valkyria Chronicles 4
The Last Guardian
Nier Automata
Zelda Breath of the Wild
and these are only a few.There are lots more as well as a lot of smaller,more niche titles that really shined this gen.

My point is that there are still great games being made you just have to look outside the mindless hype and mainstream trends (GAAS) that are being generated by multi-million dollar marketing campaigns from all the big,greedy Western publishers.
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Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
agreed. by far the worst. every shit head that thinks thats not the case was either not born to play the great games of the past that were many, and diverse. and filled every niche. or is just a shit head.

Yo this is unnecessary. Please dont do this.


The last generation was unusually long, nearly 3 years longer than this one.

Microsoft were also making some good games last generation, this generation has been disappointing from that perspective.

If you have a PS4 and a Switch, I really doubt you could be unsatisfied.


Calling it the remaster generation is up there with the stupidest comments I have seen.

Then why are you here? Seriously. If you cant find anything to enjoy then it seriously is time to find a new hobby.
I'm 32. I remember games from '90s and 2000s and for me PC gaming still exists. Current games are boring to me. Maybe apart from TW3 or God of War.

Where is the old Final Fantasy, Tomb Raider and many more? Instead we get boring games like Anthem, Fortnite etc.


Would like to see examples...

franchises we got last gen:

Mass Effect
Cod: Modern Warfare
Gears of War
The Last of Us
Dead Space
Revamped Fallout
Assassins Creed
The Walking Dead
Red Dead Redemption
Dragon Age

and many more..

Franchises we got this gen:

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