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Time to eat crow regarding "Guardians of the Galaxy"

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Hopefully not as it would imply that the films are shitty down the road.

there has to be a decline eventually, nothing stays on top forever especially at the rate they're putting these out- 3 films a year? from the same studio, genre, and source material?
People love sci-fi adventure?

Who could have predicted this?

John Carter says hello.

Yea but it can go up or down as there are reviews still coming in. It would be better to check in after a month.

A number of those really underperformed and others were really nailed against the wall critically. ASM2, Edge, and Dragon all underperformed.

Yes, but why would consumers get caught up in drought rhetoric? The collective box office being down should not have bearing on what you saw and enjoyed. Who is going to dislike a movie because it made $230 mil instead of $400 mil? And critical ratings will continue to be irrelevant to the masses. People will watch regardless of review aggregator sites.


Junior Member
So I guess this means there is no chance this endless stream of shitty comic book movies will ever stop? Great.
A good movie is a good movie, whether or not it's from a comic.

Actually, GotG is more of a space opera than anything.



I was so glad that
this wasn't censored
in the movie.

(not really a spoiler but tagged just in case)
John Carter says hello.

that one is a bit of a special case. nobody knew WHAT that movie was. It was the biggest marketing failure of all time.

So I guess this means there is no chance this endless stream of shitty comic book movies will ever stop? Great.

no time in the near future, no. The MU has enough characters, genres, and GOOD source material to keep making films for the next 20 years. And that's without considering what DC does, or if anyone picks up the rights to the image catalog.


there has to be a decline eventually, nothing stays on top forever especially at the rate they're putting these out- 3 films a year? from the same studio, genre, and source material?
With what happened to Ant Man the last month, it could be possible that that movie might be the first critical flop from Marvel. Especially since much of the reason for its existence was because Edgar Wright wanted to do it.


that one is a bit of a special case. nobody knew WHAT that movie was. It was the biggest marketing failure of all time.

no time in the near future, no. The MU has enough characters, genres, and GOOD source material to keep making films for the next 20 years. And that's without considering what DC does, or if anyone picks up the rights to the image catalog.
Marvel could fuck around and do a western and blow everybody's mind.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
With what happened to Ant Man the last month, it could be possible that that movie might be the first critical flop from Marvel. Especially since much of the reason for its existence was because Edgar Wright wanted to do it.

I smell another crow eating thread in the future... :)


Junior Member
there has to be a decline eventually, nothing stays on top forever especially at the rate they're putting these out- 3 films a year? from the same studio, genre, and source material?
Not the same genre. Marvel Studios keeps their movies fresh by making each hero film a genre film. Avengers is a straight-up super hero film, but GotG was a space opera, Winter Soldier was a political thriller, Ant-Man is shaping up to be a heist film, & Dr. Strange looks to be going down the mystic horror route.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I didn't know anything about this movie btw, but just seeing Chris Pratt's face linked to it I want to see it. Love that dude he is awesome on Parks and Rec.

The Entertainment Weekly interview/cover article he made is hilarious.

"The best part of getting fat: Turds the size of my arm!" -Paraphrasing it.

Phoenix Dark said:
As I said a few days ago, I nixed plans to argue Ant Man was going to bomb.

Like I said in the Box Office thread of last week: I can see where people consider "bomb" for Antman (and this) considering they aren't popular characters (nor were they hyped, I guess GotG kinda was but it was low radar hype). But if GotG's opening is an indication, it shows that if you have a good looking story/trailer/etc. going for you, you can put asses in seats. If it's extremely good word of mouth will follow.
Tell me about it. You may not like the way they do business, but you can't deny they are consistently putting out some shockingly good movies, considering the source material.

I wonder if someday we'll be talking about the MCU films the way people do about Pixar's early output.

There are all kinds of problems with most of the Marvel films, but they've been really successful and seem to mostly capture what people like about the properties, so I think they'll be looked back on very fondly. I also don't think it's ever going to end. They already have a road map plotted out for years to come and as long as they keep making money, I mean think about all the material they're able to mine from.

And then there's reboots, spinoffs, etc. These things will probably keep coming as long as the demand is there.
Not the same genre. Marvel Studios keeps their movies fresh by making each hero film a genre film. Avengers is a straight-up super hero film, but GotG was a space opera, Winter Soldier was a political thriller, Ant-Man is shaping up to be a heist film, & Dr. Strange looks to be going down the mystic horror route.

This is a good point, I guess I oversimplified. Even though Cap, GotG, etc are all genre films they do all sort of tie together, and they're basically in the "action blockbuster" category. you're not going to get a period drama out of the MCU...at least not yet.


there has to be a decline eventually, nothing stays on top forever especially at the rate they're putting these out- 3 films a year? from the same studio, genre, and source material?

Same genre? For some definitions, I suppose. The Marvel films have been pretty varied in tone.

Same source material? There's over 50 years of comics to draw from. Lots of stuff left.


With what happened to Ant Man the last month, it could be possible that that movie might be the first critical flop from Marvel. Especially since much of the reason for its existence was because Edgar Wright wanted to do it.

Losing Wright is a major downer, and I'm sure it takes something special away from the movie, but if anyone can make it work in the end, it's Marvel. It might not be the movie it could have been, and yes it's a movie about a guy who basically wears a power ranger suit and talks to ants while riding them, but coming off Avengers 2, it'll probably do pretty well. It has Michael Douglas after all.

As for first critical flop... I dunno, are we pretending Iron Man 2 and Thor 2 didn't happen? Those aren't what I would call critical hits.
Then again, this has been a completely dead year for summer blockbusters so I'm not that surprised that GotG did this well in the drought.

I think I've seen more movies this year than the past 2 or so.

For summer:

Captain America, Godzilla, Planet of the Apes, Last Stand, Transformers, ASM2, and now GOTG.


Junior Member
This is a good point, I guess I oversimplified. Even though Cap, GotG, etc are all genre films they do all sort of tie together, and they're basically in the "action blockbuster" category. you're not going to get a period drama out of the MCU...at least not yet.
Didn't we get a period drama out of Cap 1?


This is a good point, I guess I oversimplified. Even though Cap, GotG, etc are all genre films they do all sort of tie together, and they're basically in the "action blockbuster" category. you're not going to get a period drama out of the MCU...at least not yet.
Marvel 1602. It's comin'.
True. But good luck escaping the constant stream of hype for these movies. It dominates the online conversation. It's annoying.

Well, you are perfectly entitled to not follow those threads or discussions. These can exist just like anything else can. There's a lot of things I don't care about and I simply avoid it. I don't see how people having fun and being hyped is a bad thing. That's what entertainment is all about.

What shall I say? I doubted it would make money cause we're entering Marvel Phase "Herpderp, super niche nerd comics" with this movie. I have to admit I knew nothing of those comics, and a talking racoon, a sentient but mute tree, a former WWE star and that dude from the Parks & Rec show (common answer "From what show?") didn't seem like the usually cornerpoints that would garner the interest the staple Marvel characters do usually.

I never really thought that the movie would be crap, that's what I thought about Pacific Rim and Jupiter Ascending (and I was right about Pacific Rim, just not about it going bomba), it just seemed like a hard sell to me. Really interested regarding it's international gross.

Gonna eat crow once I've seen the movie, and it's actually great.


I smell another crow eating thread in the future... :)
I said critical. Not commercial. If anything, if people are going to see a movie with a anthropomorphic raccoon in it (did they ever explain why that's the case in the movie, anyway?), I'm certain that they'll more than likely do the same with a size shifting man. I said before that maybe Ant Man will turn out to be a good movie. It'll be just that it won't be the movie it should have been now that Wright is gone (we could have had the first Marvel produced movie to have been shot on film since the first Thor, which is disappointing to me).

Losing Wright is a major downer, and I'm sure it takes something special away from the movie, but if anyone can make it work in the end, it's Marvel. It might not be the movie it could have been, and yes it's a movie about a guy who basically wears a power ranger suit and talks to ants while riding them, but coming off Avengers 2, it'll probably do pretty well. It has Michael Douglas after all.

As for first critical flop... I dunno, are we pretending Iron Man 2 and Thor 2 didn't happen? Those aren't what I would call critical hits.
I kinda meant it in "below 60% positive reviews" kind of way. Even Incredible Hulk is above that.


Junior Member
hell no. That was an action movie. When I talk period drama I mean shit like "Dangerous Laisons" or "Pride and Predjudice." All talking and romance plots, with zero action.

I forgot all about this! but that's jump the shark territory if I've ever seen it. It'll never happen.
I see your point. It definitely had elements of a period drama plus action.


Yes, but why would consumers get caught up in drought rhetoric? The collective box office being down should not have bearing on what you saw and enjoyed. Who is going to dislike a movie because it made $230 mil instead of $400 mil? And critical ratings will continue to be irrelevant to the masses. People will watch regardless of review aggregator sites.

When I said drought, I wasn't referring to people liking or disliking a movie based on that. As to critical ratings, they do have an impact but it's pretty nebulous. Before Guardians, there are only three movies this summer that were really well received, both critically and fan-wise, and also made serious money and they were; Winter Soldier, Godzilla, and Xmen. Winter Soldier hit in early April and Xmen in early May.
I feel like maleficient will attract females to it. Edge of tomorrow on the other hand feels like a knock off super hero movie in time where there are plenty better choices to choose from.

and GotG needs a better trailer if it doesn't want to bomb.

To be fair, he was pretty accurate about all of this. GotG's first trailer kind of sucked (at least to my wife and I), while the subsequent trailers were MUCH better. Maleficent didn't bomb, while Edge of Tomorrow barely made back its budget internationally and greatly underperformed domestically. The rest of the comments are pretty funny, though.


Standing on line/sitting in the theater yesterday really hammered home to me just how absurdly successful Marvel has become. They took a completely obscure, C-list comic book property and turned it into a goddamn event. Better yet, it was a good movie and people loved it like hell.

You expect an inherent degree of success for something like the Avengers, but seeing how big of a draw this movie was and the reaction it got from the crowd really illustrated Marvel's absurd level of success now.

And the Bradley cooper haters need to eat some crow. Dude fucking killed it with a hammer.

Cooper absolutely nailed it. His performance beat everyone else's by a country mile, and that's not a slight on the rest of the group.


Junior Member
DerZuhälter;123731723 said:

What shall I say? I doubted it would make money cause we're entering Marvel Phase "Herpderp, super niche nerd comics" with this movie. I have to admit I knew nothing of those comics, and a talking racoon, a sentient but mute tree, a former WWE star and that dude from the Parks & Rec show (common answer "From what show?") didn't seem like the usually cornerpoints that would garner the interest the staple Marvel characters do usually.

I never really thought that the movie would be crap, that's what I thought about Pacific Rim and Jupiter Ascending (and I was right about Pacific Rim, just not about it going bomba), it just seemed like a hard sell to me. Really interested regarding it's international gross.

Gonna eat crow once I've seen the movie, and it's actually great.
To be fair, Pacific Rim didn't actually bomb. The rest of the world picked up America's slack enough to get a sequel going (as well as an animated series & a comic).


I forgot all about this! but that's jump the shark territory if I've ever seen it. It'll never happen.
Eh, after watching Penny Dreadful I'm not so sure about that.
I mean it's a whole other level of obscurity, but plot-wise it could work just fine.

If there's a Gaiman comic that could actually work as a movie, this one's pretty high up on the list.


To be fair, Pacific Rim didn't actually bomb. The rest of the world picked up America's slack enough to get a sequel going (as well as an animated series & a comic).

Same thing happened with Edge of Tomorrow (except the sequel bit), so yea the foreign markets are helping to keep blockbuster scifi films alive.
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